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Old 24-05-2024, 04:09 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by Maisy
Does that mean you don't believe in cause and effect or karma or reaping what we sow? Seems to me if we do bad deeds in one incarnation and pay for them in the future or into our next incarnation in some way that's like a "grudge" something or somebody is holding. It may just be built into how reality is "constructed" by whoever or whatever made it. Laws of reality. Like how rolling a ball works. The forces exerted in the present result in how far the ball goes in the future. How "messed up" our deeds are may effect how much they "roll" into our future.

Every moment holds the fullness of life’s potential, so rather than say ‘I believe’ , I prefer to say ‘I’m aware’. When a small child, is conditioned by life, they are conditioned by ‘others and life systems’ already in place. So every human is involved in the life experience in this way, until they see more, become more. So who created this idea and who was the first initiator of this process? Add to the picture ignorance where people are so damaged by life and others and cannot feel or see their way out, are they responsible for their life choices or the totality of life up to that point that has damaged them? So do you blame the force that started the whole human entrapment? Or the individual? The mess is more than one, in one’s current life, but isn’t all mess up to that point that created that mess from every stream of life, leading up to it? Where did that all begin? And wouldn’t that mean all life is responsible together? Why would one persons mess be rolled in when all life is rolled in? And if all life is rolled in, the outcomes are not always known, because you can’t know the entirety of the whole playing out..

The human mind constructs things, until it doesn’t. The forces are not limited by the present alone, not are we isolated by individual consciousness. so each moment is an ever changing process dependent upon the whole. Remembering in our limitations of each moment we still hold the whole within us, so it’s a continuum of one’s life. A continuum of all life one with that.

If it’s a continuum then when you stop and mark it as ‘this is how it works’ yes in that moment it might be believed as such, because life presents us with this stream to see it this way, but once that moments passed, the next moment everything can change. Do I still believe this is how it works as I believe? Or did life just show me something new so that belief no longer stands alone.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 25-05-2024, 05:16 PM
blackraven blackraven is offline
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Originally Posted by ReturningMoon
Hi everyone. I saw this question asked somewhere else on the internet and I thought it was interesting. The question is Do people get what they deserve in life or does life just happen regardless of what you deserve?

I don't think people get what they deserve in life. No one deserves to be born with no arms and no legs. That's merely one example. Everyone talks about karma, but I tend not to think along those terms. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Why? I don't know.
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