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Old 18-04-2024, 08:45 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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How to get medication down animals

I don't know about other animals but if you need to get medication done a cat of others or dogs but unwakats how to get medication down now is get a towel our tough blanket and put round them and round them so they can't escape or attack you
Then open themes and put the medication down especially liquid medication which is the best to get down any animal because I have not it's a difference am I female cat when I put a liquid medication don't have mouth it's going down that's skin condition she's got yes she is ****ed off at me but is working just one day it is working I can tell
But this tip does work taught a blanket or a tough or a strong buff a bathtub but a strong bath towel wound them because it is work and itself you get in attacked and scratched all of your body and face there might be in a bad mood with you all day but does work
Because I remember my all cut Lucy when I try to get in the cut box years ago I was covered in scratch marks out of my face of Lucy but one other veterinary nurses told me next time put out a strong bath towel wound a box and she will not do that again to you and ever since I do that I tell people that but they think I'm as televisioned and hurt and they do that it was work the same with the same with Roberts because they are us encats they are worse than cats for attacking us and scratching us dogs hurt us and bite us as well but you can't be crafty and cunning as they are
dream jo

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Old 19-04-2024, 03:59 AM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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If you can get them to take their meds in their food, that's the best way. I've had a cat that was a pistol to medicate and would have to wrap him up in a towel to keep from being shredded in the process. And if you're giving a liquid if you can get it past their tongue so they don't taste it, then you increase the odds that they won't foam it back up or spit it back up.

I have a senior kitty right now (she's 18) that has inflammatory bowel disease. Through trial and error, I've found an herbal chinese remedy, rhubarb root, psyllium and a pinch of di-calcium phosphate have stopped the diarrhea, rectal bleeding and firmed up her stools, except when she manages to eat cat kibble or dog kibble that I drop when filling the dog's food bowels. She's on a canned food diet because kibble, even the grain free kind causes flairs. Occasionally she's faster than I am and manages to get some kibble. But overall, she's feeling better and is happier. And the best part is she'll take all of that in her food and eat every last bit. We don't have to pill her any more, because when I bought more of the chinese remedy, I got the tablets instead of the tea pills. I can pound the tablets into a powder. The tea pills were too hard so we used a pill pusher. She complained but she didn't fight us too hard. I think she knew the pills helped her tummy.
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Old 19-04-2024, 07:49 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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Originally Posted by Traveler
If you can get them to take their meds in their food, that's the best way. I've had a cat that was a pistol to medicate and would have to wrap him up in a towel to keep from being shredded in the process. And if you're giving a liquid if you can get it past their tongue so they don't taste it, then you increase the odds that they won't foam it back up or spit it back up.
I want one thing you've got to love cats you've got to work them in a towel to give them liquid mates and I'm not at works by my female cat I've got now I can't feed them and I thought because the other ancestor cuts the other they are brother and sister cats and they're loved ate together and slave together sleep together so I do is get all the and up in a towel and squirt the liquid turneth throat I know she isn't a bad mood with me all day but it's for her own good and I've noticed her scarves are going down it's not a fault she's got a skin disease button was I love her but you didn't she's just in a bad moved me all day but put in the flat vape and the button neck and the vermin solution button neck one of them my boy cat is thinks I am hurting him because he's alright softy and a little vamp but I love him no matter what I'm often my cats I love both my cats
dream jo

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Old 20-04-2024, 08:39 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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With wolves and dogs I've simply put pills in meat. With domestic cats I guess you gotta cut the pills in small pieces. With other kind of medication, like ears, it's a matter of holding them and have them relax first.
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Old 20-04-2024, 08:49 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
With wolves and dogs I've simply put pills in meat. With domestic cats I guess you gotta cut the pills in small pieces. With other kind of medication, like ears, it's a matter of holding them and have them relax first.

I know my two cats are very Fiji fidgeting you would think they are ADHD the pleader of ADHD because I know I've got a form of ADHD because I put it a lot too
But getting my female cat I asked for liquid medication because I think it's my easier than tablets because all I do is wrap up the tunnel then the liquid I've got anything to squirt in a mouth it works or a tube is she isn't a bad mood all day ever made but as far on good and I know what's working
And when I put the Flake vape and solution on them I do it when the snows and otherwise I'll be scratched a bit so I did it never sleep and it's much easier that one but in medication it's essential I just swap my toe catch realise how much I love them
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Old 24-04-2024, 07:48 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I hope this video helps us what I found on YouTube especially for us has got cats and it's hard to get the medication even their flea treatment I just hope this can help us I think I might do this my bike at my boy cat because a is 35 of getting a flat fatement is is pepile of it is 25 of it is scared of it but terrible put wrapping in up in a Travel I think it'll keep them calm because he loves being kissed and cuddled then I'll do the same for his sister but she is not as friendly and loving is in but I know I've got to be done but long as they know their loved
dream jo

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Old 24-04-2024, 09:25 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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The other night, my senior kitty with the ibd was vomiting up bile so I went to give her some prilosec but I couldn't find the pill pusher and she is bitey so I kinda need it. But I figured maybe if I'm lucky I can get her to open her mouth just right I could drop it in. I got lucky and down it went.
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Old 24-04-2024, 09:43 PM
dream jo dream jo is offline
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I know tomorrow I need to get them both a flea treatment I think a turbo button but a treble wrapping them up towel H at the time it'll get them down and but then there is you easier but I'll do my boy cut first because a is scared stiff of stuff like this
I'm not a sister I will talk about and she'll be in a right but mood with me all day because it will put in a nasty full mood
I can't believe them too is for the same letter one is very anti-social she is and cause embed mode easy and the Answer doesn't forgive you up for the brother is so friendly and in your face friendly and loving but is scared of getting the flu treatment stuff and it's scared of needles
But they are both loved to bits
dream jo

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