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Old 19-12-2021, 01:31 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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How to stop

Ok I’ve had thoughts come to my mind about bad things but “how do I undo a thought “ or in other words once I get a thought how do I stop it from happening.

I’ve been thinking about accidents all week. I woke up at 3 am suddenly with the need to go to the bathroom and thoughts ( or nightmares ) about accidents.

I tried to ignore it went back to sleep . I thought I was going to have an accident But still tried to brush it off. Bbut just got a message from my sister that they had an accident where someone hit their car from the back and the back of the car is damaged along with neck pain.

It doesn’t make sense.

How do I stop this?? Why me !? It is torture.

Just afraid what will happen next. Don’t have the freedom to think. Help.
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Old 19-12-2021, 06:27 AM
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Hi WantToBeHappy,

First of all just so you know you are not creating this and you are not responsible for it.

What you have is premonition or too in the present time as it is happening. You are connected to your sister.

For years when someone I am connected to, when something happens or before, I "feel" it, I feel this person being in danger, like sudden anxiety feeling.

I have lots of experiences where I feel when someone I am connected to is in potential or in danger.

I had to just learn that you can predict it, or you can feel it as it happens, but you can't stop it from happening. Believe me, I did not like it anymore than you do.

As it is with me the feeling will suddenly come and then it will go away when the danger or what has happened is over.
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Old 19-12-2021, 07:11 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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Acknowledge the thought and recognize it as an intrusive thought and deliberately think about something else.
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Old 19-12-2021, 01:15 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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'...once I get a thought how do I stop it from happening.''

Originally Posted by Traveler
Acknowledge the thought and recognize it as an intrusive thought and deliberately think about something else.
Just as you recognize a TV show that is unwanted and unpleasant, then deliberately change the channel.
YOU hold the remote in your hand.

For one week, there is a simple technique: First thing in the morning when the first unwanted thought slips in,
raise your finger and say out loud , "No", as if scolding your pet,"No." ('Do not go into the trash.')
Soon you just have to look at the pet with your finger and say nothing.
Then, it's just 'the look'.
It takes time to train your unwanted thoughts...keep saying , "No" to them.
You will see soon how you will no longer be tortured with emotions - and when
a thought floats in, you will whisk it away like a fly.
(And then you can help others.)

This creates new pathways in your brain...this is a researched fact by doctors.
*Ref: Neuroscientists Caroline Leaf, PhD, Candace Pert, PhD (Many books available.)
This is called Thought Control...google it and them for other techniques. :)

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 21-12-2021, 02:20 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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I tried it. It didn’t work. I’ve been trying since I was a teenager. Somehow I managed this far. Can’t take it anymore. What if something happened to them. Luckily I had prayed nothing should happen and no one should get hurt into that accident all week. Couldn’t sleep. Or close my close my eyes all week . Maybe that saved her. Car was damaged in the back.

But what if something happens. I will get mentally sick. What is the use of these visions when I can’t do anything about them and how to stop them ! At least til I figure out how to use them or stop them. It’s like I can’t think about anything anymore. Cause I’m case it’s bad I’m afraid it’ll happen. No chance to think also.
It’s like let’s say I’m taking about a life insurance policy and for example we say someone dies. Suddenly I get this nervousness. Just can’t take it anymore.
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Old 21-12-2021, 05:19 AM
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Sorry you have it so bad. I remember one time when I in months advance felt, knew someone was to die on a particular day and I prayed for God to protect my family and friends and who ever I could come to think of but it happened anyway to someone else that time but still there and still connected to us and it was a disaster and I blamed myself as if it was my fault because I had not thought it could have been that person in particular, that I must have forgotten someone in my prays. I was a child then.

I can imagine if you have so many predictions and knowings/thoughts that this has by now led to a sort of anticipation anxiety regarding this, also like a drop on your head like a billion times and then that billion time one feel one can't take it no more. Perhaps it is best if you combine some sort of treatment for anticipation anxiety. It is important you understand that you are not causing this by your thoughts, it is not your fault. I understand that sort of nervousness that comes out of nowhere, that is my sign, when I know. Not just that example above, lots of them, but I learn it was combined with someone I was connected to being in trouble. Also during a pregnancy I knew as I felt death and no other way out long before I suffered a natural miscarriage. I feel the same death or coldness or nothing can be done feeling at other times when that has been the outcome and nobody else knows it, at the time.

If you balance yourself out, if you get your sleep, even more so, if you are not afraid of your own thoughts and know you are not causing it I am hoping your nervousness will go down. Then like me you might or will then get this sudden nervousness temporarily and only when someone you are connected to is in trouble. I would also - as I know you feel and worry for your sister so much - try to place a mental barrier, wall and this I know is very hard and you most likely like I have done and still have to do discipline yourself.

I also used to have a fear that if and when these sort of thing happened it was a sign that I was going down the same path as someone in my family that was seriously mentally ill and I was doing my best to shut it out and also I would experience especially from a psychopath as a boyfriend (and on all the signs he was a psychopath as it turned out) that I would be punished for it as he got aware that I was right, and I couldn't explain it. I know the feeling you just want to curl up and hide and not have it. There is a way that you can live with this and not go nuts with it, but you need to separate, I think, the anticipation anxiety you have about this, the anxiety in general, and the gift in itself because right now it seems to me like a mix bag. There are ways to work with anxiety, steps to do.

You also have to understand that your type of "sudden nervousness" which is exactly how mine has always appeared too, I know just what you mean, can actually be worse than the one who is in sudden danger, for instance, is having it.

I did not know it then but my first love/my first ex, when, if I was in trouble, years after the break up, he would feel it so bad. He would tell a friend that it was worse than if it happened to himself. In one of these examples I was simply "out" and I had no pain and did not feel I was in no danger, as they were working on me, and I later came to and everything turned out alright, but he was apparently, and at the time nobody knew he was right, going through hell because of this at the place he and his friends hanged out. So I don't know if you can think of it that way, but hoping you can, that it may be worse on you than the one going through it. That may not always be the case naturally but if it is things that are meant to be they are meant to be and these people signed up for it then long before they were even born and the outcome of it is suppose to be for some good reason even if we can't see it right now.
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Old 07-01-2022, 07:10 PM
John32241 John32241 is offline
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Originally Posted by WantToBeHappy
What is the use of these visions when I can’t do anything about them and how to stop them ! At least til I figure out how to use them or stop them. It’s like I can’t think about anything anymore.


Your sensitivity is a gift. It is your logical reasoning that is the issue. Your mind likes to worry about any thing which is out of its control. This is actually quite normal.

See life as a kind of mind game. Win the game by staying calm instead of letting worry, anxiety, and stress rule your life. Find ways to be happy.

My web site: Telepathy Academy

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Old 15-01-2022, 04:22 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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I need help to stop these accidental manifestations before something worker happens. !!! A few months ago all my fish died (30 of them ! ) the second I thought what if my husband didn’t take such good care of them. !!

I need help stopping these accidental manifestations. I think just before covid hit also I was wishing there was an easy way to die. Maybe I manifested it too !!
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Old 15-01-2022, 05:54 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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I need help to stop these accidental manifestations before something worker happens. !!! A few months ago all my fish died (30 of them ! ) the second I thought what if my husband didn’t take such good care of them. !!

I need help stopping these accidental manifestations. I think just before covid hit also I was wishing there was an easy way to die. Maybe I manifested it too !!
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Old 15-01-2022, 06:21 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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I can understand some coincidences but I don’t think anyone in this world has witnessed so many deaths before.

My dads friend died a day before we went to their house. My colleague my Neighbhor. My uncle my grandma a person 16 year old a person in the store I’ve met sooo many people died in coincidences just after I got a manifestation or for some reason I was angry at them.

Help me. Solve this problem of accidental maninfestations ? Why death ? Why me ?

My dad got a stroke half an hour after he went walking with me !
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