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Old 15-11-2022, 05:55 AM
~Lioness~ ~Lioness~ is offline
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Songs that have saved my life

Music is my highest love. It competes intensely with my twin flame. But since twin flame is MIA, and we're in separation Music wins :)

The first song that woke up a sense of love an peace in me was *louis Tomlinson- just hold on*

A couple years before Just Hold On, Wild Ones with Sia and Flo Rida saved my life too.

In 2019 when I first knew covid was getting serious in china and I was just waiting for it to be transfered to here the USA, another song came up. They literally save my life somehow.

It was a song called Son by Brolly. Some lines that stand out :"every now and then i hear you there it goes like the wind never knowing where it ends and wher it begins, underwater I can hear you talking like a ghost again." " hey son, hold my hand, let me be, followed to the end"

And this line that is perfect. "Let me be ,followed to the end, through the fire. Through this pain. Flowers grow after the rain"

Everything I felt scared of the future or like the unknown was just too much for me, I put this song on and everything would get calm inside me. Bromley saved my life for 2 years.

Then I began developing a closer, more authentic relationship with God.

Here's a few I'm listening to a lot these days
Anna Golden- peace (acoustic)
Louis Tomlinson- walls
Ghostdragon - still in love
Illenium - crazy times

Question. Has music ever saved your life?

Okay. Peace :)
The pain that made you the odd one out, is the story that connects you to a healing world.
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Old 15-11-2022, 06:29 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Oh and I couldn't agree more about the healing power of music.
Without a doubt music did once save me. It was 10 years ago and I had some kind of emotional breakdown. I was in so much traumatic shock that I could not function. I could not eat or sleep. It was as though my soul left my body and my shell was just a void. I could not feel my body but I could still hear. And as I used to be laid there on the bed at night all I could hear was music. Mostly a female angelic choir singing so gently the most beautiful songs. All night long. I am certain the music saved me from sinking deeper into a decline and I actually believe this music could possibly have been real angels looking after me.
As I got better , my "Go to " song was "Fix you" by Coldplay .
The "lights that were guiding me home" were my guides bringing me back to earth and to encourage me back to the land of the living. It took me many years to recover.
And then, as you rightly say, the whole world went into total shock with the events that started to happen in late 2019 and early 2020. Since then, and during all of that I was very poorly and I am still very poorly and I won't get better. So now , "Fix you" has another special meaning for me . It won't fix or cure me, but this time the lights will guide me home to heaven.
( Sorry , don't wish to be maudling !!!!!!!)....
But nothing touches my soul more than this one for so many different reasons.
And music "speaks" to us in a way that most people can't.
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Old 15-11-2022, 11:06 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Music has always been important to me.
I started collecting records Singles when I was 13 it was Life on mars David Bowie.
I have over 400 now all in cases in the attic.

I had a family friend call by the other day.as he sat down. I instantly knew he needed to ask me something. Before he started speaking I told him to sit and to Listen,
Then he asked me what music i was playing it was so calming.
I said I'm not it was Angel music
He had never heard it before.
He had an important question to ask me.
after hearing the Angel music he left with a smile on his face
That is the power of music.

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Old 16-11-2022, 12:56 AM
~Lioness~ ~Lioness~ is offline
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Aww angel, I'm so glad music has a great impact on you as well. Music is just...so...freaking...magical. :)

Native spirit, what is angel music? Can I hear it?
The pain that made you the odd one out, is the story that connects you to a healing world.
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Old 16-11-2022, 10:36 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Angel music once heard can never be mistaken, I first heard it years ago I went with a friend to drop something of in her church. I heard it straight away it was beautiful Gentle calming etc.
My friend asked what I was listening to, So I told her she had never heard it.
I have heard it a few more times I cant explain how the music goes because it is so Gentle

When my friend came I heard it as soon as he walked in, he heard it to it really calmed him, because what he had to ask me was very personal,
I should imagine if you ask the Angels they might let you hear it

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Old 17-11-2022, 07:59 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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I believe that the Angels come to you with their music at a time in your life when you need to hear it the most .....
( Although I know there are exceptions like Native that is more gifted than the majority of us.)
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Old 18-11-2022, 01:11 AM
~Lioness~ ~Lioness~ is offline
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That's so cool! I think I'd love to hear it if the angels ever want me to. I really do love music very much. It will always have a special place in my heart.

The pain that made you the odd one out, is the story that connects you to a healing world.
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Old 30-12-2022, 10:59 AM
Roamer Roamer is offline
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Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It (Official Video)

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