View Full Version : Multiverse theory is making sense to me now...

04-08-2012, 04:05 AM
Somehow, it seems as if what I've been yearning and searching for the past few years made sense as soon as I found out about this "Multiverse Theory" as well as Fictional realism. I believe that there literally are infinite universes holding every possible world, being, person and situation. It makes so much sense to me. My only problem is, (taking, from this, that there is the perfect one out there for me) contacting a person or being from one of these said universes. You see, I've come as far as realizing that this theory fits with me like a puzzle piece, but then after that I don't know what the next step of action is. I don't know where to begin.

I am, however, still getting over the resonation that this has with me.

Have any of you tried figuring out this multiverse theory and decided that despite what we've heard all our lives - we all decide what our fate, destiny and life will be like and that we all deserve to pursue the universe we believe in?

Well, I do! (that makes one of us?)

Anyway, thoughts and help from someone who is versed and experimental with this theory.


04-08-2012, 04:31 AM
It's all consciousness.
So why not?

The "theory" is an attempt to impose logic upon a fluid reality.

Logical mind cannot perceive this reality, and creates analogies in order to pretend to grasp what it is incapable of perceiving-understanding. IMO

Quantum this , parallel that are just buzz words, not true understanding.
But I guess it's a step forward for our imagination.

No doubt there are some few gifted individuals who can actually perceive this...

05-08-2012, 03:19 AM
Hopefully someone else can contribute something useful to your query-quest.

06-08-2012, 05:09 AM
A number of threads are relating experiences that relate to this.
Jumps in time, abrupt changes in reality.

And I'm investigating a healing modality that utilizes this concept, effective "time travel" (instant reality modification)

However we don't have language or concepts to really express this.

06-08-2012, 06:01 AM
I have read about multiverses, and find them very interesting. I do not, however, know much about contacting people from these other universes. Perhaps, if we reverse the situation, i.e., people who have experienced being contacted, then we might have a better idea. And I am sure that there have been several.

In a physics standpoint, I think the biggest wonder is that there could be a completely different set of laws of physics in other Universes, and that might very well be true, as even what was once thought of as “constant” is now found to be not-so-constant (e.g. Alpha, measure of electromagnetism, varies very slightly in different parts of this Universe).

06-08-2012, 07:53 AM
My only problem is, (taking, from this, that there is the perfect one out there for me) contacting a person or being from one of these said universes.S.
When you say that you are seeking "the perfect one out there for me", do you mean a soul mate, or something like that? I would hope that the earth, with countless millions of people, should find you a compatible "other half", and if not, then our own universe is itself massive in size.

Have you tried astral projection? That might well aid you in your search for other realities. Unfortunately, I can't help you in answering your question about the existence of multiverses, as my projections are limited to the specific mission of helping animals and their caretakers. There are plenty of others, however, who love to explore the astral and might be able to help you. Worth asking on some astral projection forums, perhaps? There is a section on this forum, too!

Warmest best wishes to you in seeking the "perfect one" for you. I found my most wonderful wife at the age of 42, and we have been happily married for nearly 20 years! "Seek and ye shall find"!

08-08-2012, 03:12 AM
When you say that you are seeking "the perfect one out there for me", do you mean a soul mate, or something like that?

World, Soul mate. Both, either. But thank you, I do hope I find it eventually. Whatever it, he/she is.
Anyway, I just watched an interesting Star Trek Episode that discussed that literally everything can, has and will happen somewhere. This means that there is an ideal world for each, and every one of us. It may be here, on earth. Or it may be somewhere else. Don't we all deserve to be happy? I think it makes so much sense.

But LPC, I am happy that you have found yours here. :) :)

immortal coil
12-08-2012, 04:34 AM
I see your topic has quite a few views, but not many replies... It's a shame, because in a very near future, the ramifications of the multiverse will be felt by all, and not just those in the scientific community.

For me, I seem to have a gift of esoteric knowledge, albeit of unknown origin, which I need to share with the world. Your post is important because, I feel resonant with it, and the need to share. So here goes...

In the original state of being, there was nothing but an unfathomable completeness. For the complex we refer to as god (also known as the Empty Set or [] by the higher ups), everything to be known, has been known.

Unfortunately, for such a state, there is no way to experience itself, since there is no experience to be had in all its completeness. In that, it was deemed necessary to splinter itself into pieces, not unlike a jigsaw puzzle, in a way that would best facilitate what we call "experience". It would create rules as well as various hierarchies in order to subjugate that what we know as life today.

Once it was decided, it simply began to exist. For those of us on the material plane, since we have such an infantile grasp of "being", there must be a beginning and an end to such affairs. With that, the event you know as the big bang, was the theoretical beginning point of existence. Before the big bang, there was a vast nothingness, where not even a universe or space existed.

After it had all been contemplated, a spiral in nothingness was opened up, and "being" poured in, creating the universe(s) and everything with it. Now mind you, this all happened instantaneously (as it was simply an altered state of being from before), but on the material plane, that which we refer to as "time" came along with it.

What time really is, is the ability to break down (or slow down), all the events in a soul's lifetime, so that there isn't an instantaneous bombardment of experience all at once. It was chosen this way, with the intent that an instantaneous experience would be too much, in the limitations of a finite intelligence.

So what do we have without time? Without time, we have no beginning point, end point, nor any way of disseminating experiences. Therefore all points in "time" (well, actually, not time at all) would in fact occupy the same space, with everything happening instantaneously, or simply just being.

What are the ramifications of this as a human...rather a spirit seeking experience? Well, the ramifications are, the fact that everything that will happen, has already happened. Everything that will be pondered has already been pondered. That all experiences overlap each other in the same point/space, as the original state of being dictates.

So, every choice that you will ever make, has already been made. Think of a simple situation such as a choice to either go to the store or walk your dog. You may make the choice to walk your dog, but the other alternate you goes to the store. For every event in your life, every thought, every action, there is a branching point, for the other you to explore.

So in essence, you have complete and dynamic free will, but all is still predetermined by the full, complete, state of being.

Anyway, for the sake of this getting a bit long, I'll leave this here for your perusal and hopefully a comment or two as well.

21-08-2012, 04:59 AM
Very insightful, immortal coil. I strongly believe what you have stated - with some modifications, it is pretty much what I'm trying to say. However I had a more specific issue.

Thank you for the lengthy response! I'm glad that someone with that much insight and knowledge truly thought my post over. It is always appreciated! :)

19-10-2012, 07:54 PM
I must say this post also resonated with me. This tought as occured to me since I was a youngling, and only recently ave I begun to study the scientific aspects of it. Sofar everything point to this being te ultimate answer to everything. In order for everything that we are currently experiencing in this plane of reality, scientist have come to the conclusion that there must be (no less than) 11 dimensions of existence and a multitude of universes* thereof. Scientist have even proposed that exact theory "everyting that can and will, has and is. We are living infinite existences and (most of us anyway) are completely unaware. The "String Theory" has completed the task (for the most part) of answering the must unanswerable* questions and physical anomilys* such as; black holes, time, gravity, wormholes, time travel, spirits/ghosts, any other psuedo-scientific theorys and realitys. Eventually (most likely within my lifetime) we will crack the doorway into these "other" lives and will be able to interact with them.... hopefully within my lifetime

19-10-2012, 07:56 PM
Fogive my horrid spelling C= phone is not to fond of allowing me to spell words with "H" in them

27-10-2012, 02:51 PM
Fantastic! You truly have spoken exactly what I feel. It is as if people are becoming more aware of this and perhaps we will truly find a way to break into other realities sooner than we think. The human mind is finally seeming to make realizations... :smile:

28-10-2012, 08:17 AM
Somehow, it seems as if what I've been yearning and searching for the past few years made sense as soon as I found out about this "Multiverse Theory" as well as Fictional realism. I believe that there literally are infinite universes holding every possible world, being, person and situation. It makes so much sense to me. My only problem is, (taking, from this, that there is the perfect one out there for me) contacting a person or being from one of these said universes. You see, I've come as far as realizing that this theory fits with me like a puzzle piece, but then after that I don't know what the next step of action is. I don't know where to begin.

I am, however, still getting over the resonation that this has with me.

Have any of you tried figuring out this multiverse theory and decided that despite what we've heard all our lives - we all decide what our fate, destiny and life will be like and that we all deserve to pursue the universe we believe in?

Well, I do! (that makes one of us?)

Anyway, thoughts and help from someone who is versed and experimental with this theory.


There is an infinite number of possibilities of everything, from planets to energy states. So, the multiverse 100% plausible.

Miss Hepburn
28-10-2012, 01:07 PM
There is an infinite number of possibilities of everything,
from planets to energy states. So, the multiverse 100% plausible.
You got that right.
It's so nice to see such openness to infinite possibilities...
We live at such a great time for grasping what would have been impossible
concepts...possibly have been killed for speaking about such ideas.

07-11-2012, 12:49 AM
Here is my advice:

First - begin with the notion that everything can be understood. But be flexible with your understandings because your are understandings are always further developing.

Second - Use IMAGERY (Moving Mental Pictures) to Develop Multidimensional understandings instead of thoughts or words or even emotion. This is the best modality to understand the Quantum Universe.

30-11-2012, 07:17 PM
I would like to start out by saying that NO, I do not fully understand the concepts of quantum mechanics: not even experienced theoretical physisists do so don't bash down on me.

As I understand it, when scientists are talking about parallel universes (multiverse theory) they are not talking about a physical place that exists "far out there" or just here but in another dimension. Sure, we can abstract the idea and think of a book with an infinite number of pages, each sheet representing a universe in it's own - all of them lying side by side in layers. That's one way of abstracting it so that we can understand the concept.

But in reality it's not really that simple. Instead what they are talking about is quantum superposition. A "superposition" is all possible states that a particle or quota of energy can be in, and the only thing that determines where that particle or quota of energy are: a) the observer, and b) probability. The "object's" existance is smeared out over multiple universes - how many is determined by probability, and which "single" one it exists in is determined by the observer. Superposition collapses as soon as an observer is entered into the equation - and this has been proven countless amounts of times. It's known as the "double slit experiment".

So travelling to universe X where you got a 6 on your dice roll isn't really a physical posibility because you are already in that universe.

I recommend everybody to check the videos with Stuart Hamerhoff on youtube:

Hameroff is a anesthesiologist who is fascinated about death and near-death experiences. He is most commonly known for his studies of conciousness, and is a known supporter of the quantum mind theory. "The quantum mind or quantum consciousness hypothesis proposes that classical mechanics cannot explain consciousness, while quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the brain's function, and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness." - Wikipedia

In the video above, I especially like what he is saying about time - suggesting that it might just be an illusion created by our conciousness.

21-02-2013, 12:44 PM
this multiverse thing is why i came to the board. I have experienced this entire life before and it changes subtly from time to time as well as make the points that it is exactly the same for most of it, only once in years of repeating this time period has anything changed and while it was significant it doesn't tell me what its all about. Each time the deja vie occurs it is more profound than the average deja vu. Also, there is a relative example of the amount of times i have had the exact expression of history - as much as seven or eight times having been aware of whatever is going on.

A friend told me that everything happens and that this is a world which rises to the top, after examples of reflections (and reflection on the reflections!) have been made and slowly the world changes - with the patience of a saint.

24-04-2013, 03:05 PM
Immortal's post has added a lot, however I think the basis that "God" or [] has experienced everything and can't grow more is--well, wrong. Although Source (my preferred term) knows at any moment all there is to know--from within and without all the creations with awareness-- there is always the push to gain more, to grow. That could be done through "us" the Creatures--but I suspect that there are also creations on the meta-level that are taking place by Source. We always mimic our Source and we always have the impulse to grow, learn, experience, change, therefore Source must too--and not just through our growth.

Also, in the theory about "convergent lives"--it would seem that those elements which happen in all are things which have been agreed upon by all parties before the incarnation or during it. At least that makes sense to me.


P.S. Correction--Immortal said there was no way for Source to experience itself. I think that too is possible. Its like the mathematical concept of recursion--when a mathematical expression calls on itself. It would theoretically go on calling (itself) forever.

In a way we all do this--we are a creator of ourselves and a greater being at the same time. So we experience all the "we" the Creature experience, and we are also our own higher Creator which is experiencing all that and much, much more.

24-04-2013, 03:21 PM
P.S. It would seem kind of...wasteful or redundant to me to include an entire Alternate Life for every decision we make in life. It doesn't really matter if we wear a red or yellow outfit--except perhaps on one day.

But the important distinction to me is that we create these Alternate Lives by our thought--by repeated thought about "what if".

There we be so much extraneous nothing out there for all the infinitesimal decisions we make each minute, each second. It wouldn't seem logical to me as those decisions aren't of importance to us.


24-04-2013, 05:57 PM
for me i live every moment, and sometimes its hell ... its not a Heaven or a Hell tho it could best be descridbed as purgatory as there is no god but there is magic

dream jo
08-06-2015, 08:14 PM
Somehow, it seems as if what I've been yearning and searching for the past few years made sense as soon as I found out about this "Multiverse Theory" as well as Fictional realism. I believe that there literally are infinite universes holding every possible world, being, person and situation. It makes so much sense to me. My only problem is, (taking, from this, that there is the perfect one out there for me) contacting a person or being from one of these said universes. You see, I've come as far as realizing that this theory fits with me like a puzzle piece, but then after that I don't know what the next step of action is. I don't know where to begin.

I am, however, still getting over the resonation that this has with me.

Have any of you tried figuring out this multiverse theory and decided that despite what we've heard all our lives - we all decide what our fate, destiny and life will be like and that we all deserve to pursue the universe we believe in?

Well, I do! (that makes one of us?)

Anyway, thoughts and help from someone who is versed and experimental with this theory.


hi on hear for me it iz