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Old 22-03-2024, 04:34 PM
Luna Nightingale Luna Nightingale is offline
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What is the meaning of this dream

I am not very good with remembering dreams but usually the ones that are intense, I usually remember them. In this dream I am in a kind of castle and I am trying to go to the top, at some point I encounter a woman but I don't remember her well of how she looked like or if she said anything.
Then suddenly a monster comes out and is chasing me while I am trying to get away...I encounter a black cat which jumps towards my face and attacks me.

That's when I woke up :)

What do you think it means if you are familiar with symbols and interpretation?
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Old 24-03-2024, 07:58 AM
Deeprem Deeprem is offline
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Possibly you are trying to be king of your castle. I.e
Ruler of your house, career project etc.. Monster and black cat could symbolise feminine or feline negative energy. More than likely a warning dream to be aware of negative energy in whatever it is in life that you are pursuing. Cheers
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Old 25-03-2024, 03:00 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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What are you trying to "Rule" ? What is there that you want to take control of in your life and take control of. With a woman showing herself this could be a Guide telling you that you hold the power to bring on changes in your path.

The Black Cat is a symbol of our fears of one crossing our path, superstitions we have deeply ingrained in us. With the attack on you this might have been the way for you to recall some of the dream. To bring attention to something or someone in your path that is not right for you to have around?

I would take a look at what you have on your plate and clear some of the old baggage away.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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