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Old 23-11-2023, 05:44 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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How do you see death

Many people will say, “ oh I’m not afraid of death”..

Which, within me wonders curiously..

Death for me has always been something I feared. Up until a number of years ago, (15 yrs) where I had a fairly significant spiritual experience, that led me to its door. What I met at this door, was an array of fears, I’d covered over death. The first one was suffering, so that took some undoing at the core. The other one was I feared the unknown of death. Religious brainwashing certainly laid its foundations in me, to fear things like going to hell, punishment and gods wrath.. lol. Of course those things had to be met in this place of my fear of death.

A few deeper truths arose through this period, an awareness of some deep inner child pacts, how these ideas arose through parental and societies modelling and many associations that reinforced what death meant in me.

As an example, I feared to feel my fears fully, I feared to open up to my feelings complete, because somewhere in my earliest years I associated certain feelings if felt fully, meant I would die. As sad as that sounds, it’s very common.

“If I feel this, remember this feeling, I will die”

Many if my earliest experiences set this up. Things happened to me, I had to face my feelings in those experiences and then I vowed, I would never put myself in those situations again - the childhood pact!

Now it does sound a little extreme, but for many children not supported through difficult emotions, there becomes a pattern learned, in whatever form the child designs those moments in their mind/body. As small children we all need help with big feelings.

Getting back to death, what opened in me, was no longer denying myself full feeling. No longer skipping from heart to head with reason and distractions away from life so as to not feel fully, what my feelings wanted me to feel and face.

As a predominate feeler type, it’s not been easy undoing these deep seated associations, but I see I’ve always held a hidden gift within the dynamics of this messy arrangement for most of my life.

The gift of feeling fully, means I no longer have to react, no longer blame life or others, no longer believe I will die if I feel something deeply painful that holds memories in me that believed I would. . To undo this stuff, my heart had to break a million times, my feeling body had to feel everything without reason.

So the gift as I see this, is in facing death, you face yourself, you face all of you where death keeps you away from looking g at yourself directly. Face to face.

The beautiful aspect of facing this death, is that through it all you believe you will die, so even as things were undoing, that ever looming fear of death hunted me down, forced me to face myself. It hovered over me like a big dark shadow.

At the end point if this three month rush, I literally felt because I’d felt everything pulled up and out of me, that this meant death. So at that pint I surrendered to its very menacing clutch and let myself lay down and let myself believe I would die. Of course at that point, I didn’t die, but I was shown death in the many ways we hold onto its clutches. Some known, some not, until you walk through and see.

If I bring death into my energy space, it’s there but doesn’t have attachments creating enormous heavy holds in me.

It’s there, it’s recognised and it’s part of life.

I see many people deeply affected by grief and death. I’ve had people project their fear of death at me in very difficult ways for me to feel. Twisted and entangled by their own hands, but very much struggling to take ownership fully.

Bearing their projections in not so pretty ways was difficult, to feel his fear of his own mortality, to feel him disparate my new found centre in ways he rejected in himself was very hard. But the inclusion of him in this way in me, allowed me to let go even deeper. (They know not what they do)

Having it all bear down upon me, was my lesson to let everything go around death in me.

The death that I created through others as myself.

Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 23-11-2023, 06:00 AM
Nikos1982 Nikos1982 is offline
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As I understand from your message you allowed a type of surrendering to all that you are, including death...

I think this surrendering is the key, or it's where the key (to your freedom) lies...


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Old 23-11-2023, 06:53 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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More than surrendering, I’d say recognition holds the key to overcoming fear of any type, including fear of death of form.

As long as we believe ourself to be this body-mind, we are attached to its well being. When we see clearly that we are a formless awareness, soul or whatever, dwelling in this form to experience duality and know in definitiveness who in truth we are, then fears disappear.

It may be noted that our attention oscillates. So, even after recognition of the truth of our true Self, which is living light eternal, in a singularity, this knowing needs to be assimilated slowly so as to be a part of our active awareness breath by breath. Until then, delusion will certainly manifest fear even though we know it shouldn’t be so, yet it appears!

During the spiritual awakening process, we face ego death. This question is posed and we need to face it head on, the manner in which it appears may vary from person to person.
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Old 23-11-2023, 07:41 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikos1982
As I understand from your message you allowed a type of surrendering to all that you are, including death...
I think this surrendering is the key, or it's where the key (to your freedom) lies...
Yes very much so.

I must add that this was the core entry point in myself. This was the place where I wasnt really afraid to feel before this process kicked in. The layers overlaid this level were not the crux of it all. Getting to the roots will definitely reveal the stranglehold we hold or not.

So I guess in relation to this topic, it shows we can be oblivious to our inner reality that deep, not really know what we fear, until we walk it through.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 23-11-2023, 07:47 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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I think it varies from person to person. People have NDE and seem to reset themselves, plus those like adyashanti or tolle who shifted profoundly without too much engagement.

I found myself very much land back into reality after this process, the climb after this was very much about assimilation or integrating deeper processors now the door had been flung open. It really was only the beginning
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 23-11-2023, 07:52 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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I have said this many times in this forum; fear is always about what is going to happen next. I have been with lots of people when they took their final breath, and I sometimes have guided them into their own death.

Guiding them by telling them to stay in the moment and try not to anticipate anything. Follow each breath as it comes and goes until that final breath. Give no thought to what is going to happen next. A lot of people who I have seen die are not religious or spiritually inclined; they have no concept of surrender.

Many will fight to remain in their physical body until their last breath, some consider death to be their enemy. Others may be terrified of death. Then there are those who die with a smile on their face and light surrounding them. Although it seems surrender eventually comes to just about everyone.

Death to me is not a thing, rather it is a process, similar to the process of being born. I feel like what is going to kill my physical body started working in my body a long time ago, and one day it will complete its process. Learning to live in the moment now I feel is good practices for embracing our final moment here on Earth.

People die by suicide, homicide, accidents which bring on sudden death, and yes, terminal illness If a person dies suddenly or in their sleep how surrendered will they be to embrace their own physical death; the answer only they will know at that time.
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Old 23-11-2023, 09:13 AM
hazada guess hazada guess is offline
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How do you see death?

A release.
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Old 23-11-2023, 10:15 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is online now
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I would have to agree with Starman I have been aware of death since I was born I was born seeing and hearing spirit so i never had any fear of it

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Old 23-11-2023, 12:30 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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You don't fear the physical pain?
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Old 23-11-2023, 02:15 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is online now
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Why should I fear pain when i have it everyday

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
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