View Full Version : Frustrated with Pendulum..

22-08-2011, 12:58 AM
I feel drawn to doing pendulums.. I make my own but am feeling drawn to a rose quartz crystal pendulum.... Every time I do pendulums, I read that it's best to practice on myself but more than half of my answers from the pendulum is wrong... Why am I feeling drawn to doing the pendulum but am getting wrong answers? Hell I get more correct answers by following my intuition (back when I was practicing).. what am I doing wrong??

22-08-2011, 01:15 AM
What are some examples of wrong answers?

22-08-2011, 04:25 PM
I'm still learning -- but questions like, a friend requested that I practice on her and she asked a question about the last 4 social security nbr - I was wrong with the pendulum, questions like that.

22-08-2011, 04:27 PM
It's harder to access someone elses higher self truths. You need to get a good working relationship with your own higher self first. It is not a prediction tool and it does not like to play guessing games. If you try to "show off" with it, your higher self will send wrong answers or mixed signals. Divination is a tool, not a toy :)

Try some of my posts here in the pendulum section to know how to phrase a question, what to ask, what not to ask :)

22-08-2011, 05:07 PM
I'm still learning -- but questions like, a friend requested that I practice on her and she asked a question about the last 4 social security nbr - I was wrong with the pendulum, questions like that.

See now that is like making a mockery of it's use. It's not a magic trick...lol
The old bible verse comes to mind or at least the energy of it:
"do not test the lord thy God"

Blessings, James

22-08-2011, 05:13 PM
I agree WS :)

22-08-2011, 05:20 PM

22-08-2011, 05:27 PM

Just offering a different perspective here.
I believe even our higher self is our self just as much as our lower self. Part of the same being.. So if one of the 2 feels like goofing around. Thats OK.

When starting out with a pendulum i think one should practice, experiment and goof around with it. My feeling is that it helps getting a comfortable feeling when pendulooming. Don't get discouraged when answers seem wrong. I don't feel it is tempting the gods or disrespect that comes through.
Just the way your body energy is wired at that moment. Their are many possibilities of why this is so. In noticing that Beannaithe.anem feels he gets more "correct answers from following his/her intuition I feel (s)he is doing a wonderful job in experiencing what a pendulum has to offer don't you think?

Divination is what we make it to be. tool,game showing of item... Free choice remember.

With Love

22-08-2011, 05:30 PM

Just offering a different perspective here.
I believe even our higher self is our self just as much as our lower self. Part of the same being.. So if one of the 2 feels like goofing around. Thats OK.

When starting out with a pendulum i think one should practice, experiment and goof around with it. My feeling is that it helps getting a comfortable feeling when pendulooming. Don't get discouraged when answers seem wrong. I don't feel it is tempting the gods or disrespect that comes through.
Just the way your body energy is wired at that moment. Their are many possibilities of why this is so. In noticing that Beannaithe.anem feels he gets more "correct answers from following his/her intuition I feel (s)he is doing a wonderful job in experiencing what a pendulum has to offer don't you think?

Divination is what we make it to be. tool,game showing of item... Free choice remember.

With Love

Good points.........I stand corrected. :smile:

22-08-2011, 05:43 PM
The OP was asking as to why she was getting wrong answers. That is my view that when you use it for games, it will not answer true. When you use it with respect (respect of your higher self) then it will.

Sure practice is key. I'm pretty accurate with mine for myself. When I start to use it for fun "how many cats do I have?" it will always mess with me.

If I use it to divine missing items or people, it rings true.

I've been using them for over 20 years, just my 2 cents.

22-08-2011, 06:05 PM
I can see that.
However she never said she used the pendulum with disrespect.
As a practice trying to get a trivial answer from a friends social security number is not showing off in my book. Its not pendulooming inside a cleansed sacred circle either.(which I know has advantages).

Personaly I believe most people change their polarity throughout the day several times a day, which also could acount for a wrong answer. So a quick visualization where you intend the correct frequency for your gender. and a quick cleansing of your personal space/aura will do wonders for pendulooming integrity.

All that can be accomplished with fun and a joyous spirit instead of throwing fears around like disrespecting your higher self(es) or temping the gods. That way of fear based believe systems is what we should try to step away from in the times to come don't you think?

with Love

23-08-2011, 08:55 AM
Hi..i've just found out about pendulums and stuff...and i was wondering if it was dangerous in any way like ouiji board?

23-08-2011, 10:28 AM
That depends. If one stops thinking and blindly follows the swing of the pendulum. Then yes. One could be led along paths which may be unbenefiscial. That said. When used with common sense. As a tool among tools. Pendulooming can be very helpful in discovering your self and having a tangible connection to the unseen worlds.

With Love,

23-08-2011, 10:35 AM
Define your questions...make them simple. Our energy influences pendulem responses.

23-08-2011, 11:45 AM
A pendulum can used, like a dowsing rod, to trace Ley lines. For this, best to use a crystal pendulum. Of course, it's still coming from you this ability, just like dowsing.

23-08-2011, 12:00 PM
Pendling has been used for centuries with Farmer's for water as Norseman said as well as determining the sex of chicks (in eggs) and calves before birth.

It has evolved from there.

05-09-2011, 03:10 AM
Oh wow! Thanks so much for all the responses --

It wasn't done in any disrespect or games -- I always thought that we should ask ourselves questions that we know the answer to to see the direction that the pendulum goes in (for no and yes) and to ensure we're connected.

I guess it does take years of practice and focus to really learn how to do the pendulum right.

05-09-2011, 12:53 PM
Beanna, yourself yes, other people no. Work on things that mean nothing to you to practice. Emotionally you can sway the pendulum, therefore you must learn indifference first. Ask things that are in the Universal knowledge but yet you would have to find out at a later date. Not predicting mind you, but simply seeing what is already there.

There are many ways to practice with a pendulum. Divine what color blouse your best friend has on today. Date the paper and write your answer. Go through several colors until you hit yes.

Keep doing this as often as your friend will put up with it (lol). The more you work with your HS (higher self) the better your connection will be.

You can also do this with cards. Here is a series of videos I made to show you how a pendulum works.
