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Old 07-11-2023, 10:17 AM
Wisteria Wisteria is offline
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 67
I had a message from one of the Hecate sisters

I had an out of body experience last night, i was under the night sky, when walking across the ocean towards me was one of the Hecate sisters, possibly Lilith im not sure, she was mysterious, dark and beautiful, she spoke to me and said “ you have been in my darkness for so long, it is not over yet, but know I am with you”, I focused spiritual to get me through my dark times in waking life, I went into shadow work after light work, so I can work with both, this made me stronger, and I witnessed the beauty in darkness, letting go of all fear, and embracing all aspects like the ying yang, both cannot exist in each other only around. I think my new journey is about to begin soon, there have been many changes in my life, and I sense the crossroads coming up for me to choose a new path to a new beginning. The experience was very peaceful, it was like there was only me and her in this world, where I was in spirit, it was beautiful in the night moonlight sky.

Last edited by Wisteria : 07-11-2023 at 01:46 PM.
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Old 15-11-2023, 01:49 PM
snowyowl snowyowl is offline
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Hi, it sounds a beautiful experience, thanks for sharing. Is Hecate a regular part of your practice or is this a new and spontaneous experience?
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