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Old 14-02-2019, 05:41 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Originally Posted by Empowers
[...] I performed several deepening techniques on myself and gauged my level of trance state each time. I think this is easier when you've been hypnotized by another person several times. You become used to what it feels like.

So when I say deep, deep or very, very, I just mean that I had surpassed the level that I am in when I meditate and talked myself through several more deepening scripts and brought myself to what I consider an extremely deep level. The level you are in hypnosis where your conscious mind is out of the way.

Seems odd, I know, to have your conscious mind out of the way but yet having it gauge how I'm doing :) But if you've ever been hypnotized, you may have an understanding of the portion of your brain that I call "the witness". You can be very deep in hypnosis and yet the witness is always taking stock of what is happening. I just cultivated that portion of my mind so I can be deep and yet managing the hypnotic state, as well.

I don't understand the difference between the conscious mind and what you call "the witness"? I know that even when very deep, I am quite aware, and have assumed it is my conscious mind that is aware and watching.

I have trigger words for different levels of trance. In addition I've been listening to Ultradepth induction recordings on YouTube (and just found some new ones by James Ramey) Once I get there I am so extremely relaxed, that I'm completely passive and very openly suggestible. So how do (either of you) manage to do any communication in that state, if you say it is so deep? I'm definitely not managing the state when it is that deep, I am way "out" and just listening to the voice.

And I would also like to ask how you gauge your depth of trance yourself? Isn't this normally done with tests the hypnotist performs? I can tell when I am deeper than other times, but how can you judge discrete levels of trance yourself?

I would so love to do what you two are able to do.... How would I go about learning that?
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Old 14-02-2019, 06:07 PM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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Like I said, I think this is easier when you've been hypnotized by another person several times. Because of the sessions that I had with my friend, who is a hypnotherapist, I was able to both be aware of the state that she guided me to and my ability to get out of the way.

In other words, while hypnotized in her chair, I did not have to give myself the suggestions and could tell from her testing me when I wasn't deep enough to accomplish the goal of the session. My mind, the witness, was out of the way enough that she was able to communicate with my subconscious mind, but my mind was still processing everything that was taking place, it was just not interfering with the process.

In hypnosis, you become willing to follow suggestion. Hypnotic trance is the state where your critical mind becomes bypassed and does not dialog with suggestion to the point where conscious ego-mind does.

If you have the understanding of having your mind aware and watching, then I would suggest just talking yourself through some induction techniques instead of using a video and trying some suggestions for yourself. The way that I started expanding my awareness was by putting myself into such a trance and then reaching out with my awareness to the 'consciousness' of a plant.

Maybe try something like that? If you are excited or dialoging with the suggestion once you've made it, I would say that means you should continuing deepening techniques or using your trigger words.
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Old 15-02-2019, 06:55 AM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Is it ok with you, inavalan and Empowers, if I move the last couple of posts from this "Simpson Protocol" thread (since the topic has drifted) into a more general thread about hypnosis? I'm really keen to continue it.

"The awesomeness of hypnosis" (?) Or something else? I'm thinking from about Post #22.

My sense of order and ontopic-ness is twitching.

Last edited by Luna* : 15-02-2019 at 09:10 AM.
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Old 15-02-2019, 12:19 PM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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I'm ok with it. I didn't even know you could do that.
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Old 15-02-2019, 12:27 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Originally Posted by Empowers
I'm ok with it. I didn't even know you could do that.
I don't think you can, certainly you'd have to be an admin. I'll just quote them over.
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Old 17-02-2019, 05:02 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Originally Posted by Empowers
I've not used this technique to modify my relationship with big persons of this earth, just the tiny ones. Also connecting with different aspects of reality.
Would you mind expanding on "connecting with different aspects of reality"? What do you mean by this?

(You're going to be milked for information, you know. I'm super interested in what can be done with hypnosis. )
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Old 17-02-2019, 07:59 PM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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Oh that's just the way I framed it. Mosquitos are an aspect of reality, plants, rocks, cats, cows, the wind. After the first time I ever did this, which was a small plant, I loved connecting in and understand what it means to be that aspect of reality.
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Old 19-02-2019, 12:23 PM
Luna* Luna* is offline
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Ah ok, gotcha. :)
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