View Full Version : Can We Eat In the Afterlife?

17-06-2011, 12:46 AM
I know it's a really strange question, but I'm a really strange guy and I've always been so curious. I mean, it's obvious that we wouldn't need to eat anything, but what if we wanted to just for the heck of it? If so, I'd probably spend eternity eating chocolate :D

17-06-2011, 01:23 AM
Not sure on the answer to this one, I don't think you can actually eat ... you might just be able to remember and savor the taste as you once knew it. A friend in spirit commented that he really missed the taste of coffee.

Sparrow answers many questions about the Afterlife in his thread - Common Questions about the Afterlife http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3848 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D3848) you might find an answer in there . Even if he doesn't answer that particular question, lots of interesting info in there , check it out !

Dream Angel xx

17-06-2011, 01:34 AM
In my opinion, in the afterlife we eat what's there to eat... light and love.


17-06-2011, 01:54 AM
I'm with Dream_Angel.. we don't actually eat. But miss the way thing taste and the texture of food. I read that in the Journey of Souls book. I remember reading souls can say for example "conjour" up an orange out of energy.. but it's not the same as on Earth.

17-06-2011, 02:47 PM
Jesus ate after he was raised from the dead.And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish,and he took it and ate before them.
Luke 24:41,42 ESV

After a person dies he is temporarily in a disembodied state, but he won't remain in this condition forever. We will all be raised in one of two resurrections, one for life and one for judgment. Those who take part in the resurrection of life will be able to eat just as Jesus did, although they probably won't need to.


17-06-2011, 03:34 PM
Jesus ate after he was raised from the dead.

And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish,and he took it and ate before them.
Luke 24:41,42 ESV

yes, but ..... if Jesus ate after He rose from the dead, then He was back among the living when He ate ... not in the Afterlife

Spirit Guide Sparrow
17-06-2011, 05:37 PM
When upon the Earth you think about what you would like to eat, you place a specific image, flavour or meal in your mind. This helps you decide what you are going to prepare and cook.

In the spirit world this process is continued. That is, as long as you can remember how something looks, tastes and smells, then you will be able to manifest it and experience the exact sensations you remember having. In the spirit world thoughts are made solid and physical simply by intention.

Should it be the case for some, who have never before tasted a specific wine, or a specific bar of chocolate, then what they would do is visit the halls of learning and ask for a book on that specific chocolate. The book itself, which contains the very essence of what chocolate is, would teach you how to experience the taste as it once was upon the Earth. It would do this by allowing you to access recorded sensations and experiences every single being once had whilst eating that chocolate, then it would impart that information into your consciousness in a very real and personal way. Because thoughts are real tangible things, the information it imparts within you would be absorbed as your own personal experience and memory. This is the same principle as for those who choose never to have a physical life, but instead experience it via prime source.
Other beings in the spirit world will also teach you how to process tastes and sensations of things you have only dreamt of.


17-06-2011, 06:42 PM
I think for me... I will be happy never having to process food in a body ever again...

18-06-2011, 10:44 AM
I believe our truest forms once we leave the body is energy, eternal energy so I think that things like food and water wouldn't be needed as they would not be required ... just my thoughts :)

20-06-2011, 05:53 PM
I believe that the other side will seem just as real, or even more so, than this life. And that this life is in preparation for the next life. This side is only a holographic projection from the other side. Dr. Craig Hogan, the director of Fermilab recently made the statement in an online article that he believes we live in a holographic universe. He also said that a holographic projection has a certain inherent degree of blurriness; perhaps this is why so many near death experiencers say that the other side seemed even more real and more clear than this side?

Perhaps the other side is the holographic film and this side is the projection and after our physical body dies our consciousness or soul simply migrates or projects to the original holographic film from when this side arises?

We are simply spiritual beings having a physical experience. The knowledge or information we are gathering here can be used on the other side to create whatever reality we might wish to experience through the process of thoughts being things or consciousness creating reality.


20-06-2011, 06:14 PM
I know it's a really strange question, but I'm a really strange guy and I've always been so curious. I mean, it's obvious that we wouldn't need to eat anything, but what if we wanted to just for the heck of it? If so, I'd probably spend eternity eating chocolate :D
From what I understand, if we wish to eat, we can. However, we really don't need to eat on the other side, why would we? Food is something our physical body needs.

20-06-2011, 09:49 PM
all things consume. We may not experience hunger or self based desire to eat - but we do change.

eating isn't real, it could easily be renamed transformation as all it is - is a changing of one form into another. Energetic transformations are points where 'individuals' come into being. flame, fuel and heat - water, hydrogen and oxygen.

so, if at any point there is a confined and identifiable state, whether that's in some other realm or not - it will have to consume and it will be a center of transformation from one energy into another.

20-06-2011, 10:11 PM
Depends on what the afterlife really is. If the atheists are right, then no because there is nothing. If reincarnation is correct, then you obviously will be able to in the next life (what food depends on the form of course), if the next realm is spiritual only, then you would have no need for food.

21-06-2011, 03:00 PM
Depends on what the afterlife really is. If the atheists are right, then no because there is nothing. If reincarnation is correct, then you obviously will be able to in the next life (what food depends on the form of course), if the next realm is spiritual only, then you would have no need for food.You overlooked a fourth alternative; that the disembodied state we enter after death is only temporary and that our bodies will be raised again. I discussed this in post #5. The fact that we will be able to eat after our bodies are resurrected doesn't necessarily mean that we will need to eat.

21-06-2011, 04:30 PM
I believe our truest forms once we leave the body is energy, eternal energy so I think that things like food and water wouldn't be needed as they would not be required ... just my thoughts :)

For sure not required for sustenance, but enjoyble! I'm of the mind that we can pretty much create whatever experience we want in the spirit realms, and that includes physical sensations if we so desire :smile:

21-06-2011, 04:31 PM
I believe that the other side will seem just as real, or even more so, than this life. And that this life is in preparation for the next life. This side is only a holographic projection from the other side. Dr. Craig Hogan, the director of Fermilab recently made the statement in an online article that he believes we live in a holographic universe. He also said that a holographic projection has a certain inherent degree of blurriness; perhaps this is why so many near death experiencers say that the other side seemed even more real and more clear than this side?

Perhaps the other side is the holographic film and this side is the projection and after our physical body dies our consciousness or soul simply migrates or projects to the original holographic film from when this side arises?

We are simply spiritual beings having a physical experience. The knowledge or information we are gathering here can be used on the other side to create whatever reality we might wish to experience through the process of thoughts being things or consciousness creating reality.


Makes sense to me! :D

22-06-2011, 02:05 AM
Really good question. I am scared of the afterlife, But I've never thought of that.

22-06-2011, 07:13 PM
I know it's a really strange question, but I'm a really strange guy and I've always been so curious. I mean, it's obvious that we wouldn't need to eat anything, but what if we wanted to just for the heck of it? If so, I'd probably spend eternity eating chocolate :D

I've got a really strange answer. Do you spend your physical life eating chocolate?

If not, why not?


22-06-2011, 08:25 PM
Hmm. I understand completely what SGS is saying .. however - IF the Spirit is just energy .. why would we need or want to eat .. and HOW would we eat?

Actually this is a really good question, one I've certainly never thought of before :)

22-06-2011, 08:49 PM
wow good question. But I really believe thet we eat what other side gives you. It could be energy, it could be anything...

22-06-2011, 11:41 PM
I know it's a really strange question, but I'm a really strange guy and I've always been so curious. I mean, it's obvious that we wouldn't need to eat anything, but what if we wanted to just for the heck of it? If so, I'd probably spend eternity eating chocolate :D

I have read that souls can eat, but it's more of a social thing or something that is familiar to them. Eating foods has no benefit, or need on the other side.

From my experiences of eating food while dreaming, and lucid dreaming, I have found food to have no taste whatsoever. So in those experiences there is no reason to eat food other than for the fun of it.

23-06-2011, 12:42 AM
Being curious & asking questions is very useful.
It isn’t strange at all.

It may be difficult to eat a physical food when one is nonphysical.

When we are nonphysical things will be different, but just as real to us as our existance is right now.

23-06-2011, 01:14 AM
I think this life is a preparation for the next. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Now the question is "why bother?" Why is it essential that we experience what it is like to be inside or inhabit a body, experience time and space, and live in a 3 dimensional + 1 time Universe? Near death experiencers routinely say that the felt an overwhelming feeling of oneness and connectedness on the other side. Some say they "literally felt like they were everywhere in the Universe at once." So, we know that the physics of the other side is different from the physics of this side. How is it different? It's different the same way that the physics of a holographic piece of film is different from a holographic projection. In a holographic piece of film all the information is spread throughout the entire film. Each piece is connected to every other piece. Each piece contains the whole. Everything, past, present, and future would exist on that film so time and space wouldn't exist. But, everything that is "here" would also be there, only before it can be experienced it has to first be thought of - and that is the secret to "why we are here." We are learning what it is like to be limited by a physical body, what it is like to be separate, what it is like separate, unique, individuals.

I believe that this life is simply a preparation for the next life. We are "gods in training". We will use what we have learned in this life to "create" whatever kind of life we might wish to experience on the other side simply by focusing our attention on it. We are "little gods."

So to answer your question the answer is "YES" you will be able to eat on the other side, and make love, go body surfing, fly like an eagle, or swim like a dolphin.

23-06-2011, 02:01 AM
I wonder this too! I've wondered this since I was 9 lol.
I hope we can. If there's no brownies on the other side can
we really call it heaven?

It would be soooo awesome to eat and eat with out getting sick and/or

23-06-2011, 07:34 PM
Lol. Of course you can eat still. The only difference is you arent using it to sustain yourself. Theres no astral law against sticking something in your mouth. There isnt so much flavor out of it but its a habitual thing like sleeping or breathing. One of my not-so-alive friends goes through about 20 tubs of ice cream a week.

27-06-2011, 12:09 PM
I believe existence is in energy form and our bodies are like a shell that encapsulates it.

27-06-2011, 02:09 PM
I believe existence is in energy form and our bodies are like a shell that encapsulates it.

True, but that energy can create a body that experiences senses if it so chooses. You clearly don't have a physical need to eat in that spirit realms, but you CAN if you wish to :) Everything we experience there is created by the mind, but it is no less read because of that.

01-07-2011, 01:33 AM
There are different stages,
different areas we pass through in the afterlife.
In the Heaven and Hell realms we eat, just like here...
The fact is in those realms it's pretty much no different from here...
at least the one's I've been in....
There are Realms in the afterlife that .....
aren't there for us,
so to speak....
that are not within the area of our resonance,
where "eating" as we know it does not exist....
But generally speaking we don't find ourselves in those realms because where we spend time there is totally determined by our frequency.
I've pulled into some Realms out there, accidentally ...
(I used to spend a lot of time going through the death process)
but that had more to do with what I'd call habit...than resonance...
Where eating as we know it....was not part of the scene.
I pulled into one,
where eating was actually a big part of the scenario.
As was getting laid actually..... pretty sure that was a Hell realm and was damn glad when my teachers pulled me out....
Because here is the freaky thing about the Heaven and Hell realms....
they have this thing, it's like Time in our "Reality"
But I call it "Momentum"
It pulls you in.....
(after your resonance has pulled it to you, or you to it (however you want to look at it)
And once you are in..... you become defined by the place while you are there.
It's scary because you ...hmmm, lose yourself for a time.
You totally become defined by the place.

There is a stage where what Xan said is true,
the last part of the journey,
where light and love feed us so to speak....
but for most folks that is a small part of the Journey.
I call that stage,"the White Hall".
It's also where, when we come down from that feeding,
we meet our Group and kind of lay out the general plan for the next life.

07-07-2011, 09:31 AM
It is indeed possible to eat and drink in the Summerlands, certainly when we first cross over be cause we are used to eating and drinking. However for most this desire passes quickly because they will not experience hunger or thirst. As we no longer have a physical body which needs these things they become unimportant. It is more likely that we will eat because we have had some attachment to a certain food or drink, we do not need them as such instead we desire them. It is my understanding that this desire dimminishes as we progress.

07-07-2011, 08:55 PM
The desire doesnt diminish so much unless its more of a passing fancy like a craving for a hamburger. We move on or stick to things in death the same as we do in life.

08-07-2011, 09:29 AM
We move on or stick to things in death the same as we do in life.
This is not my understanding, the earthly things we stick to are the things that retard our spiritual progression.

08-07-2011, 12:40 PM
I believe you can eat in the afterlife. I have had dreams of eating. One of the things I remember eating is cake.

08-07-2011, 08:33 PM

I be told by a good British friend of mine in sprit that he still has "tea time " and is very blessed for that. Now is it like the physial tea I not be sure but from what he tells me its the best he has ever had.


09-07-2011, 02:32 AM
We are each nativley "non-physical", immortal, spiritual beings and are not the mortal, physical, human body we operate (like a car) "feed" or more exact "fuel" and view in a mirror and don't have the desire to eat, because we don't get hungry. You could not eat if you tried, because you are not physical and actually outside of the material world, Time and Space. The mortal, physical, human body dies, but not you and me as spiritual beings, who are immortal, so live on forevermore through eternity. We each go through a succession of different lifetimes and a different new baby body per each lifetime. The problem being, we each, as a rule, forget from one lifetime to the next. Two different and completely seperate realities. Our own native non-physical, immortal reality and the physical world reality which includes mortal, physical, human or animal bodies. (non-native to us)

09-07-2011, 02:37 PM
True ..... during part of the process of death,
but the Heaven and Hell realms are just like this "Reality".
And when you are there it's impossible to tell the difference.
And in those realms you do indeed eat.

09-07-2011, 03:48 PM
in spirit material or things that can be touched is not important..but keep asking questions because thats how you learn and those that have the experience dont forget to demonstrate patience.. if you dont have then you really dont know..keep asking questions.

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

10-07-2011, 07:31 AM
This is not my understanding, the earthly things we stick to are the things that retard our spiritual progression.

Ahh but to stick to that kind of mentality would only hinder you when you have a physical body. Whos to say that anyone alive or dead sticks to anything that spiritually retards them. Its that, ìm coughing so I must be sick, mentality. Just because youre dead as opposed to being alive, that doesnt mean that everything is different from what we know and understand. Just because youre not alive, that doesnt mean that you lose all of your being alive personality and that you transcend into this strange different dead being as a lot of people subconciously believe. Were all the same when we die. When were dead we just adapt to not having a body, but thats about it. Theres no real strange awesome mysticism when you get used to it.
And whos to say that eating on the astral plane makes you retarded... it doesnt make you anything except someone who eats on the astral plane. There is no giant wheel of transcendance going on here, where if you eat you dont rise above earthly beings. Its all so much simpler than a lot believe.

22-07-2011, 09:38 AM
From 'Life in the World Unseen' by Anthony Borgia

Our host led us into the orchard where I beheld many trees in a high state of cultivation, and in full fruit. He looked at me for a moment, and then he took us to a splendid tree that looked strongly like a plum tree. The fruit was perfect in shape, with a deep rich coloring, and it hung in great clusters. Our host picked some of it, and handed it to us, telling us that it would do us both good. The fruit was quite cool to the touch, and it was remarkably heavy for its size. Its taste was exquisite, the flesh was soft without being difficult or unpleasant to handle, and a quantity of nectar-like juice poured out. My two friends watched me closely as I ate the plums, each bearing upon his face an expression of mirthful anticipation. As the juice of the fruit streamed out, I fully expected to spill an abundance of it upon my clothes. To my amazement, although the juice descended upon me I could find, upon examination, no traces of it! My friends laughed uproariously at my astonishment, and I thoroughly enjoyed the joke, but I was much mystified. They hastened to explain to me that as I am now in an incorruptible world anything that is 'unwanted' immediately returns to its own element. The fruit juice that I thought I had spilled upon myself had returned to the tree from which the fruit was picked

Our host informed me that the particular type of plum which I had just eaten was one that he always recommends to people who have but newly arrived in spirit. It helps to restore the spirit, especially if the passing has been caused by illness. He observed, however, that I did not present the appearance of having had a long illness, and he gathered that my passing had been fairly sudden -- which was quite true. I had had only a very short illness. The various fruits that were growing were not only for those who needed some form of treatment after their physical death, but all enjoyed eating thereof for its stimulating effect. He hoped that, if I had no fruit trees of my own -- or even if I had! -- I should come as often as I liked and help myself. 'The fruit is always in season,' he added, in great amusement, 'and you will never find any of the trees without plenty of fruit upon them.' In response to my question as to how they grow, he replied that like so many other questions in this land, the answer was only possible from those of the higher realms, and even if we were told that answer, there is more than a strong probability that we should not understand until such time as we, ourselves, went to dwell in those realms. We are quite content, he said in effect, to take so many things just as they are, without inquiring into how they come about, and we know that those things provide a never-failing supply because they come from a never-failing Source. There is no real need to delve into such matters, and most of us are quite content to enjoy them with heartfelt thanks. As to the actual supply of fruit, our host said that all he knew was that as he picked his fruit other fruit came and took its place. It never over-ripened because it was perfect fruit, and, like ourselves, imperishable. He invited us to walk through the orchard where I saw every kind of fruit known to man, and many that were known only in spirit. I sampled some of the latter, but it is impossible to give any indication of the delicious flavor of them because there is no earthly fruit that I know of with which comparison can be made. We can only, at any time, give such an indication to the senses by comparison with that which we have already experienced. If we have not had that experience then we are at a complete and absolute loss to convey any new sensation, and nowhere is this more appreciable than in the sense of taste.

You mention alive or dead Felynx, but surely you must know there is no 'dead'? Also I did not say that eating made one retarded I said that sticking to earthly things can retard our progression.

22-07-2011, 10:26 AM
Why worry about eating in the after life, enjoy eating now, let the so called after life take care of itself, enjoy eating and when you die let the maggots enjoy eating you, yum yum lol.

22-07-2011, 10:38 AM
let the so called after life take care of itself
So many people have that attitude whilst here in the physical and sadly go into the next life totally unprepared. I say sadly because they have great difficulty in adjusting to their new state which causes them some hardships.

You surely would not set out on some new venture in this world for instance without any preparation would you?

22-07-2011, 10:49 AM
So many people have that attitude whilst here in the physical and sadly go into the next life totally unprepared. I say sadly because they have great difficulty in adjusting to their new state which causes them some hardships.

You surely would not set out on some new venture in this world for instance without any preparation would you?
Why would I need to be prepared, who is going anywhere, the body can't go anywhere, my pure Essence is not going to go anywhere, all is One, if all is One then there is no A, and B, now the idea of a separate soul migrating to another body, is just that, an idea.

Perfect Storm
22-07-2011, 11:15 AM
Who says there is an afterlife? Whos says THIS isnt the afterlife?

Where does the 'after' come from? Whos to say it isnt just a continuation of life?

Council Of Nine
22-07-2011, 06:36 PM
This 3D experience is not the afterlife it is only an illusion, if it were to be correct I would say this is the before life.
We are an eternal spirit living many lives with one purpose....to learn and progress, when we leave this planet we will incarnate to the density of our progression, if we make a choice then we move on to 4th density either positive or negative, if we are a wanderer and have come here as a pre incarnate decision to further our learning then we have the choice of returning to our home density or maybe try another 3D experience or progress with earth into a 4th density experience.

the answer to your question is yes, we do eat after we leave here, but the food is different to what we presently know, for instance in 4th density our food is supposed to be mainly live and our lives revolve around the preparation of meals, in 6th density they eat a kind of golden nectar that is not necessary but is consumed for gatherings as a symbol.

22-07-2011, 11:43 PM
Only if you don't reincarnate, enter the brahman or euffulgent light of god.

27-07-2011, 08:15 PM
Yes there is such thing as death though that isnt what we're talking about on this topic of afterlife. Also, eating doesnt slow spiritual progression... to say that is to limit yourself to what your expectations of spiritual progression are. Just because I died and ate an apple, that doesnt take me farther away from the Creator.

29-07-2011, 12:42 PM
Depends what realm you go to, you really have no need to eat by and large, eating is Earthly. If anything, you would possibly eat fruits and berries, maybe drink water or wine.

29-07-2011, 06:18 PM
I guess so. I have a lot of friends over there and a surprising ability to manipulate the planes energy... Ive made fridges full of awesome food for them for when they get bored. People on the other side eat because they prefer to. Maybe they just want to have a semblance of taking care of their bodies. (I made steak flavored ice cream, it almost makes me want to die early lol)

02-08-2011, 12:02 AM
Its a very interesting question. I had a recurring dream when I was young and a few months ago that I was in heaven and the earth was made of Victoria Sponge Cake and there were rivers of custard (different flavours). Sorry my answer is neither sophisticated, but I believe that!! I think may be everything that we desire would just appear but this is beyond my capabilities. An interesting question is does food have an afterlife?

10-08-2011, 08:36 PM
I love food so if we have the option to do so then I most likely will :smile: