Spiritual Forums






Welcome to Spiritual Forums!.

We created this community for people from all backgrounds to discuss Spiritual, Paranormal, Metaphysical, Philosophical, Supernatural, and Esoteric subjects. From Astral Projection to Zen, all topics are welcome. We hope you enjoy your visits.

You are currently viewing our boards as a guest, which gives you limited access to most discussions and articles. By joining our free community you will be able to post messages, communicate privately with other members (PM), respond to polls, upload your own photos, and gain access to our Chat Rooms, Registration is fast, simple, and free, so please, join our community today! !

If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, check our FAQs before contacting support. Please read our forum rules, since they are enforced by our volunteer staff. This will help you avoid any infractions and issues.

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Spiritual Forums Rules
We want to provide a free, fun, and open community for Spiritual discussions. However we also must protect our members and staff. The following rules have been adopted to keep everyone's experience the most positive it can be. We appreciate your understanding and co-operation in keeping Spiritual Forums a highly regarded forum for Spiritual and related discussions!

If you have an issue with a particular post or member, in the first instance, please send a message (PM) to a Moderator, or clicking on the Report Post icon () on the relevant post. Please do not start new threads complaining about members or other posts. These will be either removed or closed.

Word filters are in place to ***** out profanity and swear words. Any member caught trying to bypass the word filter system in order to post a word or phrase that is unacceptable may have their membership suspended for a while. Repeating this conduct may result in a permanent suspension.

Upon signing up to the forum you are able to post threads and reply to the threads. However, newbie users do not have the ability to edit their profile, add an avatar, post links or have a signature. After being a member for 14 days and making 25 posts you will have access to all the normal functions of the forum. To know if you are a newbie user it will say so underneath your user name.

Signatures: No more than 3 links to websites. Links MUST NOT be commercial, in other words if the site sells anything or charges a fee for readings, do not post that link. Paid psychics may not advertise here. Repeating this conduct may result in a permanent suspension.

Links to other Forums: If you run a forum and want to put a link to it in the Links Directory, your signature, or Links forum , can you provide a link back to SpiritualForums.com on your site/directory there? Again, if the site sells anything or charges a fee for readings, do not post that link. Paid psychics may not advertise here. Repeating this conduct may result in a permanent suspension.

Discussion: Members are reminded this is a discussion forum and not a debate forum. That is to say: Debates are destructive as they present one-sided opinions and destroy reasoned arguments, whereas discussions are constructive and encourage the expression of opinion. Trolling and preaching are not forms of discussion and posts or threads of that nature may be deleted, and those who persistently debate / troll / preach without looking to discuss may be subject to warnings leading to Disciplinary Action.

Respect: Please respect other member’s and their beliefs, opinions, and views at all times. Members are also advised to be polite to other members at all times. Aggression, disrespect, baiting, flaming, homophobia , racism , name calling (this includes calling people trolls or accusing them of trolling.), belittling, sarcasm, bullying, gossiping, are all unacceptable behaviour and will, if persistent despite reminders and warnings, result in Disciplinary Action. If, however, the breach of the above rule is considered too severe, Staff may at their discretion forego both the reminder and warning and resort immediately to Disciplinary Action. Adversarial and aggressive posts deter people who would like to contribute to discussions from participation in these boards.

Swearing: We feel that foul or offensive language has no place here, this is a family forum and should be treated as such. Swear words are also not allowed in abbreviated internet acronym form and those that are censored out using ****' symbols. continual and deliberate swearing will result in warnings and possible Disciplinary Action.

Usernames & Personal Information: please do not use links as usernames, or full names as usernames, as you will be asked to change it. It is also inadvisable to post any personal information on the open forum, things such as full names, email addresses and the like; this is to protect you the member. Please do not post identifying information about other people anywhere in the forum or chatroom.

Unofficial/Unauthorized Multiple Accounts: One account is allowed per person at Spiritual Forums. Unauthorized second and subsequent accounts are not allowed and will result in a suspension of the unauthorized multiple account(s). We do however accept that in some instances another member of the same household may wish to join Spiritual Forums and that they will use the same Computer or device to access these forums. In this case please advise a member of staff that another member of your household wishes to join Spiritual Forums so that we are aware that more than One person is using your computer or device to access Spiritual Forums.

Harassment: Every member of SF is entitled to harassment free membership, any harassment of any nature, including harassment in chat or via the pm system (this includes unsolicited PM's) should be reported to staff immediately. It will be dealt with quickly and discreetly and may result in Disciplinary Action or Suspension for the perpetrator.

Personal Affairs: This includes disputes from other forums, disputes on this forum, private arguments from your personal life and disliking other members, these should not be brought into the forum, everyone has an ‘ignore this member’ function which can be used, this behaviour will result in warnings and possible Disciplinary Action.

Sensitive Topics: SF promotes open discussion; however SF does not promote or condone drug and alcohol abuse or the use of any other illegal substance. Sexual topics should relate to spirituality rather than descending into graphic discussion which is tantamount to pornography. Immature use or abuse of this section will result in posts and threads being locked or removed altogether. Members promoting the use of illegal substances or illegal activities will have their posts removed and receive Disciplinary Action.

Dangerous Practices and Medical Advice: For the safety of our members, the discussion of any practice which may be extremely detrimental to mind, body, or spirit is not permitted. This includes practices such as fasting for long periods of time, sun gazing, taking substances that can harm ones health, etc. Comments that could discourage a member from visiting their doctor or from following their doctor's advice or prescriptions also fall under this. Posts that the staff deem as violations of this rule will be removed or edited and repeating this conduct will result in warnings and possible Disciplinary Action.

Suicide Posts: Most members of Spiritual Forums do not have the necessary training to respond to those who are considering suicide and may even with the best of intentions say something that could negatively affect someone in that state of mind. These posts also can negatively affect anyone struggling with depression who reads them. So we cannot in good conscience allow discussions about a member's suicidal ideas to remain on the forums. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please contact someone who is properly trained to respond to these matters. There are sites that provide hotlines you can call to talk to someone who can help, such as http://www.befrienders.org/support/helplines.asp and http://www.suicidehotlines.com/national.html for example.

Images: Please be mindful that this is a family forum, images must not depict violence of any kind, any form of abuse or pornography. Remember that what is funny to one member may be disturbing to another, a good rule of thumb is would you allow a child to see it. Breaches of this rule depending on the nature of the image may result in Disciplinary Action.

Links: You are allowed up to three links in your signature as long as they are NOT commercial (ie sell something.) And of a reasonable size. If you are unsure about a link please ask a member of staff before you post it.

Commercial Links: These are currently not permitted at SF, however there are several grey areas such as links to forums with free ads, these are ok, and donation buttons are also ok. If you post a link for your forum please return the favour and post one for SF in return. If your forum/website or link sells anything including psychic readings and the like, please do not post it as it will be removed. Persistent posting of the same link will be treated as spamming, one warning will be sent and if it continues a suspension may be imposed.

Advertising: Advertising is currently not permitted at SF, blatant advertising will result in a warning, and persistent advertising will be treated as spamming which will result in a permanent suspension.

Complaints: Complaints may be made by pm to any staff member, please do not voice complaints about other members or members of staff on the open forum, ever, as this may result in a warning and possible Disciplinary Action.

Discussing DA: Any disciplinary action, along with some forms of moderation carried out by our staff is done after thorough discussion, and is a matter between staff and the member concerned, anyone found to be publicly launching attacks against staff following Disciplinary Action or a fixed term suspension , or found to be discussing Disciplinary Action or a suspension in the forum or chat will themselves receive a suspension, the length of the suspension depending on the gravity of the attack. It should be noted that no ban is implemented lightly and other members may not be fully aware of the circumstances.

Mentors & Teachers: SF does not permit mentors and teachers to work within the forum or chatrooms, paid or otherwise, as we cannot vouch for anyone to be claiming to be such and in the interests of our members safety have decided on a strict 'not under any circumstances' policy, anyone discovered to be mentoring/teaching, or trying to coerce our membership into joining such groups off site, in the forum or via pm will have their mebership suspended with no warning.

Predictions of Death: Please do not make any predictions of death, be that in readings or dreams or any other area of the forum, no matter how certain you are, I have seen first hand the absolute devastation and distress this can cause whether the prediction is correct or not. Anyone making predictions of death to a member should be reported to staff immediately.

Scaremongering: This is not permitted, what it means is posting information which may cause fear, or even panic amongst members, please remember we have vulnerable members and children here.

Conspiracy Theories: New Edit. As the times of the World have so changed. Please respect not getting into Political country to country debate, name Political Figures or how countries are governed. Please note that political figures will include those from the past like Hitler and the present administrations and leaders, Monarchy. Discussion around Covid 19 will be closely monitored so make sure it is not about calling out Drug Companies or Vaccines, Politics, Lock Downs, Masks etc. Discussion around how you're handing things will be monitored more closely. Discussion around energy in you're personal life and experiences is encouraged.

Drug Talk: Drugs used to be openly and maturely discussed when the forum was in it's infancy, but due to a number of people actively promoting it for spiritual advancement we have prohibited it's discussion completely it with the one caveat of someone who is seeking support to come off drugs.

Self Promotion: Self promotion, which means promoting yourself, paid or unpaid, if it has the potential to lead to personal gain it is not permitted, SF is not a free ads board.

Political Debate: While we appreciate there is an awful lot going on around the world today please refrain from political debate.

Public Figures: We have found people naming and discussing public figures/famous people, members should know that derogatory discussions about anyone, public figures or not, will not be tolerated and from now on will be removed without notice, SF is not prepared to tolerate libelous remarks made against anyone.

Asking For Help: SF is not uncaring, but all requests for financial assistance from our members will be removed as will all requests for help with studies, research and the like, we have no way of knowing whether any of these requests are genuine and have decided to completely prohibit all such requests to protect the membership from scammers.

Members moderating members: Please do not moderate other members, do not create your own rules in posts, tell other member's where they can post and where they cannot, or correct anyone on their spelling or grammar or presentation (English is not everyone's first language and some people have dyslexia or may have learning difficulties.) If a post is difficult to read please pm a staff member so we can discreetly suggest an edit to the member concerned, or if it's a solid block of text we can insert breaks. If you feel threads are in the wrong section please simply contact a member of staff.

Copy-Paste: One or two lines at most of relevant text of material from other sites or sources and a link to the relevant text for further reading is allowed on the condition that the author is credited and the source linked is not a commercial site (promoting or selling goods or services). Quotes of religious texts such as the Bible or Quran must also be no more than one or two lines. Posts that quote or copy-paste more than one or two short lines of text will be removed or edited. Repeatedly breaching this rule will lead to warnings and possible Disciplinary Action.

Staff are members too! Please note that our staff are members first and foremost, just like you, (they work here for free giving up their own valuable time for the love of the forum,) and as such are entitled to the same consideration, any member harassing, threatening or abusing our staff will risk having their membership suspended as a result..

Deleting Membership; Here at Spiritual Forums we do not delete Members accounts as this could pave the way toward people re joining using different names, We do however offer to deactivate accounts to people who feel they no longer wish to be members, To deactivate your account send a Private Message to an Administrator requesting deactivation. There then will follow a 24 hour re consideration period prior to the deactivation coming into effect. If after a while a person wishes to reactivate their account there will follow a 30 day re activation period. After 3 deactivation requests and 2 reactivation requests a membership will be deactivated permanently. Further the creation of a duplicate account in order to circumvent reactivation is not allowed.

On some occasions staff may need to use their own judgement about an issue which is not covered in these rules, it is impossible to cover every possible scenario in such a brief list as we come across new issues regularly.

Deleting or Editing Threads: Members please make note that once you make a thread on the site it then becomes to property of the site. If you wish to request review on a thread being considered for removal please contact an Administrator or Moderator on the site via Personal Message or the Contact Us E Mail (located at the bottom of the site home page). We hold the right to not remove thread you make as they become a part of the site's main frame. Please also note that Spiritual Forums can not guarantee that in the event that we have removed your thread that there has not been actions taken by "Rating Bots" to take and re use it for the site search ratings. Remember it is up to everyone to monitor what they share openly on a more personal nature. We do our best to accommodate and keep the site safe for all members and remind you that "Guests" have access to read before joining much of the site openly.

Spiritual Forums Rules: Changes, alterations and amendments may be made to these rules to reflect new issues that effect these forums sometimes so please review this page from time to time in order to remain appraised of our forum practice's and policies. Thank you for your co operation in keeping these forums clean, safe and useable

**Spiritual Forums reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member that is in breach of these rules at any time. Spiritual Forums also reserves the right to remove any thread from the forums that is not conducive to Spiritual Forums at any given time. **

By joining this forum you agree to abide by all of the rules and stickies of Spiritual Forums. Failure to do so can result in the loss of membership without warning.
Leaving the Site and your Threads
When you wish to leave Spiritual Forums as a Member it is to be noted that your Threads created by you and one's that you have posted in are the property of the site and site host. We do not remove your membership with your posts. We "Deactivate" your account. It is to be noted that even "Suspended" Members threads are still in view (Pending Content). We will try our best to work with you on personal matters but again remember that what is put on any site is open to the "Rating Bots" to share as a link back to that site.

Registration Issues
Information about Registration and if you have problems

Beginners Guide
This section describes basic operations if you are completely new to forums and message boards.

User Maintenance
This section contains lots of information about maintaining your own user profile, avatars and browsing options etc.

General Forum Usage

Reading and Posting Messages

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