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Old 23-11-2023, 07:23 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 914
Gravity Arises in Thought GAIT.

Basically fundamentally and actually gravity is the product of Absolute MIND
it is an IDEA, Gravity is an IDEA set into MOTION by Divine WILL to BECOME.

Unconditional love is the nature of gravity. The condensing and compressing
of Pure energy into matter then becomes known as MASS and all MASS has
an inner momentum of attraction to other MASS what we call gravity is in
truth that of Absolute divine love being demonstrated on a universal scale.

blessings michael,
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 24-11-2023, 08:23 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
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MichaelK. #10

Yep I could buy into that. Sounds feasible.
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Old 01-12-2023, 12:09 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 914
Originally Posted by Redchic12
MichaelK. #10

Yep I could buy into that. Sounds feasible.

Blessings Redchic12 thanks for your input here.

regards michael
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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