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Old 26-07-2023, 10:15 AM
Smoon Smoon is offline
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Lately I keep smelling burning incense when no one is burning it. I've asked the people who I'm with, and they've said they couldn't smell it. Anyone else experienced this? It's been happening the last couple of weeks
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Old 10-08-2023, 07:04 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Yes all the time smell is one of the most common connections to the spirt realms and the paranormal world.

I often smell things no one else does and go OK you must smell that....to be looked at like I am nuts. I have learned at times to let others say first they smell something.

I have found at times the smell will reflect to someone I knew. Perfume for my Grandmother, pipe tabaco for Grandfather. Colone for my Dad.

Other times its like you say its something burning. With the use of so many chemicals now days in air fresheners and clothing smell enhancers it is at times harder to find where an smell comes from.

Two mornings in a row now I have come upstairs to the smell of toast. Yet none has been made! I know that hubby has been up before me but he did not make toast. He too could not smell it in the room. Was it coming in the window when I was sleeping and my nose simply remembered the smell, not sure.

I would look to what scent you are taking in as they all have a meaning and a use. I know that Sandalwood is a very common one a lot smell.

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Old 10-08-2023, 08:34 PM
txsha txsha is offline
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Yes, this happens to me. I smell things that are "not there." You may have clairolfactance and are likely picking up on a spirit nearby :)
Go deeper on law of attraction, ascension, and spirituality here: www.youtube.com/user/psychicts?sub_confirmation=1
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Old 11-08-2023, 02:58 PM
Smoon Smoon is offline
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Thanks for the replies. Yes, I've had several experiences with spirit and the paranormal over the last 6 years. I was wondering if it was related to that. At times it's hard to tell what's real and what's in the imagination. People do look at you like you are nuts, but I just need to know if I'm imagining things. I guess it doesn't really help if I mention it, best just say nothing. Actually, it does smell a lot like Sandalwood. I'll definitely have a read up on that thanks. I'm not use to unusual smells coming out of nowhere. All cool and interesting stuff ��
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