View Full Version : Dowsing for ley lines

07-12-2019, 04:56 PM
Does anyone have experience with this practice or had a professional dowser test for ley lines and clear their property?

I’ve had a suspicion in the past that my apartment building is on grounds that are negative, and that I might be sleeping directly over a disturbance that’s causing a lot of health problems. Last night I was somehow reminded urgently to do some more research on this and get someone to assess it. My husband also (who does not proclaim to be intuitive) has been saying there’s something with this apartment building, something in the ground or water and it’s not good.

I can see a river from my window that is within very close walking distance to my building and it is laden with toxicity...that much I know.

I’d love to hear of anyone’s experiences using dowsing for disrupted earth energies affecting a home.

08-12-2019, 07:26 AM
Does anyone have experience with this practice or had a professional dowser test for ley lines and clear their property?

I’ve had a suspicion in the past that my apartment building is on grounds that are negative, and that I might be sleeping directly over a disturbance that’s causing a lot of health problems. Last night I was somehow reminded urgently to do some more research on this and get someone to assess it. My husband also (who does not proclaim to be intuitive) has been saying there’s something with this apartment building, something in the ground or water and it’s not good.

I can see a river from my window that is within very close walking distance to my building and it is laden with toxicity...that much I know.

I’d love to hear of anyone’s experiences using dowsing for disrupted earth energies affecting a home.

Go to:

https://www.google.ch/search?ei=5aTsXee3DIzKwAL78IXYDg&q=lethbridge+pendulum+dowsing&oq=lethbridge+dowsing&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i22i30l2.19720.26549..31249...0.2..0.77.53 3.8......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67j0j0i19j0i13j0i13i30.zhu5juj9ET E#spf=1575789777338

Lethbridge made some remarkable discoveries. Well documented.

Sun Koti
10-07-2020, 02:13 AM
Does anyone have experience with this practice or had a professional dowser test for ley lines and clear their property?

I’ve had a suspicion in the past that my apartment building is on grounds that are negative, and that I might be sleeping directly over a disturbance that’s causing a lot of health problems. Last night I was somehow reminded urgently to do some more research on this and get someone to assess it. My husband also (who does not proclaim to be intuitive) has been saying there’s something with this apartment building, something in the ground or water and it’s not good.

I can see a river from my window that is within very close walking distance to my building and it is laden with toxicity...that much I know.

I’d love to hear of anyone’s experiences using dowsing for disrupted earth energies affecting a home.
Don't know if you got your answer or are still interested. But yes I have done this what would you like to know.