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Old 19-04-2012, 10:29 PM
Arcturus Arcturus is offline
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What was the last movie you watched?

just watched "Walkabout" on bbc iplayer. real cool film about two kids getting lost in the australian outback and an aborigine comes across them and helps them. quite a sensual film with a strange sexual tension. from whayt starts as the worst experience of their life (getting lost with no food etc) ends up being probably the best as it turns out to be a time of freedom and closeness to the earth. the contrast between the banality of city living with getting back to nature is aptly portrayed; quite a spiritual film and defo a fave
Krishnamurti : With a Silent Mind http://youtu.be/YGJNqp7px3U

"There is no psychological evolution: there is only the ending of sorrow, of pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all that."
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Old 19-04-2012, 11:29 PM
amy green
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Yes, I remember "Walkabout" An unusual, captivating film that goes on an exploratory journey and breaks down stereotypes...innocent and sad, poignant. (Sorry, realise you started this thread for last films seen but wanted to comment! Can't recall my last film, either not memorable or poor memory).
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Old 20-04-2012, 04:09 AM
Dragonfly1 Dragonfly1 is offline
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Avatar ...again.....this time on tv........

Another good Aussie movie is 'rabbit proof fence'......i really liked it.....
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Old 20-04-2012, 04:35 AM
whitelotus whitelotus is offline
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"Inception"..............I loved the concept...................
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Old 20-04-2012, 07:46 AM
Squatchit Squatchit is offline
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Yeah, I saw Walkabout some years ago - great film. I tend to like Australian films.

The last film I watched is Seven Pounds. I haven't yet watched it all the way through as I have a habit of starting it too late...and then get so tired I've forgotten who's who and what's what. Mebbe give it another spin today.
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Old 20-04-2012, 01:18 PM
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Wrath of the Titans in 3D.

Fun fluff. :)
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Old 20-04-2012, 03:06 PM
Arcturus Arcturus is offline
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anyhting goes Amy :) you make a better film critic than i lol, the hat didn't quite fit or i'll call it a bad word day..
really like "rabbit proof fence" df1, top filum. another aussie film i like was chopper! not in the same category and i don't really like violent films but well enjoyed that. thoroughly enjoyed "seven pounds" squatch, real good popcorn movie. bit gushy but i didn't mind that at all, my lad loved it too, so much i bought him the dvd.
Krishnamurti : With a Silent Mind http://youtu.be/YGJNqp7px3U

"There is no psychological evolution: there is only the ending of sorrow, of pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all that."
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Old 21-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Sarian Sarian is offline
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Never heard of walkabout, but it sounds good. I'm trying to think of the last movie I watched... I think it was The Bourne Supremacy. Seen it before, but watched it again.

Last movie I watched at the theatre... hmmm Gosh, can't recall...maybe that sherlock holmes movie? I wasn't too thrilled with it.
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Old 21-04-2012, 09:02 PM
Arcturus Arcturus is offline
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just watched "The Fountain" again (tree of life/immortality/adam and eve). one of my top 5 movies..total classic imo. the full moview is on youtube which is cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CTEC...eature=related

here's a trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HIsiYEhzvI
Krishnamurti : With a Silent Mind http://youtu.be/YGJNqp7px3U

"There is no psychological evolution: there is only the ending of sorrow, of pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all that."
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Old 23-04-2012, 02:54 AM
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The Big Lebowski.

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