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Old 07-07-2022, 08:49 PM
Panorama361 Panorama361 is offline
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Posts: 37
Can your protection spells get "hacked" by much more experienced witch?

Hello everyone! I'm relatively new to all this spellwork and protection thing. And I recently created a thread similar to this, so I apologize if this is too repetitive. I'm just curious as to how a lot of things fall into place in spiritual realm

But yeah. I've watched, for a bit a few videos online about certain witches who claim to have the ability to breach protection fields of any person, even if they do spellwork on the regular. I've heard a few say that if one knows how energy works, then they can easily manipulate any protection force field. I honestly do understand how a more experienced witch could easily protect themself from the average person, but that kind of ability is a cause for concerned if it falls into the wrong hands.

So yeah, in a nutshell, I just wanted to inquire here if any of you can if there is any truth to this. And if it is, does that mean spellwork is sort of like an arm's race in a way? And if so what could I do to keep my protection manifestations from being "hacked?"
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Old 07-07-2022, 09:17 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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If you use protection visualise yourself surrounded by a sphere of pure white light,
No one can interrupt the sphere. not even someone more versed in the Art than you are.
They might say they can. but Every Action has a consequence.
Don't take any notice of what you are told.

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Old 08-07-2022, 12:53 AM
MidasCloud MidasCloud is offline
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Any energetic work that wishes another person ill will bring an Energy being into Human-Reptilian (if physical intimacy love language) or Draco mode (if quality time love language), or to 7PM Heart Temperament mode (from previous 12PM Heart Temperament), or to Naga Emotional Repression Release pattern (where the physical body or mind has emotional repressions in Fear, Envy, Love, Belief, etc), or even getting Draco Telepathic Taunt (where one gets the mindwork-energetic awareness close to someone with Homosexual Sexual Temperament).

If you feel the need to work "spells" or engage in "witchcraft", you can do it in your mind, instead of acting it out. Doing such in the mind affects things on the energetic realm, so as to bring you more energy and awareness energetically. Acting such things out in the physical can draw negative energies if your intentions involve Anger, Sadness, or Fear emotional repressions.

People (especially Maitre beings) of the Homosexual Sexual Temperament (aka Nuwa) are able to consistently dwell on and think badly about someone whom they dislike, thus cursing them or wishing them ill. So with this in mind, it's important to "Wish others to find the love of their lives", and to treat everyone with kindness and respectfully.
"Seek a righteous path, and wisdom will be yours" - Ram Bomjon
"There is a right way to do anything"
"Wish others to find the love of their lives" - Roy Zhang
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Old 14-09-2023, 01:21 PM
Phoenix19 Phoenix19 is offline
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Originally Posted by Panorama361
Hello everyone! I'm relatively new to all this spellwork and protection thing. And I recently created a thread similar to this, so I apologize if this is too repetitive. I'm just curious as to how a lot of things fall into place in spiritual realm

But yeah. I've watched, for a bit a few videos online about certain witches who claim to have the ability to breach protection fields of any person, even if they do spellwork on the regular. I've heard a few say that if one knows how energy works, then they can easily manipulate any protection force field. I honestly do understand how a more experienced witch could easily protect themself from the average person, but that kind of ability is a cause for concerned if it falls into the wrong hands.

So yeah, in a nutshell, I just wanted to inquire here if any of you can if there is any truth to this. And if it is, does that mean spellwork is sort of like an arm's race in a way? And if so what could I do to keep my protection manifestations from being "hacked?"

Yes there is competitiveness in things like this. You are thinking in the right direction.
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Old 18-10-2023, 12:43 AM
Chrysalis Chrysalis is offline
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I don't know what videos you've been watching but there's one social media platform for witchcraft that's absolutely a terrible source for learning spells and other things that falls under the umbrella of witchcraft. If your info is from there, then I would take that with a truckload of salt. Such videos are made only for the views for entertainment only. I highly doubt such content creators really know and understand what they're talking about.

If you're speaking of an arms race, then you might be involved in what's called a witch war. It's a thing for very few people to take down another's defense. This type of situation is uncommon but can happen. Protection is typically used for negative energy that you might pick up from people and/or places. Another reason for protection is to keep unwanted invisible entities away from you. Protecting yourself and your home to keep it cleansed is a typical practice. Layering protection can help too just in case one protection fails by not being maintained or simply tired out from working.

Protection goes hand in hand with the other basics such as cleansing, grounding, centering and banishment. Chances are really good you won't have another witch attacking you unless you really really ticked off an experienced witch as attacks take a lot of energy and time.

One more word about protection...don't tell people what you've got for protection because that info can be used against you if someone decides to make an attempt at breaking through your defenses. A person like that may feel it's a challenge to test your defenses and try to take them down. Also, you can never have too much protection.

If you're really worried about your defenses being taken down then layer them, make them nastier if need be, make decoys. Place protection outside and inside of where you live, inside your bedroom and wear something for protection.
"The Children of God were moulded by the Hand of God which is called Awen..."
The Kolbrin Bible, chapter 5, vs 1

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
Job 12: 7 and 8 (KJV)
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Old 18-10-2023, 01:13 AM
wstein wstein is offline
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Originally Posted by Panorama361
... But yeah. I've watched, for a bit a few videos online about certain witches who claim to have the ability to breach protection fields of any person, even if they do spellwork on the regular. I've heard a few say that if one knows how energy works, then they can easily manipulate any protection force field. I honestly do understand how a more experienced witch could easily protect themself from the average person, but that kind of ability is a cause for concerned if it falls into the wrong hands.

So yeah, in a nutshell, I just wanted to inquire here if any of you can if there is any truth to this. And if it is, does that mean spellwork is sort of like an arm's race in a way? And if so what could I do to keep my protection manifestations from being "hacked?"
The title asks if spells can be hacked but in text asks if spells can be breached.
The answer to both is yes. However, breaching or circumventing a spell is way easier than hacking it. It is also possible to simply remove it.

Experience and knowledge do of course help.

Depending on the spell, being more powerful helps too. This is definitely true with protection spells.

When other witches or mystical beings are involved, it is an arms race in a way.

Still, if you are in danger, any protection is better than none. If you are wanting to become invulnerable, it can't be done.
no sugar coating here, I tell it straight as I see it
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Old 18-10-2023, 04:50 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Can your protection spells get "hacked" by much more experienced witch?

From experience, the answer I would give is "YES".

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