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Old 18-11-2023, 07:14 AM
Gem Gem is online now
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Originally Posted by Joe Mc
Am I right to say you see consciousness expressing itself in an apexical order with man at the Summit and all other life forms contingent upon man's emergence in a kind of consciousness chain of life if you like?
I think the animals simply rise out the material and dissolve back into it, but humans transcend to the light, so to speak, and Man is the apex life-form of the highest order.
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Old 21-11-2023, 08:08 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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Originally Posted by Still_Waters
Have you listened to any of the YouTube videos featuring Dr. Bruce Greyson, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He presents some very impressive "medical science" information supporting his position that consciousness operates independently of the brain.
Excellent Videos. I like the point Dr. Bruce Greyson makes about a small percentage of known Dementia cases, were the patient's brain is damaged
and how around the time of dying they become fully lucid again and cognitively functional as in days gone by.

I came across this Video which has something to say about the topic. I like the point which begins at 1 hour 24.15, speaking of GDP and mental well being
and stats and how they can be manipulated etc. Interesting stuff. With respect you can see how Prof. Pinker is educated rightly and wrongly to rely on stats,
its a good example, it's probably a good example of how scientific thinking, in this case mathematics, often excludes the reality of Social nuances.

Is Consciousness a Miracle? | Harvard’s Cognitive Scientist Prof. Steven Pinker & Sadhguru


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Old 29-11-2023, 04:50 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Here is my 2 cents worth:
I can't tell the difference between NDE and Out of Body Experience (OBE).

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Old 30-11-2023, 02:10 PM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Mc
I like the point Dr. Bruce Greyson makes about a small percentage of known Dementia cases, were the patient's brain is damaged
and how around the time of dying they become fully lucid again and cognitively functional as in days gone by.
That particular point also caught my attention. However, if I recall correctly, it was 70% of cases in a particular study ...and that is not a "small percentage".

When I was a supervisor in Adult Protective Services, I had a client with an advanced case of dementia/Alzheimers. Shortly before her passing... on my last visit to her ... she was extremely lucid and was recounting her life as a nurse at Brooklyn Hospital citing dates, doctors with whom she worked, her job responsibilities, her degrees, etc. I took notes and her son .. quite shocked .. confirmed that my notes on what she had said were completely accurate.
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Old 30-11-2023, 02:14 PM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn
NDE? Here is my 2 cents worth:
I can't tell the difference between NDE and Out of Body Experience (OBE).
Having had both an NDE and an out of body experience, it is my understanding that they are two completely different phenomenon that may occur separately or in combination.

In my case, my NDE included an out of body experience but I have also had out of body experiences without an NDE.

Also, there are many reported NDE cases where there are not accompanying out-of-body experiences.

Just my two cents.
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Old 30-11-2023, 04:23 PM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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Originally Posted by Still_Waters

That particular point also caught my attention. However, if I recall correctly, it was 70% of cases in a particular study ...and that is not a "small percentage".
When I was a supervisor in Adult Protective Services, I had a client with an advanced case of dementia/Alzheimers. Shortly before her passing... on my last visit to her ... she was extremely lucid and was recounting her life as a nurse at Brooklyn Hospital citing dates,

Touching tale, thanks for sharing it.

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