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Old 09-06-2022, 04:21 PM
Chrysalis Chrysalis is offline
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Originally Posted by SpirituallyEnlightene​d
Hi I tried this but not sure if I did this correctly.

Are you supposed to drop the matchsticks on top of each other, parallel to each other with both burnt tips facing the same direction or just drop both matchsticks randomly?

Don't consciously choose where or how you're dropping the matches. The method is totally random. As the saying goes, don't sweat the small stuff.

I dropped them randomly, one at a time, while they were burning and didn't really watch what the burnt matches did once I made sure the fire was out. I dropped them from whatever height I felt like and walked away from the bowl to do something else. Then I came back and looked at them. You don't have to walk away from the bowl if you don't want to.

I hope that helped.
"The Children of God were moulded by the Hand of God which is called Awen..."
The Kolbrin Bible, chapter 5, vs 1

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
Job 12: 7 and 8 (KJV)
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Old 09-06-2022, 10:50 PM
SpirituallyEnlightene​d SpirituallyEnlightene​d is offline
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Originally Posted by Chrysalis
Don't consciously choose where or how you're dropping the matches. The method is totally random. As the saying goes, don't sweat the small stuff.

I dropped them randomly, one at a time, while they were burning and didn't really watch what the burnt matches did once I made sure the fire was out. I dropped them from whatever height I felt like and walked away from the bowl to do something else. Then I came back and looked at them. You don't have to walk away from the bowl if you don't want to.

I hope that helped.

I did this 5 times in a row for good measure, on the 3rd time the matches formed a V but it was one burnt tip touching the bottom end of the other matchstick. Does this mean anything? The rest of the time the matches were far apart.

Also how accurate is this test? Is it possible a witch could somehow evade this test to evade detection?
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Old 09-06-2022, 11:10 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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The woman sounds mentally unbalanced and you may be sensitive enough to pick up her energies. And the loud music every day would be very stressful and draining. You're under constant stress. Why haven't you complained about her to your landlord? If you can hear her music loudly through in your apartment, she's playing it too loud.
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Old 12-06-2022, 12:31 AM
Chrysalis Chrysalis is offline
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Originally Posted by SpirituallyEnlightene​d
I did this 5 times in a row for good measure, on the 3rd time the matches formed a V but it was one burnt tip touching the bottom end of the other matchstick. Does this mean anything? The rest of the time the matches were far apart.

Also how accurate is this test? Is it possible a witch could somehow evade this test to evade detection?

From my understanding, the V you described might mean that there was random negative energy near you was somehow cleared. Maybe you did a cleansing? Regardless if you did a cleansing or not, then I would go with what the majority of the matches showed you. The matches that were far apart means that you're free and clear of anything being cast at you, or directed towards you by conscious effort from someone.

Also, you should have only two matches in the bowl at any one time. Any more than that can mess up the reading.

I'm not sure what you're asking about evading detection. What you're trying to determine is if some spell is on you. The match test is a form of divination, as in there's no energy being sent out to a target so won't alert another witch of what you're doing.

If you want to dig deeper into what the matches are trying to tell you, you can always use your favourite divination system like tarot, a pendulum, etc.
"The Children of God were moulded by the Hand of God which is called Awen..."
The Kolbrin Bible, chapter 5, vs 1

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
Job 12: 7 and 8 (KJV)
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Old 12-06-2022, 09:03 AM
SpirituallyEnlightene​d SpirituallyEnlightene​d is offline
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Thanks for the info. Sorry I should have made myself clear, I used a fresh bowl of water every time and threw away the used matchsticks.

I'm just feeling paranoid that a powerful witch who wants to cast a spell on you can somehow evade detection in order to prevent their curse from being broken. Is this possible or can all curses be broken?

Originally Posted by Chrysalis
From my understanding, the V you described might mean that there was random negative energy near you was somehow cleared. Maybe you did a cleansing? Regardless if you did a cleansing or not, then I would go with what the majority of the matches showed you. The matches that were far apart means that you're free and clear of anything being cast at you, or directed towards you by conscious effort from someone.

Also, you should have only two matches in the bowl at any one time. Any more than that can mess up the reading.

I'm not sure what you're asking about evading detection. What you're trying to determine is if some spell is on you. The match test is a form of divination, as in there's no energy being sent out to a target so won't alert another witch of what you're doing.

If you want to dig deeper into what the matches are trying to tell you, you can always use your favourite divination system like tarot, a pendulum, etc.
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Old 12-06-2022, 06:41 PM
Chrysalis Chrysalis is offline
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Thanks for clarifying what you did with the matches.

I believe all curses can be broken; however, you're NOT cursed. The matches showed you that.

For your hypothetical situation, you may, or may not, discover through divination as to who did it. Even if you found out who it was, what would you do? More questions to think about is why would someone even want to curse you? What did you do to tick off a witch or any other magical practitioner? Did you say something that maybe made them feel jealous of you? Or some other emotional reason? To cast any spell; time, effort, energy and maybe items must be used.

Since you're not cursed, breathe and relax. Another thought, continue with your spiritual hygiene to strengthen your aura. You got this!
"The Children of God were moulded by the Hand of God which is called Awen..."
The Kolbrin Bible, chapter 5, vs 1

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
Job 12: 7 and 8 (KJV)
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Old 12-06-2022, 07:23 PM
Chrysalis Chrysalis is offline
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I reread your OP about your neighbour. I agree with what Traveler said. For someone to turn 180 like that does indicate mental health trouble. She's behaving like that to everyone she knows so she's not singling you out to curse. Good for you on calling the police. Magic works best with mundane action(s). I hope you told your landlord about the loud music as well.

I suspect all that's going on here is how her energy is affecting you. I suggest cleanse yourself then your flat. After that, put up wards and protections on, or near, your wall that's closet to her flat. There are many ways to do that so google can help you get ideas. Get protection that you can wear, or carry with you, can help you cope with her negative energy that she's emitting.

As a side note, please don't worry about if she's stronger, better or etc with magic. Just because she's educated and experienced in spiritual matters does not make one a witch. To craft spells, you need a different knowledge base (and skill set) compared to spiritual development. I suspect she does not know how to craft any kind of a spell. She can work on her chakras (spiritual development) for all she wants but that's not a spell.
"The Children of God were moulded by the Hand of God which is called Awen..."
The Kolbrin Bible, chapter 5, vs 1

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:

Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
Job 12: 7 and 8 (KJV)
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