View Full Version : Multipersonality disorder?

17-07-2011, 12:16 AM
So I've heard around that multipersonality disorder is caused by reincarnation. Now I've had experience with this disorder for sometime now. Fits of anger come from no where. Its very confusing emotions i cant explain. I want to know what other people think about this. Id like to unlock my past live. maybe it could explain alot.

17-07-2011, 12:26 AM
I don't know about past lives but I feel i have a range of personalities or that my personality isn't consistent. I can appear calm, spiritual and even perhaps wise moment, and the next I sound like a teenager having a hissy fit coupled with rage. I do feel like I can tap into other peoples psyche and am unsure whether one past life i recall is actually a past life or an impression i am picking up from another person. Maybe more spiritually evolved will be able to tell the difference. Interesting subject, and one I have been thinking about recently too. Thanks for bringing it up.

17-07-2011, 12:39 AM
No problem. You and I have the same problem. Is it almost as if you pick up on the people around you. Like things mold into your attitude that you really cant explain.

17-07-2011, 12:50 AM
Well I can walk into a room an almost automatically tell if the people in the room have been slating me. Maybe I'm picking up on their mannerisms but when I used to go to job agencies to find work a few of the agencies I joined seemed to enjoy slating me. I could tell what they were thinking almost, although i would need them to be honest and validate the thoughts i'm picking up on and I'm sure they're not going to turn around and say 'yes we were just talking about you (derogetory)'. I found a lot of negativity in the work place after I reached 19 and could pick up on atmospheres and would instantly leave because it was making me psychologically ill. I was feeling such intense anger that if i had stayed, i would have lost it with them. I didn't have any problems before i reached 19 and enjoyed working with people and serving the public.

The past life i recall I'm unsure whether is an impression i have picked up on from another person or spirit. I have experienced clairaudience, clairgustience and clairvoyance and have even seen a snapshot of monks watching me on two occasions which were not mentally visualised but actually like a slide show, pushed into my vision. Thankfully i was sat down on both occasions because i couldn't see anything around me during those moments.

So I do pick up on energies but i don't claim to understand it. I have one friend who is mentally unwell and i feel a real connection to him psychically. I don't feel romantically towards him but i feel as though i have tapped into his trauma to a degree.

17-07-2011, 01:10 AM
I had the same connecting with my friend Nathan. Unfortuanly he passed last November. I'm 19 now and have had this problem since I was yound maybe 12 or 13. I knew when my best friends mom was going to die on the dot. Things come to me it's like almost an awake dream. It's so exciting to talk to someone else like me. I thought I was mentally loseing it.

17-07-2011, 01:21 AM
No you're not loosing it but I have no idea what advice to give. Some people would reccommend going to a spiritual church. Going to a spiritual church wasn't for me however but you're not me I know. Just try to relax and realise you're not alone in what you're experiencing. I've had nightmares which have come true ie seeing my grandad seriously ill in a nightmare and it happening.

Speaking to a reputable medium might me an idea, or if you're Christian, visiting a priest. I sincerely wish you well on your psychic journey.

Bestest wishes and love


17-07-2011, 01:27 AM
Same happen to me with my grandma then she dies the day i happen to be staying with her. Strange things happen around me. like my step dad tried to kill me and my mom but blew his brains out instead. and for some reason it doesn't bother me. I just have a hard time sorting out my emotions like i get sad about things that don't even relate to me. and its like i know thinks i shouldn't know. I'm highly intelligent but I'm also dyslexic. I also have an amazing intuition. Like i just know things. very hard to explain though.

17-07-2011, 01:30 AM
I'm a christian but idk if god can help me on this one.

17-07-2011, 01:36 AM
Wow I'm so sorry for your troubles. I sound like your step dad, as in i fantasise about blowing my brains out but then i think about my parents and it keeps me here (besides i don't own a gun). What bothers me is other people, i fantasise about going to a remote idland with just my loved ones and a few friends. People love to hate me and have done since i can remember. Even a few teachers at school hated me. My first teacher refused to teach me and i didn't learn to read till the following year with a new teacher. I was the only mixed race child in my school for a long time and i guess some teachers didn't think i should be there. It didn't bother me at the time, it wasn't till i reached 19 and people began really hating me for simply breathing that i started to feel immense anger. Now I stay home most days and avoid people at all costs, because to be blunt, ive met too many catty people with nothing better to do than upset others, me for one.

All the best in your development. I hope your trauma is behind you now and you can go on to live a joyful life.

Bestest wishes and love


17-07-2011, 01:41 AM
Have you spoken to a priest? If I was a practising chrstian, then that is what I'd do? Maybe speak to your mum, usually mum's know best.

17-07-2011, 01:52 AM
My mom a crack head. But I'm fine. Things just don't bother me.

17-07-2011, 02:01 AM
I'm so sorry Thunder. I don't know what to say. If ever it does start to bother you, make sure you speak to someone. Big hugs and bestest wishes, you are truly gifted and I so hope you are able to channel that gift to make the best of your talent. :hug2:

17-07-2011, 03:17 AM
Thanks your sweet. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here to listen.

Cat Woman
19-07-2011, 02:44 PM
I have been teaching and studying metaphysics for 20+ yrs. I started to notice in myself as well as my clients, parts of our Selves that would come to the surface at any given time w/o provocation. After studying and watching this behavior, I came to the conclusion that we all have some form of MPD. Some more than others. For instance, i was raped at the age of 13. Having that experience at such a young age caused a lot of trauma in my emotional body. I gave a name to my 13 yr old that got raped. Let's say I called her Cindy. By separating her from my adult self, I was able to talk to her and become like a parent or protector to her. I would ask her how she felt, etc and I would write down the answers. I would do this over several days. Once I felt I had enough information, I would then ask her if she would like to live in a healing space in my heart or if she would like to go home to God. If she chose to stay inside my heart, I would create a room of sorts with all the things that a 13yr old little girl could want. I also told her, if she ever needed me to knock three times on the door of my heart. If she chose to be with God, I would ask an angel to come down and get her. I would do this exercise in meditation so I could envision everything very vividly. In essence, this part of myself was then healed because I gave her the time and attention she needed instead of stuffing the memory of being raped. Previously, the hurt 13yr old would show herself everytime I got involved in a relationship. These aspects or parts of ourselves will and can run the show, dominating or sabotaging our lives without our knowledge. All we know is that we continue to sabotage some part of our lives and we do not understand why. Once you have found the part of you that is "misbehaving" you can heal her/him using this very simple technique. I called it "Aspect Integration". It is so simple to do. I want to also add, if you have had any type of severe abuse such as rape, there is a possibility that you have splintered parts. Meaning, "Cindy" was raped but since it was so horrific, I found that "Cindy" had split off into more aspects that were also 13yrs old. I hope this helps someone....to know that you can heal and it won't cost you hundreds of dollars of therapy. It is safe and it does work. Please do not hesitiate to ask me questions. I am more than honored to help you heal. In love, Catwoman

19-07-2011, 03:20 PM
So I've heard around that multipersonality disorder is caused by reincarnation. Now I've had experience with this disorder for sometime now. Fits of anger come from no where. Its very confusing emotions i cant explain. I want to know what other people think about this. Id like to unlock my past live. maybe it could explain alot.
There are many ‘spiritual’ explanations for Multipersonality disorder. Reincarnation is only one of them. I personally believe it relates to the challenges you have been given to deal with in this life.

19-07-2011, 05:49 PM
So I've heard around that multipersonality disorder is caused by reincarnation. Now I've had experience with this disorder for sometime now. Fits of anger come from no where. Its very confusing emotions i cant explain. I want to know what other people think about this. Id like to unlock my past live. maybe it could explain alot.

MPD is when you completely dissociate (disconnect) from your mind. Its like having several different people inside you and you have no control over them.. Its caused by trauma so bad that the mind splits away from itself to avoid the pain. Reincarnation cannot cause this since your in a new body and whatever trauma you had in your other life most likely won't suddenly resurface and cause you to split off.. Your anger fits might come from your past life, but having them occasionaly is nothing compared to the experience of MPD... How old are you if you don't mind me asking.. It sounds like your just going through hormonal changes which causes mood swings..

Cat Woman
19-07-2011, 06:05 PM
I agree with MPD is a complete disconnect from your mind and that it cannot possibly be from past lives. I have worked with a lot of patients in remembering their past lives. There are subtle things like being afraid of water in this life b/c they drown in a past life but I have never seen or heard of anyone with MPD having been caused from past lives. The soul/spirit does not work in that manner. Those of us who know about past lives can try and educate a person. But if that person chooses to believe their MPD is caused from past lives, there is nothing more we can say. All we can do as educators and therapist is pray they find some peace in their present life and discontinue to look in a direction that will yeild no results. My heart goes out to you. I hope you continue to find healing. I wish the answer could be as simple as a past life, but from my experience it does not hold the answer.