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Old 07-12-2022, 07:57 AM
Peace Crystal Peace Crystal is offline
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Why do those closest to me experience weird accidents?

I have noticed this since I was a teen, but most noticeable now reaching my 30s.

All of my friends or partners I have dated, I meet them, and not soon after a horrible tragedy will happen to them.

Like I meet a friend, two weeks later their father dies in a car accident. Go on a date with a girl, her car breaks down on way to date.

I'm not sure why, but I seem to attract series of accidents or bad luck to the people around me. Not to myself though.

People tell me they sense a dark energy about me, or something about me that makes them want to avoid me or turns them away. I sort of become alienated.

It's a pattern I have noticed, where if I try getting close to someone, something will happen that keeps them away from me. Like a freak accident or unfortunate event, and this usually paired with constant angel numbers I see.
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Old 07-12-2022, 08:55 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Peace Crystal
It's a pattern I have noticed, where if I try getting close to someone, something will happen that keeps them away from me. Like a freak accident or unfortunate event, and this usually paired with constant angel numbers I see.
I saw a bird at my window today it was peck-peck-pecking to get in. then it would fly up and try to fly through it. I guess it didn't understand the concept of glass... it has been at that a couple of days now.

That is kinda what my life is like too, look but can't touch. Although it doesn't come out for me in accidents in others, there is just some kind of invisible wall... And for me there is an additional worry because 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Lol.

it seems seriously broken, but, lately I've been wondering, maybe somehow I needed this distance. Certainly if I'd had a choice I wouldn't have chosen it, but, maybe still it is somehow needed? Don't know though.
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Old 19-12-2022, 06:52 PM
WildHairedWoman WildHairedWoman is offline
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Originally Posted by Peace Crystal
I'm not sure why, but I seem to attract series of accidents or bad luck to the people around me. Not to myself though.

Why do you think you are the one causing this? Maybe you are just attracted to people just before they have a trauma or tragedy. And your new date getting car trouble on the way to the date is nothing like a freind loosing their father in a car accident. Why do you want to correlate those things that are not relevant to you?

Everyone has tragedy and trauma, you don't have to look very hard to find those kinds of things in everyone you meet.
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Old 06-01-2023, 12:11 AM
Peace Crystal Peace Crystal is offline
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Originally Posted by WildHairedWoman
Everyone has tragedy and trauma, you don't have to look very hard to find those kinds of things in everyone you meet.
The difference is, that has been my life thus far... in that, I have a large series of events that keep people away from me, and perhaps it wasn't meant to be.

I felt for some time, I was rubbing bad luck onto other people. I realized perhaps that in my past, I have carried negative energy with me. I needed to let go of that negative energy and start becoming a more positive person.

Thinking this post over, it wasn't that I was causing tragedies... it's that I was choosing to see the tragedy in everything rather than the good. So in my mind, all I noticed were bad things happening, and completely ignored all of the good around me. You could call it tunnel vision.

So you are very much correct. I was attracted to tragedy and took on other people's problems as my own. That was a heavy weight on my shoulders and I needed to start focusing on myself and building myself up, rather than feeling the burden of everything outside of myself and taking that on. My negativity was manifesting itself and affecting those around me.
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Old 29-05-2023, 05:45 AM
Soniya87 Soniya87 is offline
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It could be purely coincidental or a result of statistical probability. It's important to approach such incidents objectively and not jump to conclusions without concrete evidence. If you're concerned, encourage those close to you to practice safety precautions and consult medical professionals if needed.
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Old 12-06-2023, 06:42 PM
txsha txsha is offline
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You mention that these events happen and it keeps people away from you.

My feel is that these events were already going to happen to these people. And so around the time they would happen, they met you. And because you believe events happen to keep others from you, that is why you met them at that time. Reality validates our beliefs, until we finally notice what they are, and then alter them.

So, maybe explore why would people need to be kept away from you. Do you feel you are not worthy of the people you want in your life? You mention you feel you are bad luck to others, that might be a worthiness area to explore. As you said, you could have focused on the good things, but you focused on the bad luck angle.

Start seeing yourself as lucky and noticing when people get lucky around you. If someone smiles when they see you, or gets a free coffee near you, or tells their friend they had a great day somewhere around you.
Go deeper on law of attraction, ascension, and spirituality here: www.youtube.com/user/psychicts?sub_confirmation=1
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