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Old 22-09-2013, 11:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Orgone Energy Accumulators.

Have you heard about Orgone Energy Accumulators? Allow me to explain it generally:

Orgone energy is also known as Chi, Either, Prana, or just generally as the universal life-force energy. It was discovered by Dr. Wilhem Reich, a natural scientist, in the 1930's and 1940's. He made devices that could accumulate Orgone energy inside human sized containers that you sit in. Sitting in an Orgone accumulator is outrageously good for the human body and can help to heal a large variety of ailments such as heavy burns as well as cancers. The idea is to sit in an accumulator for 30 or 45 minutes a day for however long is required.

To explain things in a compacted way, Wilhem Reich was condemned in the USA by the FDA in the 1940's and 1950's for a variety of reasons. This was mostly because the FDA was going after natural scientists to help curb natural remedies and promote the pharmaceutical industry. Long story short, all of his books were burned, devices tracked down and destroyed, and he was imprisoned for several years where he later died before getting on parole. The only reason anyone really knows or talks about Orgone energy and accumulators is because his writings and devices were also present in Europe.

The concept for how these devices work is rather simple. The concept is to make several layers of organic (non-metal) and inorganic (metal) materials in an alternating fashion inside of a metal container (that isn't Aluminum). Organic non-metals being Wool, Cotton, Fiberglass, Cork sheeting and a whole host of other materials I won't mention. Inorganic materials are things such as fine grade Steel Wool, steel mesh, or iron filings. The organic layer pulls in the invisible life energy, and the Inorganic repels this energy. As a result, the energy is being pulled in and out and a vibrating field of energy is pulled in from the surrounding room and then concentrated in the center of the device.

If you're interested in knowing more in depth about Wilhem Reich, his life, and his invention, then I would point you in the direction of a book called "The Orgone Accumulator Handbook" by James DeMeo. It is jam-packed with information, testimonials, experiments, and construction plans for these energy devices. There is a free copy of the older version of this book in PDF form on the internet; I have purchased, in paperback, the most recent revision that includes a reference section and an additional hundred pages than the older internet copy. It's a really great read!

I've modified a design in the book to create a smaller Orgone energy accumulator out of a coffee can, and a separate device from a diced tomato can. So far, I have built only two accumulators using my modified design. Anyone in the Western world can build one of these devices for a low cost. I use this device for charging my crystals, and keep it near my bed for enhancing dream-work. I've had the best nights sleep in years just from having this device present near my bed!

My devices have different ply layers; the more layers the stronger the device. The coffee can accumulator has 6 ply on the top, bottom, and around the inner can. This is a decently strong accumulator. The Diced Tomato can has 5 ply on top, bottom, and there is an 8 ply layering around the inner can. This one has more horsepower but the energy is more easily felt on the sides instead of the top or bottom. The energy is actually unevenly distributed a little bit, but it still works outstandingly well! The device uses Cork Sheeting and 0000 fine grade Steel Wool inside of a steel can.

The device has a very strong presence to it; you can really feel it from a distance! Holding the device in your hands provides a warm tingling feeling that washes over your entire body. If you're really energy sensitive then you can really feel the waves of energy pulsing through you, and it feels great! It is very pleasant to be around an accumulator, and enhances a person's overall perception, and well-being. Everyone that I've shown it to say they can really feel something right away, or even before I bring the device into the room and into their hands.

Here are what my devices look like on the outside and inside.


Thanks for viewing my thread. I can answer more questions generally about Orgone accumulators, or the devices that I've made. Just post in the thread, or send me a PM. I'd be happy to hear from you

- Malathion.
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Old 22-09-2013, 11:41 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Phoenix AZ USA
Posts: 3,757
I dont know if they have been discussed hear , but I have scene them discussed on other forums . This forum has a sub. sec. for them . http://shopofenlightenment.com/forum/ There is also Joe's cell where he ran his car on one of these .
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Old 22-09-2013, 11:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Before I made this thread I did a quick search about Orgone energy on this forum. There were only a few small discussions, but I figured I'd post this in the Lounge because it's fringe sciences and not really anything that would fit into a different category. Thanks for pointing me in that direction, I'm going to check it out.
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