View Full Version : Balancing energy

07-05-2015, 08:55 AM

How can I balance my inner masculine energy? If anyone can help me find ways to do this it would be really appreciated. Thank you :smile:

Nature Grows
09-05-2015, 01:40 AM
Heres a picture I saw about masculine energy an feminine engery.


09-05-2015, 05:48 AM
I took on board what was said in the room and did a meditation with the intent to learn about divine masculine energy. To my surprise I met with a bright light that formed into a beautiful angelic man. I don't know if this is arch angel Micheal or not but it felt really loving and welcoming. He took me to show me what looked like a realm of masculinity. There were men in groups discussing their ideas and many working on projects of all kinds. The angel talked to me about integrating the masculine with my feminine energy and that would create the whole and when I get it working for me I will have insights I can rely on to solve any problem in my life. He said to me that blending both to become whole is the solution to good health and general well being. He was showing me the feminine intuition blended with the masculine logic and how when used right gives you so much clarity and insight that you would never need to depend on a source outside of yourself for an answer.

It felt very warm and loving. I was quite surprised to learn that upon first meeting. I thank you and to the other person in the room that helped me with this Nature Grows. The picture is great and helps too :smile::angel8:

Nature Grows
09-05-2015, 09:50 AM
I took on board what was said in the room and did a meditation with the intent to learn about divine masculine energy. To my surprise I met with a bright light that formed into a beautiful angelic man. I don't know if this is arch angel Micheal or not but it felt really loving and welcoming. He took me to show me what looked like a realm of masculinity. There were men in groups discussing their ideas and many working on projects of all kinds. The angel talked to me about integrating the masculine with my feminine energy and that would create the whole and when I get it working for me I will have insights I can rely on to solve any problem in my life. He said to me that blending both to become whole is the solution to good health and general well being. He was showing me the feminine intuition blended with the masculine logic and how when used right gives you so much clarity and insight that you would never need to depend on a source outside of yourself for an answer.

It felt very warm and loving. I was quite surprised to learn that upon first meeting. I thank you and to the other person in the room that helped me with this Nature Grows. The picture is great and helps too :smile::angel8:

Well FairyDawn that sounds like a cool experience, im happy that you found better understanding of what you wanted to know. :angel8:

11-05-2015, 09:37 AM
Thank you Nature Grows :angel8:

I did another meditation and went in with my third eye. I had the intent of balancing my masculine energy.

I begin by seeing myself sitting in a light formed box and it's big. Then I go in closer until I am conscious in the body and viewing from that perception.
I then see it's like a round tower full of these boxes of light and they are all transparent. Walls in a circle of these boxes. Then coming up from below is a tornado of green and white light and it spirals fast and furiously upwards. It feels very powerful. I'm feeling around in my box and out from behind it comes out circles upon circles of energy, I can feel it. My guardian angel appears, she has shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. She's very peaceful. She explains that it's clearing my energy. Then she takes me up higher and higher through this wall of light boxes until we reach a platform and then more tornado's of energy appear and this time white light. My guardian angel tells me it's cleansing my energy.
Then I begin to see a form walking toward me and it's body is like silver and blue streaks. As it comes closer I see it is female. My guardian angel explains to me that it is my feminine energy and that is what has been out of balance and needing to come in. I then see myself as the masculine form and I'm a dark brown colour and muscular. I'm then feeling this union come together and my guardian angel is telling me about blending together but I'm feeling it as she is explaining it rather than 'listening' it's how she communicates it to me. Then I see into the female conscious, she is me as a female, she comes to the males side and they form one and as this is happening I'm feeling something shift in me and it keeps happening as I bring my conscious as the two as one. I'm bringing the blending of the traits in each polar opposite to work as one and I'm feeling it. I'm feeling myself with both traits and the feeling of that coming together moved something energetically. I felt different. In a really good way.
I ended up drifting off to sleep. Which is probably a bad thing to do but that is what I got from that meditation. I'm so grateful I got to receive what I wanted and so vividly and clearly and physically feeling something great during and after it.

25-05-2015, 03:31 AM
People often confuse balance with being equal, or the same amount on both sides. It's about influence of the energy or object. Not the object or energy itself.

26-05-2015, 03:22 AM
How do you go about influencing the energy?

26-05-2015, 04:34 AM
Not influencing the energy.. Sorry should have clarified... How you let it influence you. Negative energy isn't bad neither is positive necessarily good.

The best i can describe it is like building a dam or filter or setting *rules* as if u were programming a construct. Limiting how the energy affects you instead of eliminating it, is another way to phrase it. Though I've learned that depending on the method and how you do it can affect how you ground or cleanse your energy. Also this method has some issues involving parasites. They can clog the limiters typically dams and cause a back up and discomfort or even pain. But ive also learned by strengthening the natural filters or defenses of a person's auric field (which parasites can normally bypass) it limits the amount of infestations.

Sorry if my explanation isn't up to par. This is the first time I am in a community where people actually listen to me instead of thinking i'm full of ****. First time putting this into words.. If you still have questions i'll do my best to answer them.

04-06-2015, 03:54 AM
Thank you for the explanation Cheshire.

Can you tell me more about the parasites and how they get into the auric field. And how they effect?
Have you ever had any experience wth them?

05-06-2015, 03:22 PM
Your auric field has natural filters in it that disposes of bad or tainted energy over a period of time. Parasites, bypass damage, turn off, or overwhelm theses filters. Spiritual parasites can be considered like parasites of the body in many senses. Their either immune, have their own defenses, and can damage our energy to a degree. Much like a physical parasite damages the body. Affects us none the less though.

You actually have energy paths inside the auric field that lead to the body. How ever they are very much different in structure. The reason why you have these filters is because your auric field naturally siphons off energy around you. Even more so when your basically 'running on empty'. You basically draw in most parasites. Other times they will force themselves into your energy.

Parasites feed on certain kinds of energy, sometimes emotional. A lot of the time these parasites will make u experience the emotion over and over again. It's the same process with negative energy in general. how ever parasites some times instead of making u produce it. They will damage the natural filters. You will still expel energy how ever it will be both good and bad.

With a few of them..... was no pleasant...

28-08-2015, 02:59 PM

The Front chakras govern unity/oneness. You could say they are female.
The back chakras govern separation. You can say the are masculine.

Start working on the back chakra's if you are far too unbalanced towards feeling, giving, selflessness to the point you are made vulnerable to the outside, or inclined to neglect yourself.

So to make it simple our chakra system is a dynamic between two concepts:

That of separation and that of unity.

Its far too difficult in this world to exist without emotional barriers, we are made far too vulnerable. Or we disregard what is best for us for the sake of another. Without emotional separation from a traumatic event, you would never heal. Without a balance of separation/unity, you become too attached, needy, dependant.
The negative effects of having too much unity go on and on. We must have a balance of separation.

The reason why our chakras have this dynamic is because they function as energy batteries.

You can't store if there is no container. A container, contains because it has a region within itself that is separate from the outside.

The back chakras governing separation act as containers. They hold energy. The more separation you have, the greater your back chakras are, the bigger your capacity to hold energy.

The next step is to charge the battery. Charging is the equivalent to investing energy in yourself. I call this charge, "SELF"
This is how to build SELF

Root chakra Self - Money, security, material possessions.
Spend time building a respect and love for money and the resources that make your life secure. This feeling that the rich have, almost like a lust, lust for money and possessions - is actually what the Self is on the root level. This is not bad, This is the feeling of LIFE. Living to the fullest. However an excess is not good of course so when the time is right -discharge is needed for balance.

Second chakra Self-
Build up your sense of feeling attractive and desirable. Your sexual self I guess you can call it, confidence with the opposite sex.

Third chakra Self-
Have full control of yourself. Set goals and stick to it until completion. Or maybe not to just completion but mastery.

Fourth chakra Self-
Love unconditionally. This means truly forgiving, sacrificing one's hurt feelings for the sake of harmony in the relationship.

Fifth chakra self-
impose your own standard of order in your external world. Organize, clean. Make your living space your space. Speak up in front of a group setting let your voice be heard.

Sixth chakra self-
Focus. Meditate by settling ones mind on only one thing. When thoughts lead you astray, return your focus. Keep trying until focus becomes soo deep you enter deep meditation.

seventh chakra self-
Develop a plan for your life and commit to that plan.

As a result of building self and charging the chakras - the endocrine glands are activated. We feel more alive, which is proportional to the amount of Self or charge we are putting into the chakra.

Now the front chakras (the most well known and used) they are responsible for the discharge of energy. After a while of charging the gland/chakra, the self starts getting too big. An excess of energy occurs and a release needs to happen. That's what the front chakras do.
They do this by returning the energy to unity. And no self can enter unity while remaining separate so the energy constituting self is dispersed and distributed among the whole.