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Old 22-02-2023, 09:28 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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It's not about ......

""It's not about what you take. It's about what you give .
And even if you have nothing you can still give .... In so many ways "".....
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Old 22-02-2023, 10:53 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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That is so true. I haven given all my life in one way or another and I have done it with an open heart.
Never received anything from it and I did it because I could.

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Old 23-02-2023, 02:47 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 6,174
That's lovely Native.
Some things cost nothing , but to the recipient it means the world.
I had a customer in my shop.. elderly gent called Leon.
But he got very thin and very poorly and ended up on crutches. He lived alone.
I often saw him if I was driving down to shops and I always gave him a lift, helped him shop , and drove him home.
Then he had a leg amputated which changed things again for him. But he was still independent and went out and about in a mobility scooter which actually made his life a lot easier to shop etc.
But he was a private person and would never want to go to anyone's house , even at Christmas . So each Christmas day we delivered a home cooked Christmas dinner to him with all the trimmings , a Christmas card and cracker etc.
He had a microwave to warm the food up as and when he wanted it .
It was actually Christmas day 2021 when we found out he had passed away.
There was no answer so we asked a neighbour .
Some 6 months later I had a visitation from him in a dream. He was so lovely and healthy and walking on 2 legs and no crutches and he brought me a gift. The gift was wrapped in newspaper which was actually quite relevent because I first knew of him as a customer in my newsagents . The gift was one of those glass jars of salmon spread !!
But I think this was his way of giving something back to me in appreciation....

This is just one example. I did similar things for many other elderly customers/ neighbours whom are no longer with us, and I have had the most wonderful visitations from them.

So even if we have nothing , even a smile can make someone's day.
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