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Old 31-03-2022, 10:12 PM
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Thank you everyone,this really means alot to me!!
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Old 01-04-2022, 06:56 PM
Izz Izz is offline
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Interestingly, I came across this via


"One of the things that sets you apart from the others is that you are very creative, dynamic and intellectual which helps you in your day to day tasks and dealing with people

However, it would help if you also kept a watch on being too selfish, aggressive, self-concerned or overenthusiastic in your essence which may hamper your mindset in a negative way which in turn will affect your productivity."
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Old 17-04-2022, 12:42 PM
Izz Izz is offline
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I also came across this line about life path number 1:

"The Life Path 1 in Numerology likes to move quickly and this can come across as impatience or short-sightedness to others."

This makes sense, I think I got annoyed easily when I felt someone was making me stagnant in some way
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Old 18-04-2022, 01:28 PM
Izz Izz is offline
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Someone wrote this about Life Path Number 1:

"When you’re working, you frequently find it easier doing it alone

Life Path 1 is a masculine number - some women who have this number can appear masculine, aggressive - even though they’re just being their authentic self"

One is the Pioneer number, but we gotta learn that balance
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Old 19-04-2022, 09:30 PM
Izz Izz is offline
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Life path 1 the path of the pioneer

Numerology things as heard from others as well:

- One gave birth to all numbers
- Number One's tend to brim with new ideas and this is what brings them joy (pioneer)
- Number One may take up more masculine qualities from number 1 energy
- Others may see Number One as self centered

It makes sense about the goal setting thing. Need to restore balance yin-yang (masculine-feminine)

Interesting stuff

Rereading it makes sense on why the pet peeve of a 1 is anything that gives off "stuck / stagnant" energy

Last edited by Izz : 20-04-2022 at 09:42 AM.
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