View Full Version : The source of your phobia

08-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Phobia's are a very real part of a persons life and yet some seem to have no attributable source in this life time, some phobias might be considered even irrational and have no reasonable explanation behind them.

If then, we cannot find a source for our phobia in this life time, as it possible that we aquired our phobia in some other life?

08-05-2011, 11:38 AM
I think the idea that phobias come from a past life is very common. But people get into the flow of having a phobia, that's what keeps it there. Constantly challenging it tires us out within minutes, thinking about it makes us uncomfurtable, trying to think up new ways makes us skeptical and irritated. Maybe some past life regression could help, but the phobia in the mind extends outside of the phobia sometimes and forces us to not approach it in the first place.

Best thing to do is sit in silence with it, and just experience everything it has - doing so with the highest power beside you, watching it like a blank emotionless observer. You can feel the panic yet not react. Meditation is key to overcoming any experience in life.

08-05-2011, 12:10 PM
absolutely! i think almost all of the deep seated ones stem from either childhood trauma or past lives.

08-05-2011, 02:47 PM
I'm scared of spiders, the dark and going crazy. I don't know why I'm scared of spiders or going crazy.

08-05-2011, 03:41 PM
As funny as it sounds, I'm scared of stickers... Even the word makes me cringe. Like, if there's one near me I just freak out and I have to go out the room until it's been removed...

I don't see how that can link to a trauma? I'm not saying what you're saying isn't possible, but I can't really think of a trauma that will link to that?

Phobia's are very strange :D

in progress
08-05-2011, 04:43 PM
As funny as it sounds, I'm scared of stickers...
Maybe you had an accident at a glue factory in a previous life? :icon_eek:

I've had vomiting phobia for as long as I can remember. I can't stand to be me when I'm nauseated and will do my utmost not to be anywhere near or in earshot of anyone I think may vomit. It did keep me from drinking too much in college though! :wink: I finally concluded it must be a past life thing because I can't think of anything in my current life to cause it unless it happened when I was quite young.

08-05-2011, 05:27 PM
Maybe you had an accident at a glue factory in a previous life? :icon_eek:

LOL maybe, you never know! :D

08-05-2011, 06:05 PM
My fear is heights ^__^
hate 'em
when I start getting high and feel like im not on something sturdy and wide, I freak out

as irrational as some fears some, they are there, and we may choose to deal with them - or put them off until later. imo, all fears can really be traced back to one fear, but it is easier to fear something only seemingly real, rather than something actually real.

08-05-2011, 11:38 PM
"If then, we cannot find a source for our phobia in this life time, as it possible that we aquired our phobia in some other life?" Possible but not automatically the case.

It's equally possible we learned our fears in unremembered incidents in this life - if we can't recall them, how would we investigate?

There's a fascination for past-lives and so called past-life recall with therapies based on the process.

Doesn't automatically make apparent past lives authentic though.

09-05-2011, 12:13 AM
Phobia's are a very real part of a persons life and yet some seem to have no attributable source in this life time, some phobias might be considered even irrational and have no reasonable explanation behind them.

If then, we cannot find a source for our phobia in this life time, as it possible that we aquired our phobia in some other life?
In short, absolutely! :)

09-05-2011, 12:39 AM
As funny as it sounds, I'm scared of stickers... Even the word makes me cringe. Like, if there's one near me I just freak out and I have to go out the room until it's been removed...

My youngest boy shrieks the house down if he spies a sticker, especially one on his food (apples and such). Preschool and such are always trying to give stickers for rewards, on clothes or hands - they know better than to try that now.

09-05-2011, 01:09 AM
Was afraid of spiders, skulls and skeletons as a young kid, but not anymore.

I don't like certain high places and one of my common uncomfortable dreams involves being on a narrow passage on the side of a steep place.

09-05-2011, 02:44 AM
There are numerous phobias, but most popular are fear of creepy crawlies like spiders, lizards, insects, cockroaches , rats etc and fear of height, but most can be done away with with a bit of exposure , like holding a spider in ones hand, and frequenting high rise places.Its a mental thing which can be easily cured imo.

09-05-2011, 02:49 AM
I used to have no problems with escalators, down or up, but now I can go up but scared to go down them. My son was the same way always, could go up but not down.

09-05-2011, 04:35 AM
I have a fear of being trapped underground - its not something I always had, it developed gradually. I used to be quite happy to visit caves, but now the thoughts of it make me nervous.

I feel like this was a past life thing, as I have never had any incidents (at least that I'm aware of) that would effect me this way.

09-05-2011, 05:38 AM
I am absolutely afraid of heights, but I love being up high (like inside a building). Also spiders..hate spiders, I freak out over them...and it has gotten worse lol.

09-05-2011, 09:03 AM
If then, we cannot find a source for our phobia in this life time, as it possible that we aquired our phobia in some other life?
I did a reading for a friend and found out she had been a witch in a Past Life and had been burned at the stake. It turned out she had an irrational fear of even the smallest fire, even to the point of not wanting to go near a barby.

09-05-2011, 12:15 PM
I have a weird thing that has begun since moving in to the house I am in atm, I HAVE to switch off all electrical appliances at the switch - especially my bedroom - before leaving the house. I know it won't spark or anything....its some wierd COD i bet.

09-05-2011, 04:09 PM
I think it's not just phobias. I think some of what makes you you is also from other lives, other experiences. Why injustice gets your blood up, why you risk your life to save a child or another person...perhaps you were persecuted...perhaps no one stood for you there. Why you fear abandonment...perhaps you lived during wartime and experienced this. Etc....

It's not always pleasant to put the pieces together, but then again so many of us have experienced similar things in other times and other places.

10-05-2011, 01:17 AM
Phobia's are a very real part of a persons life and yet some seem to have no attributable source in this life time, some phobias might be considered even irrational and have no reasonable explanation behind them.

If then, we cannot find a source for our phobia in this life time, as it possible that we aquired our phobia in some other life?

Neville - My phobia is definitely from another lifetime. I was an Early American Westerner male that got in trouble with the law and was hung in another life. To this day I cannot wear anything remotely tight around my neck and throat such as a buttoned-up shirt or a turtle neck. Someone was massaging my neck once and brought their hands around close to my throat and I screamed bloody murder. They laughed and asked what the heck was wrong with me. I've been regressed before so I do recall the hanging memory. But I feel a little silly announcing the reason for my phobia to people. But then again, here I am talking about it. :cool:


10-05-2011, 08:43 AM
There are some very good responses here in support of the possibility that phobias may find their origins in a different life.

I have found that the dark and confined spaces , Cellars and the such , have a certain way of making me feel uncomfortable very quickly, which makes me wonder if I spent some time in just such a cell or oubliette in one of my visits to this plain.

11-05-2011, 04:51 PM
I shared this before but I have a huge fear of drowning. I dream about it all the time and have gotten terrified of the ocean. In my dreams I am not myself but an old, boat skipper with white hair and shaggy beard. Do I think it is from a past life?? Most definitely. I have a great guided meditation that you can practice in order to try and regress yourself. I might post it out one day...

11-05-2011, 04:58 PM
I'm afraid of animals. Animals make me very uneasy. I can't trust them. But I also love them and it drives me nuts, I would loooove to allow myself close to them. I don't know if it's a past life fear...I think it's a spiritual fear or something. Maybe I'm afraid of myself idk.

11-05-2011, 05:27 PM

I had a phobia of spiders. When I looked into WHY I found that as a small child I woke up screaming in the night as a very large house spider was on me face.

I can see the phobia from a past life with me Son. Right from day one he was terrifed of water. He was horrid to bath as a baby and til he was about 5 year's old. I had a show on about the Titanic and he said to me out of the blue Mom, I was on that ship and I died.

What was so odd about him saying that was that he finally lost that water fear. He asked to go to the public pool and started to put his head under water in the bath. Realeased that past memory I think.


11-05-2011, 05:44 PM
Woah Lynn, thanks for sharing that story wowwww.

12-05-2011, 12:42 AM
Wow Lynn that is amazing~ I get horribly emotional with events like the Titanic, more than say WW1 (as an example). But I do have a horrible phobia of dark rooms, I get scared very easily.

12-05-2011, 12:56 AM
Wow Lynn that is interesting! :smile:

19-05-2011, 09:56 AM
I am VERY afraid of heights, remember having dreams as a child (when I wasn't so afraid of them) of being up high in a tower (like a castle turret) and have gotten worse as I get older.

I'd love to find out more and if this is a past life thing...and also get rid of this annoying fear.

19-05-2011, 03:12 PM
I have a fear of spiders but I have no idea where it came from. I cannot remember a time when I have ever not been scared of them!!

19-05-2011, 03:17 PM
I have a fear of spiders but I have no idea where it came from. I cannot remember a time when I have ever not been scared of them!!Most children are raised with the idea that spider = dirty. As with all creepers in the house.
Add to that the unfamiliar form they have and their sudden movements.. and you have a plausible explanation.