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Old 24-10-2010, 08:45 PM
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Anyone else feel they may have a spiritual link to Tibet?

A few months back I was changing the password to my phone and the word Tibet came into my mind, I thought it would be easy to remember so I used that. After a while I wondered whether I had some connection with Tibet but never took the time to properly think about it, all I knew was that when I was younger I really enjoyed playing a level on the Playstation Game Tomb Raider where she was in Tibet - I'm not sure why!

A couple of days ago I picked up a book that someone had given to me called The Third Eye by T.Lobsang Rampa, the blurb says "This is his story, a hauntingly beautiful and deeply inspiring journey of awakening within Chakpori Lamasery, the temple of Tibetan medicine." I'm going to start reading it especially after another part of the blurb says "It is a moving tale of passage through the mystic arts of astral projection, crystal gazing, aura deciphering, mediation and more." I am fascinated by each of those subjects.

I was meditating yesterday, I asked the Angels and God to guide me, heal me etc. Then I asked if I had any messages and in my head I heard "Go to the gong." I asked again because I wasn't sure what I heard but I heard the same thing - "Go to the gong"!? I'm going to assume that it's a Tibetan gong, and when the time is right, I'm sure I will find my gong!

Anyone else feel they have a link with Tibet or Tibetan Monks?

Much love,

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Old 24-10-2010, 08:54 PM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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Definately sounds like you have a link or past life affinity with Tibet :)
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Old 22-11-2010, 01:46 AM
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Hi Sophie - Guess so I am going to far north thailand to live with the buddhist monks - hopefully as a ordained novice monk for a month very soon.
So I guess - Yes.
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Old 22-11-2010, 09:58 PM
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Wow that sounds great, I'm sure you will have an amazing time.
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Old 22-11-2010, 10:16 PM
mystical mystical is offline
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i have a tibetan monk as one of my guides , one night i had a dreaM n saw the name maowi , the next day i found out maowi was a place in china ,i forgot about it , then one night i was doing creative writing when i got the name maowi again or maui , mawi , its strange cos i have neevr been into that culture but before discoverin my guide i began to be drawn to a certain buddhist whos japanese half chinese lol i knwo , now i know why :)P
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