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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Divination > Pendulums and Dowsing

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Old 17-02-2022, 07:56 AM
KrisRM KrisRM is offline
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Cool Control of pendulum swing

Hi swingers!

I've recently found that with only a slight intention I am able to control the direction of swing. This can be frustrating, as I'm not sure if it's my conscious or subconscious creating the movements. Consequently, I can lose faith in my pendulum, as I wonder if I'm making it swing to give the answer that my conscious mind desires in order to reach a "satisfactory" result.

Even when I'm re-calibrating it after a period away with questions to which I know the answer I wonder if I'm affecting the result...

I have been dowsing for many years, often with long periods in-between.

Thoughts, please....?
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Old 17-02-2022, 10:04 PM
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I have been using mine for maybe 15 yrs or more and I know that it's just NOT gospel.
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Old 08-06-2022, 08:35 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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If you are stuck on your pendulum go on Youtube like I done
I have £3 alarms and I've asked them the same question and I got the same answer so I know there must be accurate
But if you're stuck go on YouTube I hope it's ok mate clear this I hope it is ok ok for me to say this to you go on YouTube because this has helped me on my Pendulum My3 pendulums if my necklaces I get the same answer
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Old 26-08-2022, 08:17 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I have learnt a lot more my pendulum on my church and on YouTube on here
Tune in an iPad alarms with my hands
And energy and Vibes have the same answers answer what does appealing mean I know my on my tendons after the 3rd of May 5 lb my other 5 times give me the answers I need to know now and I've got to go for it told me source for all because it's person feel the same way about me and I feel about him
It is about soon but not yet soon told me and sort the pendulums
My message one isn't my link the world to the world give me the answers I need to know
I have my hands steady and I've said yes I know answers on them spot on I know Good Fortune and good paper as come outside because person says my mum passed has give me a good advice and I've listened
Get so fat again I said no no but I don't know about yes but I love life yes
Will I get a man in my life yes
Because I'm telling nobody because I meant like my mum my mum went to she did I said after another and so on because I felt I'm a friend star
Because I said so
A horse and cart of myself
dream jo

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Old 03-09-2022, 02:31 PM
oldasthesea oldasthesea is offline
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Originally Posted by KrisRM
Hi swingers!

I've recently found that with only a slight intention I am able to control the direction of swing. This can be frustrating, as I'm not sure if it's my conscious or subconscious creating the movements. Consequently, I can lose faith in my pendulum, as I wonder if I'm making it swing to give the answer that my conscious mind desires in order to reach a "satisfactory" result.

Even when I'm re-calibrating it after a period away with questions to which I know the answer I wonder if I'm affecting the result...

I have been dowsing for many years, often with long periods in-between.

Thoughts, please....?

I´ve been using the pendulum too and i´ve just discovered that as well.
It is so frutrating. But try not to make movments with your energie and see where he goes.
If you want we can pratice by asking each others questions and see if it´s true or not.

I´m taking also a break from the pendulum for myself.
But i´m slowly going back to it. Just asking some quick question to not have time to influence with my energie or thoughs.

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Old 03-09-2022, 07:46 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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I don't have to do anything with my pendulum as soon as i put it into my hand it just goes and fast

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Old 09-09-2022, 01:08 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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When was the last time you cleansed your pendulum?
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Old 17-09-2022, 12:13 PM
IndigoViolet IndigoViolet is offline
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Even pen on rubber bands will get me something equivalent to a pendulum. It's very very likely your mind is at its certain state and indicates that there is something "there" - means you get to see whats going on with yourself once you get hold of it.

Hope this gives some hints.
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Old 17-09-2022, 03:08 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I now have 7 pendulums and I have two same questions for the same 7 pendulum and I got the same answers
I even did it outside in later and I got the same yes and no answers on the same questions I answered
So I must be doing something right I asked my hands pray honest and his only not answers I want to hear honest answers
But my 7 lb limbs I've asked questions the same 7 questions I got the same yes no answers on them
My last one pendulum I bought a stray Pendulum last week I cleanse the first four uses and I got the same yes or no answers on this one like I did on the last six ones
I might be getting a pendulum later on but not yet
dream jo

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