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Old 18-02-2022, 12:58 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I'm going to write on the song in the head thread later - all this teaching / training for me is about 'now' - and this war we are in with viruses and Freedom Fighters saying this is not right - all the training for me eg the Church Regeneration Project on Facebook, wasn't about that - although it just sits there waiting, and I have plans already in action with helping my church.

It was about getting me mentally prepared and in tune with Facebook where's and how's, for this battle and showing/teaching Freedom Fighters how to 'connect' with their Higher Self for guidance with the gut feeling, which I've started to do the last few days... Yes God is on their side 'but they/we' have to do this with guidance - free will that God put into play must be obeyed.

Those greed controllers that don't will be heading for the dark Lower Astral Realms on judgment day for eternity... It's out there in deep space where as science says 'there are more stars/planets' in the universe than grains of sand on all the worlds beaches combined - I was shown this place in my training 'for now' to share and make some think.

That's what Jesus means 'follow me for the light of life' Heaven / higher astrals...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 19-02-2022, 07:46 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I'll just put this on here now, because it could be very important with the direction our world takes for our kids and generations ahead - victories can be won or lost in an instant with one idea or another, do we go left or right, do this do that - and to get good guidance we need to steady the mind...

So the first thing is talk to your Higher Self in voice or mind and ask for God's help.

Let me just explain why people in say battles, and battles with health - vibes are so important... The whole universe is made up of vibrational energy - everything is energy 'and everything vibrates' as in vibes, although you can't see it, like gravity - including the table, your cup, trees and us, 100% vibrational energy.

Its so important to try and de stress, and deep breathe when stressing online - and that's not easy for some people right now, but with higher vibes its easier for the Higher Self to connect as in a gut feeling a brilliant idea just comes to mind, usually when resting, but not always - also with lower vibes the fear based ego kicks in.

It has its uses the ego - yes its a real thing and part of us 'the self' - without it you'd cross the road without looking, but if it got too controlling with low vibes and if the mind was weak, it would tell you, its dangerous out there stay in bed, have a nice rest... So deep breath now, back the ego off where it belongs.

So we don't listen to this ego just keep it in mind - and wow as I'm writing this now my song I love 'How Great Thou Art' has just come on the Elvis 20 track CD - phew x - yes our / God / Jesus / Holy Spirit / and we push on here - get those vibes up everyone... When you have time, breathe, relax and Single Point Concentration - focus on one image with eyes closed for 10 seconds, hold that image then again and breathe.

So when you hear on TV / Radio doom and gloom from science and rich media buddies, and yes science has its 'valuable' uses - but they want it all... So control merchants saying go back and behave, stay at home, mask your kids up, get them jabbed - so wrong, and people feeling down today on some posts in Canada.

This is not over, shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protesters, a disgrace - its just beginning this worldwide fight to keep 'God's free will' in play - we push on...

More on my website on vibes etc - https://www.strengthinminds.co.uk/

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 20-02-2022 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 20-02-2022, 05:59 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I'll just put this on here because it's to do with the power of the Holy Spirit and guidance - I'll just remind people here - 'God / Jesus / Holy Spirit - don't want their churches closing' - ive got those words that were 'spoken to me' in meditation in one of my diaries somewhere, ill come across it again one day when on catch up.

Ive mentioned my church recently on this thread - and our beautiful town centre church has been quiet since covid, and even early this year mainly 30 elders in - and its a big church so it looks quiet.

And as we know when churches in the past get quiet 'they close' - so if anyone can do anything for their church God will be looking down and taking note... So with guidance and free will ive been out on foot, to businesses and shops this last 2 weeks - probably near on 200 posters for display in staffrooms and in shop windows, and ive seen some put them up immediately.

So i'd written in my diary only last night 'what a day' well 2 days really chatting on one group and another, and clear for tomorrow, let's go save a church I wrote... And yes you can do this for your church anyone with time on their hands by getting someone into healing or mind strength to support you locally, then get out with some posters.

Best thing is I'd expected maybe one or two with health issues to come in, but none, but in they came loads of them 'just one week mind' but so many people, all ages so we see - it could be the keywords helped many to research re vibrational energy 'vibes' for better health and some answers, and they appreciated and came to support as I asked on the poster ''or they could have just appeared'' lol - time will tell.

So two massive battles ive been in the last few years - 1.. the virus war - 2.. my church, so many work so hard there - but my part has been flyer delivery to shops, since 2013 now and ive not seen that many off them 35,000 to 40,000 delivered - but it just shows, sometimes a step back 're think' and go again with a different plan, and one battle there's light - and with us in England things ok, some normality, but the trust is low with science/media/rich controllers pushing governments - as in what happens next...

But with church something happened with people coming in this Sunday, its a start so we'll see.

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 21-02-2022, 12:23 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I woke up this morning said in mind good morning Angels - well here we are survived another day and night, we go again... And today Ive sent out messages on various groups to Freedom Fighters, as below, as instructed - and yes the Holy Spirit came to me yesterday just before my visit down to church, I popped in after the service I'd been busy - and today God came with a message...

So yes like Messengers of God as Prophets existed and came in times of conflict when people needed help, and here we are in battle for free will from God, that has to be obeyed.

And at the end or start of the day its whether people can be bothered to listen isn't it - or say what does he know talks to God phew... So yes Messengers of God ready trained for battles as in 'now' - free will if to believe what they say or not.

So if anyone reading doesn't believe me, just look in my older posts on here the last 18 month's is it now when I was asking so many people 'why does my leg or arm' randomly freeze in bed early hours - and no one knew until now.

So when my leg was frozen this morning, ive learned not to think oh poor leg, ive started to know, and to listen - and words come to my mind - to tell them as below -
Sometimes in the heat of battle things get so intense its hard to think, do we do this, do that.

And when in that position and maybe you can't do anything on that/this day - maybe just look at a photo of someone or from the past and just rest, and say what would you do - be in the moment clear your mind so you connect with your spiritual guidance.

You can be heroes in history books one day, you have to earn this with clever moves - step back though sometimes and regroup / rethink.
So after preparing this ready for posting here, posts are out to Freedom Fighters, and I go to my greenhouse for half a skinny roll up cig - and there on the floor is a tiny bulb - with a tiny shoot coming out of, it just appeared - so yes you people, you are the new shoots for us, the kids, and future kids - make it work by connecting to your spiritual support through God, and learn to listen your gut 2nd brain for guidance, be strong, and remember to rest, clear the mind when you get time for this, so you make the right decisions.
And ive just been back to my greenhouse, as you would after a message like this - and not a bird in sight on this one of many ridiculous rainy stormy days recently here in England - and there he is, a blackbird in the tree by my door, right in front of me - proper chirping he was 'approval' birds of the air shall tell you - sent to me/us x - we keep pushing for our kids of the future free will.

The history books for 2022 aren't written yet for kids of the future, but they will be - write them 'think' and some calm before you move left or right.

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 23-02-2022, 08:12 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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It's been hard work - ive been talking on many groups... I seen a post the other day someone said it's time for us to get down on our knees and pray, and there was 100's of responses eg amen - but you try sharing a little simple information regarding the gut feeling and how to get spiritual guidance by clearing the mind, resting it - and like 2 likes and a love sent to me - ok Ive been told today by my Angel's, let it be - what will be will be, and ill still keep messaging similar here and there, as and when, but foot off the pedal a bit - anyway some are listening.

These people are not saying you don't get the jab, they're saying they don't want it - and yes 'free will' has to be obeyed, there's a dark place in the universe waiting for those who don't allow free will, or withhold information, or greed that's helped create, and escalate this mess the last 2 years with all the fearmongering.

My wife was telling someone today as we were chatting - in 2019 Nov / Dec we had something bad here in our town, cough chest wise, but do you know what - we got on with it, day by day, as we did in the old days - the difference then was we didn't have the fear on the radio, then going from our mind to immune system, then to cell defence.

Some people have got a lot answers to give on judgment day, and yes it comes along that day...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 24-02-2022, 05:16 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I took my foot off the pedal today, go with the flow as we say - and guess what I got more done on groups and forums... I could have told myself this a year ago, but we forget don't we.

So, instead of trying to force the pace - I said to my spiritual support - that's Higher Self, Guides and Angels, 'My Angels' - i'll wait for things to pop up on this and that, ideas - and they just came at the right time in view or mind.

So we are a team doing God's work, as you are on your journey here this lifetime - have a good day all, deep breath and make it happen... If in some darkness, get some help - or learn to listen from 'your' spiritual support when resting, clear the mind, and enjoy the gift of life - the sun will shine if you get help when needed, and keep busy, and rest when rest is needed...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 28-02-2022, 06:55 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I'll just put this short message on here because I like to keep in touch with the people here on SFs then i'll keep it in context with the thread title in the future... There'll be a lot of Canadians looking on here - but today Ive been busy helping this group, and emailing 100's of MP's - and people should see, because it effects the world, and showing how we are attempting to correct things - and the future that's heading in the wrong direction in the eyes of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and we are going to try to put things right, if people will listen.


Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 03-03-2022, 04:08 PM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
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Originally Posted by one-light
So, instead of trying to force the pace - I said to my spiritual support - that's Higher Self, Guides and Angels, 'My Angels' - i'll wait for things to pop up on this and that, ideas - and they just came at the right time in view or mind.

That's how it actually works, you ask and the answer comes but one has to be already "awoken" to make it work for I never got one single answer before the knowing all of this, maybe I did not see even though they were there.
The truth.
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Old 04-03-2022, 09:33 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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Nice words ThatMan very true, you've got some wisdom to share on your journey, so young in years here as well - lol I hadn't even got started at your age...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 04-03-2022 at 03:04 PM.
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Old 04-03-2022, 09:37 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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I got up this morning make a cup of tea for me and wife - and i'm thinking my arms are still working, and you ok ED head lol Ed has a lot of thinking and sometimes tinnitus issues and anyway new day, gift of life and we push on... its been hard going all these battles - so a moment of appreciation, and then I said good morning Angels in voice not in mind as wife's tucked up in bed, and I said good morning to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - and then I said what a brilliant idea/happening that was yesterday, fine tuned by Higher Knowledge this morning.

I have delivered 400 posters to shops and businesses here in Macclesfield the last 2 weeks on mind strength / health to display in shops etc, with 'no web address' on but with my church mentioned at the bottom, come in support or for advice, shopkeepers they love them - so basically its helping people stay healthy with keywords and positive words on 'and' creating awareness of our church, 'doing God's work'......

Anyway outskirts of town yesterday little shopping centre place, and one of the shops I went into was a funeral directors - I'd been in before with my stay strong for staff posters.... This lovely lady there, we both remembered each other - and I said here's a poster - would you like this, and you look well - and then I just said you want this little flyer with my web address and name on, ive 2 spiritual pages on that might help people who have lost someone - well the reaction from her was brilliant, she said I think many will take you up on that Steve, so thank you very much.

So I'm going to email more Funeral Directors over coming days with my web address - so in this God forgotten materialistic world - I'm sharing the word of God, and getting right in, and helping people deal with loss at the same time.

Ive been told to keep it in context here, so Just a quick note regarding the virus war / worldwide dictating - we won...... A ''victory'' NHS and Care Home staff jobs given back here in the UK - so for us and the children of the future some common sense - kindly helped by MPs here, just to inspire our Canadian / American friends 'it can happen'... All written on the NHS Group...

And I think I will remove some of the virus talk out the next few days, just some - https://www.strengthinminds.co.uk

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 04-03-2022 at 01:45 PM.
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