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08-03-2011, 11:40 AM
Fear Deconstructed
There are 2 kinds of fear. One is reasonable protective fear. This type of fear tells us if we walk in front of a speeding train we will surely die. This is a minuscule portion of our fears. Most of our fears are in the- What If, I Can’t- type of negative self talk.
The first tactic in dealing w/ fear is taking full responsibility for our thoughts & emotions. This is often a difficult step, but it is necessary. It involves removing the excuses we use as reasons for feeling this fear. The results are more than worth it.
When fear arises we can actively stop the fearful thought or feeling, gently reminding self that this has never done us any good & won’t now. Then send it away. We can send these unproductive thoughts back to the Universe for reprocessing through HS. Any variety of creative visualizations can be used for this from assertive to gentle. Use what works for you. Wrapping fear & love & sending it off may work for one person while sending it away launched on a rocket may work for others!
Supplanting negative self talk w/ a positive option can be useful. If the fear is of the- What If- variety moving out of the low frequency panic of fear & passive victim pattern into the empowerment of examining real options can be productive. Avoid overly both living in the future & living in the past. Some retrospection is a useful learning process, but too much keeps us continually reliving the past. Likewise, while some future planning is productive worrying about the future what ifs robs us from the wonderful simple joys of living in the present.
Why does fear really occur? We can sincerely address our fears, but often these fears still persist, puzzling us. Fear results from our doubting that we will be able to deal w/ life’s situations. This doubt stems from not trusting our self. When we TRUST self & KNOW that we will handle whatever arises in our life’s journey we don’t have these doubts & the resulting fears.
We often easily have this TRUST in source/god/prime creator or the Universe. How could we not? This energy is omniscient, omnipotent, & omnipresent. We are often willing to extend this level of TRUST to our energies which are occupying places of higher dimensional consciousness such as our HS or godself/I Am Presence. We are, however, seldom inclined to extend this same TRUST to our own earthly energies, our self, even when we understand we are divinely sourced w/ an extended energy field. As we expand our consciousness we realize that our earthly presence is just as honored & trustworthy as our HS & spiritual team.
As we expand our consciousness we reunite our energies of self & HS+ (extended energy field). The Universal truth & wisdom available through our HS progressively becomes a part of self’s perspective. Suzan Carroll/Lie has written extensively about our reuniting our energies on her site multidimensions.com.
Science is discovering that our DNA is much more fluid than we’ve previously thought. As we reach increasing levels of consciousness it is very likely that we internally trigger DNA activation as a self regulating organism. This trigger mechanism in our nonphysical body is similar to how various hormones & body processes start & stop in our physical body w/ stages of growth. Universal truth & wisdom is encoded in our energies, & we activate it by reaching progressive levels of awareness. Our TRUST in ALL of our energies, including self ▲▲▲ PARTICULARLY OUR EARTHLY SELF ▲▲▲ is of the utmost importance to develop.
After we begin actively working w/ mastering our energies, being aware of maintaining our frequency & not slipping into negative thoughts that can lower our frequency we can be baffled when we still have those pesky fears crop up. This can occur for several reasons.
As we explore & select new beliefs we learn about them. Our integrating these into our psyche or core energies is an entirely different step. When we are in the stage of having learned about moving past fear but have not yet merged into the next step of integrating these new beliefs, fears can still arise. Once we have merged what we’ve learned about trusting our energies into our psyche fears rarely have occasion to surface as we no longer have doubt about our ability to handle life’s situations.
Knowing that these are 2 separate steps will prevent doubts from arising once new beliefs are chosen, but not yet fully absorbed. Stay the course & know that this is just part of the process. All of a sudden you will realize one day that drama or issues that previous caused fear don’t affect you in the same way. KNOW that everyone who has moved past fear has gone through this same process. It seldom happens overnight.
As we expand our consciousness we naturally unearth old energetic refuse. This can be unsettling if we don’t know to expect it. We must actively eject/release this old energetic debris. While this isn’t our favorite part of the process, it’s a necessary one where we clear our energy field to be able to safely hold 5D energies. This clearing is part of moving through 4D. Every time we successfully release/eject a level of this emotional debris we become stronger & more capable to deal w/ the next successive level that will be released when we’ve further expanded our awareness.
Sometimes when old energetic refuse arises people can think they have backslid or that the work they have done & teachings are bogus. Knowing there are successive levels of old energetic refuse to release/eject will prepare us for this process. That we’ve gotten to a place where these can be dealt w/ is substantial progress, so give your self abundant credit when this occurs & actively discharge this old energetic refuse. Note what it is, but don’t immerse your self back in the original energies as this can be counterproductive. This is necessary energetic housecleaning for our nonphysical body.
As we make more progress in mastering our energies we encounter a new level of fears that are more uncertainty than fear. When we are in the first stage encountering new beliefs it is much like the flush of being in love. Heady & oooooooh so wonderful. The delight of discovery. Then, like a long term relationship, it settles into moving far beyond the theoretical first stage of learning. We get into the hands on process of actually working w/ our energies. This is real learning just like anything else. These are the uncertainties of- Am I nuts to think I can actually move into the big league of 5D+? Is this just smoke & mirrors nonsense? By this point you will know to take a deep breath, breathe out the uncertainty, get recentered & communicate w/ HS for guidance about this. You’ll do fine.
Have considerable patience, compassion, & respect w/ self about establishing authentic TRUST. We’ve often had many thousands of messages that have told us that we can’t trust self. Organized religion is based on emphasizing the supposed difference between us, the inherently flawed humans, & the grandeur of God, a level that is supposedly impossible for humans to imagine, much less ever have the arrogance to imagine we could be aligned w/. Various trendy movements have falsely urged us to be fearful of our sexuality, will, self, emotions, & intellect, regarding these as things that controlled us. Societal institutions have also been invested in convincing us to be disempowered. All of this was & is flawed information to persuade us to voluntarily abrogate our innate SOVEREIGNTY.
▲▲▲ We aren’t flawed & never were. ▲▲▲ We don’t have to be perfected to honor that we are perfect beings on a learning journey. We will continue perfecting/expanding our energies for eons as we move through the Ds. multidimensions.com has excellent detailed information about the Ds & our journey through them. Our journey naturally progresses as we discard the beliefs that we are innately flawed & begin to truly TRUST our own energies as well as the Universe. Once we genuinely TRUST our energies numerous additional learning opportunities automatically unfold.
We expand from BEing to KNOWing to establishing our I AM Presence. We expand from seeking balance to finding it to fully merging w/ our extended energies. As we move into 5D awareness we merge these energies back into oneness. After establishing our I AM Presence, we have the freedom & confidence to fearlessly explore our vast potentiality. We naturally moves into a creative “Suppose I were ...” or “I Imagine ...”. We increasingly move into expansive exploration. Our awareness occupies increasingly larger perspectives from individual to planetary to galactic to universal. Being → Knowing → Creating.
We progressively move into BEing a creator energy as we dismantle our previous limitations. This includes our ideas about what we expect to occur w/ ascension. Fear or anxiety about ascension is just as disabling as fear about anything. When we have preconceived ideas this blocks our being able to access options that we may not have imagined. No need to limit self. We can miss out on allot this way. Boundaries that were once a comforting framework spiritually/energetically become outdated rigid confining limitations that we move confidently past, just as we now eagerly push our awareness beyond the constraints of our fears & doubts. Just be open to all possibilities & TRUST you will do fine in the journey.
Enjoy the journey for it is a journey of joy.

28-06-2011, 10:27 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Us
Posts: 1,696
it's after 4am so I should be getting to bed but after seeing an interesting thing you posted about a 4th dimension and skimming this post I see I must read it.
however, I just saw the dabblings about that dimension site, But I am verrry early on my spiritual journey and still have bodily issues to take care of before I can really progress, well I am wondering if I should be trying to learn about something like 7 different dimensions when I've barely learned anything yet 

28-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Great post Mattie, as always, you and I seem to have the same views :)

01-07-2011, 10:58 AM
thanks mattie for the above .....its right where i am and i need to find out more about the above...any book suggestions ect that are easy to follow

01-07-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks mattie 

01-07-2011, 04:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6,087
My only srs fears have involved confronting the loss of people I love. I felt as if I were living in a state of prolonged panic...which results in eventual lockdown. Also terrifying. Waves of panic and lockdown. Eventually coming back to myself. Love and trust in God/All/Universe are key, knowing that you are never without the love of God (ok) or the love of those you most fear losing (that is what has to finally sinks in)...
You're right...trust in yourself and your ability to regain your footing is key.
But so is having a support network so that you can do your inner work...God, your guides, your teachers & gurus, your earthy friends & family...
What I know is that takes a spiritual village (of sorts) for each of us to become enlightened and balanced.
Peace & blessings,

02-07-2011, 12:37 AM
Thank you for sharing. This really resinates with me. 

02-07-2011, 01:08 AM
my fear mostly dissolved when i realized i am an eternal spirit in a physical body. and i'm talking about the what if i can't fear. i'm very bold and brave now.
i still have some boundaries to cross though
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