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Old 25-10-2011, 08:06 AM
Posts: n/a
APing Can Be Fun

Astral projection need not be a fearful experience.

Sometimes people are concerned about returning to their body. This isn’t a concern. We’re VERY firmly connected. We will automatically return. Sometimes it is a fear of exploring unfamiliar territory. Do this at your own pace & let it be a fun experience. You can only be scared, not hurt & it really isn't all that hard to move past the fear. Another concern can be about encountering negative spirits. We can easily vet them. No special training is needed.

Vetting Nonphysical Entities-

We actually AP all the time when we’re asleep, we just don’t remember it or discount the experiences as dreams. Not all dreams are APing though. Often APing is more about opening up to remembering.

Move past the fear & don’t buy into others’ horror stories about it.

Have you identified what is scaring you about this?
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