View Full Version : Indigo Children do not exist

26-10-2010, 11:45 PM
Indigo children do not exist. It's a fraud to make parents think that their kids who have trouble in school are metaphysically superior. Furthermore, the "indigo traits" people keep talking about are so vague that almost any child can have any or all of these traits at some point in time.

Another thesis commonly put forward by indigo children advocates is that they might be "mislabeled" as having ADD, ADHD, or some kind of autism spectrum disorder that makes them supernaturally gifted. I can understand why parents don't like the idea of their kids being labeled as "flawed", but if a child actually does have severe problems in school because of it, then they need parental and teacher support, not to be called "special", treated like royalty, and have it pounded into their heads that they're more evolved than everyone else.

I have ADHD. And let me make something very clear: It is not a gift. It's absolutely frustrating to be unable to focus on your work and to be sidetracked by everything going on around you. And having acute senses doesn't make you better at hearing things, it drives you nuts. Bonkers. Off the wall. Thankfully, my parents and teachers know of my strengths and weaknesses and we worked out a plan so that I can do my best in school. If your child is doing poorly in school for reasons other than simply laziness, PLEASE bring them to a psychiatrist. You will do yourself, your child, and your child's teachers a HUGE favor.

Furthermore, a lot of the things considered "indigo traits" to be encouraged in your "special" children are more likely to be symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, an actual illness that is actually recognized by the American Psychiatric Association. (http://www.skepdic.com/comments/indigocom.html)

I am not saying that everyone who claims to be an indigo child is a narcissist, but in my opinion anyone who pounds this metaphysical ** into their kid's head is certainly setting them up to act that way.

See this: http://www.theironskeptic.com/articles/indigo/indigo.htm
And this: http://www.skepdic.com/indigo.html

27-10-2010, 01:23 AM
Yes I agree with you AnnoyingPony, but most here have made there minds up and nothing will change it, thanks for sharing.

27-10-2010, 02:49 AM
i couldn't agree more. there is nothing mystical about a child who has some kind of disability. my son who is now 10 is ADHD, bipolar, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, learning disorder and emotional disorder. he sees a psychologist on a regular basis and a psychiatrist. he has had SEVERE problems in school and I worry about him moving on to junior high as I don't think he is mentally and emotionally ready, but there's the all knowing No Child Left Behind Act that the schools have taken out of context of what it was made for and just push them through whether they are prepared for the next grade or not. The last 4 years have been not so fun for any of us. The acute hearing is a big problem for him when he is in a regular ED class and causes lots of trouble as loud noises can take him to his knees. I could write a book on the frustrations we all go through.

27-10-2010, 03:10 AM
Anything aimed at isolating a child because they are "Gifted" is obviously going to cause problems with the child and others involved.

Personally I believe the "Indigo Child" phenominon is simply someone who has thrown together some vague and unrelated traits which may or may not mean anything spiritual, and then put a fake theory to go with it, some pretty colours to attract insecure parents and then thrown in an "Indigo Aura" to get a whole range of people involved.

When anyone mentions the name "Indigo" as a title for themselves or their child I ask them to explain exactly what an "Indigo" is within at least 3 basic sentences. Strangely most won't or simply can't do that because they actually have NO idea.

Though, if I ever meet a self proclaimed "Indigo" who happened to actually make some kind of intellectual sense and also have similar traits to a broad range of a group of people who all share the same belief prior to meeting one another. . . .then I may entertain the idea that indigos actually exist.

All I have to say to parents of Indigo Children is that they should not treat their kids as though they are "special" or "gifted" and that perhaps their children, and their own self, should seek some counceling or psychological analisis.

27-10-2010, 05:39 AM
Hello everyone, I'm 26 years old and I have A.D.D. Ive never been medicated for it. When I was younger I was a mess, school was terrible and I lost my parents faith in me by the time i was 17. I could not keep my focus, I forgot about everything. I became so desperate one day around the age of 22 I decided to stop and become aware of every action every thought every decision. Before I did anything I ran through in my head what I should do.

Something amazing and wonderful happened, I became a warrior, and concurred myself. I still have A.D.D i know because sometimes I slip up when in the comfort of my own living space, but hardly ever when it comes to important things. In fact I'm able to see others mistakes before they do, I'm the one that will not mess up because Ive had so much practice at doing it, and practice makes perfect. I'm also claircognizant, but this is not something that I experienced when I was a child. It came I believe because I became so aware of every little thought and action, and because I was trapped in my obsessive thoughts for so long I figured out a lot about the world, a lot about people. I became able to interpret feelings and energies and the world started to communicate with me.

Well I can honestly say that I love my A.D.D. I love my life. I'm such a happy person. I'm good at almost everything I put my mind to. I have an incredible amount of love inside me. If my friends need someone to be there for them who will give advise in a non emotionally attached way, that's me. I keep my thoughts in check and even though there's a lot happening in there I'm able to remember everything and conduct myself well. I'm a good judge of character, I'm strong and very easy going. I may be a little goofy but with a perfectly sound mind. They say people with A.D.D. will be the hero in a tense situation and that is true, because I have always had too much energy running through my veins I learned to live comfortably this way. I have learned to turn this so called disorder into a gift. I am able to think very quickly and thoroughly the answer just comes to me and the flow of my thoughts are constant. I seem to see many answers or possibilities and lot of aspects to many different situations. I am patent and do not act out in anger. I'm not trying to float my own boat here just trying to make a point that all A.D.D.ers are not the same. Einstein may have had problems that lasted into his adult years and many others have had difficulty's but i have seemed to overcome this difference.

Its a lot for a child to handle and hard for the parents, the tolerance that they will have to show will be immense. My mother was not patient and still scratches her head about the whole thing. I have been on my own sense i was 17 and Ive been through hell. I believe that if i have a child with A.D.D. and I teach them using kinesthetic learning techniques and be extremely tolerant and respectful allowing them to act and do respectfully, that they will make mommy proud. it may take a wile but i came around.

Learning how to control my mind and this strong aura has made me transcend the idea of what A.D.D. is supposed to be like. I wish my parents would get over their idea that Im not good enough for some reason they just gave up and always doubt me for years never seeing a change in me never giving me a second glance. This used to hurt pretty bad but now i could care less, finally Ive come to terms with it.

I know we are not all the same and it is so so hard to deal with. You may be right there may be no hope for most of us, but not all. I represent that small portion of warriors. Anything is possible.

27-10-2010, 04:01 PM
Well, I am an indigo, at least I've been told so by several people who can see auras. They told me without my ever asking or even knowing what it was.

I learned something more about indigos then and the description definitely does fit me a lot. Even though I've never had the slightest trouble in school (apart from hating it vehemently despite having excellent results).
I've also never been even suspected of having ADHD.

To me this indigo thing is like learning about whether one is extroverted/introverted, brain hemisphere dominance etc.
It's nice to learn something new, it might help me understand certain things about myself or meet people who might be dealing with similar issues.
But that's about it. I'm definitely not building my identity on that.

I can see where you're coming from though.
I also find it somewhat strange when people immediately talk about meeting their twin flame whenever they are somewhat attracted to someone or go through the dark night of the soul whenever they miss their bus in the morning or experience any other inconvenience of similar significance.

But that doesn't mean those concepts don't actually exist.
Just because some people misuse them, try to fit them to their situation at all cost or use them as an excuse for their shortcomings doesn't make them invalid.

I don't know, I just always prefer to keep an open mind and so claiming that something simply doesn't exist always sounds to me a bit like...doing the exact opposite.

27-10-2010, 04:22 PM

Great story of success. I've always had this working theory that almost all "mental disorders" stem from unchecked energy from the crown and third eye chakras, and perhaps a blockage somewhere below those. It causes the energy to circle and circle and circle the brain. For some that becomes OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, and eventually Alzheimer's.

Now I don't want to sound all New Agey here, but I also believe these are the tasks that humankind, as a whole, will need to solve--how to handle the extra energy without damage to the physical body. And each individual comes up with a unique solution.

Yours is particularly great, how you've handled it. I just went inside for a long time and still find that thoughts are rolling around all the time. It's not a bad thing, as you said, as it allows you to figure out a lot about human nature, people, things. Sometimes that can be lonely since not many get into that much thought, detail. I usually keep things to myself.

I'm not sure I yet understand how you willed yourself to change though. Can you explain more?

Thanks for sharing your story.

IsleWalker - Lora

Serenity Bear
27-10-2010, 05:43 PM
Indigo children where said to be that by the colour of their auras, and thus not connected in any way to a medical or other factors in the physical. They may have things in common - ie common goals but thats about it.

27-10-2010, 06:05 PM
thank you IsleWalker

A lot of it was faith in myself and me setting my intention that I would be succesful. Even in the middle of an interupted thought I send my intention that I will not forget the original thought and I will not spend long exploring the distraction before I get back to the thought. I always get back to the original thought with more ideas that pertain to whatever im thinking about. This happens in seconds.

When working I tell myself ok remember that your placing an item here then I walk away and am able to remember the item later exactly when I need to. Sometimes I think it is magic, but then they say you can tell your self what kind of dreams you want to have or what time you want to wake up in the morning and for some reason it will happen.

I think the world works this way, you create your reality with your thoughts, you place intention in a way that makes it come to life.

I dont know if this could make sense to anyone else. Having faith and believing in the ability is the most important thing.

A psych told me not to medicate when I came to him at the age of 18, he reassured me that A.D.D.was not that bad for adults who never medicated. He explaind that learning to read between the lines is a skill that many A.D.D.ers have by force and that skill comes in handy more than you would think. He told me that femails usually overcome around the age of 23 and males a little later but that our brain learns like a childs or like a sponge from that point till the rest of our lives where a normal brain stops learning like a sponge at that age. Now I understand what he was saying. he was a remarkable psych. This is different for A.D.D.ers who medicate, they will always have to rely on the drugs, rather then the brain coming up with a fix on its own.

Like I said, I know all A.D.D.ers are not the same. your child may be different please don't take offense to what im saying.

27-10-2010, 06:19 PM
I agree with you. Even if the child was indigo that does not give them an excuse to not do their school work. People just like sugar coating things to make it easier to deal with. If indigos were real I would qualify as one. But that didn't exempt me from doing school work. I don't think it's healthy to label your child special and more evolved than anyone else. The human ego is already big enough. It doesn't need to be inflated any more.

27-10-2010, 06:22 PM
i am suprised most agree, i do to but was too shy to say so first. imagine that.

27-10-2010, 06:26 PM
i am suprised most agree, i do to but was too shy to say so first. imagine that.

Me too :X
When I first heard about it I thought that
but I was too afraid to sat anything because I thought I would
Get hated on.
I admit I was also shock so many agree.

27-10-2010, 07:28 PM
The problem with the whole "indigo children" phenomenon is that too much of criteria for determing whether or not an individual can be considered indigo is dependent on empirical, "five-sense" oriented evidence (i.e. are they resistant to authoritarian social structures, do they have difficulty with school curriculum based upon rote memorization and not abstract, non-linear thinking, etc.). In actuality, determining whether or not an individual is indigo is exceedingly simple -- one need only attune themselves to the energetic level of awareness. If, upon achieving such an attunement, one then observes that the predominant influence in the energetic field of another is indigo, then that individual can be considered an "indigo", and will probably exhibit many of the traits, both positive and negative, that are generally associated with that particular energetic modality.

27-10-2010, 07:37 PM

Thanks for elaborating. Very interesting. I agree that intention is everything--spiritually, mentally, physically.

I also wanted to say that each person's adjustment to the "extra juice" in their systems is different, and that includes these "disorders". They are always a better choice than the entire brain being non-functional.

I read alot. It was a way of isolating, compensating, but still better than drugs or alchohol.

Sounds like you had a very wise psych. I had one like that too. I said in another post that I want to visit her during a projectioin. It's my way of saying "thanks" with a direct experience of something...more. At least that's the plan!:rolleyes:

My son was diagnosed as dyslexic but never medicated. [But he did a considerable amount of self-medication. He is still dealing with that choice.]

Thanks for sharing.

IsleWalker - Lora

27-10-2010, 08:02 PM
I'm 23 years old, I was diagnosed at an early age for ADD, I was brought to a Psychiatrist constantly and was medicated with Zyprexa and something else I don't really remember, I went through the Special Ed classes for ADD (where we would study at a slightly slower pace than normal classes but not grouped with the kids with worst conditions), I managed to graduate with honors without any retries at any classes, I graduated with a 3.5 GPA.

While still being medicated, I wasn't taking the pills because it was a pain having to take pills when I strongly believed there was nothing wrong with me. Sure I had attention problems, but I still managed, I eventually worked my way in getting no more psychiatric appointments, I told them what I knew they would wanna hear, I told them I stopped taking the pills, he asked me if there were any issues and asked the typical questions, I said no, he talked with my mother for a bit and we got off everything.

I had to admit to my mother after years of avoiding the pills and even throwing them away about that, but after Middle School, I was fine, nothing wrong or anything. I am still considered to be diagnosed, which you can't really heal or grow from, but I had to get myself past all this **. I never believed I was a special child, I always dreamt I would be, I always wished I had more to me than others, but never really believed anything and hadn't even HEARD of indigo children until recently (couple of years ago).

I understand it CAN be a possible treatment to certain children to be medicated but you should never look into it as fast as a lot of people do, even docters quickly jump to it too. I won't put my children on medication, I will teach them self control and discipline like how my instructors and Master in Martial Arts taught us.

27-10-2010, 08:49 PM
your welcome, I just want to say about the whole indigo children thing, i do not think that they should be treated special or even told that they are anything other than a human being. I think a gifted child knows they are and that is enough. I always knew and kept it to myself i did not need the encouragement.With A.D.D. children, some will end up successful business owners and many will self medicate or end up in jail. Its usually one extreme to the other. Its sad but i think its a part of spiritual development. maybe "indigo children" are new incarnates to earth, from some other universe or perhaps they are old ones, but spiritually i dont think they are different than other children maybe at a different place in the path thats all. IMO everyone's gifted or psychic they are just not tuned to it, or aware of it.

I believe that in my case without the hard knocks (what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger) I wouldn't have become the person i am, i wouldn't have learned how to be confident and how to judge situations. my parents were abusive and kicked me out at a young age. I went through the self medicating, after a wile i just realized i did not want to be an addict and saw what i had become. with enough determination one can do or overcome anything.

If i have an A.D.D. child (very probable) i will try to teach them the lessons and know that they are smarter than they lead themselves on to be, ill talk to them in a respectful tone and never hurt them. ill make a good example of what i do and tech them with humility. hopefully they will not have to learn the hard way like i had to. In my parents i see that they are very materialistic and selfish, i see that they teach my sis that being beautiful is the most important thing in the world. They laugh at others expense. my mom still smokes pot around my 13 year old sis. I can see why i had to learn the hard way. I was insane from that upbringing. I think it is possible for a child to prevail with the proper values instilled in them from childhood.

27-10-2010, 08:52 PM
I think that they diagnose children with problems far too early. It's like if you don't obey then you have problem! I'm not denying that ADHD, ADD, Depression, Bi-polar disorder, etc exist. There are some people where this is really bothering them! I had a friend with this problem and it was bad for her. She continuously contemplated suicide and I actually had to get her to pull over because she was at a point of wanting to crash the car she was so depressed and worked up. :icon_eek:

But when children are being diagnosed with a problem just because they would rather be outside than in a setting where they are forced to sit down and obey obey obey and the teacher isn't connecting with them and their unique personality? Idk. I think that needs to be looked into. Maybe some kids really don't like the traditional structure of school and would like to do something and be in situations where they can be free to utilize their natural God given talents instead of, "You HAVE to use my way of getting this problem solved or else your wrong!" or "Why are they doing this when everyone's do that? Argh! I can't take this! I think your kid needs to be put on something."

27-10-2010, 08:53 PM
^ That being said I think we need to stop boxing people in with all this you're indigo, your a star, you're not stuff. But ehhh whatever floats people's boats and gets em through the day healthy! :D

27-10-2010, 10:29 PM
ADD/ADHD is a very common diagnosis nowadays among children. I absolutely think that the age of screening has a lot to do with this and that some misdiagnoses are bound to occur.

And my ADHD is not always bad. I believe it's compensated with by being an overachiever. I have never been medicated for my ADHD and I don't think I will ever have to be.

27-10-2010, 10:33 PM
But when children are being diagnosed with a problem just because they would rather be outside than in a setting where they are forced to sit down and obey obey obey and the teacher isn't connecting with them and their unique personality? Idk. I think that needs to be looked into. Maybe some kids really don't like the traditional structure of school and would like to do something and be in situations where they can be free to utilize their natural God given talents instead of, "You HAVE to use my way of getting this problem solved or else your wrong!" or "Why are they doing this when everyone's do that? Argh! I can't take this! I think your kid needs to be put on something."

This is what alternative schools/homeschooling is for. The only problem is that the parents need to be prepared to either pay big $$$ (which my family does not have) or spend a LOT of time drilling your children. Homeschooling can be just as rigorous, if not even more rigorous, as regular school. (But you probably learn more. I spent a year homeschooling so I wouldn't have to deal with a crazy teacher, and I learned more that year than I did in the following grade.)

On the other hand, diagnoses are helpful because they can help you get a 504 plan constructed for your child. 504 plans basically cater to kids who have problems in the classroom environment. You can request things like an option to go to a quiet room or to be seated in the front of the room instead of the back.

27-10-2010, 10:42 PM
The problem with the whole "indigo children" phenomenon is that too much of criteria for determing whether or not an individual can be considered indigo is dependent on empirical, "five-sense" oriented evidence (i.e. are they resistant to authoritarian social structures, do they have difficulty with school curriculum based upon rote memorization and not abstract, non-linear thinking, etc.).

^^ This. These are just traits of hyperactive kids. About 80% of five- or six- year-olds I know act like this.

Furthermore, etiquette and politeness are extremely subjective among different cultures. In America, we say hello to friends on the street all the time. In Japan, that would probably border on brazen.

BTW, I know a woman from China who says that when Westerners speak Chinese, they say "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome" way too much. "You're welcome" in Mandarin literally means "Don't be polite".

In actuality, determining whether or not an individual is indigo is exceedingly simple -- one need only attune themselves to the energetic level of awareness. If, upon achieving such an attunement, one then observes that the predominant influence in the energetic field of another is indigo, then that individual can be considered an "indigo", and will probably exhibit many of the traits, both positive and negative, that are generally associated with that particular energetic modality.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. It's hard to give colors personality traits.

27-10-2010, 10:43 PM
i am suprised most agree, i do to but was too shy to say so first. imagine that.

I was afraid I was going to start a flame war. :icon_eek:

27-10-2010, 10:58 PM
Anything aimed at isolating a child because they are "Gifted" is obviously going to cause problems with the child and others involved.

Exactly. One of my biggest pet peeves is against arrogant people who like to flaunt their college degree/their Mensa membership/the people they know/whatever. When people boast, it makes other people wonder what's really wrong with them.

Personally I believe the "Indigo Child" phenominon is simply someone who has thrown together some vague and unrelated traits which may or may not mean anything spiritual, and then put a fake theory to go with it, some pretty colours to attract insecure parents and then thrown in an "Indigo Aura" to get a whole range of people involved.

Personally, I believe the "Indigo Child" phenomenon is an enormous cash cow. Books, conventions, readings, you name it. But what disgusts me even more is that some parents have taken advantage of their child's supposed "indigo" status to use them as "psychics". Simply being mistaken about your the effectiveness of your quackery is one thing. Being a simple sleazy con-man is another. But the second you try to bring your children into your sales ploy, then I have lost all respect for you as a human being. There are some people on this planet who I am ashamed to be sharing the title Homo sapiens with.

Also, do you think it would attract nearly as many people if the parents were told that their special kid's aura was the color of puke and cow manure? Just saying. Indigo and purple are rare colors in nature; we attribute a lot of special meaning to them because they catch the eye.

When anyone mentions the name "Indigo" as a title for themselves or their child I ask them to explain exactly what an "Indigo" is within at least 3 basic sentences. Strangely most won't or simply can't do that because they actually have NO idea.

If you can't explain what an Indigo Child is in twenty words or less, then Houston, we've got a problem. And if you can, don't be surprised when I start laughing my head off.

Though, if I ever meet a self proclaimed "Indigo" who happened to actually make some kind of intellectual sense and also have similar traits to a broad range of a group of people who all share the same belief prior to meeting one another. . . .then I may entertain the idea that indigos actually exist.

This is a very bad way of determining the validity of Indigo Children. Indigo Children are a part of the New Age movement specifically. You will never meet a child who claims to be an Indigo if their parents are not into that sort of thing too. You will never meet a hardcore born-again Christian, Jew, Muslim, Mormon, or member of any mainstream religion who claims to be an Indigo without being deeply involved with the New Age movement. All the Indigo children also happen to be New Age children. Coincidence? I think not.

All I have to say to parents of Indigo Children is that they should not treat their kids as though they are "special" or "gifted" and that perhaps their children, and their own self, should seek some counceling or psychological analisis.

^^ This.

27-10-2010, 11:35 PM
Well, I am an indigo, at least I've been told so by several people who can see auras. They told me without my ever asking or even knowing what it was.

If this happened to me, I would doubt their sanity, honestly. I don't think there is any credible scientific evidence of auras. (Click here to see a clip of James Randi's experiments on an aura reader.) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZeQGld5QBU)

Anyways, Jenny McCarthy (Playmate of the Month!) thinks that she's an Indigo and her "autistic" son is a Crystal... because some lady on the street walked up to her and told her so, and her "Mommy Instinct" verified it. (I had no idea that vaccines caused the crystallization of children.) (Click here to see Ms. McCarthy's editorial on the "revelation".) (http://www.childrenofthenewearth.com/free.php?page=articles_free/mccarthy_jenny/article1)

I learned something more about indigos then and the description definitely does fit me a lot. Even though I've never had the slightest trouble in school (apart from hating it vehemently despite having excellent results). I've also never been even suspected of having ADHD.

Well, according to this (http://www.namastecafe.com/evolution/indigo/#canyoutell) website, I meet every single one of the criteria for being an "Indigo Child". (Especially the "wise beyond their years" one. People are often surprised to learn they've been talking to a fourteen-year-old.) And like you, school is easy for me even though I hate being a part of "the system". The problem with all of these common descriptions of "Indigo Child behavior" is that they all suffer from the Forer effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forer_effect). That is, the criteria are so vague (and often flattering) that anyone can read it and think that it applies to their personality specifically.

To me this indigo thing is like learning about whether one is extroverted/introverted, brain hemisphere dominance etc.
It's nice to learn something new, it might help me understand certain things about myself or meet people who might be dealing with similar issues.
But that's about it. I'm definitely not building my identity on that.

Personality tests are very fun. People like to think they're all unique little snowflakes. Then to be "nonconformist", they look at popular culture and the environment around them to see what their "nonconformist" friends are doing. :tongue:

I can see where you're coming from though.
I also find it somewhat strange when people immediately talk about meeting their twin flame whenever they are somewhat attracted to someone or go through the dark night of the soul whenever they miss their bus in the morning or experience any other inconvenience of similar significance.

I find it bothersome when people attribute coincidental happenings to the forces of the supernatural (or, in the case of conspiracy theorists, the government). Probability does not work the way many people think it does, and anecdotal evidence, especially when told by another person with a clear bias, is not always good proof.

I have a family member who claims that her clock started malfunctioning after a close friend died, and she considers this evidence of a spirit world. If your clock starts suddenly malfunctioning for seemingly no reason at all, it doesn't mean that there are spirits tampering with it for kicks, it means you need to get a new clock.

But that doesn't mean those concepts don't actually exist.
Just because some people misuse them, try to fit them to their situation at all cost or use them as an excuse for their shortcomings doesn't make them invalid.

It doesn't make them invalid, they're probably just mistaken. And I don't blame them. Some of these things are psychologically tailored to be attractive to a lot of people.

I don't know, I just always prefer to keep an open mind and so claiming that something simply doesn't exist always sounds to me a bit like...doing the exact opposite.

I like to keep an open mind too. I listen for things like evidence and studies and scientific evidence. But there is a difference between "keeping an open mind" and "accepting everything you hear". Only the former can truly be called rationality. The latter is just gullibility and faith.

27-10-2010, 11:46 PM
in response to that last line ill leave you with my signature

28-10-2010, 12:00 AM
in response to that last line ill leave you with my signature

Thanks. :smile: In exchange, I'll just leave this:

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."


28-10-2010, 12:13 AM
in response to that last line ill leave you with my signature

So very true. Nice of you to recognize, what I would call, your degree of empowerment.

Much is changing at this time. We need to respect those who are attached to concepts and ideas that differ from our own. I like the way you do that. All these things are truly blessed.


28-10-2010, 12:19 AM
^^ This. These are just traits of hyperactive kids. About 80% of five- or six- year-olds I know act like this.
That's a possibility, which is of course one of the reasons why I'm advocating not relying on five-sense information in order to determine the energetic predispositions of others.

Furthermore, etiquette and politeness are extremely subjective among different cultures. In America, we say hello to friends on the street all the time. In Japan, that would probably border on brazen.

BTW, I know a woman from China who says that when Westerners speak Chinese, they say "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome" way too much. "You're welcome" in Mandarin literally means "Don't be polite".

Yet another reason not to assign credence to surface appearances.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. It's hard to give colors personality traits.
I mean that having a direct, energetic experience of an individual will yield greater understanding of the personality traits that they exhibit than will a conceptually dependent one.

28-10-2010, 12:20 AM
Much is changing at this time. We need to respect those who are attached to concepts and ideas that differ from our own.

Thank you John, I agree

28-10-2010, 12:41 AM
That's a possibility, which is of course one of the reasons why I'm advocating not relying on five-sense information in order to determine the energetic predispositions of others.


I mean that having a direct, energetic experience (as opposed to a mind dependent one) of an individual will yield greater understanding of the personality traits that they exhibit.

I'm not dismissing using the five senses to gain information. You use it to gain information in science. I'm just saying that the criteria that people claim for these supposed metaphysical concepts has a very low standard.

Before we can verify that Indigo Children exist, we must confirm that aura reading is true and reliable. Then, to prove that these children are psychic, we'd need to test them in a controlled environment. And if they want any credence to the "knowledge of past lives" thing or something like that, I'm not sure if it's really possible to prove or disprove that. On one hand, we could use a lie detector. On the other hand, children have wild imaginations and it's possible that it wouldn't be the first time that they've erroneously believed something to be true... or have false memories in their heads.

28-10-2010, 01:25 AM
I'm not dismissing using the five senses to gain information.
I am, at least with regard to the task of ascertaining the energetic predispositions of others.

You use it to gain information in science.

You do indeed. Of course, the senses of most scientists in this day and age have been dulled and muddled by fixation on external conditions.

I'm just saying that the criteria that people claim for these supposed metaphysical concepts has a very low standard.

Before we can verify that Indigo Children exist, we must confirm that aura reading is true and reliable. Then, to prove that these children are psychic, we'd need to test them in a controlled environment. And if they want any credence to the "knowledge of past lives" thing or something like that, I'm not sure if it's really possible to prove or disprove that. On one hand, we could use a lie detector. On the other hand, children have wild imaginations and it's possible that it wouldn't be the first time that they've erroneously believed something to be true... or have false memories in their heads.
All of this comes from the perspective of a traditional scientific paradigm, and really isn't all that relevant for those who are interested in using metaphysical knowledge like energetic signature categorization for the purposes of enhancing self-knowledge and reorienting awareness internally. If on the other hand there are those like yourself who want to wait for science to validate the existence of these phenomena, I certainly won't stand in your way. It does make me wonder what you plan on doing in the interim, however, as your options for interfacing with reality will by definition remain quite limited.

28-10-2010, 01:27 AM
I truly was under the impression that aura had nothing whatsoever to do with these colour labels. I thought they referred to the colour of ray a person was born under and they're place in the helping of humanity :dontknow:

28-10-2010, 01:43 AM
I am, at least with regard to the task of ascertaining the energetic predispositions of others.

What do you mean by "energetic predispositions", and how do you propose that it be ascertained?

You do indeed. Of course, the senses of most scientists in this day and age have been dulled and muddled by fixation on external conditions.

Real scientists collect data from the real world. And these real scientists have created modern medicine, ways of predicting disasters, the computer you're using now, and much more. All of this can be attributed to the supposedly "dulled and muddled" senses of scientists.

All of this comes from the perspective of a traditional scientific paradigm, and really isn't all that relevant for those who are interested in using metaphysical knowledge like energetic signature categorization for the purposes of enhancing self-knowledge and reorienting awareness internally.

- (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature

By definition, supernatural things cannot occur in the natural world. The natural world is the only thing that we can reliably observe. All scientific discoveries have been made in the natural world.

What you are talking about is supernatural. There is no proof of it that can be observed in the natural world. You are accepting it on faith.

28-10-2010, 02:07 AM
I truly was under the impression that aura had nothing whatsoever to do with these colour labels. I thought they referred to the colour of ray a person was born under and they're place in the helping of humanity :dontknow:

I've only heard about the "indigo auras". At least, that was the distinctive mark of an indigo child popularized in the first definitive book on the subject. I think it's on Skepdic somewhere, but I'm afraid to link to it because apparently it's commercial. Just google "skepdic indigo children" and you'll find what I'm talking about.

This "rays" thing is totally new to me, though. I presume that there are conflicts in the New Age community over these things?

28-10-2010, 02:12 AM
what about the studies done with random number generators? traditional science doesn't answer all the questions, so we are forced to consider something like quantum theory because it is the closest we have come to actually answering some of these questions.

28-10-2010, 02:19 AM
what about the studies done with random number generators? traditional science doesn't answer all the questions, so we are forced to consider something like quantum theory because it is the closest we have come to actually answering some of these questions.

What are these random number generator studies?

Just because science has found an unknown doesn't mean we can chalk it up to God, spirits, auras, Indigo Children, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, or whatever you feel like inserting there. It simply means that there is an unknown and we do not know why it happens.

Darn, how did we get from Indigo Children to quantum theory? :icon_eek:

28-10-2010, 02:24 AM
This "rays" thing is totally new to me, though. I presume that there are conflicts in the New Age community over these things?

I feel that there are only conflicts when we're unable to accept that sometimes things have no explanation - none of us knows for certain, it's all theory and conjecture. Some of us need facts and proof and hard evidence - some of us don't. As long as it harms none, I see no problem. Live and let live :smile:

28-10-2010, 02:44 AM
well it seems as though your a skeptic to the whole metaphysical thing, so i figured that I would bring in some science that validates some of these claims and quantum theory is it. The bottom line is that your consciousness affects the behavior of subatomic particles, and to me thats seems like a very spiritual thing. I dont know where pink unicorns fit into this, lol. but thats not my thing anyways. as far as god goes, I dont interpret god as a man with a white beard who judges us, to me god is just another word for the nature of reality. but that's just me.

forget the random number generator because im in no place to try to explain that here but I will get into the double slit experiment. that one is easier. watch this video. the implications are tremendous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc

28-10-2010, 02:57 AM
What do you mean by "energetic predispositions", and how do you propose that it be ascertained?
There are certain vibratory frequencies that different individuals gravitate towards. These frequencies dictate the manner in which any given individual will conduct themselves in life. How do I propose that they be ascertained? The only way we have available to us -- the establishment of an attunement with the energetic level of reality.

Real scientists collect data from the real world. And these real scientists have created modern medicine, ways of predicting disasters, the computer you're using now, and much more. All of this can be attributed to the supposedly "dulled and muddled" senses of scientists.
True. The difference between you and me is that you remain impressed with the status quo whereas I find it, for lack of a better word, rather pedestrian.

- (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature

By definition, supernatural things cannot occur in the natural world.

Given that I've never referred to the natural world as it has been defined by current scientific understanding, I'd say you've backed yourself into a corner.

The natural world is the only thing that we can reliably observe. All scientific discoveries have been made in the natural world.

What you are talking about is supernatural. There is no proof of it that can be observed in the natural world. You are accepting it on faith.
Faith is only necessary prior to the experience of direct perception. Do you have faith that you know how to tie your shoes, or do you simply know it?

28-10-2010, 03:19 AM
well it seems as though your a skeptic to the whole metaphysical thing, so i figured that I would bring in some science that validates some of these claims and quantum theory is it. The bottom line is that your consciousness affects the behavior of subatomic particles, and to me thats seems like a very spiritual thing. I dont know where pink unicorns fit into this, lol. but thats not my thing anyways. as far as god goes, I dont interpret god as a man with a white beard who judges us, to me god is just another word for the nature of reality. but that's just me.

forget the random number generator because im in no place to try to explain that here but I will get into the double slit experiment. that one is easier. watch this video. the implications are tremendous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc

Quantum mechanics are pretty cool. :icon_eek:

Although the video did say that it was not consciousness that affected the behavior of the particles, but the presence of an observer. Basically, the particles no longer react the way they normally do when they are being observed. They are not consciously wishing the particles to act differently, they simply do.

Although a very interesting tidbit, I don't think this has anything to do with the existence of Indigo Children, or the New Age movement.

28-10-2010, 03:25 AM
[/quote]This is a very bad way of determining the validity of Indigo Children.[/quote]

And what would a "good" way of validatig an indigo child or adult be?

What other good way is there to validate something this broad other than to find a pattern of traits and behaviour, proving such a pattern exists outside of the "indigo community" and also that such a pattern is not the product of any group of mental illness's or enabling of another person (such as a parent)?

To be clear, the indigo phenominon is all obviously labels, misinterpretations, fake information and bad intentions aimed at enabling parents and manipulating their perceptions of themselves and their children. I do not, by any means, support the idea of any of it nor think that any of it is minutely likely in any way shape or form.

But I prefer not to rule anything out completely, no matter what it is, because I find that deciding that anything milidly rational is "impossible" or "untrue" limits future experiences and perceptions of reality itself in monumental ways.

28-10-2010, 03:26 AM
There are certain vibratory frequencies that different individuals gravitate towards. These frequencies dictate the manner in which any given individual will conduct themselves in life. How do I propose that they be ascertained? The only way we have available to us -- the establishment of an attunement with the energetic level of reality.

I call **. Prove the existence of these "vibratory frequencies".

True. The difference between you and me is that you remain impressed with the status quo whereas I find it, for lack of a better word, rather pedestrian.

The difference between you and I is that you try to twist your perceptions of the world into the way you want it to be, whereas I change my views and ideas as new information is presented. :wink:

Given that I've never referred to the natural world as it has been defined by current scientific understanding, I'd say you've backed yourself into a corner.

So I'm stupid for not believing in stuff blindly?:rolleyes:

Faith is only necessary prior to the experience of direct perception. Do you have faith that you know how to tie your shoes, or do you simply know it?

And actually, I don't know how to tie my shoes... it's embarrassing, really... I have fine motor issues.

28-10-2010, 03:30 AM
well well it seems as though my fellow A.D.D.er is coming around, ahem:
posted from wiki:
Consciousness is variously defined as subjective experience, awareness (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAwareness), the ability to experience "feeling (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FFeeling)", wakefulness, the understanding of the concept "self (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSelf)", or the executive control system of the mind

in other words the observer

The New Age movement is a spiritual (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSpirituality) and quasi-religious (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FReligion) Western movement that developed in the latter half of the 20th century. Its central precepts revolve around "drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual and metaphysical (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMetaphysics) traditions and then infusing them with influences from self-help (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSelf-help) and motivational psychology (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FPsychology), holistic health (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAlternative_medicine), parapsychology (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FParapsychology), consciousness research and quantum mechanics (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FQuantum_mechanics)"[2] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-1) in order to create "a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas" that is inclusive and pluralistic (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FReligious_pluralism).[3] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-Drury_2004_8-2) Another of its primary traits is holding to "a holistic worldview,"[4] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-3) thereby emphasising that the Mind, Body and Spirit (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FDialectical_monism) are interrelated[1] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-JGMelton-0) and that there is a form of Oneness (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMonism) and unity throughout the universe.[5] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-Langone-4) It further attempts to create "a worldview that includes both science and spirituality"[6] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-5) and thereby embraces a number of forms of science (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FScience)

Apakhana Akshobhya
28-10-2010, 03:46 AM
I'm on the side of calling out the Indigo thing as a Barnum's Syndrome.

While people can come up with any argument as a base for attempting to validate their ideas, the nature of those ideas themselves need to be realized for what they are - either they are realistic, or they are fantasy.

I know that people want it to be true, even so much that they get emotional but just because we get emotional about our ideas that doesn't mean they are valid.

If we are going to learn anything, we have to be objective realists. Otherwise, we are only playing around in the gymnasium of the imagination.

28-10-2010, 03:57 AM
I thought an "Indigo" Child was a kid who wore a lot of bluish-purple...?

Huh... shows how important labels are.


If you met a child with the actual proper name "Indigo" would you still be so up in arms?

28-10-2010, 04:02 AM
by sangress- But I prefer not to rule anything out completely, no matter what it is, because I find that deciding that anything milidly rational is "impossible" or "untrue" limits future experiences and perceptions of reality itself in monumental ways.

i agree

as for the whole indigo children thing, I really have no opinion either way like sangrees said its just a label.

I do however support the new age movement and that was the reason for my previous posts.

28-10-2010, 04:06 AM
I call **. Prove the existence of these "vibratory frequencies".
Proof of the existence of metaphysical phenomena can only be attained subjectively, though to understand this, one must first have a sense of what constitutes the subject/object paradigm. You go deep enough into the subject and you emerge as the object, and vice versa.

The difference between you and I is that you try to twist your perceptions of the world into the way you want it to be, whereas I change my views and ideas as new information is presented. :wink:

That's an admirable quality, particularly in these times of sweeping change and tumult. The challenge for you now is to remain vigilant, even when it may seem tempting to settle into a comfortable conception of reality.

So I'm stupid for not believing in stuff blindly?:rolleyes:

I was simply pointing out the fact that your definition was self-defeating, not attempting to assassinate your character.

And actually, I don't know how to tie my shoes... it's embarrassing, really... I have fine motor issues.
And apparently difficulty with metaphor interpretation as well. Ah well, we live and learn right? Or so they say...

28-10-2010, 04:07 AM
Quantum mechanics are pretty cool. :icon_eek:

Although the video did say that it was not consciousness that affected the behavior of the particles, but the presence of an observer. Basically, the particles no longer react the way they normally do when they are being observed. They are not consciously wishing the particles to act differently, they simply do.

Actually, AP, I don't know that this video states it, but "the observer" does actually tend to be consciousness. That is, the fact that the results change when someone is watching (or some consciousness is aware) is only half the statement. The other half is that it can be changed in any way--by the adding of energy or the subtraction of energy.

Now up until now, science has said, "Oh, that's just the randomness." But the fact that without an observer, there is no change makes that not the case.

So, consciousness can be in inanimate things we don't normally consider conscious.

There is a great video by a Nobel winning physicist that describes what he calls the Universal Consciousness that can be found at the mathematical base of all sciences--physical sciences like geology, planetary movements, particle physics, quantum mathematics, etc. Each can be simplified to the same mathematical expression---a unified base.

I'll post a link if anyone is interested.

IsleWalker - Lora

28-10-2010, 04:11 AM
And apparantly difficulty with metaphor interpretation as well. Ah well, we live and learn right? Or so they say... common honey not vinegar. i think she was joking anyways.

In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves. - buddha

28-10-2010, 04:15 AM
The new age are really in most cases just replacing the old ideologies with new ones, with new labels, with new names and thats all Indigo or any other belief system is. We just got to realize that we are not these labels and not to get caught up in them, labels can be useful in the beginning for the blind but when we Awaken to what the labels point to we then can drop the label and live within that which the label pointed to. But to go through your whole life believing you are the label is to miss the whole point, we need to mature in Spirit just as a child matures and moves on from one grad to the next, until he or she has graduated.

28-10-2010, 04:16 AM
posted by islewalker-
Actually, AP, I don't know that this video states it, but "the observer" does actually tend to be consciousness. That is, the fact that the results change when someone is watching (or some consciousness is aware) is only half the statement. The other half is that it can be changed in any way--by the adding of energy or the subtraction of energy.

Now up until now, science has said, "Oh, that's just the randomness." But the fact that without an observer, there is no change makes that not the case. she was talking about the double slit experiment, not the random number generator, im assuming thats what your referring to. either way the part about consciousness applies.And yes i would like the link if you dont mind :)

28-10-2010, 04:18 AM
And what would a "good" way of validatig an indigo child or adult be?

I believe I mentioned this earlier in the thread. If it can be proven that Indigo Children really are reincarnations/psychic/healers/etc. then it should be easy to construct a study to test that. The problem with it is that the Indigo child scam is carefully constructed to be unfalsifiable, because in many cases the things that people consider "indigo traits" are not special at all.

But first, we need to define what an Indigo Child is. People have claimed many different things about them, ranging from simply "They're gifted!" to "They have psychic healing powers and will save the planet!"

I think it's telling that most people who consider themselves or other people to be Indigos are from the New Age movement. Nobody outside the New Age movement seems to come to the sudden conclusion that they are mystical saviors of the earth (unless there is a good deal of mental illness involved).

What other good way is there to validate something this broad other than to find a pattern of traits and behaviour, proving such a pattern exists outside of the "indigo community" and also that such a pattern is not the product of any group of mental illness's or enabling of another person (such as a parent)?

The problem is that these traits and behaviors are the ones carried by kids with ADD/ADHD/NPD (depending on who you're talking to), and sometimes even by ordinary kids with none of these disorders. Heck, even adults don't like waiting in lines. What makes them think a kid will enjoy it?

To be clear, the indigo phenominon is all obviously labels, misinterpretations, fake information and bad intentions aimed at enabling parents and manipulating their perceptions of themselves and their children. I do not, by any means, support the idea of any of it nor think that any of it is minutely likely in any way shape or form.

I'm glad we see eye-to-eye on this.

But I prefer not to rule anything out completely, no matter what it is, because I find that deciding that anything milidly rational is "impossible" or "untrue" limits future experiences and perceptions of reality itself in monumental ways.

I never said it was impossible - I simply don't think it's supported by scientific evidence or theories and it is therefore extremely unlikely. In fact, it's much more likely that the whole thing altogether is a scam created for the purposes of wealth, in which case it would obviously be false.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate discussing these things. :smile: :D :smile:

28-10-2010, 04:19 AM
originally posted by psychoslice-The new age are really in most cases just replacing the old ideologies with new ones, with new labels, with new names and thats all Indigo or any other belief system is. We just got to realize that we are not these labels and not to get caught up in them, labels can be useful in the beginning for the blind but when we Awaken to what the labels point to we then can drop the label and live within that which the label pointed to. But to go through your whole life believing you are the label is to miss the whole point, we need to mature in Spirit just as a child matures and moves on from one grad to the next, until he or she has graduated. profound statement as usual psychoslice :)

28-10-2010, 04:23 AM
well well it seems as though my fellow A.D.D.er is coming around, ahem:
posted from wiki:
Consciousness is variously defined as subjective experience, awareness (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAwareness), the ability to experience "feeling (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FFeeling)", wakefulness, the understanding of the concept "self (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSelf)", or the executive control system of the mind

in other words the observer

The New Age movement is a spiritual (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSpirituality) and quasi-religious (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FReligion) Western movement that developed in the latter half of the 20th century. Its central precepts revolve around "drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual and metaphysical (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMetaphysics) traditions and then infusing them with influences from self-help (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FSelf-help) and motivational psychology (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FPsychology), holistic health (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAlternative_medicine), parapsychology (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FParapsychology), consciousness research and quantum mechanics (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FQuantum_mechanics)"[2] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-1) in order to create "a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas" that is inclusive and pluralistic (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FReligious_pluralism).[3] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-Drury_2004_8-2) Another of its primary traits is holding to "a holistic worldview,"[4] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-3) thereby emphasising that the Mind, Body and Spirit (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FDialectical_monism) are interrelated[1] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-JGMelton-0) and that there is a form of Oneness (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMonism) and unity throughout the universe.[5] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-Langone-4) It further attempts to create "a worldview that includes both science and spirituality"[6] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FNew_Age%2523cite_note-5) and thereby embraces a number of forms of science (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FScience)

Quantum mechanics is about science. Parapsychology, holistic healing, alternative medicine, the supernatural, and the metaphysical are about pseudoscience that has never been proven and is not accepted by the general scientific community.

28-10-2010, 04:24 AM
I'm on the side of calling out the Indigo thing as a Barnum's Syndrome.

While people can come up with any argument as a base for attempting to validate their ideas, the nature of those ideas themselves need to be realized for what they are - either they are realistic, or they are fantasy.

I know that people want it to be true, even so much that they get emotional but just because we get emotional about our ideas that doesn't mean they are valid.

If we are going to learn anything, we have to be objective realists. Otherwise, we are only playing around in the gymnasium of the imagination.

I think I love you. (jk)

28-10-2010, 04:26 AM
I never said it was impossible - I simply don't think it's supported by scientific evidence or theories and it is therefore extremely unlikely. In fact, it's much more likely that the whole thing altogether is a scam created for the purposes of wealth, in which case it would obviously be false. i agree that , like with everything nowadays, people jump on the money making bandwagon, and exploit it in many ways, but i do not think it originated for this purpose because i had this same idea (just an idea not a belief) before i ever herd of the "indigo children" thing.

28-10-2010, 04:27 AM
If you met a child with the actual proper name "Indigo" would you still be so up in arms?

Nah. I know like a dozen people named "Crystal", "Chrystal", "Cristal", or some wacky variation like that. But they're not "Crystal Children".

28-10-2010, 04:29 AM
common honey not vinegar.
More like a rivulet of honey in a stream of vinegar.

i think she was joking anyways.
I thought so as well, but then realized that the metaphor would have been lost regardless.

28-10-2010, 04:34 AM
Oh crud, I think I started a thread and derailed it into a flame war.

28-10-2010, 04:38 AM
Quantum mechanics is about science. Parapsychology, holistic healing, alternative medicine, the supernatural, and the metaphysical are about pseudoscience that has never been proven and is not accepted by the general scientific community. yes the mainstream scientific community dose not like to tie quantum mechanics to these phenomena but it is on the rise and for very good reason. as you saw on the doubble slit experiment the observer or consciousness can create reality so how could one not heal with the power of consciousness? anyways the implications are numberless and it has the general scientific community shaking in there boots, the old ideas are just not cutting it anymore. you should see "what the bleep down the rabbit hole" that is the movie that the double slit link I posted came from.

28-10-2010, 04:41 AM
Oh crud, I think I started a thread and derailed it into a flame war. lol was that not your purpose coming onto spiritual forums and posting as a skeptic? good job though annoyingpony, im enjoying it, lol

28-10-2010, 04:43 AM
Oh crud, I think I started a thread and derailed it into a flame war.
If you observe how very deep down you actually delight in the emotional volatility stirred up by the prospect of having "inadvertantly" started a flame war, you'll be well on your way to getting that evidence for the existence of energetic signatures that you pretended to be interested in earlier. :wink:

28-10-2010, 04:59 AM
I know that this is just my word against the world, but I have had direct experiences with a lot of strange phenomena, that is why I believe. I have a friend who i call to relieve my painful cramps that I get during my monthly. No joke, he can heal them with his hand, Ive experienced this a number of times with no fail. I have this other friend who has a similar aura, and when I had the pain I asked him to just put his hand on my leg and sure enough he had the power too. This is not the only direct experiences Ive had with strange phenomena I have stories upon stories, If I didn't believe then that would make me crazy to deny something thats right in front of me.

28-10-2010, 12:26 PM
I was joking about the "proper name" thing. I was making light of this entire discussion that considers a LABEL.

Whether you are ADD, ADHD, ROY G BIV, Tomato Soup, Oscar the Grouch, etc...

It is all just a label.

A little too much for me to handle personally.

I think Psychoslice mantioned those who live their whole "lives" searching for a label for themselves. I agree with him. Kind of misses the point in my opinion.

Some people take a lot of this "new age" stuff very seriously. I think that is wonderful, if it helps them find their true purpose. Whatever it may be that day, week, month, or year...

If you think taping a crystal to your armpit on the third Thursday of every odd numbered month will help you "ascend". Go for it. Who am I to tell you you are wrong?

When you really look at it, EVERYTHING can be subjective. Certain laws apply to certain realms. Certain labels apply to certain realms.
Many are beginning to prove these laws breakable as well...

If one has a lucid dream, or an OBE, are they not experiencing "reality" simply because it can not be proven with science?

Sciece is a "life-line" for many, but a tether for others, grounding them in this reality.

The world is a playground, it can be as much or as little as you want.

Ok, enough blabbing.


28-10-2010, 12:50 PM
I've just done this on-line survey that labels me as an Indigo Child. Hurrah! Can I jump into that box now and forget the the whole point of my existence - of being who and what I am?

These basket weaving classes look soo kewl

28-10-2010, 01:12 PM
I don't believe in Indigo children, nor do I believe in Crystal, Rainbow, Sunshine, Moon, Green, Gold, Silver, Amethyst, and Butterfly children.

Aura colours? Why should this be set in stone? I thought aura colours can change all the time..

It's always people from the west who use such titles, meaning that it's more cultural then universal. (Just like twin flames)

Not in my book. ;D

28-10-2010, 02:40 PM
I was ready to agree with you, Chrysaetos, till you generalized and labeled with "always people from the west..."

Oh well.

28-10-2010, 02:58 PM
I know that this is just my word against the world, but I have had direct experiences with a lot of strange phenomena, that is why I believe. I have a friend who i call to relieve my painful cramps that I get during my monthly. No joke, he can heal them with his hand, Ive experienced this a number of times with no fail. I have this other friend who has a similar aura, and when I had the pain I asked him to just put his hand on my leg and sure enough he had the power too. This is not the only direct experiences Ive had with strange phenomena I have stories upon stories, If I didn't believe then that would make me crazy to deny something thats right in front of me.


I am curious is you have read any of Dr. Lipton's books.

Another book about healing that I am quite fond of is from Kryon.

In my view, we all have a lot to learn about many things. The power of the mind/consciousness is vastly underestimated at this time.


28-10-2010, 03:07 PM
I was ready to agree with you, Chrysaetos, till you generalized and labeled with "always people from the west..."

Oh well. Hi Ladyofthelight:smile:

Can you give me examples of Chinese, Indians, Nigerians, Argentinians, Inuit, or Siberian shamans who believe in Indigo's, Crystals, Rainbows etc.?

28-10-2010, 03:42 PM
Not a "lady"... and I was refering to the fact that you mentioned not believing in labels, and then you grouped people from "the west" and labeled them as believing in all of these things.

From my perspective, as soon as you label something, you introduce the potential for missing part of whatever the "lesson" might be. That is if ou even believe you are here to learn "lessons".

I live in "the west" but everywhere is "west" of something, isn't it?

I believe someone can "move forward" regardless of where they are from or what they believe in.

If someone wants to believe in "indigo children", fine by me. No need to judge someone.

I have met some pretty amazing children lately. They seem to have an unconscious "knowing" of things. That is evidence enough for me without slapping a label on them. Then again, aren't all chilrden, and humans in eneral, amazing?

Take care :-)

28-10-2010, 03:47 PM
she was talking about the double slit experiment, not the random number generator, im assuming thats what your referring to. either way the part about consciousness applies.And yes i would like the link if you dont mind :)


Yes, double slit or one of many other reputable experiments that have been done and documented in The Field by Lynne McTaggart. Do you know it?

Maybe I've begun to put my own assumptions (and, yes, I know what assuming does) into the theory, but I can't get away from the fact that not only is the experiment of any kind of randomness changed, but it is changed by an intelligence, even if it is the intelligence of things not considered "conscious".

Here is the video of Dr. John Hagelin I talked about. The only complaint I have is that his illustration of "The Unified Field" with the bottom is actually all around instead, like a sphere. I put this together with String Theory (he talks about strings of energy percolating like ginger ale out of The Unified Field) and Quantum Theory and it almost approximates what we here have experienced!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuuKBInwQRU (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.youtube.com%2525252 Fwatch%2525253Fv%2525253DcuuKBInwQRU)

I have this feeling that packed strings of energy will be found to be at the core of all atoms--and at their base they're attached to The Unified Field. And Quantum Theory adds the idea of quantum packets of information, like holograms, where one piece of a packet carries with it the description of the whole thing. Most people get packets like that during dreams, visions, whatever where you just "know" things as well as see them, hear them, feel them.

Like a hologram of a tea cup that is bombarded with lasers. When you do the math to filter out the known light frequency of the laser light, you are left with a 3D vision of the tea cup. Since we are basically strands of Light, we can always (a) see the effect in terms of raising or lowering of our energy when we interact with people or things and (b) know the energy pattern of that thing that interacted with us. So, the energy string is it's own record of all the influences it has ever had (all the people met, lives lived, etc.) .

It's all rather elegant I think!

IsleWalker - Lora

28-10-2010, 03:52 PM
Well they don't believe in those labels but they do believe in auras, and yeah they change so I have also wondered how one can label someone. My aura changed and is mostly pink now.

28-10-2010, 03:52 PM
Not a "lady"... LOL! :D
I'm sorry for that mistake, shows how senses can give false information.
and I was refering to the fact that you mentioned not believing in labels, and then you grouped people from "the west" and labeled them as believing in all of these things. Not everyone in the west believes in indigo's etc. However, indigo believers are from the west. If you have people from Argentina or Senegal, Inuit or Siberian shamans who believe in it, show me!
I live in "the west" but everywhere is "west" of something, isn't it? You know very well what I mean. The west is the economically developed world. Amongst these countries you see people who have common spiritual beliefs, also people who believe in twin flames and indigo children. I don't know of any Inuit, Siberian shaman, zulu, or Vietnamese who believes in those things.
I believe someone can "move forward" regardless of where they are from or what they believe in. Yes.
If someone wants to believe in "indigo children", fine by me. No need to judge someone. Of course! Just as much as others are free not to believe in indigo's, crystals, rainbows etc. and point out why they think it's unreal.
I have met some pretty amazing children lately. They seem to have an unconscious "knowing" of things. That is evidence enough for me without slapping a label on them. Eggsackly.
Take care :-) You as well. ;-)

28-10-2010, 04:08 PM

Yes, double slit or one of many other reputable experiments that have been done and documented in The Field by Lynne McTaggart. Do you know it?

Maybe I've begun to put my own assumptions (and, yes, I know what assuming does) into the theory, but I can't get away from the fact that not only is the experiment of any kind of randomness changed, but it is changed by an intelligence, even if it is the intelligence of things not considered "conscious".

Here is the video of Dr. John Hagelin I talked about. The only complaint I have is that his illustration of "The Unified Field" with the bottom is actually all around instead, like a sphere. I put this together with String Theory (he talks about strings of energy percolating like ginger ale out of The Unified Field) and Quantum Theory and it almost approximates what we here have experienced!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuuKBInwQRU (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.youtube. com%252525252Fwatch%252525253Fv%252525253DcuuKBInw QRU)

I have this feeling that packed strings of energy will be found to be at the core of all atoms--and at their base they're attached to The Unified Field. And Quantum Theory adds the idea of quantum packets of information, like holograms, where one piece of a packet carries with it the description of the whole thing. Most people get packets like that during dreams, visions, whatever where you just "know" things as well as see them, hear them, feel them.

Like a hologram of a tea cup that is bombarded with lasers. When you do the math to filter out the known light frequency of the laser light, you are left with a 3D vision of the tea cup. Since we are basically strands of Light, we can always (a) see the effect in terms of raising or lowering of our energy when we interact with people or things and (b) know the energy pattern of that thing that interacted with us. So, the energy string is it's own record of all the influences it has ever had (all the people met, lives lived, etc.) .

It's all rather elegant I think!

IsleWalker - LoraI love those guys from what the bleep, thanks for the links

Serenity Bear
28-10-2010, 04:34 PM
I don't believe in Indigo children, nor do I believe in Crystal, Rainbow, Sunshine, Moon, Green, Gold, Silver, Amethyst, and Butterfly children.

Aura colours? Why should this be set in stone? I thought aura colours can change all the time..

It's always people from the west who use such titles, meaning that it's more cultural then universal. (Just like twin flames)

Not in my book. ;D

As far as auras are concerned it totally depends on which layer of the aura you are reading. The emotional layer does change constantly but others will remain the same.

A lot of people believe these children thing is about phsyical stuff well it isnt, its totally about Devine Pathway or career choice. Each individual colour has its own pathway assigned to it, these would be areas that the individual is instinctively drawn too, wether they know they are a certain colour or not.

Nor does it matter if everyone or no one believes in us, its wether we believe in us and what we do. Its a spiritual thing and a personal one.

As far as chakras and auras they come from the East and thus I feel so do these colours for the children. Its a shame that some westerners got hold of it and thus made it an 'entertainment thing' rather then its true spiritual aspect. The Indigos were the first to be known thanks to Doreen Virtue but we have been around since the 1940s at least.

It doesnt matter wether these children are treated as special or not, wether they have good childhoods or not, if they are from the west or the east - the pathways are those which they follow.

So you see they could be from the smallest island in the world, and be a colour and still follow the pathway without them even hearing or knowing about it at all.

Just treat your children in a loveing, well balanced way and let them decide where they go with their career/devine pathway as its what THEY will be passionate about and not what you feel passionate about.

28-10-2010, 04:41 PM
Ok Mahakali, you're buzzing past me. The "guys from what the bleep"?


28-10-2010, 04:58 PM
Lynne McTaggart and Dr. John Hagelin were both in the movie what the bleep, theres an extended version called down the rabbit hole. theres like 6 extra hours of interviews from all kinds of scientists and what not all discussing quantum physics. it is where this interview came from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrcWntw9juM&feature=related (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatc h%3Fv%3DOrcWntw9juM%26amp%3Bfeature%3Drelated) Im in love with this flick you got to get the rabbit hole version theres a setting if you have a new dvd player with a random number generator, where your consciousness can supposedly change the way you watch the movie lol. its fun anyhow, i get something new out of it every time i watch it, ive seen it dozens of times.
Originally Posted by Chrysaetos
I don't believe in Indigo children, nor do I believe in Crystal, Rainbow, Sunshine, Moon, Green, Gold, Silver, Amethyst, and Butterfly children. what are butterfly children?

28-10-2010, 05:02 PM
Just treat your children in a loveing, well balanced way and let them decide where they go with their career/devine pathway as its what THEY will be passionate about and not what you feel passionate about.
man i couldn't agree more with this comment, thank you for your informative posts

28-10-2010, 05:16 PM

How could I have missed this? I have seen the interview you linked to before. I just thought it was part of a student's interview or something.

Ya think it is out on Hulu? Or only on DVD?


28-10-2010, 05:35 PM
what are butterfly children? You know.. children that are born with an intuitive connection and oneness with butterflies:hug: They vibrate on the same level as the butterflies:hug:

You know all the other ones?:D

28-10-2010, 05:37 PM
im sure you can find it anywhere but i suggest that you buy the dvd because there are a lot of features. theres even an instructional chapter on how to watch the movie lol, and the movie itself is not easy to understand but thats what makes it so great, your mind just takes off on a subject and you will want to pause it just to finish your own thoughts before moving on.
again this is the rabbit hole version the first one is good but its only a 3rd as long and doesn't cover all the same stuff as the first one. It covers the Copenhagen interpretation only. skeptics hated this and one scientist said that he did not agree with what the movie portrayed so they had all the scientists come back and do more interviews so they could get there point across more. there's even a trans channeled entity called ramtha, its bizarre but i love her/him lol

28-10-2010, 05:48 PM

Just ordered it on Amazon--the Rabbit Hole 3 disk set. I can't believe I've missed this. This so my kind of thing! I researched Hagelin, looked for a long time before I found the illustrations he used in this video. [found in istpp.org/military_science/etc. Weird. ]



28-10-2010, 05:51 PM
You know.. children that are born with an intuitive connection and oneness with butterflies:hug: They vibrate on the same level as the butterflies:hug:

You know all the other ones?:D
I am interested to learn more about it i guess ill start googleing about it, Im with the whole not labeling thing but i guess i cant really speak if i dont know about it ya know. I was born with a butterfly birthmark in two places and met a couple of others with the same thing, they are both into the metaphysical, weird i know, i feel like it has some significance with my past life or something. I mean it looks just like a butterfly, no joke

http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/118/l_a813093ded51489593ac62eed9cfb3bd.jpg i have another one on my leg with pointy wings. ??????

28-10-2010, 05:59 PM

Just ordered it on Amazon--the Rabbit Hole 3 disk set. I can't believe I've missed this. This so my kind of thing! I researched Hagelin, looked for a long time before I found the illustrations he used in this video. [found in istpp.org/military_science/etc. Weird. ]


Lora im suppressed you have not heard of it also, this movie is what got me into the whole thing. your gonna love it.

28-10-2010, 07:06 PM
You funny girl, Mahakali.:D

What does your screen name mean?


28-10-2010, 07:17 PM

I was just having some innocent fun, don't take it too seriously! :redface:

IsleWalker, I think her name means ''great Kali''..

28-10-2010, 07:23 PM
lol, to me mahakali stands for transformation from the ego and represents the womb of the unmanifest from which all of creation is born and into which all of creation will eventually return.http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/149/l_82cae0d103af4a5292c667bdefee579a.jpg

The garland of 52 skulls and her skirt made of dismembered arms symbolizes the destruction of the body and hence the ego attached with the body. With these ornaments she is sending a message to her devotes that she can offer liberation to them from the attachment of the temporary body. She frees us from the prison of our own ego as she brings the death of the ego as the delusional self-centred view of reality. Kali and Shiva give liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego. Thus we learn that we are the ever-existing I AM and not the impermanent body and the ego represented by the impermanent body. you can read more here at my myspace blog

28-10-2010, 07:24 PM

I was just having some innocent fun, don't take it too seriously! :redface:

IsleWalker, I think her name means ''great Kali''..Im never serious lol

28-10-2010, 08:42 PM
Annoying pony.

Firstly, I feel the indigo label is terribly flawed....and it is a phenomonon that can be dangerous to children.

However, I don't feel your argument is particularly sound. The whole notion of scientific exploration is to venture into the unknown. So saying something is not a true because science hasn't proved it yet simply doesn't stand up. It is especially weakened when we are talking about the science of the mind (which much of the so called traits are related to). This is a relatively new area of the sciences, and I dont think you'll find many scientists that claim the understanding in this area to be as yet fully explored.

On a more personal note, I would like to point out that the term 'gifted', although it again is a poor use of labels...but it is a term that is used by the standard medical profession.

Because of this I would particularly like to comment on your words here...

Exactly. One of my biggest pet peeves is against arrogant people who like to flaunt their college degree/their Mensa membership/the people they know/whatever. When people boast, it makes other people wonder what's really wrong with them.

I take offense to very little that is written on forums...but I find your comments here offensive. I will explain why, and I hope you will listen.... giftedness is when cognitive development is out of sync with other areas of development. In my sons case, his cognition/his ability to absorb information is out of sync with his emotional and age experience development. This has made it more difficult for him to socialise 'normally'. His type of giftedness means that his view of the world is understood in mathematical terms....so stating he is the top of the class in maths, is him pointing out a mathematical fact. I have to explain to him, that other people dont see things the way he does and they might think he is boasting. Sadly, I do that to lessen the chance of my child being bullied or labelled derogotively by both teachers and children. It is ignorance that still leads to what can be an attitude that justifies abusive behaviour. I hope next time you are peeved, you might consider that somebody who says they have a very good college degree, may not be good in their social skills.

28-10-2010, 10:38 PM
yes the mainstream scientific community dose not like to tie quantum mechanics to these phenomena but it is on the rise and for very good reason. as you saw on the doubble slit experiment the observer or consciousness can create reality so how could one not heal with the power of consciousness? anyways the implications are numberless and it has the general scientific community shaking in there boots, the old ideas are just not cutting it anymore. you should see "what the bleep down the rabbit hole" that is the movie that the double slit link I posted came from.

That's not the point. If one could really "heal with the power of consciousness", then one could demonstrate it at work in a controlled environment vs. a placebo effect.

28-10-2010, 10:39 PM
If you observe how very deep down you actually delight in the emotional volatility stirred up by the prospect of having "inadvertantly" started a flame war, you'll be well on your way to getting that evidence for the existence of energetic signatures that you pretended to be interested in earlier. :wink:

No, I think that's just because I'm kind of an argumentative jerk.

28-10-2010, 10:51 PM
I know that this is just my word against the world, but I have had direct experiences with a lot of strange phenomena, that is why I believe. I have a friend who i call to relieve my painful cramps that I get during my monthly. No joke, he can heal them with his hand, Ive experienced this a number of times with no fail. I have this other friend who has a similar aura, and when I had the pain I asked him to just put his hand on my leg and sure enough he had the power too. This is not the only direct experiences Ive had with strange phenomena I have stories upon stories, If I didn't believe then that would make me crazy to deny something thats right in front of me.

The placebo effect is a powerful thing. I'm not denying that you felt better, but I think that belief in the healing is probably the only reason it relieves pain. If it were an actual medical condition, it might make you feel a little better, but it would not get rid of the problem.

For instance, I used to be a very staunch believer in acupuncture, homeopathy, and cranio-sacral therapy. (I even did a report on acupuncture once.) Whenever I got a cold, I would go to the acupuncturist for treatment. A day later, I would feel better. However, eventually I researched the claims of acupuncture more thoroughly and discovered it was all a load of bunk. After this, even after I got treatments, I did not feel "healed" like I did when I believed. But when I did not receive treatment, I would still recover in the same timeframe as if I had received a "treatment".

For the record, this video is helpful for showing why anecdotal evidence is not good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPqerbz8KDc

28-10-2010, 11:22 PM
Ah, I remember the days when I discounted everything that hadn't been proven with ironclad "scientific" evidence, discounting any anecdotal evidence.

But life, and spirituality, ARE anecdotal--they are your direct experiences. Whose experiences are more valid to you than your own?

Now, all the things I once put so much faith in--science, medicine, anthropology, astronomy, mankind's "knowledge" itself--I feel are so off the mark that I don't care too much anymore. When compared to the knowledge of the multiverse that I think is availble to us if we seek it, our current state of knowledge seems--an anachronism. I know I can't prove that to anyone else. I'm not trying to.

Where I used to read and watch documentaries and things about astronomy and ...really anything, I now watch for some interesting tidbit but I really feel inside "How wrong will this prove to be?" and then, "Why not spend my time in exporing these things through spriituality, projections?"

One can still be led astray--by others or by our own predispositions and beliefs. But at least it will be my experience.

IsleWalker - Lora

28-10-2010, 11:36 PM
That's not the point. If one could really "heal with the power of consciousness", then one could demonstrate it at work in a controlled environment vs. a placebo effect. true and this always frustrates me. although there are documented cases it is not easy to prove scientifically because they do not know what this energy is.

My pain has been so excruciating that Ive blacked out before. When my friend puts his hand over it I can feel an energy, it feels like a tapping where ever he puts his hand and he is in pain from it too he sweats and his arm throbs. my other friend felt that before he even knew I was in pain, and he was healing me. you are telling me that you think im either lying or that im mistaken, I don't blame you but let me tell you thats not the case. When I have knowledge of peoples past whom Ive never met and time after time after time im able to tell them exact details of there past, not something general something very specific. I told someone they would be going to the emergency room in 1 day and it happened. I told another that they would be arrested and go to jail in 3 months and bingo. I was able to tell that a mans girlfriend had died I said it just like that, 'Your girlfriend died 2 years ago'. I knew another had killed without him telling me he was in the war. Me and 3 other friends saw the wall open up and hundreds of white orbs come out of the wall and a seriously bright white spot over the stairs that I had already seen 3 days prior in a dream. One of my friends fainted. He will be a priest one day, when I told him that he said his priest said the same to him. I spoke with my friends dead brother. I saw him. I knew who he was before I knew she had a brother. Theres so so so much more I could tell you, Im sure you are going to think im lying and I respect that. If I did not have these direct experiences I would say the same thing. It really is so amazing I remember when i first started to have these experiences I was so amazed I couldn't freaken believe it, now its a part of my everyday life. My every breath.

28-10-2010, 11:40 PM
Where I used to read and watch documentaries and things about astronomy and ...really anything, I now watch for some interesting tidbit but I really feel inside "How wrong will this prove to be?" and then, "Why not spend my time in exploring these things through spriituality, projections?"
I always feel this way, you want to trust what is taught in school. It is frustrating how they teach things as if they were facts, I feel lied to.

29-10-2010, 12:23 AM
Annoying pony.

Firstly, I feel the indigo label is terribly flawed....and it is a phenomonon that can be dangerous to children.

However, I don't feel your argument is particularly sound. The whole notion of scientific exploration is to venture into the unknown. So saying something is not a true because science hasn't proved it yet simply doesn't stand up. It is especially weakened when we are talking about the science of the mind (which much of the so called traits are related to). This is a relatively new area of the sciences, and I dont think you'll find many scientists that claim the understanding in this area to be as yet fully explored.

I absolutely do think that these things should be explored through scientific means. I never said it was absolutely untrue, I just said that they are unproven and are ridiculously unlikely to exist. If you feel like proving that you have psychic powers, then James Randi might just have a neat little deal for you.

I take offense to very little that is written on forums...but I find your comments here offensive. I will explain why, and I hope you will listen.... giftedness is when cognitive development is out of sync with other areas of development. In my sons case, his cognition/his ability to absorb information is out of sync with his emotional and age experience development. This has made it more difficult for him to socialise 'normally'. His type of giftedness means that his view of the world is understood in mathematical terms....so stating he is the top of the class in maths, is him pointing out a mathematical fact. I have to explain to him, that other people dont see things the way he does and they might think he is boasting. Sadly, I do that to lessen the chance of my child being bullied or labelled derogotively by both teachers and children. It is ignorance that still leads to what can be an attitude that justifies abusive behaviour. I hope next time you are peeved, you might consider that somebody who says they have a very good college degree, may not be good in their social skills.

I did not mean it that way. I sincerely apologize for my words. :icon_frown: (As a shy child myself, I feel that I should have known better. :icon_frown:)

29-10-2010, 04:09 AM
I think it is worth bringing up that this is an INTERNET forum. Hundreds of people sitting in their homes, on their duffs, capable of "flaming" any topic they wish. I am not saying "Annoyingpony" sought to do that, but others can perceive it as such.

We all have a tendency to "Own" our beliefs and spirituality. I would like to remind all that everything "is what it is". Taking offense is a free choice, but presents possibly an uneeded source of energy in the conversation.

It is certainly easier for someone to sit at home, in the comfort of their own surroundings and say whatever the hell they want to say.

Remember, everything is a potential lesson.


29-10-2010, 04:32 AM
I've not read the whole debate but different people have different opinions, and I think whatever rocks someone's boat in this debate and thread rocks your boat.
An Indigo ;)

29-10-2010, 07:34 AM
I absolutely do think that these things should be explored through scientific means. I never said it was absolutely untrue, I just said that they are unproven and are ridiculously unlikely to exist. If you feel like proving that you have psychic powers, then James Randi might just have a neat little deal for you.
You began the thread with 'indigo children do not exist'...it is a label I would myself contest. But youve actually used the umbrella term in exactly the same way that its supporters use it - that is by clumping a whole lot of other words beneath it, like gifted and psychic and auras, and making an over generalised claim that treats every aspect as being exactly the same thing. As I say, giftedness is used as a medical diagnosis in child development - what Im trying to put across to you, is that if you really want to pursue your beliefs, you need to take the time to research the individual aspects that come under the label of indigo....and find out the spectrum of interpretation people give to words such as psychic, gifted etc.

Now James Randi is a magician, his trade is deception and tricks of the mind. What he has done in the creation of his competition, is used the same psychological tricks as the paranormal industry use, to sell a counter scam. I have the utmost respect for his work, it is a very well designed trick to the ego...and scientifically it could (if studied) show the manipulation of the social mind used by sellers of everything from the indigo phenomenon to face cream.

I did not mean it that way. I sincerely apologize for my words. :icon_frown: (As a shy child myself, I feel that I should have known better. :icon_frown:)

Another assumption, but less harmful this time, is that my son is shy...he just acts differently to the expected social 'norm'...and perhaps takes more time to come to understand. I think what comes across in your opinions from indigo phenomenon to individual idiosyncrasies, is that youre a little too quick in jumping to conclusions about what others think or mean. This is something you could perhaps work on.

29-10-2010, 07:42 AM
Taking offense is a free choice, but presents possibly an uneeded source of energy in the conversation.

It is certainly easier for someone to sit at home, in the comfort of their own surroundings and say whatever the hell they want to say.

Remember, everything is a potential lesson.


Ladyofthelight, I feel youve perhaps misinterpreted my use of the words 'taking offense' and given them a more negative energy than I gave when saying them. I felt the explanation I gave along with them showed that there was already the awareness of lessons to be found in the discussion??

29-10-2010, 07:46 AM
Now then, can someone please explain something to me?

We are all supposed to be Light, Of The Light, Beings of the Light..... you get the idea. It's not until you split Light up as in point it at a prism that you can see the different colours. Doesn't that colour include Indigo? Isn't Light made up of every colour of the spectrum?

And, Spirituality should be one of Unity not Separation, yes?

So, what's the problem here?

29-10-2010, 10:42 AM
In asia you never hear of these indigo, or whatever colour.
It was the cane that came out to deal with naughty little ones.
So no child had ADD or ADHD or ACDC. Just smack them, was one of the easist ways to teach them.

And smacking children is a no no ! Please dont do it. It hurts !
Send them to the naughty corner, works like wonders !

Namaste _/\_

29-10-2010, 02:15 PM
In my view it's best to remember as Lad says that everyone has his or her own truth, and it may not agree with that of another. That is why making bold affirmations such as "Indigo children do not exist" withOUT qualifying it with "IMO" is counter-productive. A friend of mine has a lovely quote at the end of her posts that sort of sums up forum (or any OTHER, forth matter! :D) etiquette. It goes "Truth is One... Paths are Many". That sort of keeps things in perspective for me :smile: We're all adults here. We can agree to disagree. It's only when one is unsure of one's position that someone holding an opinion or point of view that differs from their own becomes a threat to them.

[And that's MY opinion, for what it's worth :wink:]

29-10-2010, 02:20 PM
Lad, may I ask the significance of your avatar... the A in the circle? Am I viewing it correctly? As one affiliated with the Ashtar Command, I was curious if it had any reference to that:smile:

Serenity Bear
29-10-2010, 04:27 PM
Now then, can someone please explain something to me?

We are all supposed to be Light, Of The Light, Beings of the Light..... you get the idea. It's not until you split Light up as in point it at a prism that you can see the different colours. Doesn't that colour include Indigo? Isn't Light made up of every colour of the spectrum?

And, Spirituality should be one of Unity not Separation, yes?

So, what's the problem here?

Indigo is part of the colour spectrum (the electro magnetic spectrum is the full term). The colours are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They correlate to the chakras, the auric field, musical notes and many other areas.

When I asked my guides about the children they pointed out that there are/were those that match each colour of the spectrum and they arrive at certain times in the Earths history to do certain types of work. The Reds came in about 1920-30s and so on through, Im a Blue and was born in the 60s and so on.

29-10-2010, 04:56 PM
Lad, may I ask the significance of your avatar...
I think it means anarchy.

Recap: the thread started off by saying that A.D.D. is not a gift and i disagreed. for me, after my horrible childhood, My A.D.D. turned into a gift. I do not know much about indigo's, but i do know that Im claircognizant and have dealt with healing first hand, AP seems to think im mistaken. she doesn't believe in anything that would support the new age or metaphysics.

people are saying that in Asia they do not have indigo or a.d.d. children, this may be because the parents just ignore problems and push there kids till they become functional well this is copied from wiki:

''Geographically, children in North America appear to have a higher rate of ADHD than children in Africa and the Middle East,[188] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAttention_deficit_hyper activity_disorder%2523cite_note-Polanczyk-187) well published studies have found rates of ADHD as low as 2% and as high as 14% among school aged children.[189] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAttention_deficit_hyper activity_disorder%2523cite_note-autogenerated4-188) The rates of diagnosis and treatment of ADHD are also much higher on the East Coast of the USA than on the West Coast.Rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the UK and the USA since the 1970s. In the UK an estimated 0.5 per 1,000 children had ADHD in the 1970s''
the darker green means more kids with A.D.D. in these states. you can see Georgia's all lit up lol. anyways, i just put this here for yall to think about, im not claiming that A.D.D. kids are all indigo kids. really im just making for a good conversation.

29-10-2010, 07:02 PM
No, I think that's just because I'm kind of an argumentative jerk.
The only way to be an "argumentative jerk" is to argue for the purposes of venting latent or repressed hostility or frustration or to compensate for lack of personal conviction by creating the impression of a legitimate perspective through the diminishment of opposing ones -- surely not behaviors that someone who "changes their views and ideas as new information is presented" would ever indulge in. :wink:

29-10-2010, 10:59 PM
You began the thread with 'indigo children do not exist'...it is a label I would myself contest. But youve actually used the umbrella term in exactly the same way that its supporters use it - that is by clumping a whole lot of other words beneath it, like gifted and psychic and auras, and making an over generalised claim that treats every aspect as being exactly the same thing. As I say, giftedness is used as a medical diagnosis in child development - what Im trying to put across to you, is that if you really want to pursue your beliefs, you need to take the time to research the individual aspects that come under the label of indigo....and find out the spectrum of interpretation people give to words such as psychic, gifted etc.

I think that gifted children definitely exist. Their development is prodigious in one or more areas (for me, it's foreign languages), while their progress in other areas may fall short (as you mentioned). These are measurable, specific traits.

But the aspects that fall under "indigo" are so vague as to really not mean anything measurable, or made to sound attractive to people who like to think they're special. After all, who doesn't want to be a healing savior of the earth with a pretty aura?

Now James Randi is a magician, his trade is deception and tricks of the mind. What he has done in the creation of his competition, is used the same psychological tricks as the paranormal industry use, to sell a counter scam. I have the utmost respect for his work, it is a very well designed trick to the ego...and scientifically it could (if studied) show the manipulation of the social mind used by sellers of everything from the indigo phenomenon to face cream.

James Randi was a magician. He went into the debunking profession because he was bothered by the fact that people actually believed that his shows were evidence of supernatural powers. The thing is, his trials are actually scientific (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZeQGld5QBU) ones, in some cases (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlfMsZwr8rc) complete with actual scientists to verify claims. Or just epic win (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7BQKu0YP8Y).

Another assumption, but less harmful this time, is that my son is shy...he just acts differently to the expected social 'norm'...and perhaps takes more time to come to understand. I think what comes across in your opinions from indigo phenomenon to individual idiosyncrasies, is that youre a little too quick in jumping to conclusions about what others think or mean. This is something you could perhaps work on.

Thank you for being up front about my apparent flaws. My mom tells me that real friends "will point out when you've got something stuck in your teeth". :wink:

29-10-2010, 11:03 PM
In asia you never hear of these indigo, or whatever colour.
It was the cane that came out to deal with naughty little ones.
So no child had ADD or ADHD or ACDC. Just smack them, was one of the easist ways to teach them.

And smacking children is a no no ! Please dont do it. It hurts !
Send them to the naughty corner, works like wonders !

Namaste _/\_

In Japan, the colors blue and green were called by the same word (ao). :P

Parents who spank their children are guilty of abuse, IMO.

29-10-2010, 11:04 PM
Indigo is part of the colour spectrum (the electro magnetic spectrum is the full term). The colours are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They correlate to the chakras, the auric field, musical notes and many other areas.

When I asked my guides about the children they pointed out that there are/were those that match each colour of the spectrum and they arrive at certain times in the Earths history to do certain types of work. The Reds came in about 1920-30s and so on through, Im a Blue and was born in the 60s and so on.

I thought there was a huge anti-Communist hysteria in the 1920s. :confused: :tongue: (jk)

29-10-2010, 11:11 PM
Lad, may I ask the significance of your avatar...
I think it means anarchy.

Recap: the thread started off by saying that A.D.D. is not a gift and i disagreed. for me, after my horrible childhood, My A.D.D. turned into a gift. I do not know much about indigo's, but i do know that Im claircognizant and have dealt with healing first hand, AP seems to think im mistaken. she doesn't believe in anything that would support the new age or metaphysics.

people are saying that in Asia they do not have indigo or a.d.d. children, this may be because the parents just ignore problems and push there kids till they become functional well this is copied from wiki:

''Geographically, children in North America appear to have a higher rate of ADHD than children in Africa and the Middle East,[188] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAttention_deficit_hyper activity_disorder%2523cite_note-Polanczyk-187) well published studies have found rates of ADHD as low as 2% and as high as 14% among school aged children.[189] (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FAttention_deficit_hyper activity_disorder%2523cite_note-autogenerated4-188) The rates of diagnosis and treatment of ADHD are also much higher on the East Coast of the USA than on the West Coast.Rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the UK and the USA since the 1970s. In the UK an estimated 0.5 per 1,000 children had ADHD in the 1970s''
the darker green means more kids with A.D.D. in these states. you can see Georgia's all lit up lol. anyways, i just put this here for yall to think about, im not claiming that A.D.D. kids are all indigo kids. really im just making for a good conversation.

According to this (http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG72FullGuideline.pdf) twin study, ADHD has a strong genetic component. Their CAT scans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ADHD-DAT-300.jpg) also look different.

click (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder#Genetics)

30-10-2010, 01:29 AM
I was going to read THIS but when i pull up the page my screen says downloading and i do not trust it, so i went back out. Its probably nothing but i just got rid of a Trojan so im a little trusting of unrated sites. sorry

30-10-2010, 05:33 AM
I was going to read THIS but when i pull up the page my screen says downloading and i do not trust it, so i went back out. Its probably nothing but i just got rid of a Trojan so im a little trusting of unrated sites. sorry

It can also be found on the Wikipedia link that says "click".

I wouldn't lead you to any malicious sites on purpose, would I? *sinister laughter* :rolleyes:

30-10-2010, 05:58 AM
It can also be found on the Wikipedia link that says "click".

I wouldn't lead you to any malicious sites on purpose, would I? *sinister laughter* :rolleyes:oh i did not know it was the wiki, i know you wouldn't on purpose, lol.

Im fascinated with learning about The a.d.d. brain, at a young age i contemplated some pretty deep things that i seemed to veer away from throughout my teen years. then picked it back up in adulthood. people thought i was a dope but what was going on in there was divine at times, from the time I was a small kid i felt such empathy for even the smallest ant, even now i dont eat meat. i would take time out to save spiders and still do. I dont even kill mosquitoes(dont even say anything, lol) I would see things about what people would do to the planet and cry at night. I would think to myself about peoples intention and deep seeded insecurities, if i wanted to get back at a bully i could make them cry just by telling them about themselves in such a way, i would never do that now. I always found myself saying things like "that's not fair" always getting the response "well life's not fair".

30-10-2010, 04:52 PM
Im fascinated with learning about The a.d.d. brain,
ADD pathology is actually relatively simple: There is a multi-dimensionality to the being that if allowed to be channelled by the ego becomes the neurotic ADD manifestation described by AnnoyingPony earlier in this thread. If, however, it is transmuted by higher consciousness, it becomes an ability to process information at an extremely accelerated rate and to utilize multiple areas of the brain (different types of intelligence) simultaneously. So, for example, one could study the structural components of a Bach cantata while simultaneously doing ones tax return while simultaneously planning and cooking a meal for one's family, all without losing awareness of the "immediacy" of the moment.

The great irony of the ADD diagnosis is that in the majority of cases, it's actually "AAD": Attention Abundance Disorder. Of course, there's a difference between having attention and knowing how to allocate it.

30-10-2010, 05:17 PM
ADD pathology is actually relatively simple: There is a multi-dimensionality to the being that if allowed to be channelled by the ego becomes the neurotic ADD manifestation described by AnnoyingPony earlier in this thread. If, however, it is transmuted by higher consciousness, it becomes an ability to process information at an extremely accelerated rate and to utilize multiple areas of the brain (different types of intelligence) simultaneously. So, for example, one could study the structural components of a Bach cantata while simultaneously doing ones tax return while simultaneously planning and cooking a meal for one's family, all without losing awareness of the "immediacy" of the moment.

The great irony of the ADD diagnosis is that in the majority of cases, it's actually "AAD": Attention Abundance Disorder. Of course, there's a difference between having attention and knowing how to allocate it.yes great post i agree, maybe not so much with multitasking, but going very deep with one subject at a time and making more complex discoveries than the average. Eisenstein was said to have a.d.d.

I have read in some places that the a.d.d. brain has certain areas that light up as if it were meditating, this i would like to learn more about, you know, the semantics of it all.

30-10-2010, 07:19 PM
oh i did not know it was the wiki, i know you wouldn't on purpose, lol.

Im fascinated with learning about The a.d.d. brain, at a young age i contemplated some pretty deep things that i seemed to veer away from throughout my teen years. then picked it back up in adulthood. people thought i was a dope but what was going on in there was divine at times, from the time I was a small kid i felt such empathy for even the smallest ant, even now i dont eat meat. i would take time out to save spiders and still do. I dont even kill mosquitoes(dont even say anything, lol) I would see things about what people would do to the planet and cry at night. I would think to myself about peoples intention and deep seeded insecurities, if i wanted to get back at a bully i could make them cry just by telling them about themselves in such a way, i would never do that now. I always found myself saying things like "that's not fair" always getting the response "well life's not fair".

I had trouble understanding other people and communicating with them (my parents thought I had Asperger's but I disagree). I was definitely more "worldly" than other kids my age and I knew a lot about the animal kingdom and the human body. I never kill spiders or insects, but I do confess that I eat fish once in a while (I'm such a hypocrite lolz). But I did understand people's desires and insecurities, as well as how to see multiple points of view, much more as I grew older. But the one thing that makes me angry is what people will do to each other, what religious dogma can make them do to each other, people who claim to have a moral high ground over others just because of who they are. And cut flowers. I have no idea why, but seeing cut flowers make me scared. I never got any idea that any of this was divine, I just felt that I was different and I was surprised that people didn't ponder God, existence, and morality more often.

(Italics just looks so wonderful!)

30-10-2010, 07:21 PM
ADD pathology is actually relatively simple: There is a multi-dimensionality to the being that if allowed to be channelled by the ego becomes the neurotic ADD manifestation described by AnnoyingPony earlier in this thread. If, however, it is transmuted by higher consciousness, it becomes an ability to process information at an extremely accelerated rate and to utilize multiple areas of the brain (different types of intelligence) simultaneously. So, for example, one could study the structural components of a Bach cantata while simultaneously doing ones tax return while simultaneously planning and cooking a meal for one's family, all without losing awareness of the "immediacy" of the moment.

The great irony of the ADD diagnosis is that in the majority of cases, it's actually "AAD": Attention Abundance Disorder. Of course, there's a difference between having attention and knowing how to allocate it.

I've read that drugs like Ritalin used for controlling ADHD do actually let you focus on one thing, but in a lot of cases it makes you focus on the wrong thing. For instance, you might be intending to type your resume, but end up spending hours adding examples to TvTropes instead.

30-10-2010, 09:08 PM
Random story/example related to this topic.
Today someone a bit younger than me (16 years old), tried to convince me (and herself by the looks of things) that she was indigo . . .when all I said was "I don't believe or agree with the concept of Indigo's."

The "I am indigo" comments were shoved down my throat for a further hour or so.

I went on to tell her that I never asked about her, don't feel a need to know about how or why she thinks she is an indigo or care to entertain such thoughts.

She went on, again, to tell me how she fit ALL of the characteristic's from a list on a website. I made a point of saying things like, "so, you would base your personality and limit your own experiences to that of an indigo because of a list on a website?" (yes) "Hmmm, well, if this list told you to jump off a cliff I assume you might do that too then."

It seemed every answer she had to anything I said was "Well, I'm an indigo and that's who I am." Just to prove further how manipulated (and brainwashed?) she had become.

Even worse, she backed up her own nagging actions to the "I don't obey authority...because I'm an indigo and all indigo's are that way."

My reply was something along the lines of "That is not obeying authority because your not obeying authority, not because you are indigo. What you just said is a choice you have made and also an excuse for misbehavior which is socially unacceptable."

And lo and behold all of the "adults/friends who awakened her" (including parents!) got called over to "help" her by insulting me and threatening to "report me to the authorities" in the hope that I might stop speaking the truth.

The only progress I got to was that I later had the girl AND her parents admit that they had not checked the websites sources, or talked to the maker of the site and I also pointed out that there was no contact details on the site itself or anywhere else.....all of such things point to a fraud.

I know that they all still refused to see the reality of the situation even after all that.

*Holds the bridge of my nose* Ugh headache.

This kind of situation has become so common to me that I think I'm heading down the "there are no such thing as indigo's" path with no return.

Actually, I'm with Annoying Pony alllll the way.

What can we hope to do about all of this *gestures at the indigo community/cult*?

30-10-2010, 09:35 PM
Random story/example related to this topic.
Today someone a bit younger than me (16 years old), tried to convince me (and herself by the looks of things) that she was indigo . . .when all I said was "I don't believe or agree with the concept of Indigo's."

The "I am indigo" comments were shoved down my throat for a further hour or so.

I went on to tell her that I never asked about her, don't feel a need to know about how or why she thinks she is an indigo or care to entertain such thoughts.

She went on, again, to tell me how she fit ALL of the characteristic's from a list on a website. I made a point of saying things like, "so, you would base your personality and limit your own experiences to that of an indigo because of a list on a website?" (yes) "Hmmm, well, if this list told you to jump off a cliff I assume you might do that too then."

It seemed every answer she had to anything I said was "Well, I'm an indigo and that's who I am." Just to prove further how manipulated (and brainwashed?) she had become.

Even worse, she backed up her own nagging actions to the "I don't obey authority...because I'm an indigo. So I can say and do whatever I want."

My reply was something along the lines of "That is not obeying authority because your not obeying authority, not because you are indigo. What you just said is a choice you have made and also an excuse for misbehavior which is socially unacceptable.

And lo and behold all of the "adults/friends who awakened her" (including parents!) got called over to "help" her by insulting me and threatening to "report me to the authorities" in the hope that I might stop speaking the truth.

The only progress I got to was that I later had the girl AND her parents admit that they had not checked the websites sources, or talked to the maker of the site and I also pointed out that there was no contact details on the site itself or anywhere else.....all of such things point to a fraud.

I know that they all still refused to see the reality of the situation even after all that.

*Holds the bridge of my nose* Ugh headache.

This kind of situation has become so common to me that I think I'm heading down the "there is no such thing as indigo's" path with no return.

Actually, I'm with Annoying Pony alllll the way.

What can we hope to do about all of this *gestures at the indigo community/cult*?I think we have mostly agreed that labels will limit your perspective. IMO to each is own. I dont think a religion/cult has formed around the idea. Ive never met anyone in person who even knew what indigo children were... i need to get out of the south. I believe that we came for a reason, those reasons differ, weather or not you can read it in ones aura i dont know, or care, but getting angry and arguing with a sixteen year old is pointless. :confused:

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. -Buddha

btw i am not defending indigo's i dont believe or deny anything 100%

30-10-2010, 10:27 PM
I had trouble understanding other people and communicating with them (my parents thought I had Asperger's but I disagree). I was definitely more "worldly" than other kids my age and I knew a lot about the animal kingdom and the human body. I never kill spiders or insects, but I do confess that I eat fish once in a while (I'm such a hypocrite lolz). But I did understand people's desires and insecurities, as well as how to see multiple points of view, much more as I grew older. But the one thing that makes me angry is what people will do to each other, what religious dogma can make them do to each other, people who claim to have a moral high ground over others just because of who they are. And cut flowers. I have no idea why, but seeing cut flowers make me scared. I never got any idea that any of this was divine, I just felt that I was different and I was surprised that people didn't ponder God, existence, and morality more often.

(Italics just looks so wonderful!)
Heres something for you to ponder.

I was born in 1973...and back then we didnt have add or aspergers or a spectrum of autism or indigo people....we had naughty kids and slow kids and intelligent kids, and kids who were two ounces short of a pound, and kids who would never go anywhere and I was a kid with great potential if only...I would concentrate more, and not day dream and not get distracted and try harder etc. But the label was other peoples experience of me. In my own experience....in what they called daydreams and distraction...I was pondering the meaning of life and what god is, and which god to pray to, and the stories and connections of all the people around me and where I fit and the rest of it. And as I went through high school and into adult life and nearly into middle age, people will still label me very similarly...but my experience of my life is what I see through those daydreaming eyes, and that has grown and developed into yet deeper experiences, and others stioll see the distracted far away person that can only be seen from the outside.

Ive gone off on many tangents there maybe, but what I wanted you to contemplate, is that you have grown up in an age where ADD, aspergers and all the rest is diagnosed scientifically. But when you speak to older people, bear in mind that they arent diagnosed because the science, or the will to diagnose didnt exist back then. So sometimes we have had to consider the possibilities of other labels like empathy, clairvoyance, psychic etc.

I have slowly got over my aversion to labels and will use words like psychic and spirit to describe my experiences (which I wouldnt have done 10 years ago)...and thats because Ive let go of my own definitions of what and who I am...I dont take on a persona. My disagreement with indigo, is that it simply doesnt decsribe anything because it clumps all the traits into one.

30-10-2010, 10:52 PM
I believe that we came for a reason, those reasons differ, weather or not you can read it in ones aura i dont know, or care, but getting angry and arguing with a sixteen year old is pointless. :confused:

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. -Buddha

I was not angry, just amazed at the utter (dare I say idiocy?) illogical drive of the child along with her parents.

I forgot to mention the circumstances in which this happened.....

The child was following (stalking) me for a day at school while saying all of that. I had little choice in the matter other than to respond to make the child either see some sense or leave me be.

I was perfectly calm...well....passive aggressive as I always am.

Anyhow, back to my original point, I'm finally convinced that there are no such thing as Indigo's and, after second thought, don't feel a need to do anything about their delusions. I've already done whatever I could and found it pointless and exhausting.

When harm comes of the Indigo belief to any child or adult, then I trust the people involved will sort out their lives...eventually. So, each to their own.

30-10-2010, 11:17 PM
Indigo children, crystal children... labels given to groups of souls who enter in with certain abilities and gifts that distinguish them from the rest of the populace. Do the labels have meaning beyond one's belief in them? Furthermore, can anyone prove they exist? No. On the other hand, can anyone prove they DON'T? Again, the answer is no. Both those who believe they do and those who believe they don't are expressing a belief... an opinion. There is no definitive answer and no way to prove either point of view.

I personally DO believe they exist, because I have met them, and as one who reads energy and employs psychic and intuitive perception, it is abundantly clear to me that they are indeed set apart and unusual.

And now to the crux of the issue. Do I care if anyone else believes that to be the case? Nope :D And I don't have any need to convince ya either :wink:

31-10-2010, 12:39 AM
Indigo children, crystal children... labels given to groups of souls who enter in with certain abilities and gifts that distinguish them from the rest of the populace. Do the labels have meaning beyond one's belief in them? Furthermore, can anyone prove they exist? No. On the other hand, can anyone prove they DON'T? Again, the answer is no. Both those who believe they do and those who believe they don't are expressing a belief... an opinion. There is no definitive answer and no way to prove either point of view.

I personally DO believe they exist, because I have met them, and as one who reads energy and employs psychic and intuitive perception, it is abundantly clear to me that they are indeed set apart and unusual.

And now to the crux of the issue. Do I care if anyone else believes that to be the case? Nope :D And I don't have any need to convince ya either :wink:

The burden of proof lies on the person making the positive claim. Therefore, it is up to you, the person who claims that indigo children exist, to back that up with evidence. Any claim that is not supported by evidence can simply be dismissed.

31-10-2010, 12:42 AM
Now we have to decide who gets to decide what is evidence and what isn't evidence. Who gets to be the one who decides what's what? Is there anyone who can say that they are ultimately qualified - or is it all about our individual perceptions of what is right and wrong, correct or incorrect?

31-10-2010, 12:50 AM
Random story/example related to this topic.
Today someone a bit younger than me (16 years old), tried to convince me (and herself by the looks of things) that she was indigo . . .when all I said was "I don't believe or agree with the concept of Indigo's."

The "I am indigo" comments were shoved down my throat for a further hour or so.

I went on to tell her that I never asked about her, don't feel a need to know about how or why she thinks she is an indigo or care to entertain such thoughts.

She went on, again, to tell me how she fit ALL of the characteristic's from a list on a website. I made a point of saying things like, "so, you would base your personality and limit your own experiences to that of an indigo because of a list on a website?" (yes) "Hmmm, well, if this list told you to jump off a cliff I assume you might do that too then."

It seemed every answer she had to anything I said was "Well, I'm an indigo and that's who I am." Just to prove further how manipulated (and brainwashed?) she had become.

Even worse, she backed up her own nagging actions to the "I don't obey authority...because I'm an indigo and all indigo's are that way."

My reply was something along the lines of "That is not obeying authority because your not obeying authority, not because you are indigo. What you just said is a choice you have made and also an excuse for misbehavior which is socially unacceptable."

And lo and behold all of the "adults/friends who awakened her" (including parents!) got called over to "help" her by insulting me and threatening to "report me to the authorities" in the hope that I might stop speaking the truth.

The only progress I got to was that I later had the girl AND her parents admit that they had not checked the websites sources, or talked to the maker of the site and I also pointed out that there was no contact details on the site itself or anywhere else.....all of such things point to a fraud.

I know that they all still refused to see the reality of the situation even after all that.

*Holds the bridge of my nose* Ugh headache.

This kind of situation has become so common to me that I think I'm heading down the "there are no such thing as indigo's" path with no return.

Actually, I'm with Annoying Pony alllll the way.

What can we hope to do about all of this *gestures at the indigo community/cult*?

First thought when reading this: Slap her! Slap her across the cheek!


She's sixteen. Of course she wants to feel like she's a rebel. (BTW, this is being typed by a totally hypocritical 14-year-old)

People who are actually skeptical would probably not assume that all the details on some random site on the internet are true.

Frankly, that girl sounds mentally ill and possibly dangerous to her friends and family. She claims she saw a website online that showed she was an indigo. She convinced her parents and friends that she was psychic (she could have been faking it to get attention) and then orders them to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with her into submission. That's like a cult leader who claims to be enlightened and then uses his followers to harass dissenters.

31-10-2010, 12:51 AM
Now we have to decide who gets to decide what is evidence and what isn't evidence. Who gets to be the one who decides what's what? Is there anyone who can say that they are ultimately qualified - or is it all about our individual perceptions of what is right and wrong, correct or incorrect?

Empirical observation sounds good to me. What about you? :smile:

31-10-2010, 12:52 AM
My disagreement with indigo, is that it simply doesnt decsribe anything because it clumps all the traits into one.

^^ Thank you for posting that, I agree with you.

31-10-2010, 12:55 AM
Indigo is just another clinging device as also religion is, it gives some an identity something to believe in, when one has the Realization that their the very thing behind their belief, be it God, higher Self or whatever, they then only need to drop their belief that they have been clinging to and live in what the belief pointed to.

31-10-2010, 01:00 AM
Indigo is just another clinging device as also religion is, it gives some an identity something to believe in, when one has the Realization that their the very thing behind their belief, be it God, higher Self or whatever, they then only need to drop their belief that they have been clinging to and live in what the belief pointed to.

And just like religion, the Indigo phenomenon rakes in big bucks.
1. Write a book about Indigo Children.
2. Charge money to do a reading to show that someone's kid is Indigo.
3. Sell them stuff so they can raise their "Indigo" child.
4. ?????

31-10-2010, 02:06 AM
wow! i did not realize that you guys are so young. you guys are pretty interesting, im impressed. lol

31-10-2010, 02:11 AM
Empirical observation sounds good to me. What about you? :smile:

It's fine with me...but you didn't answer the question. I did not ask what kind of evidence would be appropriate, I asked who gets to decide for everyone what counts as evidence, or not. Do *you* get to decide for everyone or is it *me* or is it *Joe* from down the road?

31-10-2010, 02:27 AM
It's fine with me...but you didn't answer the question. I did not ask what kind of evidence would be appropriate, I asked who gets to decide for everyone what counts as evidence, or not. Do *you* get to decide for everyone or is it *me* or is it *Joe* from down the road?

I don't think that it's just a person who decides what evidence is. But things like statistics supporting a position, or seeing it happen before your very eyes, goes a long way to making things sound scientifically plausible. They are pieces of information that support conclusions. big link here (http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~taflinge/evidence.html)

evidence |ˈevədəns|
the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
• Law information given personally, drawn from a document, or in the form of material objects, tending or used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in court
• signs; indications

31-10-2010, 02:28 AM
wow! i did not realize that you are 14 AP and sangress is 17. you guys are pretty interesting kids, im impressed. lol

Thanks! :D

Your avatar is from Neon Genesis Evangelion, is it not? ('Cuz I'm pretty darn sure that's from NGE...)

31-10-2010, 03:52 AM
heck yeah I LOVE evangelion it is the most beautiful tragic perfect story ever. The End is so trippy.

31-10-2010, 04:20 AM
wow! i did not realize that you are 14 AP and sangress is 17. you guys are pretty interesting kids, im impressed. lol

Age is nothing. Experience is Everything.

But thank you anyway.

31-10-2010, 10:38 PM
This thread seems dead

08-11-2010, 03:16 AM
I'm 23 years old, starting APing when I was still only 21 about to turn 22.

08-11-2010, 03:54 AM
I'm 23 years old, starting APing when I was still only 21 about to turn 22.lol aping? this thread is about indigo children

08-11-2010, 03:59 AM
lol aping? this thread is about indigo children

Methinks quantum mechanics made the post appear here instead (jk)

08-11-2010, 04:02 AM
AP- have you been checking out what the bleep? man its your cup of tea im tellin you. its very challenging to understand

08-11-2010, 04:33 AM
AP- have you been checking out what the bleep? man its your cup of tea im tellin you. its very challenging to understand

I promise I'll check out What the Bleep. I also like Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t! It's a good show, trust me. You can find it all over teh youtubez. (I share a lot of political views with them. Not all, but a lot.)

08-11-2010, 04:42 AM
I don't know any Indigo people but I do know some damn fine blues men.

08-11-2010, 04:49 AM
[quote=Gem]I don't know any Indigo people but I do know some damn fine blues men.[/quote


08-11-2010, 12:19 PM
I believe there are indigo children, but they aren't common at all. On the first page of this topic, someone already claimed they're an indigo. SO many people claim that & about 98% of them are wrong. I do think, though, that they're out there somewhere.

08-11-2010, 11:36 PM
I believe there are indigo children, but they aren't common at all. On the first page of this topic, someone already claimed they're an indigo. SO many people claim that & about 98% of them are wrong. I do think, though, that they're out there somewhere.

I think that if any of these psychic children actually existed, they wouldn't brag about it to their friends and family or be exploited for money by their parents.

09-11-2010, 07:16 AM
I think that if any of these psychic children actually existed, they wouldn't brag about it to their friends and family or be exploited for money by their parents.

There are psychic children (and adults) AP, but perhaps they are not those bragging about it...or those being shoved on the stage.

09-11-2010, 02:55 PM
If someone is absolutely sure that they have psychic powers, why not prove it scientifically on television? Can you imagine, what kind of revolution such a person would create, no not revolution.. evolution. A redeemer, a prophet.. lol. Many people like to be that, but every time the quacks are debunked sooner or later. Surely there have to be genuine people.

09-11-2010, 03:03 PM
I think people should be just left to believe what they like :) If they think they are an indigo child then let me them, if you dont believe in it then thats fine too. Eveyrone is entitled to their opinion - its not right, its not wrong its their opinion.

09-11-2010, 09:32 PM
If someone is absolutely sure that they have psychic powers, why not prove it scientifically on television? Can you imagine, what kind of revolution such a person would create, no not revolution.. evolution. A redeemer, a prophet.. lol. Many people like to be that, but every time the quacks are debunked sooner or later. Surely there have to be genuine people.

Its not a supernatural power, its just a sense. When I make a psychic connection its something very personal for me. I dont sell myself as a psychic or generally tell people I am psychic, I use it to look after myself and those I care about.

Lostgirl, unfortunately the nature of this belief is to diagnose other people and all too often that is children. If an individual just believed their life path energy was a certain colour, then it would do no harm. But indigo has become interwoven with personality traits, childhood developmental traits, and myths that foretell the purpose of childrens lives. That is too much to put on children.

09-11-2010, 11:14 PM
If someone is absolutely sure that they have psychic powers, why not prove it scientifically on television? Can you imagine, what kind of revolution such a person would create, no not revolution.. evolution. A redeemer, a prophet.. lol. Many people like to be that, but every time the quacks are debunked sooner or later. Surely there have to be genuine people.

Okay. For all the indigo, star, or crystal children out there: If you feel like proving how totally amazing and spiritual and miraculous you are, then James Randi would be happy to set up an experiment to test that.

And he also has a big $$$$ reward for people who can prove it.

09-11-2010, 11:22 PM
You know, I am against stereo-typing people for any reason and going by a list of attributes which can apply to just about anybody doesn't recommend this stuff to me at all. However... I have met several crystal people - adults and children - and it's not them who've told me this, I have picked this up from their spiritual energy.

James Randi and his ilk are biased from the start, so why *should* anyone waste their time and energy going thru hoops for such people? Pearls before swine...:tongue:

10-11-2010, 02:15 AM
You know, I am against stereo-typing people for any reason and going by a list of attributes which can apply to just about anybody doesn't recommend this stuff to me at all. However... I have met several crystal people - adults and children - and it's not them who've told me this, I have picked this up from their spiritual energy.

Gut instinct over reason is notoriously unreliable, IMHO.

James Randi and his ilk are biased from the start, so why *should* anyone waste their time and energy going thru hoops for such people? Pearls before swine...:tongue:

James Randi might have a negative view of supernatural claims, but he does do his best to make the trials unbiased.

10-11-2010, 05:26 PM
Lostgirl, unfortunately the nature of this belief is to diagnose other people and all too often that is children. If an individual just believed their life path energy was a certain colour, then it would do no harm. But indigo has become interwoven with personality traits, childhood developmental traits, and myths that foretell the purpose of childrens lives. That is too much to put on children.

I understand what you are saying but you also have to give children some credit and they arent stupid. They will make their own minds up and if they dont believe it they wont. Just because parents try and impress something on a child does not mean they will grow up and believe it or let it rule their lives.

I mean arent alot of people on here proof of the fact alot of children have beliefs forced upon them in more accepted/common religions ie. the catholic religion, and we have said actually i dont believe in that im Wiccan, or something else!?

10-11-2010, 06:19 PM
I understand what you are saying but you also have to give children some credit and they arent stupid. They will make their own minds up and if they dont believe it they wont. Just because parents try and impress something on a child does not mean they will grow up and believe it or let it rule their lives.

I mean arent alot of people on here proof of the fact alot of children have beliefs forced upon them in more accepted/common religions ie. the catholic religion, and we have said actually i dont believe in that im Wiccan, or something else!?
This seperation of religious identity has given rise for thousands of years to enormous human atrocities...and this continues to be at the forefront of societies fears and justifications for torture/imprisonment/murder right into the present day. As an argument for people creating yet more reasons for seperation of human beings, it falls head first into bloodshed Im afraid.

Ofcourse there are children who will find their way to independence. Some will lose their families and friends in order to do so. But should they not then voice their feelings?

10-11-2010, 06:41 PM
However... I have met several crystal people - adults and children - and it's not them who've told me this, I have picked this up from their spiritual energy.
What makes them ''crystal people''?

James Randi and his ilk are biased from the start, so why *should* anyone waste their time and energy going thru hoops for such people? Pearls before swine...:tongue:
Why is he biased?
Don't tell me you're a dowser..:tongue:

10-11-2010, 06:51 PM
I understand what you are saying but you also have to give children some credit and they arent stupid. They will make their own minds up and if they dont believe it they wont. Just because parents try and impress something on a child does not mean they will grow up and believe it or let it rule their lives.

I mean arent alot of people on here proof of the fact alot of children have beliefs forced upon them in more accepted/common religions ie. the catholic religion, and we have said actually i dont believe in that im Wiccan, or something else!?

I would say Wiccan and something else.

10-11-2010, 07:08 PM
I would say Wiccan and something else.

Why Wiccan and something else???

Not really what we are talking about here.

This seperation of religious identity has given rise for thousands of years to enormous human atrocities...and this continues to be at the forefront of societies fears and justifications for torture/imprisonment/murder right into the present day. As an argument for people creating yet more reasons for seperation of human beings, it falls head first into bloodshed Im afraid.

Ofcourse there are children who will find their way to independence. Some will lose their families and friends in order to do so. But should they not then voice their feelings?

I agree it leads to separation and blood shed history tells us that. Of course people should voice their feelings but only if they are concerned and they think it is their business to get involved ie. if a family member might be in trouble. It is not our place to butt in on others lives and tell them that what they are telling their children is wrong when it is something that they have faith in. Who are we to destroy someones faith.

I am in complete agreement that things like this can cause huge amounts of problems all i am saying is that we shouldnt try and say what people should and should not tell their children as its not our place. If they have faith in something let them believe it and let the child make up their own mind.

10-11-2010, 08:46 PM
Gut instinct over reason is notoriously unreliable, IMHO.

James Randi might have a negative view of supernatural claims, but he does do his best to make the trials unbiased.
Like an Indigo Witch Hunt! :icon_eek: Not really.

Honestly, I understand trying to perk your child up, but to make them feel special or to make them superior are two totally different things.

10-11-2010, 09:29 PM
Gut instinct over reason is notoriously unreliable, IMHO.
Who said anything about gut instinct??

James Randi might have a negative view of supernatural claims, but he does do his best to make the trials unbiased.
Maybe so... but I still think there is a vested self-interest in there which keeps his media career rolling...

10-11-2010, 09:30 PM
What makes them ''crystal people''?
It's how I interpreted their unique energy and what I was told by my spirit mentors. Believe me, I argued about even using the term...lol.

Why is he biased?
Don't tell me you're a dowser..:tongue:
Dunno what dowsing has to do with it...

11-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Maybe so... but I still think there is a vested self-interest in there which keeps his media career rolling...

Everyone is ultimately interested only in themselves. It is neither a positive nor negative trait, it is simply human.

11-11-2010, 12:14 AM
Crystal people, those who rely so much on crystals for astral and energy progress? By relying on other things other than yourself (including titles) you aren't going to get very far.

11-11-2010, 12:30 AM
Why Wiccan and something else???

Not really what we are talking about here.

I agree it leads to separation and blood shed history tells us that. Of course people should voice their feelings but only if they are concerned and they think it is their business to get involved ie. if a family member might be in trouble. It is not our place to butt in on others lives and tell them that what they are telling their children is wrong when it is something that they have faith in. Who are we to destroy someones faith.

I am in complete agreement that things like this can cause huge amounts of problems all i am saying is that we shouldnt try and say what people should and should not tell their children as its not our place. If they have faith in something let them believe it and let the child make up their own mind.

30 years ago ADD, the autistic spectrum, giftedness, dyspraxia...were not heard of. Beyond my idealism of childrens individuality being nurtured...I live in a real world, where at the moment professions that play a major role in our childrens development, need labels to help them cope with what they dont understand. At the moment, indigo etc is not being sold as a faith...it is being sold as a label to further the understanding of society. As somebody who would come under that label myself....and with children who would come under the label too...I recognise the falseties, as well as the damage selling such false information in an almost medical way, could have.

11-11-2010, 12:42 AM
[QUOTE=xxheatherxx]30 years ago ADD, the autistic spectrum, giftedness, dyspraxia...were not heard of./QUOTE]

Those things have only been defined relatively recently. Previously, children were just labelled "weird" or "smart" or "dumb".

Before my parents and teachers knew I was gifted, they thought I was a disruptive little know-it-all brat. The first time my parents tried to get accommodations for my ADHD, they turned it down because my grades were too high, so obviously I couldn't possibly be struggling!

11-11-2010, 12:58 AM
[quote=xxheatherxx]30 years ago ADD, the autistic spectrum, giftedness, dyspraxia...were not heard of./QUOTE]

Those things have only been defined relatively recently. Previously, children were just labelled "weird" or "smart" or "dumb".

Before my parents and teachers knew I was gifted, they thought I was a disruptive little know-it-all brat. The first time my parents tried to get accommodations for my ADHD, they turned it down because my grades were too high, so obviously I couldn't possibly be struggling!

Im 37 AP...I understand your attitude...but I also realise there is a way over it. And right now, as the name suggests, you a bucking pony...but dont lock yourself in with your imagined knowing of the entire world. Kick against it, do what you want...but you have a lot more experiences in which to get to know yourself....and to get wise about yourself.

Heres one way...been as you have experienced no memory beyond your present physical existance....and any 'other' knowing does not exist. However gifted your comprehensions might be....you are...as yet...limited to your physical experiences of life. Which to you might seem many (because you are young). But if I am to judge you from your perspective that there is nothing beyond physical experience....then you are a mere babe ;-)

11-11-2010, 01:00 AM
ok annoyingpony ive read this thread and i think that u r so wrong!!!!! obviously indigos exist bcuz i am one of them! r u just jelous of the spiritually gifted or something?????? dont b so mean, we already have too put up with the nwo tryin to shov pills down r throats.... and the indigos and star adn crystil children are awakening now and we r goin 2 lead the world to a new age!!!!

11-11-2010, 01:08 AM

Im 37 AP...I understand your attitude...but I also realise there is a way over it. And right now, as the name suggests, you a bucking pony...but dont lock yourself in with your imagined knowing of the entire world. Kick against it, do what you want...but you have a lot more experiences in which to get to know yourself....and to get wise about yourself.

Heres one way...been as you have experienced no memory beyond your present physical existance....and any 'other' knowing does not exist. However gifted your comprehensions might be....you are...as yet...limited to your physical experiences of life. Which to you might seem many (because you are young). But if I am to judge you from your perspective that there is nothing beyond physical experience....then you are a mere babe ;-)

The physical world is the only one that we can know to certainly exist. We can actually observe the physical world. The supernatural cannot be observed. By definition, the supernatural is not natural. Any supernatural experience can be explained scientifically.

11-11-2010, 01:26 AM

The physical world is the only one that we can know to certainly exist. We can actually observe the physical world. The supernatural cannot be observed. By definition, the supernatural is not natural. Any supernatural experience can be explained scientifically.
The supernatural is a figment of your own imagination. But what is imagination in your physical existance. And emotion is not physical...nor is thought.

Science, in school is learning about what scientists have discovered and their methods of discovering it...in other words, its about learning whats already been discovered.

But if you go.... science + history = ?. Then what you have is philosophical thought - thought outside the box...contemplation. The idea...the notion...always comes before the proof. A scientist is somebody who contemplates the possibilities with an open mind and works upon a non-biased long term study of an unproved idea.

What you are doing at the moment, is saying....I havnt been taught it in school so I KNOW it doesnt exist. That is a followers mind...not a pioneers mind. By closing yourself off to the undiscovered, how do you propose to get to know what it is to be the adult you?

11-11-2010, 03:32 AM
The supernatural is a figment of your own imagination. But what is imagination in your physical existance. And emotion is not physical...nor is thought.

Science, in school is learning about what scientists have discovered and their methods of discovering it...in other words, its about learning whats already been discovered.

But if you go.... science + history = ?. Then what you have is philosophical thought - thought outside the box...contemplation. The idea...the notion...always comes before the proof. A scientist is somebody who contemplates the possibilities with an open mind and works upon a non-biased long term study of an unproved idea.

What you are doing at the moment, is saying....I havnt been taught it in school so I KNOW it doesnt exist. That is a followers mind...not a pioneers mind. By closing yourself off to the undiscovered, how do you propose to get to know what it is to be the adult you?

The supernatural is a figment of the imagination. It is thought. Thoughts are not physical; they are controlled by chemicals and electrical pulses in the brain and nervous system.

And I never said that it doesn't exist just because my school doesn't teach it. I do a lot of self-discovery and learning outside of school. It's just that I have never seen any convincing proof of the supernatural. If it exists (which I am highly doubtful of), it is doing an extremely good job at hiding itself.

11-11-2010, 04:03 AM
AP what do you actually believe in???????????? I'm just curious.

11-11-2010, 07:34 AM

The supernatural is a figment of the imagination. It is thought. Thoughts are not physical; they are controlled by chemicals and electrical pulses in the brain and nervous system.

And I never said that it doesn't exist just because my school doesn't teach it. I do a lot of self-discovery and learning outside of school. It's just that I have never seen any convincing proof of the supernatural. If it exists (which I am highly doubtful of), it is doing an extremely good job at hiding itself.

supernatural doesnt exist...it is what you imagine many of the topics of spiritual forums to be like. You wrote....The physical world is the only one that we can know to certainly exist. We can actually observe the physical world. Then you mention that thoughts are not physical. Then you make a scientifically unproved claim that.... they are controlled by chemicals and electrical pulses in the brain and nervous system.Youre arguing in some respects against yourself. As I say, it comes across like a tethered pony kicking up your heels...but youre not getting anywhere. As spiritlite suggests, perhaps you could divulge your own beliefs...scientific or not??

11-11-2010, 02:55 PM
ok annoyingpony ive read this thread and i think that u r so wrong!!!!! obviously indigos exist bcuz i am one of them! What makes you think you are one?

And no, you aren't going to save the world. We can only change ourselves, and with it, others may change a little. Ultimately, it's all up to the individual.

And emotion is not physical...nor is thought. Emotions are just labels for the mental sensations we experience.

11-11-2010, 03:50 PM
Those are emotional sensations.
If you experience joy, or peaceful thoughts, you might call it ''happiness''.
It's your mind which tries to externalize the experience and creates labels/concepts.

12-11-2010, 12:32 AM
AP what do you actually believe in???????????? I'm just curious.

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God/a higher power, spirits, ghosts, auras, chakras, Zeus, and a lot of other things.

Seriously, listing everything that I think is false would take forever.

But if you were asking me what I did believe in, then I would say that I believe in humankind's ability to overcome.

12-11-2010, 12:38 AM
Thank you, I understand that, I was simply stating that emotions are emotional sensations and not mental sensations. Not quite. The 'emotion' as we call it, is a label. But in reality emotions are physical reactions to pains and pleasures. Therefore, emotions can't be ''emotional sensations''

12-11-2010, 11:03 AM
on the same note emotions can't be called mental sensations either. We got a brain that produces thoughts which can trigger 'emotions'. There isn't really a barrier between physical and mental.
We only perceive it that way because we have developed brains.

12-11-2010, 08:13 PM
I wonder if indigo children's souls taste better than normal people's.
Only one way to find out.

13-11-2010, 11:34 AM
I wonder if indigo children's souls taste better than normal people's.
Only one way to find out.

Thats a little bit creepys....lol!:D

01-01-2011, 08:16 PM
2 things, well 3 but first: I too have ADHD- It's a blessing and a gift once you can control it. I multi-task better than anyone I know and I also learn things quicker than anyone else I know...becoming this way was not without grave difficulty. I was a flop for years before I accepted and harnessed my weaknesses and made them strengths. It's only a curse if you make it one.


Great story of success. I've always had this working theory that almost all "mental disorders" stem from unchecked energy from the crown and third eye chakras, and perhaps a blockage somewhere below those. It causes the energy to circle and circle and circle the brain. For some that becomes OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, and eventually Alzheimer's.

Now I don't want to sound all New Agey here, but I also believe these are the tasks that humankind, as a whole, will need to solve--how to handle the extra energy without damage to the physical body. And each individual comes up with a unique solution.

IsleWalker - Lora

I agree completely. A lot of "controlling" my "ailments" was deep meditation retraining my brain and thought processes and then testing said changes and being sure they carried on to my natural reactions and if they didn't, that they turned into my natural reactions. I think had I not "retrained" myself I would be insane. Once I changed my responses and such my depression literally just disappeared right with it. They were connected and I never noticed. I hated myself because I couldn't concentrate or remember things, I had no patience and sucked at work because I couldn't stay on task and I'd be daydreaming. Granted, my memory still isn't all that hot... I think that's age though... I'm getting old. Or at least I feel old.

And a closer fitting theory as to why the kids are associated with "indigo" has more to do with the chakras than auras. People's auras are ever changing and wavering... they lack the stability enough to create a label for an entire genre... unless of course the kid is a robot with a soul... nah, that still wouldn't work.

01-01-2011, 08:55 PM
2 things, well 3 but first: I too have ADHD- It's a blessing and a gift once you can control it. I multi-task better than anyone I know and I also learn things quicker than anyone else I know...becoming this way was not without grave difficulty. I was a flop for years before I accepted and harnessed my weaknesses and made them strengths. It's only a curse if you make it one.

I agree completely. A lot of "controlling" my "ailments" was deep meditation retraining my brain and thought processes and then testing said changes and being sure they carried on to my natural reactions and if they didn't, that they turned into my natural reactions. I think had I not "retrained" myself I would be insane. Once I changed my responses and such my depression literally just disappeared right with it. They were connected and I never noticed. I hated myself because I couldn't concentrate or remember things, I had no patience and sucked at work because I couldn't stay on task and I'd be daydreaming. Granted, my memory still isn't all that hot... I think that's age though... I'm getting old. Or at least I feel old.

And a closer fitting theory as to why the kids are associated with "indigo" has more to do with the chakras than auras. People's auras are ever changing and wavering... they lack the stability enough to create a label for an entire genre... unless of course the kid is a robot with a soul... nah, that still wouldn't work.ha ha you are 23? dont feel old your so young! bless you for your mind training and i hope it just gets better and better, compassion is the key. the power you will receive from overcoming such obstacles will allow you to help so many with your love and heart meditations. bless you sweet heart!

02-01-2011, 08:35 AM
Thank you!

LOLZ, yes, I am 23 years ancient but I've always felt old. However, I will never grow up. End of story hahaha

04-01-2011, 10:48 AM
I really don't think saying a child is indigo is claiming superiority over any other children, or that it's a label to make those with difficulties feel better than everyone. I don't know if you live in the same culture as I do, but here where I'm from; "different" isn't accepted. In fact, if you have difficulties, you "get over them" without really knowing how to. Some people have a hard time understanding the world they live in, while others don't at all. I think the idea behind the indigo child "label", is ultimately to help them accept themselves, and learn how to live life and let them know that life isn't supposed to feel empty. Whether you want to face it or not, everybody is different; and as our world changes, our culture - as it develops, so do the new generations. They're different than the one before it.

04-01-2011, 10:58 AM
I think that indigo children exist but I also think that some parents (and child/teens/adults) say that their kids (they) are indigo children even when they not 'cause it may sound better. But most ppl who say that they or their kids are an indigo probably are an indigo.

05-01-2011, 06:39 AM
Damn.. I was looking for an excuse as to why my 4 year old is a complete pain in the behind!

I guess i'll have to go back to the strong willed child combined with my lazy parenting skills theory, shucks...

07-01-2011, 03:36 PM
I am an indigo and am lucky enough to of attended a class from nancy ann tappe. She is the one who first noted the birth of indigos in the 70's. I am now very aware of who and what I am. My purpose here is to bring new ideas, new ways of thinking, mainly through creativity and pave the way for future generations of humans. I don't expect anyone to understand it now though . You will all see major social change in the future, give it five to ten years but it is going to happen. I can only hope you will all be open minded enough to move along with us.

12-01-2011, 10:38 PM
most here have made there minds up and nothing will change it, thanks for sharing.

Including you :D

13-01-2011, 10:31 AM
I am not keen on labelling, as it tends to stick people in a box which is then difficult to climb out of.

Having read what an indigo is supposed to be and taken the quiz and scored very highly and all the other things, except I do not have ADD, I would come out of it as an Older indigo - A first wave indigo, a pioneer.....If I believed in the Indigo phenomenon...

and my favourite colour is still Indigo.

From beginnings of feeling like an alien, wanting to go "home"(wherever that is)I gradually accepted living here, I realised it was my choice to be here and to make the best of it

And you know what? Planet earth is such a beautiful place to be, it is not so bad, and I love it here.:smile:

16-01-2011, 01:33 AM
I am not keen on labelling, as it tends to stick people in a box which is then difficult to climb out of.

Having read what an indigo is supposed to be and taken the quiz and scored very highly and all the other things, except I do not have ADD, I would come out of it as an Older indigo - A first wave indigo, a pioneer.....If I believed in the Indigo phenomenon...

and my favourite colour is still Indigo.

From beginnings of feeling like an alien, wanting to go "home"(wherever that is)I gradually accepted living here, I realised it was my choice to be here and to make the best of it

And you know what? Planet earth is such a beautiful place to be, it is not so bad, and I love it here.:smile:

That made me smile :)
I like to think of earth as home away from home

16-01-2011, 01:35 AM
L to the OL on that one.

18-01-2011, 05:14 PM
Yes they do. that's my response lol

19-01-2011, 01:52 AM
One of my dogs is an indigo, I think

Autumn Ascent
19-01-2011, 03:32 AM
I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God/a higher power, spirits, ghosts, auras, chakras, Zeus, and a lot of other things.

Seriously, listing everything that I think is false would take forever.

But if you were asking me what I did believe in, then I would say that I believe in humankind's ability to overcome.

Sounds like you don't believe in much of anything which boggles my mind as to why you're even on spiritual forums.

19-02-2011, 11:50 AM
Mahakali said it all, and was brave to tell his experience in full detail.
As I read you words Mahakali, I had truth shivers through my body, feeling the experiences of my own life, so close to yours. Yet a world of differentiation in between.

I as well had add, never diagnosed, yet nonetheless I was sure of it the entire time growing up, my mother is diagnosed with it, and I held all of the same symptoms.

I could never concentrate in school, or focus my attention even for a constant 10 seconds while in school. I would get distracted by the smallest things, the end of my eraser. Call it boredom if you will, perhaps disinterest, these all represent one reality. All consciousness is interconnected.

I could never grasp concepts like Math, as I couldn't see how they fit into the logical world around me. There were no numbers in the physical world, sure there may be two birds on a ledge, and math would say those birds are the total of one bird, plus one bird equaling two, instead I only saw one bird and one bird, two or anything more was a human construct an unnecessary bi-product of perceiving . On the other hand once it became apparent to me that reading and writing, were representative of the speaking and thinking that was constant in and around me, I had no trouble picking up both in grade school.

It wasn't until I found subjects that seemed interesting to me, that I was able to pay complete attention and focus to, subjects such as History, and Sociology, things I could tangibly understand and put into perspective. And eventually came theater, which would become my major, the art of tapping in to a whole world of creation and energy and displaying to.

Whether or not "Indigo" children are a real thing, is a matter of definition, and perspective.

I have a similar coming of age story like Mikhail, I made at a point a conscious decision, to start living life how I wanted to-in a manner that gave me true gratification, that is a feeling of uninterrupted content. Up until a point, I was a nervous wreck, I always thought, I always used my mind, but I couldn't quite grasp why things happened to me in a self loathing manner the way they did. Until I realized that choice was the denominator. I had been choosing to be afraid, choosing not to pay attention, choosing not to understand things, choosing to forget portions of my past even- choosing to loathe living.

Now I choose to live, in a fluid manner.
I chose to come to this forum, knowing it would be here, never having been here before. But I knew if I sought it, I would find it, and have a reason, to add to it. I needn't even read more then one post, I was drawn to this page immediately.

There is no coincidence, there is no chance, there is only one fluid flow of consciousness.

If you would like to believe that people are not special, then this reality will be true in your mind.

We are all indigo in disguise.
We like to hide from our nature to understand, and know all.

Life really isn't that complex, if you stop thinking, and start living.

28-02-2011, 06:56 PM
Yes! Thank you. I agree completely. ALL of us on this planet were sent here to help it evolve and evolve ourselves, we were all sent from other places. These people who start fawning over the idea that they or their children are indigo or crystal or rainbow or starseedsparklyfaeriesofdivineconfetti are falling victim to their own egos. I do believe that new energies are entering the earth because we need help, but these people fall into deep megalomania over these titles and use it as license to do what ever the frick they want!

I can see where it comes from, this existence on this planet can be very unpleasant at times, so the thought of being something special, superior, and above it all gives these people comfort so they envelop themselves in these roles to hide from the pain they've experiences on this plane.

And about how there is a rise in ADD and ADHD children, I do believe it has to do with an increase of right-brain oriented children HOWEVER there are ways to reintegrate the left-brain so that these children can function effectively in this world, as a specialized kinesiologist I am trained in such techniques and have acheived this so I know it is possible! People just accept these difficulties they or their children experience because 'they're indigo and it's just how they are'. No! It's all to do with the brain which can be fixed. They make these mental deficits seem divine which hinders the growth, development and evolution of these individuals.

Everybody wants to be somebody but nobody wants to do the work to get there, can't change the world 'indigos' if you can't focus your attention on what's going on around you.

28-02-2011, 06:57 PM
Indigo children do not exist. It's a fraud to make parents think that their kids who have trouble in school are metaphysically superior. Furthermore, the "indigo traits" people keep talking about are so vague that almost any child can have any or all of these traits at some point in time.

Another thesis commonly put forward by indigo children advocates is that they might be "mislabeled" as having ADD, ADHD, or some kind of autism spectrum disorder that makes them supernaturally gifted. I can understand why parents don't like the idea of their kids being labeled as "flawed", but if a child actually does have severe problems in school because of it, then they need parental and teacher support, not to be called "special", treated like royalty, and have it pounded into their heads that they're more evolved than everyone else.

I have ADHD. And let me make something very clear: It is not a gift. It's absolutely frustrating to be unable to focus on your work and to be sidetracked by everything going on around you. And having acute senses doesn't make you better at hearing things, it drives you nuts. Bonkers. Off the wall. Thankfully, my parents and teachers know of my strengths and weaknesses and we worked out a plan so that I can do my best in school. If your child is doing poorly in school for reasons other than simply laziness, PLEASE bring them to a psychiatrist. You will do yourself, your child, and your child's teachers a HUGE favor.

Furthermore, a lot of the things considered "indigo traits" to be encouraged in your "special" children are more likely to be symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, an actual illness that is actually recognized by the American Psychiatric Association. (http://www.skepdic.com/comments/indigocom.html)

I am not saying that everyone who claims to be an indigo child is a narcissist, but in my opinion anyone who pounds this metaphysical ** into their kid's head is certainly setting them up to act that way.

See this: http://www.theironskeptic.com/articles/indigo/indigo.htm
And this: http://www.skepdic.com/indigo.html

Some very good points here.

28-02-2011, 07:05 PM
Oh, and also, I have been told by many many people I am one of these indigo/crystals but that is still my opinion on the subject.

28-02-2011, 07:16 PM
I have been told the same, Amalthya, but at the same time, I find the "symptoms" to just be too common... like a bad horoscope that applies to everyone so that it feels "right." It appeals to the human need to be special, and thus the idea is really easy to get addicted to... and defend.

Because if you're just like everyone else... what good are you? [/sarcasm]

Mind's Eye
28-02-2011, 08:06 PM
Indigo children do not exist. It's a fraud to make parents think that their kids who have trouble in school are metaphysically superior. Furthermore, the "indigo traits" people keep talking about are so vague that almost any child can have any or all of these traits at some point in time.

Another thesis commonly put forward by indigo children advocates is that they might be "mislabeled" as having ADD, ADHD, or some kind of autism spectrum disorder that makes them supernaturally gifted. I can understand why parents don't like the idea of their kids being labeled as "flawed", but if a child actually does have severe problems in school because of it, then they need parental and teacher support, not to be called "special", treated like royalty, and have it pounded into their heads that they're more evolved than everyone else.

I have ADHD. And let me make something very clear: It is not a gift. It's absolutely frustrating to be unable to focus on your work and to be sidetracked by everything going on around you. And having acute senses doesn't make you better at hearing things, it drives you nuts. Bonkers. Off the wall. Thankfully, my parents and teachers know of my strengths and weaknesses and we worked out a plan so that I can do my best in school. If your child is doing poorly in school for reasons other than simply laziness, PLEASE bring them to a psychiatrist. You will do yourself, your child, and your child's teachers a HUGE favor.

Furthermore, a lot of the things considered "indigo traits" to be encouraged in your "special" children are more likely to be symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, an actual illness that is actually recognized by the American Psychiatric Association. (http://www.skepdic.com/comments/indigocom.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.skepdic.com%2525252 Fcomments%2525252Findigocom.html))

I am not saying that everyone who claims to be an indigo child is a narcissist, but in my opinion anyone who pounds this metaphysical ** into their kid's head is certainly setting them up to act that way.

See this: http://www.theironskeptic.com/articles/indigo/indigo.htm (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.theironskeptic.com% 2525252Farticles%2525252Findigo%2525252Findigo.htm )
And this: http://www.skepdic.com/indigo.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.skepdic.com%2525 2Findigo.html)

You are correct in what you say. The whole indigo children thing is right up there with the twin flames and incarnate angels and such. These are ideas that have been created by "spiritual" people with a knowledge of psychology. The idea is that if they can play on someone's emotions, disabilities and frailties, they can make a lot of money selling snake oil.

That kind of person is just a predator.

28-02-2011, 11:59 PM
Mahakali said it all, and was brave to tell his experience in full detail.
As I read you words Mahakali, I had truth shivers through my body, feeling the experiences of my own life, so close to yours. Yet a world of differentiation in between.

I as well had add, never diagnosed, yet nonetheless I was sure of it the entire time growing up, my mother is diagnosed with it, and I held all of the same symptoms.

I could never concentrate in school, or focus my attention even for a constant 10 seconds while in school. I would get distracted by the smallest things, the end of my eraser. Call it boredom if you will, perhaps disinterest, these all represent one reality. All consciousness is interconnected.

I could never grasp concepts like Math, as I couldn't see how they fit into the logical world around me. There were no numbers in the physical world, sure there may be two birds on a ledge, and math would say those birds are the total of one bird, plus one bird equaling two, instead I only saw one bird and one bird, two or anything more was a human construct an unnecessary bi-product of perceiving . On the other hand once it became apparent to me that reading and writing, were representative of the speaking and thinking that was constant in and around me, I had no trouble picking up both in grade school.

It wasn't until I found subjects that seemed interesting to me, that I was able to pay complete attention and focus to, subjects such as History, and Sociology, things I could tangibly understand and put into perspective. And eventually came theater, which would become my major, the art of tapping in to a whole world of creation and energy and displaying to.

Whether or not "Indigo" children are a real thing, is a matter of definition, and perspective.

I have a similar coming of age story like Mikhail, I made at a point a conscious decision, to start living life how I wanted to-in a manner that gave me true gratification, that is a feeling of uninterrupted content. Up until a point, I was a nervous wreck, I always thought, I always used my mind, but I couldn't quite grasp why things happened to me in a self loathing manner the way they did. Until I realized that choice was the denominator. I had been choosing to be afraid, choosing not to pay attention, choosing not to understand things, choosing to forget portions of my past even- choosing to loathe living.

Now I choose to live, in a fluid manner.
I chose to come to this forum, knowing it would be here, never having been here before. But I knew if I sought it, I would find it, and have a reason, to add to it. I needn't even read more then one post, I was drawn to this page immediately.

There is no coincidence, there is no chance, there is only one fluid flow of consciousness.

If you would like to believe that people are not special, then this reality will be true in your mind.

We are all indigo in disguise.
We like to hide from our nature to understand, and know all.

Life really isn't that complex, if you stop thinking, and start living.wow im honored that i was included in your first post. you are very deep indeed as most a.d.d. people i know are. im a girl btw :) everyone thinks im a guy though so dont worry. keep posting, there is a lot of great stuff to learn.

01-03-2011, 01:57 AM
Sometimes I get the blues.

01-03-2011, 06:38 AM
Why does anyone allow Dr's to slap a name on their emotions or actions. Support Big Pharma and poison yourself? No thanks.

05-03-2011, 01:24 AM
nice opinion, but for me and mostly people in my country we can detect if a kid have a talent or a gift to become a great indigo or not. for most people who can't appreciate a natural gift,they never been love by nature it self. remember guys positive opinion made a positive energy and positive energy made a positive signal.and so the opposite. thanks for share

07-03-2011, 03:20 AM
Indigo children do not exist.
If indigo's do not exist, then equally nor does ADHD.
All that exists is the belief they do.

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha

07-03-2011, 09:40 AM
If indigo's do not exist, then equally nor does ADHD.
All that exists is the belief they do.

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha
Well many ADHD (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fen. wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FADHD) studies have been done..

Indigo children, like stars, ruby's and rainbow children, are just a label that some American people give to their children..

08-03-2011, 03:11 AM
Well many ADHD (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fen.wikipedia.org%252 52Fwiki%25252FADHD) studies have been done..

Indigo children, like stars, ruby's and rainbow children, are just a label that some American people give to their children..

In light of your statements Chrysaetos, I still stand by my statement.
If Indigo, star, ruby and rainbow are labels, so too is ADHD.

08-03-2011, 03:51 AM
ADHD is a label for something that can be proven, has been studied, and does affect people other than children, and is not limited to any type of person and cannot involve any self diagnosis...etc

Indigo children don't seem to have any strict observable characteristics of any kind that is able to be tested or perceived in the same way by different individuals.

I think there is a bit of a gap between science and medicine, and spiritual belief's of that sort, so not the best example.

I'm still waiting to see some kind of pattern of behavior/characteristics between individuals who consider themselves to be star,indigo,ruby and rainbow children.

10-03-2011, 05:38 PM
ADHD is a label for something that can be proven, has been studied, and does affect people other than children, and is not limited to any type of person and cannot involve any self diagnosis...etc

Indigo children don't seem to have any strict observable characteristics of any kind that is able to be tested or perceived in the same way by different individuals.

I think there is a bit of a gap between science and medicine, and spiritual belief's of that sort, so not the best example.

I'm still waiting to see some kind of pattern of behavior/characteristics between individuals who consider themselves to be star,indigo,ruby and rainbow children.

Maybe theres no pattern :confused: .. You are right indigo all other star children are not scientifically proven, but if they have a purpose, that purpose can be something so big that science would not be able to define it. JMO, but saying that something doesn't exist because its not scientifcally proven is a bunch of hogwash. There are many things that cannot be explained. Yes some people do label their kids "special" so that they can feel better about themselves (which is stupid since everyone is special in their own way), but maybe there are people out there who have a special purpose.. We still have alot of time left in this world.. Things are starting to come into light.. You never know :smile: !

Internal Queries
10-03-2011, 05:51 PM
Maybe theres no pattern :confused: .. You are right indigo all other star children are not scientifically proven, but if they have a purpose, that purpose can be something so big that science would not be able to define it. JMO, but saying that something doesn't exist because its not scientifcally proven is a bunch of hogwash. There are many things that cannot be explained. Yes some people do label their kids "special" so that they can feel better about themselves (which is stupid since everyone is special in their own way), but maybe there are people out there who have a special purpose.. We still have alot of time left in this world.. Things are starting to come into light.. You never know :smile: !

i used to tutor youngsters, some with learning disabilities. every single one of those children i tutored were psy talented in some way. no One attached labels of spiritual superiority to them. no One made new agey excuses for their temper tantrums. and despite their psy talents and learning disabilities for some odd reason none of them ended up saving the world.

labels create "otherness" and belief in "otherness" is what gets humans into justifying all kinds of nastiness.

10-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Why is it that anyone creative, sensitive, smart, or a little off-the-wall must instantly be considered an indigo or starseed? It's just a label, people, for a person that is a little out of the ordinary, but in a good way.

13-03-2011, 11:45 PM
We all have a purpose, we all have special gifts. This is why I don't buy into the labels like indigo, star, etc. I was told by an old woman when I was just a child that I was a "star child". To this day, I am me, nothing more.

18-06-2021, 07:02 PM
One crucial criterion for indigo child that distinguishes them from ADHD or any social-personality is ESP or psychic power.

If you don't have any of these then you're not Indigo. And none of this concerns you and none of your discussions matter.

If however you at least experience psychic phenomena on a regular basis and then check off almost all the boxes then you have very good reason to assume you're here as an Indigo by design.

The exact nature of how or why "Indigo"-ness came to be matters little. What matters more is that you are here, and you do not break. Not under pressure and not by self defeat. You do you.

19-06-2021, 03:59 PM
Some people with disabilities do have special talents, but it does come at a price, and sometimes the price is very high.

I think of the man who has Autism and can play any song from memory, but can't dress or care for himself. Or the boy who was born blind and has learned to use echolocation to navigate his world.

None of us would choose that for ourselves, but it does give us a window into the capabilities of the human mind that we would not otherwise know.