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Old 13-09-2022, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a
is there something i should do or just wait this one out?

for months now actually i have felt the presence now and then in my dreams of a spirit who use to be a man that i knew in real life. i am no longer in contact with the person that use to unite us. i think the spirit feel i belong to the same soul group. i think that it feels responsible for the other person having turned out the way it did, a touch of guilt I suppose.

I do not know if there is something I should do or just wait this one out for it to go tired on me and move on? it is as if it feels responsible too for what happened between us but every grown up is responsible for it's own stuff and i personally think this spirit should give it a rest. everyone has a choice on how to turn out, we can't blame someone else forever because of it.

this is the second time someone who is not in direct connection with me but with someone from my past who then seeks me out in the after life.first time it happened and its looks was described it said nothing to me because i had not even met this spirit in real life and did not know what it then looked like.

it feel so strange in a way, i am feeling the connection from the departed on one hand, and the other connection who use to die out on the other, when it should be those two that should feel the connection. does that make any sense? i have thought if i could do some sort of ritual and move myself out of the equation so these two can feel the connection? is there a way? the person still alive is not so connected to me. i think it would still be nice if this person could feel the love-connection from the departed one? i can't get back in contact with this other person still alive, and explain all this, it would just be super weird and the person would most likely think i was making it all up. i wish!

i know they had their issues before but i never had any problem with the one who has passed over.
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Old 18-09-2022, 04:22 PM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is offline
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Complicated situation…

You could try meditation and sending to them via astral- otherwise bite the bullet and tell them. What you gotta loss?
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
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Old 18-09-2022, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you. Gonna try. When I often feel this presence (if my mind is not making that up that is, who am I to know for sure?) I am in this state where I am nearly or am dreaming and then it is as if I don't care about saying what I think I should very much say when I am fully conscious and awake.
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Old 13-11-2022, 09:22 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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Show no fear when going to sleep, say ive earned my sleep - any issues, use the phrase 'clear my space' - if that doesn't work ask firmly, Angels clear my space please... Maybe try threatening anything dark, if come near me in the night and I'm shooting light tiles out from my mind in all directions all over the place - point made to anything messing around in your space - be gone...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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Old 14-11-2022, 05:07 PM
Posts: n/a
That is so kind of you one-light, thank you so. It is OK now, though, with the connection. The connection I feel with that someone is still there but from a distant. I can't explain it. I am always half in believe that it is real and half I want more and more proof it is, but my experiences tell me it is so I guess it is OK to fly with that if it means no harm to no one else and if I do not bring it up with someone (except here). This spirit I think is in the right place over there but still involved over here, as I think many are, checking in on their loved ones and I suppose even distant ones then even if I would not call myself that, it is a connection through a connection more, but it is a small world, when alive this person I think knew someone else, beside the one I was connected to, that was close to me, so then I suppose is part of my soul group and that could be why I feel it, the connection.

The most bizarre of my experience of connection through another connection had to concern another spirit, 2 other people felt, had dreams about her too, but it was with me she stayed only I could not see her, someone else could describing her, and she was not kind then, but had envy and was beyond all traumatized from her life, how she had mentally struggled, and how it ended, and I felt at the end she was, of course, a good soul. So beautiful she was. I was relieved too when I felt all that junk, heavy stuff had now left her. I would experience, shown that later on before she completely vanished (to the right place). Could be she was with me before because of the location of my home making that more easy back then or because I had the strongest connection to the one she was connected to, which the other 2 people did not have, but they were connected to me...lots of connections here, confusing.

Overall good advice before going to sleep, regardless :)
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