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Old 19-11-2023, 07:07 PM
A human Being A human Being is offline
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Originally Posted by JustBe
Oh yes I forgot about his mention that he was Jesus. I found the more he saw he could suck people in, the more those wildly claimed ideas of his, such as the one you mention, were flung around in his grandiose behaviour.
It's an extreme example I know, but it reminds me of how Hitler's belief in himself grew with each military victory, to the point that he started to believe he was the infallible saviour of Germany.

I'm sure that underneath all these grandiose delusions, there's an underlying feeling of inadequacy that these sorts of very narcissistic people can't bear to acknowledge.
What is your experience right now, in this moment?
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Old 01-12-2023, 02:24 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
Facebook group increased again by maybe 1500 members. Now at 48.7K members.
Since I last looked, the group membership increased to 51K members.

There's practically no hype about the documentary in the facebook group now. It's just cute TF memes etc.

It just keeps growing. It doesn't matter how bad something is. People with a lot of hope are easy targets of false promises. It happens in my thing too, just regular Buddhism. Corrupt schools that are involved in depraved things keep getting more 'successful' year after year and decade after decade.

Sad because it's true.

I think the problem is, if people have been led to believe the notion that their (potential) relationship is grandiose compared to regular love, it's going to be hard to appreciate being a regular person with a regular loving relationship.

People like TFU understand it. I understand it, too, but I don't want to take advantage of vulnerability and hope. I'm masculine with the protective instinct, so I'm repulsed by false promises and manipulation, but twin flame ideas make it way too easy, and there's plenty of people out there who know how to use it.
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Old 01-12-2023, 03:17 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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It’s amazing how many seekers grab a hold of this idea there is another out there, that will complete them. Rather than, another out there that compliments them. Both standing truthfully as themselves.

I know first hand through my own experience with this stuff, how the mind and the core of disconnect in myself, fought strongly to believe this was real. In fact this pathway tends to open up, right when you’re on the cusp of deeper core awakening, so your going to notice a great deal of difficult and strong emotions, strong needs and desires that will draw you closer to that which you think is going to complete you. That strong pull often becomes quite deluded because you’re breaking through your own delusions. Then the cravings go a bit nuts too.. you create the most bizarre scenario’s in your head and chase after this until reality hits home.. often through a major healing crisis in whatever way this falls.

The problem now is if you can’t develop through these creations, let them dig deeper in you more truthfully, you’ll end up very dejected and disappointed.
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Old 01-12-2023, 03:25 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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What’s not right here, is that this is an ‘arranged’ and ‘co ordinated’ approach to what naturally occurs between all life. Forcing and deciding who is meant to be with who. Not allowing a naturally connection and progression of two people to decide for themselves.

Add to this, blocking their own innate knowing on what is right for them, simply because they believe in being told by another what is true and right for them.

At least I let myself move through this naturally.. much like any relationship that can teach you about yourself. I was also lucky in that I had a greater degree of self reflection most naturally, even as I was t always self aware..
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 01-12-2023, 05:22 AM
Compendium Compendium is offline
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I couldn't get all the way through it. The minute he started putting people in relationships that went against their own gender identification infuriated me and broke my heart. The people who have fallen victim just want to belong to something, to be loved by someone, and to be different. I understand that we choose certain challenges in life, but the amount of suffering is mind boggling.

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Old 07-12-2023, 11:57 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by Compendium
I couldn't get all the way through it. The minute he started putting people in relationships that went against their own gender identification infuriated me and broke my heart. The people who have fallen victim just want to belong to something, to be loved by someone, and to be different. I understand that we choose certain challenges in life, but the amount of suffering is mind boggling.


Sad to say suffering ends gradually, as we let go and see more. I think the choices they are making in that vulnerable place you’re mentioning, eventually will open them in one way or another.

We choose our path but even so, we grow and learn from it.

I think even in his coercive intent and building his own nest, relationships like all relationships tend to thrive or fall apart.

Even having one chosen for you and being told you have to face yourself in that, if you feel miserable and it’s not working, it has to affect and make people look at themselves and the choices that begin to open when they see more of themselves.

I’m not condoning his behaviour at all, but I can see you can’t escape yourself, even as another traps you with their ideas and stupidity. For a time perhaps but if something isn’t right for you, people do open their eyes if enough suffering activates them.

I can see eventually enough people who do see the ‘light’ and those numbers rise, he will fall rather than propel himself. It’s inevitable, but how long I’m not sure.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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Old 09-12-2023, 01:18 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
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Yes, yes I love these last few posts here. I also didn't realize at first that there are 2 documentaries on this group (one on Netflix and one on Prime). I was originally talking about the Netflix one. I just watched the Prime one last night and I think both are worth watching because they go into detail with different people that were involved. Also, the prime one goes into more detail about twin flames itself and what that is.

After watching both, a couple of points to make... one, I feel that twin flames is an aspect of new age and after having been caught up in tf and new age stuff for a number of years, I feel it's more detrimental than positive. The new age steals from ancient ideas (like Buddhism) which obviously have been helpful to people because people have been practicing them for centuries. But what the new age does is distort things.

I feel the same as several people from the documentaries, who noted that at first, they made a lot of personal growth. I still believe I did have a spiritual awakening but I can see now that back then, I didn't have very good discernment. And I never really like Jeff and Shelia, but I feel the whole tf thing is largely the same across the board.
At first when I found the whole tf thing, I did a lot of inner work and made a lot of personal growth/progress. But what I feel happens with this new age stuff is eventually you realize you're on a hamster wheel that never really gets you anywhere. And I only learned later on to look for actual evidence that things are real instead of blindly believing stuff because of positive feelings it might generate.

What is also not right about it, is that all these people got caught up in believing someone was their twin flame with confirmation from fake guru's ad cult leaders, but no confirmation from the actual other person. Relationships take two people being relatively on the same page. So imo, the whole approach, which goes beyond this one group, is at fault because you are led to believe that yes, this person is your twin flame without taking their feeling/opinions into consideration and in these extreme cases, like this one, to spite sometimes them even telling you to back off or leave them alone.
Like one person in the prime doc said, maybe if she hadn't had the whole twin flame thing in her head, she would have accepted the 'no' or the indifference and moved on sooner. Ultimately, I don't think this concept does anyone any good because of this.
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Old 09-12-2023, 02:02 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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1890's publications and twin souls

Divine Twin Souls in the Zohar/Kabbalah Texts

Read the video comments.
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