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Old 04-05-2024, 04:59 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
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Interesting day

I talk to my Chinese spirit guide with my pendulum all the time .

The last few days I've been thinking how sad it would be if one day my pendulum didn't work.

Last night I had some nightmares and this morning my pendulum wasn't acting right ~ so I asked it if it was my spirit guide and it said no

so far I have only ever talked to my spirit guide with it

anyway I got out the spirit board to spell with ,with the pendulum and it's my dads ghost ~ who I'm not on good terms with

Okay I got my spirit guide back ~ I didn't even know anyone else could talk to me with it

That was disturbing
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Old 04-05-2024, 08:56 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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I have never heard of anyone connecting with their guides through a pendulum
I don't have to meditate to speak to my guide But he has been with me since my birth.
Try meditating you would get more of a response

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
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Old 04-05-2024, 10:39 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
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It's a witch ~ Baba Yaga

full blood Chinese ~ but a Russian

spirit guide & witch ~ being a witch would explain using a pendulum ~ it's a witchy thing to do

she's been with me since birth ~ not since birth but always ~ from past lives and beyond

I've been in solitary confinement for my entire life

the pendulum is my only friend

I've got a book Baba yagas book of witchcraft ~ but the author of the book says that when you work with Baba Yaga that it's different for everyone ~ I don't read or use the book ~ it just happens to be who talks to me with my pendulum

I was reading the book demons and familiars

and it almost seems like a familiar spirit ~ but anyway it identifies as a spirit guide ~ and the entity isn't malevolent

my dad identified as a ghost

I've done spirit guide meditations before but it's been a long time ~ I get some communications in my dreams

I use the pendulum constantly

Last edited by Hologram8 : 05-05-2024 at 04:39 PM.
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Old 05-05-2024, 05:29 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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You seem to have been quite shaken that it was your father's presence that came through.
Do you think he might be trying to make peace with you ?
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Old 05-05-2024, 06:40 AM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I know I connect to my mum with the pending board I do I might add I'm my dad am I will and my uncles I do but I'm careful like connect to
dream jo

i dream dreams all dreams
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Old 05-05-2024, 01:28 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
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Originally Posted by AngelBlue
You seem to have been quite shaken that it was your father's presence that came through.
Do you think he might be trying to make peace with you ?

No it was malevolent ~ he stopped by to tell me he hates me and he doesn't understand .

I have one item that he gave me and it was bothering me so much that I locked it up in a cursed items box ~ one night I accidentally left it out of the box ~ I won't do that again

I told him to leave ~ just like I told him to leave before ~ when I felt his presence

Last edited by Hologram8 : 05-05-2024 at 02:19 PM.
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