View Full Version : My out of body experience

27-11-2006, 02:00 PM
Has any member been knocked out and had an out of body experience ?This happened to me when i were about 7 years old. Me and my mate were being chased, and i ran upstairs with my mate and he grabbed my jumper and swung me out the way, and i struck my head on an elavator lift steel frame. This only lasted for about 5 seconds but all i could see was my top half of my body, and my head surrounded by a pool of blood, and my eyes were still open, though i was just knocked out i could still see myself out of body, then i was on my back looking at my granfather along our balconey. My grandfather was talking to his mate along the balconey and he picked me up and took me indoors. I mentioned to all my family that i saw myself lying in blood but they all sort of shrugged it off and blamed it onto imagination etc. This is when out of body experiences were not discussed.

27-11-2006, 03:12 PM
Hi Lee,
That is similar to me but in a slightly diferent way, i was in a violent relationship, and my partner at the time, hit me this one particular night, only as he hit me i lost my balance banging my head on my door,i was also then like you out of it,i cant say how long for, but i had the most incredible, dream ever, the first thing what i said the next day to my long term boyfriend was i died last night, get up get dressed an dont ever come back, i got rid of him from then onwards, was also like a total re-birth of myself.out with the old an in with the new.
Ever since then my psychic experiences have all come back that was almost 2 yrs ago now..... have alwaysbeen there but was quite supressed......they come back stronger since my O.B.E.......
I will never forget thatnight as long as i live....

much love and light and protection,

27-11-2006, 05:26 PM
Hello Lee,

After the death of my six year old son, my soul was lost in devastation. Still sobbing to the point of organ pain, I went to use the restroom. While washing my hands I begin to hear an angelic chorus singing all around me Zillions of voices singing ooh…….ah…… these were the only words, singing to a beautiful melody that was out of this world.

As I checked the radio in the bath room to see if it was on, nothing it was off. I went to check the radio in my bedroom but just as I stepped out of the bathroom doorway my body immediately froze. I was standing there like a statue; suddenly I felt my spirit leave my body then looked back at the shell of myself just standing there frozen.

My soul ascended to an angelic place where I could still here the voice. The things I saw there were very mystical an ancient. Many truths were revealed to my soul as I remembered having the conversation. Yet the only message I was able to remember is:

“There is no room for doubt”

Then quickly I returned to the shell which was still frozen in the room. After regaining movement I could still hear the voices, and silly me not yet having grasp the message just given directly to me I was still searching for where the voices were coming from in the room, soon after they faded away I was left with a feeling of astonishment.


29-11-2006, 12:42 PM
Hi Lee,
That is similar to me but in a slightly diferent way, i was in a violent relationship, and my partner at the time, hit me this one particular night, only as he hit me i lost my balance banging my head on my door,i was also then like you out of it,i cant say how long for, but i had the most incredible, dream ever, the first thing what i said the next day to my long term boyfriend was i died last night, get up get dressed an dont ever come back, i got rid of him from then onwards, was also like a total re-birth of myself.out with the old an in with the new.
Ever since then my psychic experiences have all come back that was almost 2 yrs ago now..... have alwaysbeen there but was quite supressed......they come back stronger since my O.B.E.......
I will never forget thatnight as long as i live....

much love and light and protection,

Glad all worked out for the better after that experience.

29-11-2006, 12:44 PM
[quote=cweiters]Hello Lee,

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]After the death of my six year old son, my soul was lost in devastation. Still sobbing to the point of organ pain, I went to use the restroom. While washing my hands I begin to hear an angelic chorus singing all around me Zillions of voices singing ooh