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Old 12-02-2024, 02:57 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Reincarnation was not part of the Spiritualist Movement that begian in 1848 in Upstate New York. Even today, the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) will not allow somebody to speak from the platform about reincarnation. It appears that reincarnation got mainly introduced to the West thru the Theosophical Society which was formed in 1875. As it was, originally, that organization was deeply involved in Theravada Buddhism.

Having said all of that: I suspect there is a lot more things we could devote our time to then thinking about past lives.

Why not spend time in developing the various 'skills', etc.?

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 12-02-2024, 08:57 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Everything you see can be a Lesson I remember when i was younger I wanted to do something a JOB, I was told you are to young you have no knowledge of lifes lessons,
So i said to her everything you can do i can do better she asked how so i told her she had no Empathy.

A few months later I started as a carer in a home, this woman was there she nearly dropped when she saw me,
I was her superior,

so never make the mistake that because someone is young they have no lifes lessons,under their belt
being spiritual helps .

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 21-02-2024, 08:32 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Looking back: the various jobs I have had in the pass prepared me for future jobs. Things probably would have turned out differently if I did not avail myself fully to the job I was doing at the time.

Some might say I was guided and directed on my journeys..... at learning some of life's lessons.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 18-04-2024, 07:46 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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Yes in a lot of those we can I've learned one thing I will not let anybody blackmail me and emotionally blackmail me ever again because that is so long it's so wrong and the fair
Plus I met one bad choice a few about choices one when I cousin had a stroke because of me because I did not get medication to the house straight away as quickly they could because I must and I was too lazy to walk them but that night her two sons for Furious at me even 15 years later they can't forgive me because they get all of me it'll tell him but I would apologise to my dying day as I know that was gonna happen I don't think it's differently
My dad as well harestro about add a stroke and I thought I'm so na if I'd got him health sooner even suffered like this because of me but I've learned one thing I will do things differently from no one
We can't change the past but we can change a present and future by doing things differently we learn from the past we learn more in a present both from the past mistakes and for the future we will be paired from the past
dream jo

i dream dreams all dreams
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Old 19-05-2024, 01:50 PM
SapphireBlue SapphireBlue is offline
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I kind of have a question but a bit broader; I'm concerned sometimes that I haven't had enough experience to learn my soul lessons. I use to feel this lifetime lessons/my evolution could be be 'fast tracked' but I don't perceive it as being that way any more. It's like I have gained wisdom but not often had the opportunity to put it into practice. Or it could just be my expectations that I need to manage.
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Old 25-05-2024, 02:12 AM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by SapphireBlue
I kind of have a question but a bit broader; I'm concerned sometimes that I haven't had enough experience to learn my soul lessons. I use to feel this lifetime lessons/my evolution could be be 'fast tracked' but I don't perceive it as being that way any more. It's like I have gained wisdom but not often had the opportunity to put it into practice. Or it could just be my expectations that I need to manage.

Perhaps don't overthink it.

When you are not in the human form you had input as to what you want to do in this human lifetime.

Everything that happens in our personal life serves the purpose of helping us to remember our true nature is love, compassion, benevolence, and joy.

Try following your intuition or gut feeling that comes from your innate energy field which is connected to God, Universe, Creative Source, Soul, Higher Self (higher vibration self), the vast multi-dimensional part of you that is not in this 3d/4d part of reality, and many other names.

Relax and enjoy this amazing but extremely long term human adventure of finding ourselves that we bravely and passionately "jumped in line" for when we are not in the human form and in our true home on the other side of the self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.

All the best!
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Old 27-05-2024, 01:35 PM
SapphireBlue SapphireBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by OldChap
Perhaps don't overthink it.

When you are not in the human form you had input as to what you want to do in this human lifetime.

Everything that happens in our personal life serves the purpose of helping us to remember our true nature is love, compassion, benevolence, and joy.

Try following your intuition or gut feeling that comes from your innate energy field which is connected to God, Universe, Creative Source, Soul, Higher Self (higher vibration self), the vast multi-dimensional part of you that is not in this 3d/4d part of reality, and many other names.

Relax and enjoy this amazing but extremely long term human adventure of finding ourselves that we bravely and passionately "jumped in line" for when we are not in the human form and in our true home on the other side of the self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.

All the best!

Thank you for the wise words OldChap and for the reminder to not be too "in my head" about these things. :)
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