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Old 14-05-2022, 06:43 AM
Izz Izz is offline
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I am grateful that I learnt to clear up some blocks that came up in the path
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Old 03-11-2023, 07:06 PM
SamiManifests SamiManifests is offline
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Yes, writing a gratitude journal is the best way to shift our consciousness to how blessed we are.

But the key point to keep in mind is:
do not write them from a place of lack or incompleteness.

What I mean is, we shouldn't say,
'Now, I don't have many things in my life, so I'll start writing my gratitude list, then I will get more blessings in my life.'

That is not recommended because we're acting based on a sense of lack, and every time we do this, we reinforce the belief that we don't have enough good things.

Stay blessed,
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Old 04-11-2023, 06:27 PM
Mr Brightside Mr Brightside is offline
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The author of the science of getting rich - Wallace Wattles - says that most people are kept in poverty for their lack of gratitude. You must say thank you and when you say thank you, mean it, mean the words that you say. This is a simple, simple act but has personally helped me a lot. Tell God, the Universe thank you. That's why creating gratitude lists is so helpful, list all the things that you're grateful for, talk about them, sing their praises, the Universe will bring more things to be grateful for
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Old 06-11-2023, 08:19 AM
Slavyanin Slavyanin is offline
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I always say thank you to the universe for multiple things.

First and foremost is a big thank you for me being alive and healthy, thank you for my family being alive, and also healthy, for having no financial struggle or home issues.

I even pronounce it when I am outside or at home in order to boost my vibration during this gratitude.

To be honest, since I was grateful for what I have, I never experienced my previous issues 10-12 years ago.
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Old 19-11-2023, 11:02 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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The big thing to give thanks for is the GIFT OF LIFE ITSELF. Everything else follows from that.
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Old 20-11-2023, 11:55 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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When you’re making a gratitude list, you can also give thanks for things you appreciate, which happen quite often. That way, you won’t be taking them for granted and you’ll maintain their happening.
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Old 21-01-2024, 06:47 PM
Mr Brightside Mr Brightside is offline
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Thank you for my beating heart
Thank you for my healthy and beautiful skin
Thank you for my strong and healthy brain
Thank you for my strong bones and joints
Thank you for my healthy immune system
Thank you for my financial abundance
Thank you for all the money I have right now
Thank you for all the money I earn, receive and attract
Thank you for always meeting my needs
Thank you for my wonderful friends
Thank you for my wonderful family
Thank you for my extraordinary life
Thank you for yesterday
Thank you for today
Thank you for the sun that shines on me
Thank you for the birds in the sky
Thank you for the trees to give us oxygen
Thank you for nature
Thank you for my endless wealth
Thank you for my endless money making opportunities
Thank you for my growing bank account
Thank you for my growing prosperity
Thank you for my personal protection
Thank you for safe travels
Thank you for my self confidence
Thank you for my peace of mind
Thank you for endless opportunities
Thank you for the air in my lungs
Thank you for my strong and healthy heart
Thank you for my eyesight
Thank you for my strong and healthy body
Thank you for the money that is coming to me
Thank you for all the money I have
Thank you for providing me with more than enough

My world is taking care of me
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