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Old 10-07-2019, 01:12 AM
anditmakesmewonder anditmakesmewonder is offline
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Metatron and other angels

I was sleeping and suddenly I heard a loud thunder and a deep, loud and low toned voice shouting: "Metatron." It was so loud that I awake disoriented walking in my room wondering if my mother (in other room)had heard at least the sound of thunder. But nope, it was just me. It felt like being called in a way or Metatron being called by a superior that had the strongest voice ever. Except up to this point I had no idea who Metatron was, I had to Google to find out he was an angel. Afterwards some names came to me out of thin air, some being angels and others fallen angels and I have no idea why except that during the time I was reading the Bible where such angels are not mentioned.
Some of the angels name were Cassiel, Menadel, Uriel, Zadkiel, Cadmiel, Emmanuel, Haniel.
Apparently a fallen was Ananiel and Aziel. The trouble I see it's that there are multiple spellings to these names and I'm not sure it was Azael or Haziel for instance. Also Asmodeu, Azazel, Belzebu, Mephistopheles... These last four taken as fallen for sure n demons, I think.
It was weird because I'd suddenly listen in my mind these names and write them down as they sounded to me. But I still don't get the purpose of it all. If I was being targeted somehow.

Someone care to explain? I wasn't trying to invocate or summon nothing or nobody, it just happened.
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Old 10-07-2019, 04:55 AM
Smoreslover Smoreslover is offline
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Originally Posted by anditmakesmewonder
I was sleeping and suddenly I heard a loud thunder and a deep, loud and low toned voice shouting: "Metatron." It was so loud that I awake disoriented walking in my room wondering if my mother (in other room)had heard at least the sound of thunder. But nope, it was just me. It felt like being called in a way or Metatron being called by a superior that had the strongest voice ever. Except up to this point I had no idea who Metatron was, I had to Google to find out he was an angel. Afterwards some names came to me out of thin air, some being angels and others fallen angels and I have no idea why except that during the time I was reading the Bible where such angels are not mentioned.
Some of the angels name were Cassiel, Menadel, Uriel, Zadkiel, Cadmiel, Emmanuel, Haniel.
Apparently a fallen was Ananiel and Aziel. The trouble I see it's that there are multiple spellings to these names and I'm not sure it was Azael or Haziel for instance. Also Asmodeu, Azazel, Belzebu, Mephistopheles... These last four taken as fallen for sure n demons, I think.
It was weird because I'd suddenly listen in my mind these names and write them down as they sounded to me. But I still don't get the purpose of it all. If I was being targeted somehow.

Someone care to explain? I wasn't trying to invocate or summon nothing or nobody, it just happened.

Sounds like you are very open to the spiritual world. Personally I’m not someone who believes in fallen angels so I can’t comment much on that. Unless you meant earth angels but that is a different thing.
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Old 10-07-2019, 05:55 AM
LibbyScorp LibbyScorp is offline
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Perhaps they're just letting you know they're around for you. Try not to get too overwhelmed on them all. Just focus on the main one that showed the most presence for now. One at a time.
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Old 10-07-2019, 08:17 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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Hi there, anditmakesmewonder. I too have had a visit from Metatron. Its just Hebrews and New Age believe in Metatron I recon mainly... I first came across his name about year ago then i started to wonder why doesn't bible etc mention him, so although I kept asking Archangel Metatron for help with my struggling psychic abilities I wasn't sure - then one morning I heard Metetron and again Metatron and a cube 'I see like a 6 pointed object with baubles on it in my mind' - metatron's cube, and after some searching i found exact image I'd seen... By the way I was awake early hours when Metatron visited me.
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Old 10-07-2019, 10:05 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Metatron is the highest AA. At the level of the center of our Universe, the level of Creation. He's connection to our Stellar Gateway chakra which is also the one that allows you to connect to that high level.
He likely isn't mentioned in the Bible -many angels aren't btw- because then their fabricated story of Creation would be buggered up. You musn't forget that what is in the Bible was decided by a group of men during Roman times. They left out everything they didn't deem important or what would undermine their power over people.

I personally don't believe in fallen angels either, nor in hell or the devil. As far as I'm concerned these are all made up to manipulate people, to keep them in fear and to make sure they kept doing what the ones in power wanted them to do. People came to believe that. Not so weird as most couldn't even read or write and as such educate themselves and were reliant on others who could for guidance. Church had made sure of that.
Anyone who did know what it was truly like was killed, accused of being a witch for instance. Problem sorted.

In any case, I can't help with why you heard this. Why don't you just ask? You may get answers via signs, words or names you suddenly keep seeing on telly, the side of trucks and so on.
Maybe it was just a wake-up call.
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Old 10-07-2019, 10:13 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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Here's some knowledge for you - you may or may not know... The number 13 is representative of Archangel Metatron, as in circles on his cube - I was always brought up to think 13 is unlucky, it certainly is not!! - in previous years I had seen a ridiculous amounts of 13, I know now Metatron was keeping an eye on my well being, as he is so powerful he can probably keep an eye on well being of 1000's or more of humans at the same time.

I used to turn TV off at night and it was 00 13 so many times, then 2 years ago when I was playing chess against a dozen players worldwide, one evening as going to sleep i realised my score was 1313 on friday 13th, ieee -bothered me so much i got up at 6.am to resign 2 games lol - I know now it was beautiful metatron....
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Old 10-07-2019, 10:30 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I was born on Friday 13th :) Best number / date you can have, haha.
In a way it's funny how the nr 13 got such a bad name. Apart from the church witchhunt on the Knights Templar who allegedly got caught on a Friday 13th, I don't know what the cause of it is.
In paganism it isn't bad, but lucky number, but pagans usually were more knowledgeable.
But the thing is, even in Singapore they skip a 13th floor? They go from 12 to 14. Now many Chinese are Catholic so maybe that's why?

Metatron's Cube is very interesting indeed, and extremely powerful. You can even buy them. Yet, somehow I can never get my head around Sacred Geometry :/
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Old 10-07-2019, 12:47 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I agree with you FairyCrystal – Metatron is the highest AA and all you've said about things being written so long ago – we were still travelling about on horse and carts, no computers then to share interests and views lol. I do like to hear stories in church about Jesus, it would have be brilliant to hear and witness such wisdom; to be there would have been amazing, or maybe one of us here was in a former lifetime.

I just have thoughts though about hell, ive seen some manky ugly faces looking at me in meditation a few years ago until one evening when I was at a low and in a dark place, and that night so many angel sparkles in the early hours I witnessed – like the cavalry had arrived Angel wise to sort them out, then all gone…

So if people who do bad or evil things during their lifetime maybe they’re cast adrift for an eternity - we don’t know, keep an open mind on that one eh.

Later I’m going to tell you all about an image of Jesus I seen in church – in the bible I heard once in church – 'shout it from the rooftops' – so that’s what I’m going to do in my next post in an hour or so, ive been waiting so long to share this story/happening.
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Old 10-07-2019, 01:47 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I don't share the same wish/desire as I don't feel church ever had the right idea about Jesus. The whole story's been twisted and turned upside down. To me he's the Ascended Master he is, like Mary Magdalene is as well. Both were Essenes of royal descend, both had had a extensive training. Jesus had intended for her to continue his teachings, but since church had this thing against women having power and connection to spirit she was smeared.

You can indeed get into the lower astral realms and encounter less pleasant souls. That happens when you have less pleasant dreams as well.
Although some may be evil, there's many who are lost in there. There are people who regularly bring such souls to the light and often they're really afraid. It can take quite some work to get them to cross over to the light willingly. You cannot force them. It often takes other loved ones who've past over already, angels and so on. These souls usually are just really scared.
I do not believe it's only or mostly the people who were unpleasant or criminal or whatever during life who get stuck there. I believe many cross over without a problem. There's also people who are in shock after their death for instance because of how they died, because they hadn't wanted to die yet but were taken by disease, people who committed suicide, soldiers killed in war, and so on. I think it's mostly those people in that kind of shock that get lost in these lower realms. And I can imagine that if they've been stuck there for lord knows how long they may not be so pleasant anymore, hihi. People who are scared can lash out. But I want to emphasize they're not all like that. I do know from people who do that work, to help them cross over, that 9 out of 10 times they're simply plain scared.
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Old 10-07-2019, 01:49 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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My vision in church… you might want to research - was Jesus hung from a tree

We all know in the bible it says we have only one life here and that Jesus died on a cross, I disagree with both statements written a long time ago. So to make it clear I’m ‘not’ being disrespectful of the bible or any other writings, the bible is important and gives hope to many people worldwide, but was written and rewritten a long time ago. So I’m just telling you all here ‘what I seen’ and how it all happened. If or not you believe it, its your individual choice, I’m just passing on knowledge.

I have been waiting so long to tell people what I witnessed - it was so powerful I didn’t tell my dear friends in church there for a full week – and even though I’d heard in church from the bible ‘shout it from the rooftops’ I was still worried to do so – but in my mind it also felt like ring the newspapers and tell everyone. But I didn’t, but now I get chance to say it feels the right time…

My vision in church… I’m sitting at the rear of the church in my usual seat so I can see the backs of everyone. I could see all the beautiful flowers both sides of the church in 6 window sills. They looked amazing as besides the ones I put in there weekly we had an autumn fair so more were added and they did look pretty.

So we are all in prayer and I said hope you like the flowers Jesus, they do look nice I think... Then awake, yes awake, hands together with eyes closed the people disappeared as in a change of ‘connection’ and a 2000 year old image was shown to me. And to be truthful I should have opened my eyes instantly, but someone was talking me through this, not as in ‘hearing’ but ‘knowing’ – and I know someone was saying look at the arms again, in other words double check what your witnessing…

So about 4 to 5 seconds I witnessed this image, plenty of time to be sure what I was seeing. So I see Jesus hanging from a tree, he has a beard and he looks at peace like he’s saying to me in thought, its ok x – I didn’t say anything in church just wanted to get home – how could I be seeing this image which to me is incorrect and ‘in church’… When I got home and googled - was Jesus was hung from a tree – and it read 3 times in the bible it confirmed something like that - wow it was just so much for me to take in.

Anyway I told my wife and a dear friend then a week later in church I told several of the elders there that I think Jesus came to visit our church – but it always felt like I should be telling the whole world this two years ago how it happened, and maybe others worldwide have seen the same image, so here I am telling now, shouting from the rooftops ‘just what I witnessed’…

Might be many will like this knowledge or one or two people who read who will complain but It’s just what I seen, just passing on knowledge I 'witnessed in church'.

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