View Full Version : Third Eye Without the Heart, and vice versa

30-11-2010, 03:48 PM
This is a talk from Ram Dass.


If you fast-forward to 5:30, he's speaking of the third-eye, and how insensitive it can be without the open heart chakra; likewise, how desperate the heart can be without the input of the third eye. The third eye sees suffering and says "Oh, that's just karma doing its thing," and laughs it off. The heart sees it and bleeds and breaks. It weeps for everyone and everything, and wants to save everyone and is paralyzed by it's painful concern. As paradoxical as it is, these two need to work in harmony (to say nothing yet of the other chakras).

Miss Hepburn
30-11-2010, 04:24 PM
Thank you so much I'll be watching it later - but thank you
because of all the other talks of his on the right to watch, also.
Oh boy.

Love J. Krishnamurti. :smile:

30-11-2010, 05:07 PM
Thanks I too just clicked and put it in favs and really it does make sense and I wonder how many other chakras are intermingled in that manner.

01-12-2010, 03:01 AM
All of them, Spiritlite. :smile:

Everything is interconnected, particularly within our own energy systems.


01-12-2010, 05:55 AM
.Me likes.


01-12-2010, 10:16 PM

in progress
01-12-2010, 10:25 PM
love and wisdom

17-12-2010, 06:09 AM
This is what I've experianced and seen in others. When you read from the third eye, you are neutral to what you see. When you sit in the heart and read, it becomes personal.

17-12-2010, 08:11 AM
That's why balancing and opening them ALL is a really great idea.

29-12-2010, 02:53 PM
Fits in with what I've felt too.

I had this huge opening in my spine (when I say opening I mean energy opening...linked with Internal arts...not a physical wound or anything) which felt wonderful, it was like a hot glowing star giving off a lot of power...but also it was in line with the heart chakra and caused me to feel such a deep sense of compassion for the whole world...it was almost like a type of sadness, like I cared too much all of a sudden, I had too much care to give!

When I partially opened the third eye (I say partially, because ever since then I have been able to sense spirit presences quite strongly...and also receive telepathic messages from them) I got rushing flows of what I'd call 'energetic information', my brain couldn't deal with it at the time and sensed it as constant 24/7 rushing radio signals or messy internal vibrations which didn't make sense.

The next day after the partial-third eye opening I had this white/golden light bliss in the forehead which was very nice. After that everything would flick between the light bliss in the forehead - and the anxiety provoking rushing of 'information'. My third eye is not fully open because my sensing is not perfected, I cannot see energy colours, spirits or other peoples energy with my own eyes yet. I can only sense them!

Although lately I have been able to detect visually a 'trace' of an inch around people's bodies and some around trees also. It's very faint.

A full third eye opening is linked to being able to 'see' the energies, aura's of people, see their emotions and thoughts in colour, see spirits with the naked eye. What is really happening here is that the information of higher vibrational frequencies is being picked up via the third eye and because the third eye is supposed to have light sensors your brain merges what it can see through the third eye with your ordinary vision.

My mother can see the energy from my/her hands while her normal eyes are shut...not something I can do yet!

I can sense the energies and energy blockages of a person by moving my hand down their body (about 10 inches away - no touching), where the energy feels slow-moving, blocked, sluggish, dark, heavy - this is where they have an energy blockage.

I have pulled out the blocked energy of my friend and my father and thrown it back into the universe, then I checked their energy and it was smoother and less blocked. They both felt a lot better afterwards - calmer and better.

What is even more interesting is when I feel a blockage, I also feel it within my body - this lets me know exactly where it is in the person I'm trying to heal. For my friend I suddenly felt three places in my lower abdomen twist unnaturally, my stomach squirmed and made loud noises, I felt burning heats in these areas - It was pretty obvious where his energy blockages were despite me not knowing the names of the organs.

29-12-2010, 03:09 PM
In regards to karma, I have had detailed telepathy messages which was kind of like a Q & A about the universe, between me, my main spirit guide and his 'superior'.

I actually asked them why I was stuck in this uncomfortable physical body, and they told me two reasons:

1. my conceptual understanding of the world was not high enough for me to move on, I needed to learn more lessons.
2. I had 'karma-bonds' with other life forms on earth...and they need to be resolved before I can move on.

Going into karma in more detail - because it's an interesting topic - Basically I asked them about what happens if we do 'bad things', you know, murder, rape? That kind of stuff. They told me that if we do a bad thing, it is between us and the people involved to sort it out. These events never go unnoticed and have to be sorted out in other lifetimes.

Imagine having a teacher who is on a different vibrational frequency - meaning you as the student cannot touch, hurt, control or threaten the teacher, the teacher calmly observes what is going on, usually without too much emotional attachment. If they see some bad things happen, it automatically forms karma bonds between the people involved. So it sort of sorts it out on its own...

It makes sense as to why the world has a lot of pain too. It's all part of the grand scheme. It's why you should never 'force help' on someone. If they refuse to accept help, it means that the Source energy feels they are not ready to receive the help!

Likewise if you feel you want to help/heal someone, they will come to you and it will just feel right...A lot of this is done by following what feels right deep within. One thing is for sure though, that we cannot escape what we've already done, no one gets away with anything really...

Every detail of every cell or atom within the universe at any given time is being stored in a gigantic data hall - don't ask me how I know this - I've just sensed it very strongly before while meditating - actually I've seen this large golden curving hallway (like a cylinder but twisting round) where you can select and 'jump' to any point in space-time to watch what happened at that moment!' You would only be viewing it - not interacting with it. I believed we had access to this information when we died, or maybe higher spirits can only access it. Not sure.

As soon as you have a serious interaction with someone which invokes karma, you form a bond with that person which will not go away until both people involved are 'satisfied'. This bond can go through many different lifetimes - bonding you to earth lives.

The spirit's do not actually judge us personally, it's more like a teacher letting a bully and a victim sort it out between each other. Karma does its own work.

Once we've sorted out karmic bonds between ourselves...the only thing they judge us on is what they called 'understanding'. This understanding has nothing to do with academics or human IQ. It is the fundamental 'lessons' engrained into us over many lifetimes. It's why some people seem to be just born wise, they've probably learnt more lessons than you and had more previous lives!

Hope this helps and it is interesting~
