View Full Version : My pendulum and I don't seem to get along.

28-03-2012, 07:31 PM
Hello all,
I am a somewhat experienced dowser and have used multiple pendulums in the past (mostly home-made or reasonably priced). I've never had trouble with divination until I encountered my current pendulum - I ordered this one online, so I didn't get to choose which stone I wanted (they were all quartz, but as you know each stone, even if they are of the same 'type,' are different nevertheless). We don't get along that well. I've been trying to build up our relationship by wearing it around my neck for around a month, but everytime I put it on I feel a little conflicted. When I use it to dowse, I have to coax it into cooperating with me. I feel pretty bad when I do this, and I'm also very disappointed since I am in love with the design of the pendulum and would be a little unwilling to swap it for a new one/another one since this one was quite pricey as well........ Suggestions, anyone?

28-03-2012, 08:05 PM
Cleanse it. Wash it in running water, put out on a full moon and/or in bright sunshine, whatever feels right to you. If it still feels a bit 'off', you might have to bury it for a full moon cycle. Go by your instincts or hold it and ask it what it needs. Could be it's simply the wrong one for you.

16-05-2012, 01:19 AM
Not every pendulum will work for everyone.
I agree with Enya about cleansing in water, perferably pure water or spring water then place it in a window sill or in a clear bag outside where the full moon light can get to it. The best night for this is the night before the full moon as that is when the healing power of the moon's energy is at its peak.
Sometimes you come across a pendulum you just might have to ask for permission to use. Communicate with it. Let it know that you would really like to have a nice relationship with it and work with it. Always ground yourself and say a little prayer of protection before working with it. Also remember to say thank you , even if it isn't a success. Keep trying.

06-07-2012, 05:27 PM
I've owned three pendulums that I've purchased online and have had to toss all three away just because they did nothing for me... useless.... what I've found to work the best for me is a zodiac pendant with my sign charm and some polished stones that hang from it for my zodiac...

... you could also place the pendulum in some sea salt on your altar and do a cleansing ritual and ask the pendulum to connect with you... burn a candle in it's honor and burn some sage... leave it there over night and then try using it again the next day...

06-07-2012, 05:56 PM
Also, for getting on it's good side, you can do some healing and also open yourself up to the rock and ask it to accept you. There are plenty of other things to do as well, cleansing (like they said) sending it love and light, talking with it (yes, objects can communicate telepathically) and doing things that get you the vibe that it is happy, if its not comfortable to do certain things, you should develop a bond with it first through doing other things it is comfortable with. There's no reason to get rid of something you love, you just need to let it know you better. I've never tossed a pedelum, and I never plan on doing so. Sometimes though, after time the pedelum will ask me to go elsewhere, and if I'm ready to let it go, I do (recently I had one made of tiger rock.. it was so pretty and unpolished as well (I had made it) but it asked me to give it to my friend and I did, after some time it came back to me as well and while at first it had not gotten along well, and had developed a bond, now we are practically inseparable :) we trust and rely on one another,that's what it's all about :) trust and bonding..

17-07-2012, 05:31 PM
I've had pendulum problems before. Mine have been me needing to ground, crystal needing to be cleansed (salt water or plain water, and either sunshine or moonlight depending on the crystal. You could also burn sage.) Mine has worked best after my reiki attunements during the 3 week cleansing cycle after the attunements.