View Full Version : Attraction to outer races

12-12-2012, 07:20 AM
Would it be easy for you to adapt and be attracted to other races out side of our planet? Knowing how humans are we like to get to know people its in our nature, and in time, do you feel that you would be interested in other beings? like greys or anyone in the galatic federation of light?

For me, first contact will intense, i would be nervous to see how they would look to me, if ugly i would be kinda scared. I wouldn't date anything that looks like a fish, though it would depend on how i am in pure light and full consciousness.

12-12-2012, 01:27 PM
Earth is just one of billions of planets inhabited with Humans.

Earth is a young and messy planet.

Earth Humans resemble our messy planet.

Other planets are perfect.

The humans on these planets are perfect as well.

They look Perfect - and VERY ATTRACTIVE.

The Hottest Girls I have Ever seen in my life are on other planets/in other dimesions.

Wanna see the best looking, most enlightened, coolest people in the Universe?

Then learn how to Astral Project
Then Learn how to Consciously project your 3rd eye into the Dimensions.

ITS Super Easy to do.

But I cannot tell you how to do it because people here FORBID the communication of this wisdom.

Too Bad - because you all could learn so much if You allowed me to speak.
Too Bad - because you all could learn so much if You allowed your selves to listen.

13-12-2012, 12:06 AM
You seem so sure of yourself there, Earth here isnt all that messy, sure it needs to be cleaned up a bit but we got this.

Maybe humans are the most attractive looking race in the universe? who knows, we will all just have to wait and see for ourselves. : )

Dove chocolates and love to you. : )
B4U <3

13-12-2012, 01:22 AM
Well as dolphins are mammals ,not fish.....
would you at least cuddle on a first date?

I'd love to hang out with ET's sometime. Anytime actually.
Love visiting exotic countries, people.

If we had a Peace Corps heading to the Pleiades I'd pack up immed. :grommit:
Umm, I assume you know dolphins ARE ET's

14-12-2012, 01:29 AM
Yeah dolphins aren't from earth, i have no idea how they got to earth though.

Would you be sexually attracted to a reptilian

14-12-2012, 03:19 AM
Yeah dolphins aren't from earth, i have no idea how they got to earth though.

Would you be sexually attracted to a reptilian

Can't say how they-Dolphins got here. I understand they are fairly "recent" arrivals and that whales have been here for many many millennia. If these are specific whale species I don't know. I'd assume their astral counterpart came here and created, or occupied a dolphin-whale body through some sort of arrangement-agreement.

What their indigenous form is I dunno... in the Sirius star system, but i understand it's also a water planet. Drunvalo communicated to some beings from there and said they looked something like jellyfish, at least their astral form.

I've been contacted by Dolphins a few times, but didn't engage in any real dialogue that I recall.

Had some dealings with Reptilians, and I guarantee you'd be better off never meeting them. nuff said. Unless you love manipulative sociopathic men-humans.

Also had a few "visits" from greys, and a couple visits to their craft.
A bit weird yet not frightening, the typical scenario.

Haven't yet met Plieadians, Andromedians, others that I know of consciously. Since many contact sutuations are in Theta dreamstate, much of this isn't typically remembered by folks. I've not gone looking for contacts though.

I've a minor suspicion I might have been a grey, as I love exclusively petite women, as does my father. But that could be far from the truth, as we both love very easily, and this isn't characteristic of those guys, who are highly mental, even they hybrids.

I've never much been curious of my past lives, but this aspect has me curious, now that contact is so in evidence, worldwide.

16-12-2012, 05:37 AM
I just read that Arcturians are also petite and quite benevolant, loving, according to Edgar Cayce.

Seems like there's quite a variety of beings that have been seen by reputable sources, more than I'd imagined.... and those are only the physical ones.

21-12-2012, 03:16 AM
There are millions of species out there in space, Im not to excited to meet all of them just yet until i get over the fear of seeing them. most will be beyond our imagination.

21-12-2012, 03:41 AM
Bashar suggests learning to contact Dolphins as a good first step to ET contact as they know us well. They're sorta ambassadors to the non physical ET universe
(as he expresses it)


Apparently a Dolphin intelligence speaks through him/Daryl at times.