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Old 09-05-2022, 09:34 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
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Pilgrim observes minds and methods

Pilgrim stumbled on, watching, enquiring, and came to a place from which it was possible to look into minds and methods--both inside and out.

From this place of detachment it was possible to observe and understand the disrupting confusion and trust betrayed whenever and wherever a crooked finger pointed with intent elsewhere in false accusation of misdeeds for which it was itself responsible.

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Old 09-05-2022, 09:55 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Many people would like to be told, to see, to know the Truth. I believe that this assumes that one could actually understand and handle that, which I believe it isn't the case. We don't have the mental capability. Even more, I believe the Truth is infinite, so never knowable completely.

Once these established, it would suffice to look for and glimpse answers to why you are here, and what you are supposed to do now.
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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Old 10-05-2022, 09:08 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
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hello inavalan and all.

Because we and all are inextricably component "parts" of the process of existence--embedded and interconnected, interdependant--It seems to me that we cannot arrive at an objective truth regarding existence.

However it also seems to me that because we are embedded in this manner we may find that the truth of the process of existence can be felt rather than known--experienced from within rather than observed from without.--Empathy as fullsome, whole, manifestation.

Coming down to earth, and considering what is "true" and what is "false" concerning the realities of our day to day existence however, here we can apply objective reasoning, garnering and analysing information and evidence--If:-

1) we wish to do so

2) we are capable of doing so.


3) we are allowed to do so.

We may not wish to do so for very many reasons--spelling these out may be something to consider further into the discussion ?

We are not always capable-yet-of doing so of course.

Neither are we always allowed to do so. For if we are somehow kept isolated and uninformed we risk being fed instead false information, false evidence.

I suspect that it is no accident that the film " The Truman Show"--which portrays a society obliged to exist within a carefully controlled and contrived "reality"--includes the word "True" in its title.


Last edited by weareunity : 10-05-2022 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 10-05-2022, 09:33 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by weareunity
Neither are we always allowed to do so. For if we are somehow kept isolated and uninformed we risk being fed instead false information, false evidence.

everything is false information; false evidence. En masse we believe in a big lie... yet it doesn't seem possible to separate from that. So any search for 'truth' has to include it.

meanwhile the main 'truth' I found says that the 'truth' as humans seek it is both not knowable in human terms (access is restricted) and it is also not worth knowing. But on the other hand you can find out anything you want, if you but seek God...

as far as pointing fingers, such things don't always start with the most obvious provacator... thinking one is sure of where the blame actually starts just gets to be another big assumptive mess... one is as likely to get lost therein as in a myriad of other presumptive assumptions... which is basically how the truth is hidden, one assumes what one WANTS to assume regardless of the consequences, and yet most of the time ones WANTS lead one astray.

[sorry to interrupt your thread but wanted to say something]
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Old 10-05-2022, 10:03 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
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thanks Falling Leaves.

After having posted post 3 I realised I had omitted to speak of "not wishing to do so"--and so added it as an edit to the original post 3--as you will see.

does this pick up to some extent on your pertinent observation concerning ones wants ?

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Old 10-05-2022, 10:56 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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yeah it does... that is pretty savvy of you to have realized that.
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Old 10-05-2022, 11:01 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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fwiw one of the hardest things for me to deal with is the desire to be setting attainable goals... it seems to me to be one of the strongest things going... and yet once you've made one you've 'locked yourself in' to a specific way of life and doing specific things with the aims of making specific kinds of progress, with the intention that at some point you are going to attain your goal, and then spend the rest of your life coasting until you die. Definitely not a good way to be receptive to alternative ways of thought... or to roll with what life brings either...

and yet I find it very hard to get around this...
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Old 11-05-2022, 05:16 AM
pixiedust pixiedust is offline
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Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
fwiw one of the hardest things for me to deal with is the desire to be setting attainable goals...

How would I do it if I dont set goals or plan.

Example, I am going somewhere. Don't I need to buy my tickets in advance?
I am pixiedust
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Old 11-05-2022, 05:28 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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hi pixiedust,

well, i guess you put it that way it doesn't work so well... lol... although I guess a die hard person could jsut not go anywhere. That doesn't sound all that appealing though. Although it might have its benefits... Sigh.

Anyway I was more thinking along the lines of making a life-long goal and putting all your effort in trying to achieve it... in my mind that kind of thing is more dicey than people want to suppose...

also for me I'm wont to make 'goals' for meditation... the act of making such goals gets in the way of achieving the goals (kind of a heisenburg thing going there) so I learn to sort of back off... as far as not going anywhere, the taoists have some saying about that, something about being able to see what things are like without all the running around people do to try to go see things...

Last edited by FallingLeaves : 11-05-2022 at 06:29 PM.
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Old 14-05-2022, 10:33 AM
pixiedust pixiedust is offline
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Thank you FallingLeaves
I am pixiedust
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