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Arcturus 19-04-2012 10:29 PM

What was the last movie you watched?
just watched "Walkabout" on bbc iplayer. real cool film about two kids getting lost in the australian outback and an aborigine comes across them and helps them. quite a sensual film with a strange sexual tension. from whayt starts as the worst experience of their life (getting lost with no food etc) ends up being probably the best as it turns out to be a time of freedom and closeness to the earth. the contrast between the banality of city living with getting back to nature is aptly portrayed; quite a spiritual film and defo a fave :smile:

amy green 19-04-2012 11:29 PM

Yes, I remember "Walkabout" An unusual, captivating film that goes on an exploratory journey and breaks down stereotypes...innocent and sad, poignant. (Sorry, realise you started this thread for last films seen but wanted to comment! Can't recall my last film, either not memorable or poor memory).

Dragonfly1 20-04-2012 04:09 AM

Avatar ...again.....this time on tv........

Another good Aussie movie is 'rabbit proof fence'......i really liked it.....

whitelotus 20-04-2012 04:35 AM

"Inception"..............I loved the concept...................

Squatchit 20-04-2012 07:46 AM

Yeah, I saw Walkabout some years ago - great film. I tend to like Australian films. :smile:

The last film I watched is Seven Pounds. I haven't yet watched it all the way through as I have a habit of starting it too late...and then get so tired I've forgotten who's who and what's what. Mebbe give it another spin today.

Humm 20-04-2012 01:18 PM

Wrath of the Titans in 3D.

Fun fluff. :)

Arcturus 20-04-2012 03:06 PM

anyhting goes Amy :) you make a better film critic than i lol, the hat didn't quite fit or i'll call it a bad word day..
really like "rabbit proof fence" df1, top filum. another aussie film i like was chopper! not in the same category and i don't really like violent films but well enjoyed that. thoroughly enjoyed "seven pounds" squatch, real good popcorn movie. bit gushy but i didn't mind that at all, my lad loved it too, so much i bought him the dvd.

Sarian 21-04-2012 07:31 PM

Never heard of walkabout, but it sounds good. I'm trying to think of the last movie I watched... I think it was The Bourne Supremacy. Seen it before, but watched it again.

Last movie I watched at the theatre... hmmm Gosh, can't recall...maybe that sherlock holmes movie? I wasn't too thrilled with it.

Arcturus 21-04-2012 09:02 PM

just watched "The Fountain" again (tree of life/immortality/adam and eve). one of my top 5 movies..total classic imo. the full moview is on youtube which is cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CTEC...eature=related

here's a trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HIsiYEhzvI

Humm 23-04-2012 02:54 AM

The Big Lebowski.


Henri77 23-04-2012 03:02 AM

Had to look into Walkabout, as I saw it decades ago and still find Aboriginal spirituality very intriguing ....Roeg has made some damn fine films and I may catch it again,

I just now watched "Troll Hunter" a quite funny fake doc , in the mode of Blair Witch...... but the Norwegian humor is priceless ...it's billed as horror, yet the trolls look straight out of Sesame Street ..... and overall it's delightfully subtle and dryly funny...... I'm no fan of scary movies, and this is a parody of the genre, rather than a true horror film.
Love the play on Norwegian myths-legends and the subtle humor throughout.

Another similar one is
"Rare Exports" a Finnish film about digging up a buried monster Santa, frozen in a block of ice...... Another wacked fake documentary that defies
description.... Again delightful humor, considerably darker than Troll Hunter, yet the humor is sprinkled throughout and
while at times almost grim, is a twisted fantasy that Hollywood would never attempt.

Squatchit 23-04-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dragonfly1
Another good Aussie movie is 'rabbit proof fence'......i really liked it.....

I've just spotted that it's available on the BBC iPlayer. It looks good. :smile:

xxsuexx 13-05-2012 02:09 PM

I remember watching walkabout years ago, a very good film.

The last one I watched was Sliding Doors a couple of nights ago. A romantic comedy which touches on fate.

TheGreenFairie 13-05-2012 09:40 PM

Currently watching The Sweetest Thing, it's actually quite funny.
Last film I watched was Just Go With It. Great film! I love Adam Sandler.

psychoslice 13-05-2012 10:05 PM

Summer Of The Witch, great movie.

Amethyst Angel 14-05-2012 11:29 PM

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I've lost count how many times I've seen this film but it is one of ultimate favorites :D

OceanSoul 15-05-2012 07:52 PM

Country Strong - really really enjoyed it actually.

mike bike 15-05-2012 08:37 PM

My last movie...
I watch very few movies but my favourite is"Das Boot" (The Boat)....the story of a German U Boat's operation trip against allied shipping in WW11...

I know war is dreadful and one of our greatest sins....but that film really gets me...and the sad ending where the whole crew die in an air raid after getting home safely....and the boat is sunk.

The captain was a likeable chap...he was not a Nazi...and he loved to play "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" on the boat's gramophone'....a capital sin in Nazi Germany.....it was a British marching song.

The scenes of them riding out a fierce storm on the surface are brilliant....and when they are stuck on the sea bed too....it was amazing when they managed to surface again.

40,000 submariners served in U Boats.....10,000 survived....a rather dangerous job !!

Almost as bad as British Bomber Command....over 55,000 aircrew killed....Isn't war disgusting?

Peace and Blessings to everyone.....I hope I haven't upset anyone. :hug3:

Miss Hepburn 16-05-2012 06:13 PM

'The Contender'...wow was it excellent - Jeff Bridges, Joan Allen - political
mystery, suspense..wow.

NetSeeker 20-05-2012 07:17 PM

The Black Swan

Mostly because the imagery on the cover intrigued me. It turns out to be a fairly interesting watch, a bit disturbing but maybe that's just me as I tend to get too absorbed in the character's emotional lives and start sympathizing.

Arcturus 20-05-2012 08:08 PM

i agree, Black Swan is a tad disturbing...if i remember rightly she was self harming but also there was sense of inhibition and pent up emotion that natalie portman conveyed very strongly. a good watch.

just watched 2012, not that good really. just good enough not to turn it off.

Kaere 07-06-2012 04:05 PM

Cold Mountain. Love it.

The Painted Veil.

Deusdrum 07-06-2012 10:04 PM

One of the last movies i've watched was 'A Dangerous Method' which is about Carl Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein. It is fairly short and brief, didn't cover a whole lot i wasn't already aware of (other than Spielrein) but found it well done and thought the actors played their respective roles well.

Directed by David Cronenberg, Viggo Mortensen plays Freud, Keira Knightly Speilrein, and Michael Fassbender as Jung.

Arcturus 28-06-2012 09:28 PM

just watched "the greatest" on i player with pierce brosnan and susan sarandon...and as described in the film info, very emotive! i think my eyes might have leaked a titchy bit haha well hard grrr :'D''

Lulu 28-06-2012 09:41 PM

I just watched Devil. I didn't watch it when it first came out because of its association with M. Night Shyamalan (I have been some what let down with a lot of his recent projects). But, after watching Prometheus, I couldn't remember where I had seen the actor who played Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), so I looked him up and found out he was in Devil... and so I watched it.

Anyways, Devil was not as bad as I thought it was going to be... pretty tense and suspenseful at times... I was entertained... and a bit creeped out lol.

Dragonfly1 29-06-2012 05:52 AM


Kaere 29-06-2012 01:44 PM

French Kiss, with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline.

Humm 29-06-2012 02:15 PM

MIB 3.

Entertaining, of course. :smile:

Adrienne 30-06-2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kaere
French Kiss, with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline.

I like that one ! Have watched it so many times :smile:

Last movie I watched at the theatre ~ Madagascar 3 ~ Europe, so funny !

TrainsAndSewingMachines 30-06-2012 12:48 PM


Dragonfhain 07-07-2012 06:35 AM

The Tracker. Great movie. Set in the early 1900's about an aboriginal man accuse of killing a white woman and a native tracker and three men have to find him. Really good. Set here in my country! Australia!

iolite 08-07-2012 04:02 AM

I've got a 14 y/o kid so we saw Brave. The imagery (even tho it was cg) was breath taking and makes me want to visit my ancestors land, but in summer!!!

I'd like to see the Stones of Callanish.

TrainsAndSewingMachines 08-07-2012 04:03 AM

spring, summer, autumn, winter, spring

TrainsAndSewingMachines 08-07-2012 04:03 AM

(iolite, scotlands wonderful you should definitely go visit! )!

wkiehl101 08-07-2012 06:39 PM

Last movie I watched was "Gone..." the one before that was "Man On A Ledge"

Elfay 08-07-2012 06:45 PM

Bridget Jones's Diary ... probably for the 6th or 7th time lol love that movie !!! The first one not the 2nd one.

bloke 10-07-2012 02:34 PM

Dances with Wolves


Illumine 10-07-2012 03:21 PM

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :D

If I could get my books out of the boxset, I'd read the Hitchhiker's book too but they're stuck fast!

Arcturus 10-07-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dragonfhain
The Tracker. Great movie. Set in the early 1900's about an aboriginal man accuse of killing a white woman and a native tracker and three men have to find him. Really good. Set here in my country! Australia!

cheers for the heads up...i see its on youtube as a full movie so will check it out :smile:

Arcturus 10-07-2012 08:34 PM

this is my father (full movie >)


i enjoyed it, based on a true story i think. kind of romeo and juliet in 18-19th century ireland with mediums and the like...

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