View Full Version : Reading Thoughts

12-02-2012, 02:11 AM
Just wondering what other people have experienced.

I tried tuning it while out at dinner tonight. It was amazing what I could hear-- it was like whispering though, like I had to really strain to hear anything, but that could be because there were a lot of people in the restaurant. I have no trouble with just one or two people in the room.

Not really sure how I do it, it just comes natural. I also tend to get a headache afterwards. Hmm.

Anyway, just wondering what anyone else experiences. Very curious!

12-02-2012, 02:20 AM
When you hear thoughts is it just thoughts? or do you also get emotions attached to the thoughts?

12-02-2012, 02:24 AM
I get some actual words and sentences, some pictures, and a lot of emotions. Sometimes, if I don't work to tune it out (which also gives me a headache) I get overwhelmed and have to retreat.

Its weird, because I seem to get more emotions when I'm looking at someone and tuning into them, but I see more images and hear more when I'm not looking at someone. Its sometimes causes me to have a strange look when I see myself through someone else's eyes.

Which reminds me-- anyone else able to communicate with cats through images?

12-02-2012, 02:36 AM
It makes a lot of sense to me what you are saying. I do not have the skills to read thoughts but I am skilled at reading emotions and I think emotions are created by thoughts. Also do I think emotions are layered with why they were created... and I know how it is to get overwhelmed with others emotions. Tried one time where I hardly could breathe.

About thoughts I do think they stay in our head (opposite emotions that have a natural flow out of us) unless we choose to send them into the world. So you being able to see yourself through someone elses eyes should indicate you being able to be inside their head. What do you think?

12-02-2012, 02:46 AM
I find it interesting how many threads (and people) there are on Empaths. Despite all my research, never heard much about them before now. I suppose you're one of them! I find this fascinating!

Sometimes I'm not sure if the thoughts I am getting from others are exactly in their words (unless its in another language, which is even more frustrating), or if I am inferring from some kind of... I dunno, mix of emotions, images, and their memories. I know I can see into some people's minds-- like my boyfriend, for instance. Sometimes, when he falls asleep before I do, I can just lean my head against his and see what he's dreaming. Sometimes its normal stuff-- flying goats and things-- but sometimes its memories (or I'm just rooting around, not really sure yet) from when he was in Iraq. I guess I let my curiosity get the better of me. Heh.

But for people I don't know as well-- that's hard. I can hear his father's thoughts from across the room. He kinda yells in his head a lot, and makes it hard to concentrate on math, or anything else. I can't really understand my daughter's thoughts yet. I haven't tried. She's almost five, and I dunno, I know she has abilities too and I don't want to ... well violate that. We'll work on them when she gets older. My mother's mind is easy, unfortunately. She never says anything in her head that's nice or useful. Instead I hear her commentary on my housekeeping skills. Awesome.

I am going to college, and that's some of the worst. A group of adults stuck in a classroom learning math. Or, rather, re-learning it. Thinking so LOUDLY. Sometimes I can well... hear what they're texting. Because like when I write, I guess they think it in their heads while they're typing it.

But even there, I find some harder to crack than others. Some I wish would just shut up. I took a clue from Daphe on No Ordinary Family and tried to focus on music from an iPod, but that only helps if they aren't thinking louder than the music.

So to answer your question... yes, yes I do think so. :]

12-02-2012, 03:03 AM
Yes it seems that we are many empaths, but not as many as there are people who think they have those abilities :tongue:

I wish I had some advice for you with the thoughts, but i only really know emotions. My guides mostly communicate with me through emotions layered with informations. Here is my advise on emotions (don't know if it applies to thoughts):

If we see the world as one big sea and all of us as the drops of water, then we will see that trying to keep the rest of the sea parted from oneself is an almost impossible task.

When we send thoughts between us I think we send them on emotions through what I call the emotional wavegrid. Have you ever found yourself in a group of people or crowd and being capable of feeling the collective emotion of that group?

What do you think the solution is to not be such a radar :wink:

12-02-2012, 03:16 AM
Interesting... so you're saying that the emotions we project are in a sort of plane of their own-- interwoven into a grid that's overlaid by the magicka (or chi or whatever you want to call it) and all the other elements that one has to be tuned to to receive. I never quite thought about it like that before. The closer you are to the origin of the part of the grid, the easier it is to ride the lines and feel and interpret the emotions themselves. Perhaps it is something similar with thoughts?

Sometimes I contemplate whether the thoughts grid and the spiritual grid (on this plane) are very close, or perhaps interwoven. Now I have another to consider.

I think maybe what makes me so interested in this is that it doesn't quite fit into what I normally consider to be well, normal. I find it normal to visit other planes, dimensions, and worlds, but not normal to be able to hear people's thoughts. That's odd, probably, but its because I can't explain it with my weird magicka-science. I like to be able to figure out the method of how something is done, so that I can replicate it. Of course, this is usually just involves me remembering how something is done, but it also helps when I read books and papers on, say, hydrokinesis. I read that, interpret it, and then I can figure out how to apply it into my reality. Which may sound weird, I know, but I suppose that's just how my mind works. Sometimes I imagine its a computer and the world has free wifi access, and don't password protect! HA!

Back to what you were saying though-- Guides?

12-02-2012, 03:37 AM
I think the emotional wavegrid interwoves everything and moves with a speed me and another in here calls the speed of Imagination (and if you have ever tried to catch your imagination you know it is allways a thought ahead). We believe this speed is the fastest to ever exist. Read someplace a theory about big bang being a big leap of imagination, that would explain how everything in the start of the universe moved at a speed where not even light could catch up. I think what you call thought grid and spiritual grid is part of what I call the emotional wavegrid. The universal consciousness might just be created through this grid or even be it... haven't taken the theory that far yet :tongue:

With guides, I mean my spirit guides :wink: one of my guides told me this in a reading I got, which I link to emotions (which I think is much deeper than just what we feel):

nothing is ever totally silent - even silence has its own language

I think you might access others minds through the emotional wavegrid that connects all of us... but I am not sure. I do not have that much experience with thoughts... but it is strange you think reading thoughts is more weird than the other things, when nothing we do is normal to most :wink: ... maybe my knowledge of emotion can build a bridge on which you gain knowledge of your thoughts.

12-02-2012, 04:00 AM
I suppose its because I've always been able to travel to other places with just a little concentration (not physically, of course! I WISH! :D) It was... easy. I got to interact with other cultures and sometimes forgot how to act in my own, especially when I was younger.

But thoughts-- they seem so personal even though everyone has them. I can understand travel-- I can't understand how I am able to hear others thoughts.

I remember this one time, in middle school, my teacher asked us to guess the number he was thinking (for first pick in something or other). And he was thinking it over and over and over. So I said it, and I was dead on. It was the first real thing that stood out to me-- more than memories from my family or anything like that. Direct reading. It was so weird. For the record, the number was 75.

Emotions travel faster than anything? An interesting thought, considering how quickly people can change their emotions towards another.

Do you think that emotions are imprinted on objects? Would it make sense if I could sense thoughts from things that other people left on there, say, a phone?

12-02-2012, 04:21 AM
75 seems like a normal number to choose :D or not... good use of your skills! I have written something you might like, so just travel wherever you want! :smile:

The Land of Imagination

Inside each and everyone of us dwells a place where everything is possible, this place is part of The Land of Imagination. Within this place there are no limitations. If you come upon a wall of limitation it is one you have build yourself and what you have build you can tear down. The thing we have to learn is that everything is created by our imagination, so everything in our world is fiction, even those things we label as non-fiction. Some things we have been capable of manifesting through visualization, other things are still just make believe. By realising that you already live within the Land of Imagination you will acknowledge that everything is possible, because there exist no limitations. Imagination is the gateway of dreams.

...an active imagination can turn your dreams into reality...

I do think emotions make an imprint... do not know if I am spot on, but I believe I can sense what people mean/feel when they write on these forums (though sometimes my head is so far up in the clouds that I do not notice :tongue: ). I have been spot on a couple of times where other have misread something.

I think you can feel the change in the mood the instant it changes, even if you are miles away from someone. It would also explain the speed in which you can communicate with your spirit guides with. It seem like an instant change as if you were sitting next to each other...

think we are slowly moving closer to understand the thing about thoughts... I do not understand it either.

12-02-2012, 04:46 AM
The reason I was wondering is because (and this is hard to write) when I read texts from my bf's phone, I can... feel the emotion behind it (and how I nipped a potential cheating op in the butt). I could almost see and hear the memory. Because of... this ability, I knew he was lying to me, but he was so caught up in covering it up, and his thoughts were so crazy, I didn't know exactly what it was. I just knew he was lying to go and see someone. Which is why I snooped later. Turned out it was a girl. But that's not the point I was trying to make! When I saw those texts, I could feel the... way that they were sent. When I confronted him, I could hear his thoughts, and all the ways he could see trying to turn the situation around. Still crazy tumultuous thoughts, mind you, but I was very angry and wasn't concentrating on deciphering them. I hate that he lied to me, and he hated that I knew, though he is still REALLY confused on how I knew. Needless to say, he hasn't lied to me since.

But, that was really the first time I got real emotions from an object. I mean, my own things, like a rock or a hat, I can remember the memories from it easily, but someone elses? I... have never heard of it before.

What you were saying about stuff written online-- I find more deep connections when typing to someone in IMs or on Twitter (even with a guy in Syria)-- like, emotions, or images-- than something left on a forum, though I seem to sense a little of that too. Its so odd, isn't it? How computers can convey so much energy? I wish there was a science dedicated to this.

12-02-2012, 05:04 AM
I have never heard about it before either... it is first lately I started to recognize this extra part when I read what people posted. I think it has something to do with the fact that you have this constant flow with the world and when you write, that which you feel becomes part of the emotional wavegrid. A skilled Empath kind of is a natural part of it and pick those bits and pieces up that belongs to that moment. Does that make sense...

It is fun how there is this whole world that is kind of invisible but as easy to read as if someone had said a word. thought it is odd... I wrote to someone that he had misread a post in here... and he was all no. Then I wrote how I had read it and another asked me how I could get that out of the post. When the one who had written the post answered it turned out I had almost hit a home run... it is weird, but better than not knowing I will say :tongue:

how would the scientist reseach it? think first they have to discover emotions...

12-02-2012, 05:13 AM
Not entirely sure how one would research it-- not anything solid and would stand under the scrutiny of the scientific community, anyway. Most would probably write it off as a coincidence or a good guess, I imagine.

I read a book once (the Enchanted Forest Chronicles) about this King of the Enchanted Forest who could move through the forest by pulling on invisible strings of magick that connected everything in his forest. I found it amusing, because he could do anything with it, and when wizards came to visit, and then teleported away, he would get so furious, because their staffs left a knot in the webwork. I kind of like to picture this invisible web as the author did, as strings that connect everything.

I know its kinda sounding like the Force, and the Void, but I think there's a lot of truth to that, don't you? And, somehow, some people are more tuned into this web than others. Not particularly midichlorians or whatever, but... something. Something is significant enough about us that we are able to tune in to those frequencies! I would love to have the knowledge to figure out HOW.

When I am really trying to tune in, I picture a tendril from my mind going out and touching the mind of whoever I want to read. Doesn't always work, but the visualisation does sometimes help.

12-02-2012, 05:32 AM
I am a free spirit so I think anything is possible. I think the only difference there is between our world and the spiritual world is density, so if something is possible in the spirit world it is possible here. The only difference is the energy required to do it. It is easier to walk on dry land than through mudd.

I once were taken to a place where everything was connected. Walked out of a door deep in my mind out on a string. I had strings on both sides of me leading to other living beings. I followed the string to this ball of string where all the strings were connected. This was where everything on Earth was connected. From the ball of string went a string that connected it to the rest of the galaxy and universe. It was amazing and a little bit scary adventure :smile: so I find the story about the king fascinating.

The force is actually a great way to explain it... unless there is something that carries the emotions around, we might just find that emotions is the force :wink: I have found that I have the ability to affect the grid at will... when I have done it in the past it have been unintentionally.

When you find out how to do it you will find out you had to do nothing, I think :tongue: that is how stupid this world is sometimes... but visualization is the key. I say: if you can imagine it, it can exist.

12-02-2012, 05:46 AM
I keep on quoting things, but here it goes: your story reminded me of an episode of Avatar, the one in the swamp?

Yuu said that the world was like the swamp; The swamp was composed of one giant tree, spreading roots and growing trees. Even though all the different nations acted differently and treated each other differently, they were all the same; they were all humans! So the visions Team Avatar saw-- of Katara's mum and of Sokka's girlfriend that turned into the Moon spirit-- those were because everything was connected, and Aang saw the future-- he saw who would join the team and teach him earthbending, and then he used his new found knowledge to find Appa and Momo, because he realised that everything was connected, just like the Swamp people could waterbend just like on the poles--

Haha, I ramble.

Visualisation is key, I find. That's how I make my books so realistic!!

I had my cat stare at me yesterday when I mentally ordered him to get down. He looked so confused, haha!

12-02-2012, 06:01 AM
Cats are funny :tongue: had feline as a power animal until it left...

Nordic Mythology also talks about a tree where the roots connect the world.

It is Thought that is holding our four dimensions together and the Thought comes from higher realms of consciousness and awareness manifested through matter. So all matter has a consciousness and the bigger and denser the matter, like stars and planets, the deeper and higher the wisdom. More on this in the novel which incidentally is called Soulwave.

I do like the word soulwave, so maybe we should call it the soulwave grid. I have also started to call emotions the language of the soul, after seeing a quote from someone I cannot remember :tongue:

Have you ever thought how boring thoughts would be without emotions? I think it would be like a rainbow without colors. So maybe thoughts creates matter and emotions give it shape. That I find fascinating.

12-02-2012, 06:24 AM
Or maybe its the other way around. Animals don't think in words, but they do in emotions, in pictures and in colours. Makes sense to think that before humans had developed a language, we did the same. So perhaps emotions are what make us think words, and the words are just another gateway into emotion. Makes it easier for people like me to understand, since I'm not that great with pure emotion!

12-02-2012, 09:04 AM
I think you might just have solved a part of the puzzle :smile:

12-02-2012, 11:38 PM
Had a weird experience today.
In a room full of my boyfriend's family, I picked up on his sister's thoughts. Felt a lot of worry, a lot of... well. It was interesting. She's young.
I was going to try and tell him about my... abilities, but I ended up just talking about the read I got from her. Tried to put it off as just how I interpreted her behaviour, and I think he understood it as that. I don't know. I just don't think now is the right time.

But I did try today to picture the web that interlinks all of our minds-- it was interesting to say the least, and it really gave me a headache-- so I think I'm on the right track in that way.

I also talked to one of my friends from high school, the one I told about my ability. I told him I was trying to learn to control it, to stop suppressing it, and he encouraged me to try, but warned me about the danger of letting it all out once I realised my full mutation. And he should know, as he has one of his own. It was good to text with him about it, someone I know from real life, you know? We spent a lot of time together, and he definitely picked up on it, approached me about it back then. I think it'll be good when we get together. He's eager to show me his ability, and I am eager to see it.

13-02-2012, 01:04 AM
I think you will know when the right time is, if ever... many times I choose to say nothing because I can sense that people do not understand it. I have written something on thoughts and emotions, though far from finished:

It all begins somewhere
Emotions is the language of the soul in which we share ourself through the soulwave grid, creating the collective consciousness. On the soulwave grid emotions travel with the speed of imagination, which is the fastest speed to ever be imagined. It seems like our imagination is always slightly out of reach, like a rainbow within oneself, so master your imagination and you will find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Something to think about
Thoughts can be very deceptive. They go around and takes all the glory, when emotions are the real human beauty. A thought without emotions is like a rainbow without color. Emotions are what make us think words, so thoughts are just another gateway into emotions, a way for us to make sense of the world. It is our thoughts that gives things shape and our emotions that gives things color, giving birth and beauty to our imagination.

How do you think this connection? if you think of the connection going outward through your head I am not surprised about the headaches... though you also can get headaches if you have found the right point of connection because it can be a lot to take in at first. If my theory about thoughts traveling on (or in) emotions through the soulwave grid is true then I think you will find that the connection point is our heart or heart chakra (or what we call it). I think it was there I left my mind and found myself on the string that connected me to everything else. Just a thought :wink:

13-02-2012, 01:12 AM
Interesting thought-- I hadn't considered where the threads of the grid connect; perhaps it is to all the chakras. Perhaps there are specific threads linking specific points of energy? It is very thought provoking, to be sure.

I was thinking of specifically the threads connected to thoughts, and the brain as the center, and not really concerning myself with the others. Perhaps with practice I will be able to 'see' those as well. I'm working on trying to see them permanently-- perhaps that will help in controlling the volume and who I can hear, or not hear.

13-02-2012, 01:23 AM
I think until you find that point that connects you to the world, you will find it like swimming upstream... for me the heart is the connection point within me and what connects me to the world. I do think if you find the connection point, you will know where they come in and will have an easier time directing them back out again... just a thought :wink:

13-02-2012, 01:27 AM
So many things to think about! I think it will be much easier when the house is quiet tomorrow when everyone is at work. For some reason I have a lot of trouble concentrating when there are thoughts I didn't think in my head, or someone is actually talking to me.

I do enjoy bouncing ideas off of you though. Have you ever been able to interpret someone's thoughts? I know you spoke about the emotions, and so I am curious.

13-02-2012, 01:45 AM
The thing you shall remember is to keep patient... don't try to run before you can walk. And sometimes just let a thought hang in the air if you can't figure it out and when you are ready to fully understand it, I am sure it will come to you naturally.

Have never had anything to do with thoughts... that is also why I never really understood them on the level I understand emotions. So yesterday opened a lot of things about thoughts I had not thought about. I did get the feeling that if I left my own string and went up someone elses, I would be capable of entering their mind and see what ever I wanted. But I chose not to... I have never been tempted enough to develop that part of my skill. But it seems like this is just something you do naturally, so you have to figure out how not to be everywhere, it seems. But I do sense why they are thinking something, but not what they are thinking. If I tell someone something, I can sense if they understand it or not and so on...

13-02-2012, 01:54 PM
Interesting... I have considered that what I've been doing without meaning to is wrong, but I don't have the concentration to discern and understand a lot of what I get from people, usually its only a few words. Believe it or not, a lot of people don't have control over their thoughts, and more than a few are thinking of things two or three at a time, or about something completely unrelated to what they are doing. Quite odd, and sometimes thoughts (and images I'd rather not see) throw me off my game.

For instance I went into Five Guys (which is a fast food restaurant, great burgers, and cheap) by myself while my family was out in the car, for me to pick up the food. Rarely happens where I'm not with my daughter or my BF. Anyway, so I passed a table to nerds on the way in. Which I use affectionately. Lots of superhero talk and stuff. And then a guy came in, and, you know, I never really thought about it before, but there's a lot of things running through a guy's mind when he tries to hit on you. It was all I could do to just smile smally and answer politely. But he was also thinking about work (he was a delivery guy, one that will pick up food from restaurants that don't deliver and deliver it to a house or a workplace) and so it was SO WEIRD. Wish I had a better way to explain it, but I don't. Heh.

13-02-2012, 04:42 PM
You are doing nothing wrong, you just need to learn how to control it. I got an idea: try to suck in air and hold it while you imagine that you are drawing yourself out of peaoples mind and into yourself :wink: when you exhale imagine you do not let yourself out again... :D just a thought.

06-03-2012, 04:21 PM
Just wondering what other people have experienced.

I tried tuning it while out at dinner tonight. It was amazing what I could hear-- it was like whispering though, like I had to really strain to hear anything, but that could be because there were a lot of people in the restaurant. I have no trouble with just one or two people in the room.

Not really sure how I do it, it just comes natural. I also tend to get a headache afterwards. Hmm.

Anyway, just wondering what anyone else experiences. Very curious!

I am still awakening spiritually, but for me, what I've come to realize, is that I pick up on how others feel. I don't hear words, I just know what someone is thinking based on a feeling I get. It happens on its own, as of now I have no control over when it happens either. Hopefully I can eventually harness it as I learn and figure things out.