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Old 17-03-2023, 07:41 PM
tabane27 tabane27 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 393
Incarnate angels

Ok so I’m looking for incarnated angels that go by 1 and 4 sequence synchronicity.

I am one myself and I do have on foot on all dimensions and outside the all. Ascended master.

There is 2 incarnates I need to find inparticular. This isn’t some light and love fairy angel stuff. The ones I’m looking for are the wheels activated in their field. Angel warriors that understand the consciousness battle and bringing back balance.

If u could step forwards and talk
Im a woman not a man
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Old 19-03-2023, 01:49 PM
Rah nam Rah nam is offline
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Coming out of hiding, it seems.
Someone is connected to me, right now, angelic, yes, someone I would say is part of a council.

I am an angelic wanderer, and have done work and still do some work.
Still don't know why this entity wanted me to reply to your post. After all, I have my own "people" around me, who oversee my work.
If you want to ask or say something, feel free.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 19-03-2023, 08:27 PM
tabane27 tabane27 is offline
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Posts: 393
That council in the spheres I presume

There is numerous types of incarnated angels in human body. Each for different purposes. Mine is to fight conscious invasion and bring back balance. This involves going very deep behind the curtain of reality perceived here.

If u were pulled in to responding then I asked them to show u why.
Im a woman not a man
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Old 29-10-2023, 05:29 PM
Elderon Elderon is offline
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Originally Posted by tabane27
Ok so I’m looking for incarnated angels that go by 1 and 4 sequence synchronicity.

If u could step forwards and talk

Talk about what?
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