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Old 06-09-2023, 03:11 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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From the Iyer's Introduction:

A.E.’s devotion to Theosophy was based upon a deep apprehension
that its central truths were not derived from any ancient or modern
sect but represented the accumulated wisdom of the ages, the
unrecorded inheritance of humanity. Its vast scheme of cosmic and
human evolution furnished him with the symbolic alphabet necessary
to interpret his recurrent visions as well as the universal
framework and metaphysical vocabulary, drawn from many mystics
and seers, which enabled him to communicate his own intuitive
perceptions. All of A.E.’s mystical writings are enriched by the
alchemical flavour of theosophical thought.
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Old 06-09-2023, 03:53 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Theosophy is an integrated system of fundamental verities taught by initiates and adepts across millennia. It is the Philosophia Perennis, the philosophy of human perfectibility, the science of spirituality and the religion of responsibility. It is the primeval fount of myriad religious systems as well as the hidden essence and esoteric wisdom of each. Man, an immortal being in his true nature, has been able to preserve this sacred heritage through the sacrificial efforts of enlightened and compassionate individuals or Mahatmas who constitute an ancient Brotherhood. They quietly assist in the ethical evolution and spiritual development of humanity. Theosophia is Divine Wisdom, transmitted and verified over aeons by the sages who belong to this secret Brotherhood.
From Introduction to The Descent of the Gods.
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Old 06-09-2023, 05:02 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Another site rich with many brilliant teachings of Theosophia:

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Old 24-11-2023, 04:43 PM
_Hermes_ _Hermes_ is offline
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Thank you, I often read on this site
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Old 26-05-2024, 12:09 PM
Kate Matthews Kate Matthews is offline
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Originally Posted by Skull
Another site rich with many brilliant teachings of Theosophia:
This is the best Theosophy site I've been to. I'm on this site most days reading.
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Old 03-07-2024, 02:03 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Yep I read the Secret Doctrine in my thirties and I was totally confused. Didn’t have any idea what the hell she was on about ha.

I spent a lot of time delving into the Theosophical society beliefs etc and found it very interesting with genuine sincere people.
I believe krishnamurtti spent years quite a few years with them. I read most of his books and found them to be interesting and enjoyable. Plus easy to understand.

However, now as a mature adult I find that there are quite a few things that he said that disagree with.

Hope this is helpful.

Sorry my comments are a bit late regarding a post previous post asking about this book.
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