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Old 15-11-2011, 07:24 AM
Love Wisdom Truth Love Wisdom Truth is offline
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"The Good Prayer" - by Beinsa Douno. This prayer opens doors

"The Good Prayer" - by Beinsa Douno. I have shared it with others and many liked it.

Lord God, our tender Heavenly Father, Who has given us Life and health to rejoice in You – we pray to You: send us Your Spirit to shelter and protect us from every evil and cunning thought.
Teach us to do Your Will, to sanctify Your Name and to glorify You always. Enlighten our spirit, guide also our hearts and minds to keep Your commandments and instructions. By Your presence, inspire within us Your pure thoughts and guide us to serve You with joy.
Bless our lives, which we dedicate to You for the sake of our brothers and our neighbors. Sustain us and help us to grow in knowledge and in Wisdom, to learn from Your Word and to abide in Your Truth.
Guide us in everything we think and do in Your name, so that Your Kingdom may come on Earth.
Nurture our souls with Your Heavenly bread and fill us with Your Power, so that we may succeed in life. And as You give us all Your blessings, supply Your Love as well, so that it may become for us an everlasting law.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever.

This prayer opens doors.

Divine Blessings,
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Old 15-11-2011, 04:16 PM
theophilus theophilus is offline
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In Matthew 6:7 Jesus warned his followers,
When you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.

Your can't expect any king of answer from God simply by reciting the words of a specific prayer. That is true even of the Lord's prayer. Jesus didn't tell his disciples to simply recit the words of it but to use it as a guide to know what to pray for. If you read the history of the early church in Acts and in Paul's letters you won't find any record of anyone reciting this prayer or commanding others to do so.

True prayer consists of simply communicating with God and being honest in what you say to him. If you want your prayers to be effective you must make sure your life is free of sin and that what you are asking isn't contrary to God's will. It is best to spend time listening to what God says to us through the Bible before we begin to speak to him by our prayers.
The brutal, soul-shaking truth is that we are so earthly minded we are of no heavenly use.
Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 16-11-2011, 10:47 PM
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So true Theo,

Its not so much what a person says, but how willing their heart is in receiving and acting on His Word.

The more Scripture we study and absorb, the more clearly into focus the type of life and ministry God has ordained for us. Obviously, it is never going to be His will for us do anything that is contrary to His Word, for He cannot contradict Himself. Many possible choices will thus be eliminated by the Word itself, thus bringing more clearly into focus the true course of His will for our lives.

Then, as we pray for guidance and continue in obedience to His Word, He will direct our paths by the various circumstances of life. The natural abilities and talents He has given us, the opportunities for service He opens before us, the doors that open and the doors that close--these and other like circumstances will point the way.
Proverbs 3:6
"In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths"
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Old 22-11-2011, 09:32 PM
Love Wisdom Truth Love Wisdom Truth is offline
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I got another translation which I think is more accurate.

The Good Prayer
Lord, our God, our kind Heavenly Father, Who has bestowed upon us life and
health to rejoice in You, we pray to You, send us Your Spirit to guard and
protect us from every evil and deceitful thought.

Teach us to do Your Will, to sanctify Your Name and to glorify You always.

Consecrate our spirit, enlighten our hearts and our mind, that we may keep
Your commandments and precepts.

Inspire in us with Your Presence, Your pure thoughts, and guide us to serve
You with joy.

Our life, which we dedicate to You for the good of our brothers and neighbours,
bless You Lord.

Help us and support us to grow in every knowledge and wisdom, to learn
from Your Word and to abide in Your Truth.

Lead us in everything we think and do in Your Name, to be for the
victorious-success of Your Kingdom on Earth.

Feed our souls with Your Heavenly bread, and strengthen us with Your Power,
that we may succeed in our life.

As You give us all Your blessings, so add unto us Your Love, to be our
eternal law.

For to You belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever and ever.


Beinsa Douno
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Old 28-12-2011, 04:39 PM
Love Wisdom Truth Love Wisdom Truth is offline
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(Just did a few minor changes.)

The Good Prayer
Lord, our God, our kind Heavenly Father, Who has given us life and
health to rejoice in You, we pray to You, send us Your Spirit to guard and
protect us from every evil and cunning thought.

Teach us to do Your Will, to sanctify Your Name and to glorify You always.

Illuminate our spirit, enlighten our hearts and our mind, that we may keep
Your commandments and precepts.

Inspire in us with Your Presence, Your pure thoughts, and guide us to serve
You with joy.

Our life, which we dedicate to You for the good of our brothers and neighbors, bless You Lord.

Help us and support us to grow in every knowledge and wisdom, to learn
from Your Word and to abide in Your Truth.

Lead us in everything we think and do in Your Name, to be for the
victorious-success of Your Kingdom on Earth.

Feed our souls with Your Heavenly bread, and strengthen us with Your Power,
so that we may succeed in our life.

As You give us all Your blessings, so add unto us Your Love, to be our
eternal law.

For to You belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever and ever.


Beinsa Douno
*What is God? God is Love, which you must experience within yourself.*
*When you help others you help first yourself.*
*If you have Love you will have everything, if you don't have it you will lose everything.*
*Love is a Divine condition.*
Love Wisdom Truth - Video
The Good Prayer - Video
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Old 03-01-2012, 07:16 PM
jojo50 jojo50 is offline
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Originally Posted by Love Wisdom Truth
"The Good Prayer" - by Beinsa Douno. I have shared it with others and many liked it. forever.
Amen. This prayer opens doors. Divine Blessings,DS

my question to you is, who is this prayer directed to? because you as like many put nothing but titles together, "Lord, our God, our kind Heavenly Father." is it Jesus you're praying to or his Father? peace
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Old 03-01-2012, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Love Wisdom Truth
(Just did a few minor changes.)

The Good Prayer
Lord, our God, our kind Heavenly Father, Who has given us life and
health to rejoice in You, we pray to You, send us Your Spirit to guard and
protect us from every evil and cunning thought.

Teach us to do Your Will, to sanctify Your Name and to glorify You always.

Illuminate our spirit, enlighten our hearts and our mind, that we may keep
Your commandments and precepts.

Inspire in us with Your Presence, Your pure thoughts, and guide us to serve
You with joy.

Our life, which we dedicate to You for the good of our brothers and neighbors, bless You Lord.

Help us and support us to grow in every knowledge and wisdom, to learn
from Your Word and to abide in Your Truth.

Lead us in everything we think and do in Your Name, to be for the
victorious-success of Your Kingdom on Earth.

Feed our souls with Your Heavenly bread, and strengthen us with Your Power,
so that we may succeed in our life.

As You give us all Your blessings, so add unto us Your Love, to be our
eternal law.

For to You belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever and ever.


Beinsa Douno

This is a beautiful heart felt prayer, any words presented to God in sincerity and humility are like music in heaven. Love Wisdom Truth, follow your heart not the judgment of men. Thanks for sharing it.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:12 AM
Love Wisdom Truth Love Wisdom Truth is offline
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Originally Posted by nightowl
This is a beautiful heart felt prayer, any words presented to God in sincerity and humility are like music in heaven. Love Wisdom Truth, follow your heart not the judgment of men. Thanks for sharing it.

You are welcome!
*What is God? God is Love, which you must experience within yourself.*
*When you help others you help first yourself.*
*If you have Love you will have everything, if you don't have it you will lose everything.*
*Love is a Divine condition.*
Love Wisdom Truth - Video
The Good Prayer - Video
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Old 18-03-2013, 05:02 AM
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The Good Prayer translation

Something about the translations of The Good Prayer on this thread. The first translation posted here by DS ('Love Wisdom Truth') is maybe his own, but the second one (this is in post #4) is actually made by Christophorus from "The English Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) Home Page", and is copy-pasted from there (no attribution though). See the page above (navigate Prayers then The Good Prayer, I can't post the link at the moment).
I made some video clips on YouTube with prayers from Master Beinsa Douno, where I use the original translation by Christophorus, so I can recognize it. It is definitely not translated by DS / 'Love Wisdom Truth'. Just for the record, I am putting the text of Christophorus' original translation below (and I attribute it). I also believe the 'minor' change of three words suggested by 'Love Wisdom Truth' above, changes the spiritual impact of the prayer. Prayers are not just a set of words, everyone knows Who gave the prayer beginning 'Our Father, Who art in Heaven'. Other well known prayers were given by people with deep insight, also in the Lord's Name. So, the translation of a prayer is not just a conversion of set of words to another set of words, it has to be whole, so as to help and also heal.

About The Good Prayer opening doors, I end with this quote from the Gospel of St. John 10:7-10, I think it's relevant and throws light on this prayer: “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (this is the ESV version).

-- sedago

"The Good Prayer"

Lord, our God, our kind Heavenly Father, Who has bestowed upon us life and
health to rejoice in You, we pray to You, send us Your Spirit to guard and
protect us from every evil and deceitful thought.

Teach us to do Your Will, to sanctify Your Name and to glorify You always.

Consecrate our spirit, enlighten our hearts and our mind, that we may keep
Your commandments and precepts.

Inspire in us with Your Presence, Your pure thoughts, and guide us to serve
You with joy.

Our life, which we dedicate to You for the good of our brothers and neighbours,
bless You Lord.

Help us and support us to grow in every knowledge and wisdom, to learn
from Your Word and to abide in Your Truth.

Lead us in everything we think and do in Your Name, to be for the
victorious-success of Your Kingdom on Earth.

Feed our souls with Your Heavenly bread, and strengthen us with Your Power,
that we may succeed in our life.

As You give us all Your blessings, so add unto us Your Love, to be our
eternal law.

For to You belongs the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever and ever.


-- given by Master Beinsa Douno in 1899.
-- translation from the Bulgarian by Christophorus from "The English Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) Home Page".
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Old 20-04-2013, 05:52 AM
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Other prayers by Master Beinsa Douno

Here finally I can put the attribution link to the original translation of The Good Prayer, and to other prayers by Master Beinsa Douno:


which is where I took my texts for the clips I made on YouTube. I found those translations to be the best.

"There is no better poetry in life than to pray, i.e. to converse with God." -- Master Beinsa Douno

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