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-   -   Saving God's / 'our churches' - and getting them busy again. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=147966)

one-light 06-01-2024 11:58 AM

So before I get around to churches and church groups starting today, a little chat and links to here - I've learned a lot this last year chatting on church groups, and how church people think.

And hopefully many will come here, chat - and SF's regulars here have your say... One thing comes to mind to say here - on church groups there's so little, maybe zero chat about Guides and Angels in churches that we all have assigned to us personally.... I don't think it ever gets mentioned in churches... So let's see some new people chatting about this alongside regulars here, all welcome.

So no one's saying completely change in churches, just change slightly, more up to date with what we now know in 2024 - it would be nice to tell people we all have Guides that can help when we learn to calm the mind in meditation 'then just know something' in the gut feeling - that's how it works for the vast majority with possible guidance, if you've earned it, or about to change.

But whatever you do Ministers don't mention Astral Projection in church - or the congregation will be saying as McEnroe used to say in tennis tantrums 'you cannot be serious' - maybe there's actually a group / forum about somewhere where many can actually do this out of body travel and visit those billions of galaxies out there in deep space.

Ok...... I'll admit I've done a few, and there's specialists on here that do this regularly - and tinnitus up a notch 7sh this morning reminding me 'I know' to single point concentrate to get back into AP for showing / teaching me, the energy from God and Angels is gorgeous when I start to get it right again as today - calm / clear the mind 'and' help / guidance to write here.

Anyway, have a good day / evening there everyone - and let's between us get this thread link out to any church friends, or your local church - look good on your life journey CV when getting back home to heaven - you saved a church with a single message or an email.

one-light 06-01-2024 02:25 PM

I had a 'feeling' there was a better place for this, and maybe this is it, on the Christianity page... I had my reasons for putting it on the Angels and Guides page as written - so we see how it goes, spiritually guided now, get some links out to church groups - and spiritually guided how much more to do on here - but seeds are planted for possible slight change for struggling churches, and any churches that want change, to encourage the 1000s in towns who believe in spirit to come in.

The Metatron thread is on Angels page, for any new church people coming on here, regarding my earlier messages - explaining why I had the new church thread on the Angels and Guides page...


And we march on - still need some lighthearted comments / very short funny stories to lighten those powerful services up, anyone - and your comments, feel free to speak up...

And WhiteWarrior my new good friend and our joint effort in initially setting this up - your jokes are going to be tested on here lol, you can't say that in church.

BigJohn 06-01-2024 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by one-light
One thing comes to mind to say here - on church groups there's so little, maybe zero chat about Guides and Angels in churches that we all have assigned to us personally....

Glad to hear from you one-light.

From my personal studies, it appears that "Guides" originally came about thru a certain Christian group. I have noticed that the expression "Guides" is still used by only a few groups today that claim to be Christian. Those groups also seem to 'cling' to the practice of giving 'messages' to their members.

one-light 06-01-2024 04:09 PM

Good to hear from you BigJohn - let's see how busy this gets on here... I've already had spiritual approval of the thread move to here...

one-light 06-01-2024 05:14 PM

Religions as we all know say some things differently - its no wonder people into spirituality shy away... Its this one say, no it isn't says another - it's time people had a rethink all that written so long ago, most is correct.

I remember in my early days on this powerful forum, shows me as a Master on there, but I wasn't in those days... On this thread I was asking Aknaton God Bless him wherever he is 'about the blue I was seeing in meditation'...

I know now it's the Holy Spirit - well today in meditation and power mini nap I have early afternoon, today the gorgeous blue came 'and' the mist like a cloud or circle of white energy goes up into the blue 'was there' that's been a while since seeing that mist - approval...

On here page two I discuss the vision of Jesus in my church in 2016 - and people should know this what really went on - the link to the page went on so many church chat groups in 2023.


So ball in play now here, let's get busy over coming weeks anyone, everyone - nice things to discuss in church as well as the powerful teaching, to lighten services / create happy energy... And anything else you want to discuss - let's get these churches busy again, the place to be for an energy boost on a Sunday - and people saying, it's good in there...

Molearner 06-01-2024 11:40 PM

I commend you for your enthusiasm and desire to revitalize the church. From my viewpoint it is a difficult challenge. The less homogeneous a society becomes the more difficult the task becomes. The very differences that separate us in society will become evident in attempting to grow a church. Politics, income level, education level, race, former nationalities to name a few. These differences tend to rely on differences to distinguish themselves from other churches. It is almost like churches are intent on separation instead of unity. It is difficult to find affirmation for personal beliefs……without affirmation or being listened to people will continue to abandon churches….endowed with freedom of expression people can become disillusioned with meaningful participation if they cannot exercise this freedom.

one-light 07-01-2024 08:50 AM

Thank you so much Molearner, and everyone let's get busy here chatting on this and that - approval from Higher Knowledge last night... I had said in prayer before bed 'hope everyone's happy' - then awoken at 2'sh Angels Sparkles were gorgeous, gentle roar of God, and a dream the same time linking people together, bikes and cables, interesting.

We know religions agree on the vast majority written... Do you know if you were in a court of law - they'd say all these religions written so, so long ago, and some detail 'differently' can't all be correct - fact, so in this court, and both different religious leaders are saying I'm right.

The judge might look up and say this is 2024 modern technology how do we get around this - can't go back and ask the people who wrote it all, and I've been advised there's this place where there's 100's of members who are medium's / psychic's - they've got a direct line you know to spiritual headquarters.

And here we are...... Free will choice to get involved or not - have a good day everyone...

one-light 08-01-2024 09:46 AM

Well this is the week when we start to see if it all works or not - got a base now with the help of WhiteWarrior setting it up, and others supporting by messaging, and thanks to Admin for moving it to here at the right time - seeds are set here / idea for possible change, the ones that want to - could have done with some lighthearted short story lines for Ministers, but maybe that'll come.

And this week I start to contact the mass of churches here and there - not going put link, to keep FB happy with mass messaging, just directions to here, many will look - will any / many join and speak up that's the thing if an idea saves a church here and there... Have a good week everybody.

I'll just edit this... I get songs sent me by God and Angels for guidance you know, just come to mind - and this song after messaging here is going through my mind - and I'm thinking I'm not putting that on Spiritual Forums, so I start humming love is in the air by John Paul Young, it's a high vibes song - then 20 mins later it's there again.

And I'm thinking it's just for me 'support' to show what a difficult task we have here, getting some that want to change ways slightly - then I realise put it on, it shows that some churches will never change their ways - but some, or many will.........

There's words in this song - their house is a museum....

God's Mysterious Ways - message delivered.... A bit hard hitting, but point made - shows how many think of churches, some church leaders live in the dark ages of yesteryear - time to rethink... And let's just think here museum and 1000's of people in each town who believe in spirit, how some 'think of churches' - any argument with that........ Things are going to change for the better in many churches in 2024... Let the waggons roll...


Redchic12 08-01-2024 10:54 AM

Maybe churches are past their “use by date” now and will fall by the wayside naturally, as we move into the new paradigm.

Just a thought.

one-light 08-01-2024 10:59 AM

Those still open Redchic12 never to late for change, those that want to - I believe some will reopen... Light ahead with ways to do this - thanks for supporting the thread my friend with chat - we shall see how it all develops, maybe one day on here after sharing ideas for coming months, people will come on and share some results, churches surviving, and their church getting busy again...

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