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Old 21-12-2021, 02:17 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I've finally worked out where that puzzle piece fits - the freezing leg/arm/wrist I was/am getting early hours, the last piece of the puzzle to understand - is the same as tense legs, sonic boom in the Ed, tinnitus up a notch, reoccurring dreams, which have been sorted now over the last few years... Yes ive had them all - a walk in the park eh.

So it happens when we're to listen, pay attention, and understand in meditation - and I'm passing this info on because I'm supposed to, and it will help someone here understand something.

Ive finally learned to sleep after nearly 70 years on this planet - shut off from screens the last half hour, and the last 2 to 5 mins deep breathing, using the tummy muscles.

So this morning semi frozen left leg, and words I suddenly knew from God speaking through the Holy Spirit - and words came - look 'everywhere' for the word of God - or 'look here' for the 'correct' word of God, it was like i'd been told to say both here.

So much written in different religions 'so many' years ago, and it differs in many... If we think back to the Victorian age how basic it was - then go back another 2000 years, it must have been so raw then, let alone sharing information.

So time for some corrections, and I'm too old to fill halls like Paramahansa Yogananda - he talked some common sense to most religions in America all those years ago, but I have media to share information with as and when I'm told to...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 24-12-2021, 01:00 AM
Mikarikel88 Mikarikel88 is offline
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Metatron could be Lucifer ( The Devil ) it is not based in the bible.
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Old 24-12-2021, 01:40 AM
Rah nam Rah nam is offline
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Metatron is a Logos and Lucifer Elohim.
Very different streams of consciousness.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 24-12-2021, 09:43 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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Parts written incorrectly all those years ago - not many are aware of visits from Archangel Metatron 'I have' more than once - so little do they do they know the masses of churchgoers on planet Earth including Jesus's final hours here, and multiple lifetimes, here we go again as in a baby 'and' our Higher Self ive met mine, and so much guidance from the Holy Spirit.

So much differently written in so many religions... But do you know what, you can't teach the unteachable, those that have read lots - or can we? Maybe some, or many will listen...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 24-12-2021 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 28-12-2021, 07:52 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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All those nights, tense legs, frozen limbs, ping in the head, boom, reoccurring dreams - all sorted 'for now' - I'll just repeat that high vibes word to 'my head' and well being at least, it's 'sorted' - gratitude many times a day with 'something' is so important to raise vibes - and all teaching with these issues, to show me to share with others - and all going on the last few years because I wasn't listening, as in the gut feeling, or clear knowing.

It must be so frustrating for our spiritual support, when we don't listen - and yes we would have been there before this lifetime, when we would have been a Guide in between lifetimes - some will agree/disagree there with many lifetimes.

So, now ive learned to listen, the very slight tense legs came last on this Christmas Morning, I say Holy Spirit 'Hi' and I listen/know - pay attention, calm the mind 'clear knowing' all is good - you don't always know the gut feeling immediately, seeds set for later that day, when you just know something... The important thing is to calm the mind and listen - and avoid a few pot holes in life with guidance.

Musical Tinnitus and tinnitus up, there's a typical example 'sometimes' IMO of spirit giving instructions, or trying to get attention from you - and do you know there will be someone looking on now that this information will make a massive difference to.

Keep those vibes 'energy vibrations' up everyone, so you connect 'well' - less screen time, some nature, breathe, good thoughts in meditation - study mindfulness, and zap that radio/tv news off - and when you're walking/showering be aware of what you're doing, and not thinking messaging/emailing/work etc - be in the moment.

And if I accidently sleep a moment in meditation, I get a buzz to wake the nodding head, and ive learned how to sleep quickly at night, after nearly 70 years.

I hope this helps someone, or many...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 29-12-2021, 11:04 AM
one-light one-light is offline
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So the frozen body parts I was talking about, I got left leg slightly frozen this morning, so maybe not quite there yet, or knowledge coming in - and I was reminded that I had forgotten something on here, the 'hot and cold' in bed 'sweating' throw those blankets off - yes ive been there with that issue - again 'listen' in meditation for direction.

It could be part of your spiritual development as in fine tuning your system 'mind'body'spirit' - remember to clear the mind and listen as in the gut feeling - you go this way, and learn to be stronger/wiser...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 30-12-2021, 05:17 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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Its hard work these Instructions in the night and then remembering, its better at 7am - so last night asleep before 12 awake at 1.00 tense calves - and do you know when you're half asleep it takes a few moments for the brain to kick in 'you're being spoken to' oh yes - so I listen 'nothing' but then as has happened in the recent past an immediate dream, counting something I was, then another dream my wife was psychic, and I don't dream very often.

But I tell you what I did learn last night 4 am I witnessed the left wrist freezing - first time ever, usually its just there the issue is - this time I was an observer ' knowledge' - and I immediately was told something good, something confirming something - then I forgotten it within an instant, not meant to remember, then 'missing time' Ive read about that as well, and its happened.

When God my/your Maker speaks, as it seems i'm one of God's messengers... Must pay attention, and more Single Point Concentration, clear the mind, learn more to help others - or as happened a year ago 'awake' got SPC spot on, and I just appeared somewhere as in when I went 30 years back in time, that was nice amongst all this hard work fighting over controlling science and viruses.

Ive put a link on this group to SF's - these people are fighting for 'free will' that God put into play... So i'm supporting the people on this group, and worldwide via my website, for those who want to learn and accept something different than taught in the materialistic world.



Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 31-12-2021 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 08-01-2022, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Rah nam
Metatron is a Logos and Lucifer Elohim.
Very different streams of consciousness.
I would be interested in hearing more Rah nam.
It may help a great deal right about now.
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Old 09-01-2022, 03:51 AM
Rah nam Rah nam is offline
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Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I would be interested in hearing more Rah nam.
It may help a great deal right about now.
In the most basic outlay of creation, we know all is One and there is nothing outside the One. Within the One there are three lines of consciousness that serve all that is. In the center I would see the Elohim, or as I call them the master builders. Then left and right from it I see the Fae and the angelic. They together keep all densities and realities functioning and ensure the intent of creation comes to pass.

The Logos is the consciousness stream of all that is physical.
All oversouls start their development by entering the mineral realm and work their way through the plant and animal realms. Individualize as they enter the third density, the realm we are in at the moment and in the process of progressing to the fourth density. This is how far the physical realm reaches, when we look at the structure of all densities.

One could argue that, at the crossover point from fourth density to fifth density we still can have some form, but it is lost soon as we progress deeper into the fifth density.
Those souls that come from and oversoul will later stay together as soul groups, and function mostly as one, unless some of the souls choose to pursue the path the dark, service to self, control.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 09-01-2022, 08:09 AM
pixiedust pixiedust is offline
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What’s it like in 4th Density? Is it fun?
I am pixiedust
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